Why did everyone only care about the monk when the poor lad was literally chopped up into pieces while still alive??
Why did everyone only care about the monk when the poor lad was literally chopped up into pieces while still alive??
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>chopped up into pieces while still alive
When did that happen?
The same reason everyone only cares about Arche in Overlord, when she had the quickest death of them all
Because rape is much worse than being chopped into pieces. Also he is a man and feels less pain.
The girl on the other hand not only felt 10x as much pain as the boy but also got scarred for her entire life, a fate much worse than death
Because men are toxic.
do you understand how fucking stupid that sounds? being alive is better than being dead.
Because men are expandable
how the fuck would you know that, have you been dead before?
>being stabbed with a dick is worse than being chopped into pieces
that's some retard logic. even the law treats murder as a more serious crime than rape.
Because he at least got a quick-ish death. The Wizard suffered with a poisoned wound and nearly raped while wounded before getting mercy killing by GS. The Fighter girl (not monk) was rapped several times before being rescued. Had she not been rescued she would have been raped many more times, and forced to give birth to goblin babies until her body gave out.
>dat megane wizard
Made me wish I was that goblin railing her
The mere concept of pregnancy by rape. Of living with that horror for the rest of your life. That to me is far more horrifying than just killing me.
Because this idiot's attitude is the reason the whole party got fucked (literally for Monk) in the first place. Fuck him, no sympathy for the reckless.
The dude got a pretty nice *record scratch* *freeze frame* frame before he died at least
>and forced to give birth to goblin babies until her body gave out.
She might still have offscreen. or had to have a gob-bortion
More like why do nobody care about Wizard more when she's certainly hotter than Monk?
i thought it was hilarious seeing this overconfident little shit straight out of a more generic isekai get his shit stabbed and sliced
This right here. Out of all the dumbasses in that group he was by far the stupidest motherfucker and responsible for most of what happened to them. It would be one thing if he was the only one that died, but his dumb ass got someone else killed and another raped.
because Monk was less of a bitchy cunt who was high off of huffing her own farts and didn't get wrecked by low tier goblins.
How do the goblins choose which girls to eat, kill, and breed? Like that party of girls who got wrecked early, they breed the knight but kill the sexy elf?
Both manga and anime. That's how he died. Rushed and stabbed by a bunch of the little fuckers after he dropped his sword.
She was a haughty bitch.
>when a woman literally believes men are like insects or lobsters
sterilize yourself leg-beard.
its a dnd game so the gm probably roles the dice.
>being alive is better than being dead
do you have a single fact to back that up?
He is a retarded brat and an incompetent party leader
I spotted the thot
poor bait
Because the Monk lived as a Bitch to the Goblin; a fate worst than death.
no one will marry a woman who had gobbo dick in her so her only way to survive is to become a prostitute
No one wants to be fucked by a goblin. They rather be killed by a one than to be fucked by one.
Do you guys think Monk had an orgasm while she was taking all that gob dick? Women often report to having intense pleasurable orgasms during rape.
she probably did. goblins aren't huge so if they were running a train on her, it wouldn't hurt as bad as a nigger gangbang.
Better dead than bred
good bait. Almost got me
The guy made mistakes that probably would have gotten at least himself killed even if goblins weren't supposed to be clever and have random giant mutants.
Off the top of my head splitting the party because they weren't dashing through the caves, and making comically large swings to the point where I wonder if he even had any proficiency with his weapon, and a complete lack of preparation for the mission in the first place, but there was probably more that I just don't remember.
Because fuck you with that idiot
*blocks your path*
prepare to get raped
He had no pussy.
These four on the other hand.
Because author is a hack.
Rance should have been there, to give newbie adventures advice.
For some unknown reason, Guild Girl didn't reserve goblin quests for Goblin Slayer even though he always asks for them and she pretty much reserves Goblin Quests for Goblin Slayer
Were you not paying attention? They show him getting jumped, ganged up, being stabbed and slash from all angles (even specifically show a goblin chopping an arm off), and all the while as he screams bloody murder.
Objectively wrong.
Men are disposable, women are not.
One man can repopulate an entire village.
One woman can't repopulate an entire village.
All humans know this instinctively.
Because he didnt get the chance to be gobbed
I love it.
Stupid goblins. Rape the sword girl but burn the titty ELF? The fuck is wrong with you?
No one cares about men.
>manga is like B cup
>anime is fucking G cup
Remember that the anti-rapist protag should be killed too so his degeneracy can stop.
He should have been raped instead. We only care for rape.
This show is some fucking anti-goblin propaganda by a hack piece of D&D shit. Goblins are pacific smart creatures abused by humans yet NO ONE reports on it!
