What's she holding Yea Forums?

What's she holding Yea Forums?

Attached: fbedfeegg.jpg (259x194, 10K)

I don't know, i'm bad with computers.

Save icon.

That's gotta be it.

A save icon.


My floppy dick

a cd rom ? maybe for one of those old game cubes?

She 3D printed a save icon, pretty neat.

A coaster.

Attached: sailor moon test.jpg (640x480, 42K)

A PSP game, duh. Nothing else has that shape.

Ahh... the early days of virtual piracy... Good times.

Attached: maxresdefault (14).jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Not my dick

Zip diskette

>english test
>essay about some guy doing nanpa with a new-half
so the traps had infiltrated the anime/manga industry far longer than i thought

Attached: SmugTrap.png (510x405, 205K)

Doom shareware.

Attached: InternetonaDisc.jpg (589x607, 29K)

My dad was still using floppy disks when I was born.

The launch codes for the ICBMs that will be used to liberate the Kuril islands from the hands of the Russian devils.

It's been 20 fucking years Usagi holy shit.

Attached: 25OhlVI.png (989x1029, 918K)

based pirating bro

This, but unironically

I think Usagi is the perfect target group for apple products.

things/don't click/cp/cp

Ikuhara did nanpa on a tranny?

A saving icon

He said "no!"

Flop disc 3mb.

Well it's floppy so maybe she does.

Don't most nips still not know how to use a computer (I mean desktop/laptop) even today? They're still on phones.