Girls should have long hair. Ideally, down to their butt

Girls should have long hair. Ideally, down to their butt.

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There is nothing more beautiful than long hair on a girl!

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So true

Girls with long hair:
>can make long pony tails
>long twin tails
>a bun to see the nape of their neck
It is simply the best.

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>girl with nice, long hair
guess what happens next

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yamero... anything but the haircut nisio!

For me its gives girls a +50 points on attractiveness

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>Long black hair

Instant boner.

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Long hair is inherently more feminine and attractive than short hair. People that like short hair are the same type that like tomboys, aka they want their girls to have manly/male characteristics, meaning they're gay and in the closet.

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>down to their butt
That is filthy as fuck. If you think that it doesn't fall into their buttcrack when they shit I have news for you anons. Even if it doesn't its still right next to their ass which they sit on all day collecting contact shit
Ideal length is actually right above the hips, still long but not revolting.

Anime girls don't shit, retard.

You now how I can tell you have never been with a girl?

He's posting on Yea Forums ?

Nothing gets my attention faster than long beautiful hair.

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Because normalfags have finally been abolished from Yea Forums? I fucking wish.

every been into a girls restroom, its filthy as fuck. you think they hold their hair up when they squat down or hover above the toilet. even if they manage to do so 99% of the time 1% of the time I gaurantee you it falls out/slips and makes contact with their ass

what comes out of their assholes then?

Nothing. Stop applying disgusting 3D shit to 2D girls, retard.

>what comes out of their assholes then?
Nothing, they are used for ventilation otherwise the 2D girls overheat.

>anime girls don't shit
They already piss. You don't think they shit either?

They don't piss either.

Homu did nothing wrong

Yes they do. It's a very common fetish amongst 2d girls in Japan. It has it's own tag on danbooru for fucks sake.

Will you guys please stop talking about poop and piss and just enjoy the thread.

If you don't like hair length past the waste that's fine, no need to bash the people who do. Just enjoy yours and let them enjoy theirs.

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My first ever anime crush

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It's annoying as fuck, it gets stuck everywhere

Nothing more ideal.

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Homu should have my dick in her. Ideally in her butt.

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user, how does one acquire a penthouse like that?

Never in my life have I met a man of such culture.


Words of truth.

only applies to the pubic region

Put the fucking scissors down

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Boys should have long penis. Ideally inside their butt.


Girls should be like Homura, because Homura is best girl, period.

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scissors are for plebs

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The promised land.

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>Not keestering the tip so you can save money on squat plugs.

Do you even lift?

A true woman should be able to wear her pubes as a scarf is what you imply user?

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So you want girls to be crazy lesbians?

You're a complete retard. Not just because you're applying 3D logic to 2D, but because you can't seem to fathom that girls can just pull their hair over their shoulders to the front to keep it away from their asses.

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Imagine sharing a room with
>Enma Ai
However, one must bring sunscreen to gain access in the party.


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I want them to be like best girl. Best girl is Homura. Homura did nothing wrong and her love for Madoka is pure, because love between girls is the purest form of love. She's also not crazy. It is simple the inability of kyubey-likes to understand the true nature of ai and thus label her as such. The only time a girl shouldn't be like Homura is when they're being being like Madoka for one that is like Homura.

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Nigga who wears sunscreen at night?

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I was making a joke, because all of them are snow white pale.

I like yuri as much as the next guy but Homura was crazy.

Ai yo

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This isn't sand, Anakin.

Long hair is shit

>can style it multiple ways
>short hair is stuck in one or 2 ways at most

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Long hair is for losers. This is the ideal hairstyle.

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Nisio and his motherfucking haircuts. It kills me every time.

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Both are fine, as long as we can agree the ass is what's truly important here.

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Screw you just cause you have bad taste

Uh oh guys, I think I hurt Anons feelings.


That ass is way too fat.