Am I supposed to be scared?

This shit reads like an SCP. One of the shitty SCPs.
Just like the rest of Junji Ito's work.

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Only good one is gyo
The short stories are usually a lot better too
The only good point junji has is his art

based underage

Lots of scp are from folklore but modified.

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His one-shots/short stories are the only decent ones. Uzumaki was a drag to go through, and Hellstar Remina got old real fast.

>only underaged can like new things!

It supposed to be disturbing and bizarre at best

No, but the snail people fucked me up when it’s dark

Here, go cringe your heart out.

Manga is a visual medium first and foremost, then literary. If you want a good read go read a book. Uzumaki is beautiful as a manga, in regular book form it would be basic bitch horror.

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you don't have to be scared to find the story intriguing and creative

The best thing humanity ever created

Junjo ito is based, you simply have shit taste

Spoopy Crappy Pasta


Ito is a reddit meme.

He really should just cut off every multi-part story of his at the 75% mark because he cannot write an ending to save his life. Having the plotted story end abruptly would be a better ending than his actual ending in every case except Black Paradox.

Imagine being scared by a manga. Junji Ito is great for turning normal everyday things into something you don't expect, his style is very surrealistic.

I'm actually never scared by horror stories or movies. Uzumaki didn't scare me either. All it does is make me depressed, because I feel sorry for people that get fucked there. That's why I avoid horrors in general.

cool thing that /x/ create
before reddit destory it a few years ago

this is the most accurate describtion of SCP I've seen
to me SCP was long in decline but died with the doorknob SCP removal
fuck reddit and fuck lefties

I don't really find them scary but, when I read his stories I think of them as, "what if this really happened in real life." That's how I get my enjoyment out of his work. The balloon head story an example of this.

They're entertaining, but don't think it's supposed to be scary.

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what sound is it?

it's more to weird stories compared to horror stories. Still, the true horror behind the stories are not bad for example, those murder and feeling guilty stories

When will they make a proper Kara no Shoujo anime?
What we got so far was a hentai adaptation without plot.

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I realize its the most basic bitch work, but fault at origami prefecture still fucks me up

Explain, I knew about SCP for years but never heard of this.

Uzumaki isn't meant to be entirely scary and is more a series of vingettes based around a central conceit; it tends to go up and down a lot in its scares. For example, at one point a dead body becomes a literal Jack-A-Box with a spring for legs and bounces after the main character. But then later on, you have pregnant women ramming drills into people's skulls and sucking out their blood because their babies refuse to be born and want to stay in the comfort of the womb.

There's a lot of great horror in Uzumaki.
>Pic related
>The son realising what his mother might do if she finds out there are spirals in the human body
>Watching a loved one slowly degenerate physically and mentally into something barely human
>Knowing that your entire town is doomed due to the land it's built off of.

Uzumaki is good but I think his actual best piece of horror is probably Tomie. His single stories always beat his longer ones imo tho.

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to me, Tomie is a sci-fi story. Her regenerative ability is well worth for research, i could get a PhD just by having my name as discover in the paper. imagine the fame and the new shiny job at uni, oh Tomie where are you

You just don't get it op.

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i dont rmb this, explain the plot briefly

Neither books nor manga are supposed to be good medium of scariness because they allow the consumer to choose the pace.
The good horror isn't supposed to be scary for the reader: best horror authors' books (Lovecraft, King, Koonz, Poe) aren't scary. It's disturbing and Ito works with it pretty well.
Looking to be scared, play some horror games in VR.

I wish junji ito rid porn

Reread chapter 10 and 11 from Uzumaki
They were the weirdest in the whole Manga imo.

>fuck leftists
>enjoying what would be considered by trads as horror degeneracy

Of course its not scary when you read them in broad daylight you fucking pussy faggot.

exactly, the feels is totally if you read alone at night, especially before sleep. You will lie on bed keep re-imaging those horrible pictures and stories, soon the used-to common noise startle you yet you are afraid your eyes to face it

>the fucking ghost tunnel story
>ghosts weren't even the scariest part for me
>getting buried/stuck in the walls was

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you have small space phobia

It's unsettling and should make you disturbed, less than scared.
Junji's art is amazing but his whole point is suspense that culminates into a surprise for unexpected scene of terror.