>longsword too long for cave
>says the guy who grabs a spear which is even longer, wears a helmet which blocks vision and hearing and other retarded plans
Anita, go away
This what the fuck?? Why would they kill the hottest one? Although sword girl was 2nd hottest.
You all may deny that rape is worse than murder, but in your gut you know it's the truth.
Spear is a thrusting weapon, plus you can shorten your grip on it. Longsword is a slashing weapon, which as see with the kid it hits the ceiling.
His vision is perfectly fine, he can see out the helmet better than you’d expect. Sure his hearing isn’t the best but seeing how he’s able to hear just fine, it doesn’t seem to slow him down.
Was monk shaved? Nice.
Goblins could’ve used them for reproduction.
Ok retard
>Longsword is a slashing weapon
It stabs too
>no one will marry a woman who had gobbo dick in her so her only way to survive is to become a prostitute
Any user here will. Wait i think dead is a better alternative to that.
Longswords are perfectly usable stabbing tools. One of the main upsides of swords are their many methods of attacking.
>Spear is a thrusting weapon, plus you can shorten your grip on it. Longsword is a slashing weapon, which as see with the kid it hits the ceiling.
Longsword does both. You can shorten your grip on a longsword too. Even the Japanese halfsworded.
Assuming it’s not accidental, a pattern establishes itself wherein goblins summarily execute spellcasting females and only keep melee fighters for breeding stock. Logistically that makes sense; it’d be more hassle to try to stop a wizard or cleric from frying you in your sleep when she refreshes her daily spells, and warriors can take more of a pounding.
Swords can thrust too. Nobody says swords only slash if it's a longsword.
His vision would be restricted by those slits. Forward ain't too bad but sides are. Speaking of sides, hearing would be reduced a lot. Had he been playing by the same rules as everyone else, he'd suffer some kinda penalty for it.
The first wizard girl got the dick though.
Halfswording is a /tg/ meme
Anti-rape is a degenerate meme spread by those who hate life
>poor lad
That's not how you spell 'incompetent fuckwit'.
>Halfswording is a chink meme
That's the name of the protagonist. It'd be too confusing if we give two people the same name.
Honestly, having to live with the fact that I've been gangraped by goblins would probably make me wish for death. If someone made me choose between being shot in the head, or taking a dick up my ass, I would probably choose being shot. I find weird that you wouldn't do the same.
>blushing that hard
Bitch loved every second of it.
majority of people don't feel that way. your weak will to live kind of makes me angry.
Because tits.
That's not all, though. Monk's still alive and could possibly recover. There's something to hope for with her. That appeals to people a lot more than Fighter and Mage, who are just dead and gone. Same reason why nobody ever talks about the various other dead randos, despite how tragic and horrible their various deaths were.
Because he isn't a cute girl, duh.
I don't care if it's bait falseflagging whatever. I hate you braindead women so god damn much, you people think you're so high and mighty, you think you're better than those "monkey" lust filled boys, but you're no better. In every way you freaks are inferior to males in every way, YOU ONLY EXIST TO SERVE MEN, that should be your only purpose. But no, you go crying and crying for rights you don't deserve, you feminize male culture, you put us down, we die and live for women and what do we get in return? Nothing. The things that were created to serve us ended up only providing stress and nothingness. Women are all that is evil in this world, I hate you all so god damn much, to see most of the female population wiped out and the rest of them only serving as cock sleeves is something I pray to God, Allah, Buddah so much. I usually don't feel anger, but when I have to listen to a female and their all mighty attitude it makes me want to split their face in half, heh, they're women so they'd probably enjoy it, the fucking whores. Women were the first evil, they are all fundamentally evil, there is no such thing as a good women in this world, they're all sociopathic greedy whores, emotion fueled subhumans that do nothing except provide the world with children.
They are were at fault retard. Monk was only slightly less incompetent that Warrior and Wizard. Only waifufags care about Monk.
More panels were dedicated to the rape.
Unironically because he was a guy.
>why everyone cared about the monk
Gee maybe because the other two are:
>arrogant hollyer than thou wizard bitch in it for dick, goes down in a single strike.
>peasant with a sword wasting everyone's money on said sword and leading the whole party to heir deaths by going full Leeroy Jenkins
The anime cuts scenes from mage and swordman.
It's explained that they kill the casters because they are more dangerous and can give less births due to weaker constitutions.
Is this a copypasta?
Short spears are longer yes but also are suited to tight enclosed spaces.
Go to a British navy museum and check their weaponry.
The short spear and dirk were their main weapons in close range.
She smashed her own head in to commit suicide.
Coz he was an idiot and dead meat. Fighter had it the worst and she survived, with a very slight chance she’ll come back.
They didn't kill SM.
