Did any character make you sway or entirely switch from your bodytype preference?
I liked flat but then came she..
Did any character make you sway or entirely switch from your bodytype preference?
I can't believe 2B got a breast job
No, the most that can happen is liking a character enough despite a flaw like those.
You have the big gay.
Not body but along the same lines I've always liked twins, triplets, etc. Until I came across Miku and now it's absolutely revolting
Whatever happened to this hoe's origin manga?
what about character archetypes? I liked tsunderes but then this bitch came along?
I liked skinny with a handful of boobs and ass until this all time best girl came along. Especially juxtaposed to that little boy's body rival of hers it's no contest a woman > girl
you may not like it, but this is what real waifu material looks like
How can waifu be smaller than penis?
by being stretchy
Imagine being so gay that you don't want to lick the sweat off this sculpture of perfection every single day
>he thinks she is smaller than user's penis
Love comes in all shapes and sizes
magic dude.
But she gave birth to many goblins
>not wanting a fairy to poledance on your penis
pretty much this, I love huge tittied milfs but then kuro came along and she is the only loli I fap to.
I wasn't a big fan of flat and tsunderes but then she appeared.
I can't into short hair but Izetta was sex
I'm the opposite. I actually hated her & think she is bland & boring at the start.
I really like the fact she was given a phobia, added depth to her character.
patrician taste
Nice, almost same for me
Midna from twilight princess made me love short girls with thick thighs instead of titty monster hourglasses.
Kuro+Ilya is even better, though I don't really like Ilya on her own.
I understand having preferences about size, but disliking breasts completely is weird
It's like you want dudes but are afraid to admit it
I think the point is breasts size is irrelevant compares to character.
Young SM is far superior to thirsty SM & not because of breasts.
faggot confirmed, enjoy looking at schoolkids at a distance for the rest of your life
Then again, I never had any specific bodytype preference. I'm always the "if it's cute I'm shoot" kinda guy.