What make monster girls better than normal girls?
What make monster girls better than normal girls?
Being a degenerate.
The monster is out in the open where you can see it.
They're subhuman and therefore don't have any rights.
This is fake news
They typically have slightly pointed ears.
That makes all the difference.
They are exotic and thicc without having to be niggers
Better pussy and booty.
>find sauce
>check scanlation
>it's dead
They rape you
Hold the phone, you can be any other ethnicity other than black and still be thicc! What do you call Latinas and the like anyways? And monster girls are a patrician taste too.
it's the idea that your sexy will be way more freaky because they are a monster than a normal girl.
and your sex positions and movements will have accommodate to her anatomy e.g with a lamia you always have to face each other and press up against each other frontwards and she can even wrap her tail around you like a seat belt to keep you in place or from escaping until she wants you to leave.
My brother of Mongolian descent.
The monster part is on the outside
What happened to the Ma*ko thread? Anyway, I has new volume. Colour pages are the selfie ones posted before. There are stats for the redhead, blonde, and loli friends of Miia's, a page with Lamia subspecies "secrets", and one more with 2 yonkomas. I think.
real girls are monsters
monster girls have handicaps that make them more human than real girls
Damn it Papi, stop showing off.
The top half of those I can understand, but the bottom halves don't all look like they could stay on that well. The smallest one's hardly covers anything at all either, and looks like she would be exposed with a simple flip of it. How small were the panties that stick on?
Mitsu to chekku
The writer can focus on their racial gimmick to create situations somewhat different than the 1000th HS manga you might expect, so it easier for hacks
She uses an actual dorito?
>the bottom halves don't all look like they could stay on that well. The smallest one's hardly covers anything at all either, and looks like she would be exposed with a simple flip of it.
All according to plan, user.
i cannot resist that echidna
Not this heresy again
Maybe, but just wearing panties like Miia did would have a better chance of staying on if they were trying to prevent exposure. It's like they want us to see, the one on the left is partly being hidden only by shadow, and the middle one looks almost see-through.
Humans crave novelty. Monster girls are different but not so different that they invoke a feeling of disgust. Your subconscious brain is wired to recognize humanoid shapes but if the shape gets too exaggerated, the mind rejects it. This is why many people can tolerate someone with cat ears but will become visibly disgusted by people in fur suits.
>if they were trying to prevent exposure.
That's a HUGE if, user. Lamias are not shy.
>What make monster girls better than normal girls?
Objectively nothing.
It's legitimately just fapbait fetish fuel for emotionally disenfranchised "incels" who are too afraid to have sex with "real girls" and want to justify bestiality by slapping a moe moe kyun am i kawaii uguu face on it.
Because normal girls only want your money and your stuff.
Shy enough to not be naked all the time.
Why do some people assume "normal" girls mean real girls? We are on Yea Forums ffs.
Isn't this that manga where the protagonist eats out the bird in one of the first chapters?
More like (Hi)mitsu.
Omake. This was a bitch to do since its on the floppy page that I have to hold down.
Their pure souls and loyal devotion
That's just making a better lure, not being shy.
According to the apron(I dunno if that's the right term, the thing some volumes come with, usually announcing the anime or whatever milestone) there were 1,778 Lamias at the gathering.
is mega ultra chicken a monstergirl
If all of them were previously helped by one man only, how has he survived that long? That can't be the entire population either.
Better additional skills. Lamias for example can hug you better.
I'm assuming that's all 4 tribes/subspecies combined, for about 450 women of each tribe. I also picked up this volume of cosplay-tiers. Some really nice designs. Maybe more for the Senko-san thread.
It makes the total population seem even lower if 450 is the entire subspecies. More easily handled by one male, but how they survived that long seems questionable with so few people.
That they're not human and therefore can be abused without consequence.
They're often very loving
Why is this man punching the tiny catgirl in the womb
If you think that's hard, i̶m̶a̶g̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ assuming he's not into wincest(current Mr Sir isn't, apparently), there are as few as 50 to 200 mothers, and the remaining 250 to 400 are horny teenagers.
I like making girls wet themselves too, but that level of edgy faggotry is unnecessary.
Depending on how long excatly he's been there, there have to be plenty of daughters of many ages who are desperate for some males for themselves, and some too young for even lamias to think about that. Maybe some of the youngest children aren't part of the gathering, but even then it's a very small breeding population. Considering not everyone in the past would likely be opposed to wincest, or capable of stopping it, there would be plenty of inbreeding in that group.
Because monster girls should be exterminated.
jealous stronk independent wahman detected
shitty autistic fetish
Did crabman fucking die again
Why does an artist with a style like that have to like making them suffer?
My favorite titty artist always kills them horribly or rapes them.
thats sad
monstergrills are for loving
If the art is good, the artist only draws either NTR, scat or guro.
It's the law of doujins.
Why is that weird Pikachu discharging when she gets petted?
Probably has to do with anatomy or something
>2019 anno domini
>being this much of a nigger
Anyone wanna take a crack at translating any of these? The only one I could easily figure is something about Echidnas being closely related to Lizardfolk.
Echidna heart: Echidnas love their "kyun-kyun" rom-coms.
Forgot the first part of that line. I think it says something like "they have the pure hearts of maidens".
I'm not going to typeset it or anything, so you don't have to worry about that and it appears there's not many people in this thread
They are designed to be extra cute, in contrast to disgusting 3D hags, or even 2D girls constrained to a normal body.
No, I just thought it important to stress that part.
