Do Your Best!

Do Your Best!

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God its been forever since then. We will never get another Hime/Otome series again, or at least till 20006.

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Do you really want the people who fucked up Code Geass to butcher Hime/Otome?

I want more, even if I don't have much hope they would do what I want to see. At least there's a chance for more doujin, while being able to pretend a new anime doesn't exist if it's bad enough.

Only 17,987 years to go!

Sunrise actually want to continue the franchise and no reboots. Apparently they want to continue after Hime carnival arc ended.

>We'll never be getting a Kotomi after

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>Do you really want the people who fucked up Code Geass to butcher Hime/Otome?

I think CG is okay, so that's a false dilemma. Not that it matters because either way if they want to make more Hime or Otome they will do so.

SoL would be the best continuation, but I don't know what sort of forced drama they would plan on putting in a direct sequel since SoL can't be their goal.

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Clannad sequel when?

I mean, the trailer for the fake sequel already has a plot. Artificial hime fighting alongside that evil organization somehow forces the battle to restart.

Spin off with ShizNat adopting and raising Arika when desu

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>Artificial hime fighting alongside that evil organization somehow forces the battle to restart.

More types of Himes will show up in the continuation as villains or rivals against the originals.

oh... user... You know the after ya?
Wait do you even know the VN?

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Never, I hope Sunrise stays away from that cancer including a wasted space of male MC in Hime.

I only want them 3 characters back, everyone else can fuck off.

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You mean Akira and Takumi making Mai an aunt.

>Sunrise bringing back Mai Hime

I guess they are digging for older IP's and shit to keep their brand recognition. Has MH been successful in the west and Japan?

>Has MH been successful in the west and Japan?
Very successful the history of Yea Forums will tell you.

That's an odd request, but sure. Mai's aight.

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>I only want them 3 characters back
You can have ShizNat but not that cancer instead take Rena as the cure.

How can anyone hate Arika? She's so pure and cute. My adoption plot doesn't work without her personality anyway lol

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Why couldn't Natsuki just say sex?

>How can anyone hate Arika?
Arika is the epitome of a boring characters just like Tate-kun represents a wasted male character. The franchise has a horrible reputation of having vapid horrible character that wont mean worth of value.


She's so protective of her nanomachines she doesn't even want to risk saying the word.

>Mai ends up with no one
I hate this.

Tate was boring and completely void of charm or personality, Arika at least had value and plot relevance. Even her run in the ED was more than Tate ever added to the franchise.

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Otome's are all dykes?

>Otome's are all dykes?
Yes even in Hime.

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Otome > HIME

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I kinda' feel like Otome had less ShizNat than Hime but the stuff it did have was stronger, since they're both out and not fighting ech other in Otome.

Sifr was also fun.

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It did. The problem I had with that pair in Otome was the lack of conflict. In Otome it was more like a professional relationship rather than the creep fest in Hime.

Attached: [BK201-Raws] My-HiME - Kuro no Mai Saigo no Bansan (BD 1280x720 x264 AC3).mkv_snapshot_02.26_[2010.0 (1280x720, 114K)

Best Child.

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Nao is for ___________

Attached: [BK201-Raws] My-HiME - Kuro no Mai Saigo no Bansan (BD 1280x720 x264 AC3).mkv_snapshot_02.36_[2010.0 (1280x720, 130K)

It's sad but IMO Shizuru only felt creepy because shefelt she had to keep her love secret because of homophobia. Which is why I was perfectly happy with her tearing everything apart honestly.

Dude the first half of Hime is pretty sick, Childs and Himes felt very Persona-ish, and some had a great design

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Antits are best

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remember that horrible pedo love triangle in Otome

Have you seen the stuff they do? I would be scared too.

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>Have you seen the stuff they do?

They eat the poo poo

What has more potential, a Hime RPG utilising the Child-Hime relationship in a totally-not-Persona-structure or an Otome action game with different playable Otomes.

Which one was your favorite series?

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Otome did do some things right.

Someone needs to learn how to have sex with girls from a pro.

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Wasn't there 2 games for PS2 back when?

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This is a mother.

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Any god Shizuru/Natsuki doujins?

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Doing that maneuver is a symptom of autism.