I guess you need to be at certain level of danger to be killed on sight.
what about gay goblins aka gayblins, I bet if they caught some cute elf boy they couldn't tell the difference anyways
Ahh so the goblins aren't that dumb after all.
Did hobbro get a chance to tap that tight athletic monk ass? He was the one who took her down to begin with anyway.
He probably ruined her. Regular gobbos have like two inch pencil dicks.
Because woman's discomfort is more pressing issue than life of a man.
>Stabbed by a sword, knife, etc
Well makes sense. You can defeat a sword but you will never beat the dick
>10x as much pain
holy shit, people who can't draw should never post their shit online
Because she's dead & barely a character.
An user here, pointed out a really good fact. This kid not only got chopped into pieces, but he got chopped into little pieces by old rustic daggers and axes.
Ever seen those cartel bids, where people get cut with blunt machetes.
That’s way worse than just normal blades
No point, these idiots have no real world experience with tools of any kind and believe the item dictates its use, not the user, ala "bad worker blames his tools"
Rape is not that bad. There are many things worse than rape.
This is your brain on feminism.
I don't believe you're being serious. I'd take a dick up my ass for £1000.
>Lets shoot some fire spells into the cave and smoke the fuckers out here where we can easily deal with them
>Nah, let's go inside where we cant fight properly and where they can easily bum rush us!
The retards deserved everything they got
Fine, so they're just novices but isnt basic tactics and strategy a required skill to participate in guild activities?
There is some truth to this but not as idiot above implies. Men have far higher capacity for the feeling of pain then women do. Women will physically give up well before a man does from the same injury and believe that since they reach their pain threshold quicker than a man does - I mean at the point of induced organ failure/stroke - that means they feel more of it.
In reality scientist have measured the brain and its electrical responses int he nerve center of a man hit the balls vs a woman giving birth - ideal in this case as giving birth is commonly believed as the worst pain imaginable by people who do not know what pain and woman and getting hit the in the balls, a concept only a man can understand at all as anything other comic relief.
The study found while giving birth is astonishingly painful the pain in of itself even in complications that result in death is less than half on average as profound in the nerve center of the brain and its electrical output as a man struck int he nuts with the force of a strong kick by an adult male. The pain of giving birth cannot result in death in woman solely as it can in Men being hit in the nuts.
Men can feel such heights of pain and suffering from being hit in the nuts that aneurysms, heart failure and dying of shock are real and depending on the extent of the force applied likely outcomes. Women on the other hand cannot reach such lethal heights brought about solely by pain. This is in contrast with burn victims where men who have been burned horribly can reach a point where their brain abandons reality and forces the chemical and physical makeup as well as function of their nervous system to turn all pain receptors to pure pleasure in order to survive. Women on the other hand perish long before this phenomena.
TL;DR Woman are not more responsive to pain and cannot reach the zeniths of pain a man can and die well short of it. They just look like they do.
Frankly, he deserved it. With how he handled goblins it wouldn't be surprising if even giant rats or cockroaches killed him.
>Fine, so they're just novices but isnt basic tactics and strategy a required skill to participate in guild activities?
No. Young adventurers have upwards to 60% mortality rate in first years until they get some scars and experience.
Sounds like everyone in the group got what they deserved
>Maybe I should follow and train under a more experienced veteran and learn their tricks until I can fend for myself
>Nah, Into the goblin cave we go! What's the worst that could happen?
Fucking idiots
The more I think about it, the more I realize Fooly has the right idea
How the fuck would you know that, have you been raped before?
Oh yeah, because this series is SO WELL WRITTEN, such a masterclass is engaging story telling that it can stand on it's own two legs without waifus.
We all want to see one autist fight the same thing over and over and over and over again while failing to make any major difference because he's a weak shit.
Call me when Goblin Slayer just goes apeshit and gives him a god amp and he just kills the god that's making Goblins, then you MIGHT have an interesting story
Not smashed, punched.
That page is the funniest thing GS has ever produced. Still fake, though.
It would be a lot more interesting if you removed all the harem shit and just focused on GS slowly healing and Priestess slowly going insane
saving this because it's based
You absolute mutherfucking cunt. This series is about a broken man slowly regaining his humanity, not about a man who will slaughter a god, nor about a harem war. You just got buttblasted because your waifu sucks goblin cocks and your self-insert got chopped into pieces. Get away from this thread, you tertiary scum.
U got any citations there buddy boy.
He sucked
Pretty sure she sucked a lot more
Based and Greenpilled
That's pretty normal for a semi-medieval setting where the best communication system is a guy on a horse. Maybe magical messages for veteran wizards once a day. In our real world a lot of young people though that it would be a good idea to become a mercenary or a even a bandit. Most of them died screaming.