>monster girls
They're thots. They only care about is getting the dick.
you're thinking of the MGE monstergirls, you can't go applying rules from one (shit) setting (that nobody likes) to all the others
>forgetting Miia and her race
>the centaur cuckolding
yeah but they care about more than dick
they have an economy and such that isn't literally nothing but a big pile of jizz
Melusine Ecology: The only aquatic Lamias. Good at swimming. Even better at "slimy slimy".
>Monster girl
Yeah right, fucking ear accessoires and fur gloves don't make an interesting hybrid monstergirl.
nah, they need a tail too, and having two sets of ears is an automatic disqualifier
fur gloves are lame, but that's just a personal opinion
How horny is too horny?
personal taste
I meant more like hook 'em long horns, or skull toothpicks?
personal taste
Literally gay.
> pictureoryangosling
Best maid coming through
Will their dreams ever come true?
Is crab ded, or is translation dead for Monster Musume? Its been ages since i've seen an update, maybe I should check.
They’re not normal girls. You kinda answered your own question, user.
>Is crab ded,
>or is translation dead for Monster Musume?
>maybe I should check.
The last translated chapter, which is also the latest published chapter, came out in early May.
Crab has something afoot with another event filled with fans and their girls. It should be out this month or next. My bet's on next, since he had to have been working on the latest volume recently.
>deal with the pain
Mini-Cerea has obviously been getting cooking lessons from Auntie-Miia, so pain does seem likely.
Not you, user, even monmusume have standards.
Male rape is real we need to stop Monster girls
Fine. I'll throw myself in their path to slow them down while the rest of you run away.
It's not rape if you want it, but that's a good place to be.
The ones that are actually monstrous are more interesting.
The plain ones with one note quirks like dullahans are kind of dull
wasn't that manga yuri?
>hook 'em long horns
Oh, yes.
>there were 1,778 Lamias at the gathering.
Draco thought her tail hurt from running in the park. Imagine how sore she is now.
It's still the closest she will ever get to Miia unless she joins the harem too.
Now that she was brutally raped by lesbian sneks, will she she stop being a lesbian, or just be more careful?
Who says that they were brutal? She's either going to have had her fill of lamia labia or be even more into them. Either way, though, she should remember that Miia didn't lift a finger to save her, and forget about her.
>How small were the panties that stick on?
Roughly palm-sized.
>you will literally never
Would they have filled her too?
Even scaled for her smaller body, that size seems like it would be visible if she was wearing anything like them.
>that size seems like it would be visible if she was wearing anything like them.
Maybe she likes a healthy breeze about her privates.
>Would they have filled her too?
We'll have to wait for Crab to do a series of R18 yuri monster musume doujns set in this world to know that answer, user.
Aren't the fines for littering pretty hefty in Japan?
no thanks
>that picture
How adorable
Lamia on Draco action would have to be yuri, user.
>Would they have filled her too?
Maybe. I'd expect 69s with entwined tail tips rubbing each other, myself.
Hello user.
Come in.
The tell-tale tail is always a nice touch.
My favorite gag image with Polt.
I thought you guys got vanished to /jp/
>entwined tail tips rubbing each other
Because they're exotic, sexy, and most importantly, cute.
Enormously cute.
Disturbingly sexy.
Dont fucking tell me this is /u/
Extra exotic.
Does the kid always have to look like the mother?
The two on the left are great, and the middle has a great body too. The head is a bit of a flaw though, but still better than horse.
You mean most importantly loyal
Well that's one reason why I fell in love with Miia specifically, not just a general reason why monstergirls are better so I didn't include it.
Right down to their fundamentals, user.
i have no idea what monmuse is but when monster grills first started getting popular it was because they were nymphomaniac rapists.
>still being a EOP hostage of drama queens scalatore
why do you do this to yourself
Even in MGE, despite being highly sexually aggressive and at some points even rapists, they were still completely and entirely loyal and devoted. The sex was only half of the big attraction.
I don't remember the Greeks talking about that at all, user.
Leave and never come back
Being rapists was never one of the reasons I liked them for, but it does help provide interesting content when a MC is not taking proper actions.
Shit taste.
Because you are a xenophile and want to fuck women who are different from you and your reference group.
Variety is the spice of life, after all.
nah that shit was always a gay sideshow nobody cared about
They need to do more Smith fanservice in the manga
It hurts, it physically hurts
I can't post the nude edit version, since it's not official. Trust me, user, you should hunt it down.
Manako needs it more.
Must fuck Tsundere Snek.
Slime girls are best girls
redpillme in other monster series besides monster musume
>falling for bait
Take your own advice.
Rehydrate the slime
She can do that herself.
There are other fluids she could be using.
Crawl back into your R18 cave, user.
>The head is a bit of a flaw
Someone have that closeup of Sassassassul's mouth? The inverted one.
The hell's that mean?
Animal vagina
Just don't get carried away.
That's far too much rehydrating.
Here you go. Can't imagine why you'd want them.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Need educating; going to school.
Thank you.
Exactly that.
>literal monsters
>best anything
gas all the demis, humanity rise up
The monstergrills just want husbands, user.
Just the best.
>that long tongue
Honestly this particular tag needs more love.
They make the best oneesans
It Tio were my tio, things would different around here. REALLY fucking weird too.
Are there others?!
Dumb bird
If you read ch. 63, it makes sense that the Echidna have trouble finding guys. They want someone with Mr. Universe's body and Bob Ross' soul.
She remembers the really important things.
Beats the hell out of someone who lies there like a dead alligator 'til your done, then bitches about how it went.
I'll take too much information mino any day.
artist is Jun.
horse pussy
I am just in awe at the size of her chest