This is still easily the best anime ever made. It's a shame there will never be another like it

This is still easily the best anime ever made. It's a shame there will never be another like it.

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My nigger. Now i need to rewatch

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it's good, but the best? hardly. and also not necessary.

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Is a wild ride. With time you will learn there is no reason to force “best ever”, is just a chain of nice happenings in your life that left an impression in your existence that turned you into a better person despite the hate and pain you also suffered at the same time.

A thread died for this

It's definitely got the most attitude


Finally it's time for the yearly rewatch

Best VN, anime I can understand why it isn't best but then again It did give us MUCH better animations of the characters so I can't complain

Attached: best girl 6.gif (500x256, 520K)

You need to watch more than 10 anime dog, try actually exploring the medium before you claim you've found "easily the best". It's not even the best anime of that decade.

This. Anyone who's watched more than 500 anime knows that LotGH is the peak of the medium.

>That shit ending
>Those filler stories
>All those unresolved plot threads

Nah. Baccano is way better and it's told in fucking reverse.

Wrong, That's evangelion, I just finished it for the first time and want to die. Good stuff.

LotGH is visually subpar and tonally bland. Its story/characters/themes might be godlike, but the first two strikes are enough to disqualify it from being the best anything.

Best episode was the baseball one. Prove me wrong.

What about the zombie one?

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Samir, what are you doing my friend

Me after watching the shit ending of this anime

>>Those filler stories

I mean it is an episodic anime ( which doesn't = bad despite what Yea Forums will have you believe)
The main plot was a bit more important than Bebop.(but not by much) Meaning those "filler" were just parts of the adventure.
That's what those shows try to do, the adventure; not the end destination

Filler is filler when it is used for arc based/main plot focused show. In those cases yeah it usually sucks because those two styles don't meld well together.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

I wouldn’t say the best but it’s up there
It’s definitely a timeless classic that’ll leave its mark on everyone that watches it
First pill you should swallow in terms of bittersweet endings

dude, you don't even have to leave the decade to find better shows. Try a little harder next time if you wanna meme on elitists buddy. And LoGH isn't even in my top 10 lol.

I'd like to see something thats a mix of house of five leaves and samurai champloo

we need more comfy late edo anime/manga

>japanese people except what if they're basically niggers
The whole point of being a westerner watching chinese cartoons is to try and occasionally get away from the constant barrage of nigger shit.

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shigurui is comfy

>/pol/shit on Yea Forums
sasuga baka gaijin


If a show has a good cast I actually prefer it to be episodic because that potentially means everyone gets a time to shine. It’s why I really enjoy things like Kekkai Sensen. Champloo has one of my favorite kinds of structures of episodic that eventually leads into a bigger conclusive story.

if by comfy you mean metal/edgy as fuck sure

You're right. Tsukuyomi Moonphase came out that year. As well as Beck, but who cares about that dumb show, right?

There's much more good series than Tsukuyomi from that year. But yeah, Tsukuyomi is super comfy and I have huge sentiment for this series.

wait, comfy means boringshit that barely anything happens? sure didn't know


Haven't seen gankutsuou, paranoia agent or genshiken yet, nor have I made it to SAC 2nd gig. Also, forgot nanoha and marimite 1+2 were that year, which are roughly on par with samcham.

T. Normalfag.
If you can't appreciate slice of life and character interaction, you're literally a brainlet.
Not stop action shit is the lowest tier trash for literal ant brained zombies.

>That Episode where Mugen BTFOs some whore


>That episode when Jin falls in love with a whore while Mugen and Fuu are fucking around with beetles.

>enjoying anything social-related shit
>enjoying sentimental garbage shit
>not normalfag-tier
>he thinks shigurui is all about action
I bet you can't even see what the two main characters represent

Anything worth checking out that I missed, I'm

way better than edgy teenager bebop

>that episode where some guy almost got fucking Lava in his throat

I just love how comfy Shiki no Uta is

ah its the same shit different smell. Get off you're high horse faggot

When the old guy's back snapped, that shit was hilarious


One of the first shows I watched. I remember thinking at the time that Fuu was a very generic character with a bland and generic design. 300 hundred shows later I'm wondering what was wrong with me.

not really
the characters are much better in champloo
and a better atmosphere
and music
and art
and fights

Good, Yea Forums is shit right now

spotted incel who's in love with prostitute

One Punch Man S1 is pretty much the spiritual successor of this.

disagree, Mugen's more laid back nature and his general attitude is a lot more fun. I can see the appeal with Jin being the calculated stoic one and learning more about his past but we NEVER see any moments of emotion. If he just had some moments where he let out some of that internal pain like Sojiro in Ruroni Kenshin I can myself liking him more but he's just too one note for me

but I recognize that they're each others opposite, maybe they're both hard sells to who ever prefers the other

it does have some issues though, like the last few episodes felt like they happened out of nowhere with the lack of focus in previous episodes on where they were, and they didn't capitalize on the 'unintetional tragic villan who dies' thing as much as they should've imo (looked to be a lot darker at the start then it ended up being in terms of consistency) . starting losing me but thankfully the baseball one kept me in, but damn does it avoid the internal monologues with very little actual action cliche. I love the hip-hop aethetic but maybe it's a good thing there won't be another like it since the blend of historical and hip-hop is what makes it stand out

Mugen is just annoying most if the time.

This user has seen the truth


Tbh I liked Bebop a bit more. The ending of Champloo felt way out of left field with literal who characters that almost kill the boys. The old samurai that fought Jin was cool but I felt nothing for the brother trio. Bebop, on the other hand, sets up the finale and end boss throughout the show.

I also prefer the smooth jazz over hip hop, but just barely.

This, the ending to Champloo was very lackluster, cool fight scenes though.

>banger first episode
>then nothing happens the animu for the rest of the season just like Beepob.

you only like it for the intro music, admit it.

it's definitly great but is it say, dandy enough?