Better than every single pokemon movie

Better than every single pokemon movie.

Attached: download (79).jpg (126x186, 13K)

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Still anime trash, watch real movies

nice thumbnail dumbass
list your 10 favorite moves

This scene made me cry like a baby.

Is this better?

Attached: digimon-adventure-bokura-no-war-game.jpg (300x420, 52K)

butterfly is such a good song, always fills me with emotion
you tried

Hows this?

fuck me

Attached: Digimon_Adventure_Our_War_Game-637690721-large.jpg (458x640, 91K)

Attached: smug.png (344x340, 230K)

I cant fucking do it

This scene is fucking kino

so good

this one scene is better than every pokemon movie

The digimon franchise of forgettable unlikepokemon.

Said no one ever

I can't believe anyone has actually ever given a shit about Digimon.

Gold Digimon go Digimon

I agree.

>butterfly is such a good song, always fills me with emotion

Is this the first time they go Mega evolution?

I liked the english soundtrack

Well yeah, I dont think any pokemon movie has had a director like Mamoru

did they ever remaster this movie?

>digifag coming out of woodwork
the worst thing about current pokemon shitshow

I always forget how ridiculously massive Parrotmon’s egg is in comparison to how big he actually is.


Have you seen the Power of Us? Is actually great and by far the best Pokemon related title out there.

The Lucario movie is way better

I second this

They did a full remake. It's called Summer Wars

Attached: MV5BMTYyOTk3OTQzM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjU4NDYyNA@@._V1_.jpg (1395x2048, 2.29M)

>butterfly is such a good song, always fills me with emotion
makes me even more sad since koji wada is dead

I always wished there was a good Tamers movie.

Power of Us is fucking shit. Why does it have so many shills? What do people like about Lugia appearing in final 5 minutes, curing a forest and flying away?

Wow so exciting. Fight VS a dumb forced gas, also so exciting.

Lead girl was ugly as shit too.

>What do people like about Lugia appearing in final 5 minutes, curing a forest and flying away?
Why do you think people like it because of Lugia? I like it because Sudowudo and the old lady. Still wouldn't put it in my top 3 pokemon movies, and none of them are anywhere near Our War Game

Hey OP you seem like you know your shit. I want to watch digimon, having only watched a few episodes of my countrys shit dub back in the day, so where do i start? What series are good, and do i watch them dubbed or subbed? And which movies are good?

>muh humans
I want to watch Pokemon for the battles, not for development of characters that are never going to reappear anyway.

I'm not OP but I would say watch the first 2 movies and if you like them watch the first season. Avoid season 2. Season 3 is my favorite but it's different from the rest.
Also I don't know if an adult will enjoy them the same way as a child.
