One of the most boring creations in the medium

Why do people actually like this? The main character is shit, side characters are shit for the most part, comedy is shit, arstyle is shit (although madhouse made an amazing adaptation in terms of animation) but all of this is fucking boring.

Attached: Volume_1.png (481x755, 634K)

go read the webcomic

Go read the manga

See It's full of 3rd world teenagers talking about power levels.
The lowest IQ thread in Yea Forums
Thanks murata. Hope you die.

go kill yourself

because other people don't share your opinion

obviously. makes me think everyone's fucking retarded

If you think this is boring go watch Hellsing ultimate

>One of the most boring creations in the medium
Have you tried an anime called Nichijou?

have you tried watching any other anime?

Hellsing Ultimate is better than this

I laughed more with Nichijou than I did with OPM

>implying OPM's anime is any good

>Shit taste detected

Welp time to abort this thread

you must have a lot of friends

Go read Mob psycho 100/10.
not one joke man

quite a few

Why do you care what other people like?

mob shitco exists

>madhouse made an amazing adaptation in terms of animation
that's just it. The fight scenes in S1 are fuckin' tight.
The plot is a generic as it gets(yeah yeah subversions watever fuck off) you can't deny it looks better than most anime out there

You think people liked the plot of Sword of the stranger? Fuck no, that little kid was a faggot. But the clashing of swords was fluid.

Mob psycho has great story and animation.

Mob psycho > all

I'll admit the animation is fuckin' unreal in Mob ( I thought it was ugly at first ) but it grew on me
The story really doesn't do it for me honestly. I like the supporting cast (Body Improvement club is tight) but it gets a fat meh from me

I know you're low IQ and wont understand, but here it is:
The anime is overrated, the manga is great.

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"boring" has got to be one of the most useless, unintelligent forms of criticism out there.

And we're all entitled to think you're wrong.

First season deserves to be "overrated"

This. When they were having their mind games; it was great.
But they kind of did away with that and went for the generic "will they/won't they" route

its fwiggen EPIC xD

It's big dumb fun. You could extrapolate deeper meanings from it but most people don't care.



Manga is bland shounenshit and the reason S2 sucks dick.

kirr yourserf

Still better than mob shitco

OP is shit
OP's thread is shit
OP's LIFE is shit
OP is just SHIT

How many years ago did you watch it? I watched it and I've just noticed the edgecringe.


The webcomic is shit tho

Attached: 1529039956820.jpg (600x600, 32K)

At least put some fucking effort into your bait.

>arstyle is shit
You're saying that WHILE posting that cover? Is this bait?

It's a nice story but Murata's art doesn't convey comedy well.


Attached: liven the dream.jpg (418x314, 30K)

I feel like the author's writing doesn't convey comedy very well
it's like he can only tell one half decent joke per series

It's one of those stories that are only good for 1 season. It falls off catastrophically afterwards. But publishers only care that the first part made a ton of money, so they'll milk it as much as possible.

>It falls off catastrophically afterwards
What? The series gets a lot better from that point.

You clearly do not read the series so why are you talking about it? End your life