Am I the only one that would rather self-insert with chad MCs instead of beta MCs? At least they make me forget the flaws I have irl while wimps like Shinji, Subaru and Shiro remind me of them.
Am I the only one that would rather self-insert with chad MCs instead of beta MCs...
i only self insert as the comic relief character.
unfortunately not even chad MCs can fix isekai
pic related
>Wanting to self insert into Akira
>Satan is gay for you
Welp not sure if would want to same for Gutd
good mcs should be inspiring if you want the fucker to go jump off a cliff, drop the series.
Yes you are the only one, the rest of us like to self insert as female characters
>wanting to self insert as Akira
>not wanting to self insert as new Ryo, the best designed character in recent anime
Isn't Shirou's entire story the process of a beta turning into a chad?
Yes you are, congratulations. You are the pinnacle of perfection.
People self-inserting as a character isn't the same as a character being a self-insert. The guys on the left have qualities that people want for themselves, meanwhile the guys in the right have barely a character to offend as few people as possible.
>MC actually fucks his harem on daily basis
literally first time I've seen that
I miss badass female protagonists in anime
he's the pinnacle of testosterone compared to the rest, pic related would be better in his place
I've never self-inserted on anything. I think it's pretty dumb.
at least Akira bangs Satan's female half in Devilman Lady
>Touma in this list
His willpower and manliness alone beats all of the left side. He survived so long against a god trying to torture him that the god itself falls for him.
This medium is not for you normalfag leave
A autistic into a GAR actually.
I only self insert as cute girls because I'm not a homo
His future self actually hold potential while most stand as faggots where whole life.
Touma wears the MC shield as a panty right into his asshole. The whole series and its spinoffs are so trashy that it makes it pretty much a isekai.