Why didn't they fuck throughout the entire runtime of the show?

Why didn't they fuck throughout the entire runtime of the show?

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Married to their mission

They didn't need to do it. You knew it by their interactions top writing right there

Her back is burnt.

>I don't know what missionary is

2003 > brotherhood

She invited him into her home just to do this wtf....

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crossboarder detected now you have to go back

its explained by the creator, anti fraternity laws, and workplace importance, plus gotta keep ambitions and appearance as priority. if it weren't for those they would of been going at it like rabbits nonstop. its canon

>If you kill him, you'll be just like him!
Why do people act like Brotherhood is better than 2003?

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Because it was still less dumb then suddenly Nazi’s or Envy actually being the third brother.

They eyefuck each other all day and have regular phone sex

it always makes me laugh seing people like you post this shit in every fma thread. no one had any fucking issues whatsoever with envy dying. riza even tells mustang to give envy to her so that she could kill him. they kept mustang from offing envy because he wanted to torture and kill him in revenge, and that would be conduct unbecoming of a would-be king. like all of this was explicitly stated, as well, so i don't understand how so many of you retards missed the point so hard.

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they supposedly went on a sexual frenzy after Roy became führer

They should be married to each other next

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Because they like shonen cliches.

And is still more unique and cooler than your saiyan alchemist last boss and the power of friendship

moralfag friendly

thats gay user

The summer is strong in this one

>If you demonstrate that you are vulnerable to rash, emotional actions when suffering loss, then you would not be fit to lead this country.