Aggretsuko S2

Okay, sorry, but this ending was absolutely asinine.

I'm actually with Tadano on this one. Marriage should not define your happiness. This is painfully apparent, given the percentage of Japanese singles these days with their own work ethics and lifestyles (see Fenneko's example from S1). This was just some cheap attempt for Japan to increase the birthrate, like they do EVERY SINGLE OTHER ANIME.

I'm glad that they addressed this issue in the form of Tadano, but it doesn't stop them from copping out on Retsuko's decisions in the end. Last I checked, didn't she WANT to leave her job to stroll through life more easily? The more and more I see from Retsuko as a character, the less and less I'm beginning to like her. She doesn't realize how much better she has it in life until she either falls flat on her face, or it goes to shit for her, and she caves at the last minute.

I didn't think she could get worse after dating Resasuke, but holy shit, was this bad.

She literally could've told him "Hey, I support you, but I also want to keep working for myself." I get the whole kids thing, but Tadano literally gave her the question she's not listening on in regards on whether she even wants that kind of deal. I still like this show, but holy esoteric fuck, is the main character a flip-flopper. Haida deserves better.

Also Fenneko was at the top of her troll game, and makes her much more waifu material

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_cat

Gee user, that sure is a whole lot of NON-spoilers.

The problem is she realized she wasn't quiting for herself this time. She was Quiting because Tadano told her too.

And yes, while in the past she was desperate to find a man as fast as she could she realized that too is fruitless and silly.

In the end while Tadano was an excellent choice for her (and I think Restuko realizes that with how bad she was crying) she still wasn't the RIGHT choice, especially with his view on relationships and children, something she wants.

*He wasn't the right choice

I get what Tadano was saying but Retsuko wanted a certain lifestyle of being someones WIFE not just a SO. She wanted everything that comes with it.

The ending was Asinine. I honestly believe that Retsuko would have done everything for him and all he had to do was sign a piece of paper and had a loyal Red Fox Panda Wife.

Still in a LIFE LONG relationship you shouldn't compromise on what you want your vision of it to be.

Guys pls help a poorfag out, where can I watch season 2on streaming?

Neither Tadano or Retsuko is in the wrong per se, they simply desire different things so it could not work out between them. This is a more realistic picture of adult romance than you usually see in anime. It's not about who is "right" in some grand philosophical sense, their goals and desires were simply not in sync. That's okay. I don't think they would say they hate each other or anything like that.

Attached: horse-aggressive-retsuko-86_apr-28-2018-7-14-00-pm.png (1280x720, 413K) my guy.

Didn't that get shut down?

Nah, it's still up. I think they moved domains though. Try

Fenneko and Haida make a awesome couple.

Fenneko seems to insecure to be in a relationship.

Every single fucking day this...

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Yes, Tadano was right, but he absolutely never took into consideration what Retsuko wanted, she wanted to work, she wanted to be useful and not just leech from his fortune, but Tadano told her to ignore all that and just rely on him.
It was never going to work out.

Haida is still based and Retsukko is retarded for ignoring him

if there's a third season i really hope Tadano comes back, he was the best character

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>she will never suck your cock for car driving classes

You saved me bro.
Wish I could find dubs for my language since they are pretty good but I'll stick to sub

>People on here thought Retsuko a virgin and Haida had sex
Ha ha ha ha ha

did she fuck Tadano?
it's implied she did

This is now a Fenneko appreciation thread.


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>Fenneko thinks marriage is silly and outdated
>Haida doesn't
5 minutes into the first episode and the show already shits on my Fenneko/Haida dreams

Why is Haida so popular among females? He clearly a Virgin loser. I get why guys relate. But what do girls see in Haida?

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I'm totally ignorant of spoilers. What the fuck happened to Retsuko/Haida? I thought the first season ended on Retsuko blushing and asking Haida to confess his feelings in the hospital.

Better question is if Retsuko backdoor shy or not? Fenneko being more innocent in the bedroom than Retsuko.

Retsuko rejects Haida even though he the loyalists guy she knews.

She shoots him down because she's a golddigger
She then goes on to date a billionaire but dumps him because he doesn't want to marry

Watch the Christmas Special. She shot him down.

>Fenneko and Haida make a awesome couple
That’s going to be the end game. Or Retsuko will be after Haida after he kissed fenneko

>it's unreasonable for someone to eventually want children
That was also a big point you didn't address

He's a good loyal friend who would do anything to help his bros out (See in S1 when he fixes Retsuko's laptop, and when he helps with the rest of Retsuko's coworkers steal Tadano's limo), has pretty decent taste in music, can hold a steady job, and seems like he'd be alot of fun outside of work, given his personality. Is he self-destructive? Yes. Can he rise above it? Absolutely, even if it takes time.

Retsuko? More like SLuTko.

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woman like having a non-threatening orbiter

I once dated a virgin who told me she's not ready to have sex because she's terrified of pregnancy.
6 months later she dumps me, dates around a bit and then loses her virginity to some millionnaire on their 2nd date.

I hate women.


Haida has a job, isn't physically unattractive in anyway we the viewer can discern so no stigma of the unwashed or ugly can't apply. For realistic options Haida meets the standard a lot of women have. His added bonus is the fact that he is clearly an orbiter. Women love having an orbiter so long as he isn't stalker tier (hence the need to at least make par) because women have a deep biological desire for devotion. Retsukko wants marriage because it's the ultimate symbol of devotion. Women know they can have Haida anytime they want and secure the big M but people are nothing if not delusional dreamers, they'll wait and see if they win the jackpot before they cash in.

>He doesn't know about the far-future timeskip and multiverses in the extended canon

Sounds legit.

You ignore that Retsuko saw not wanting kids as a bigger deal.

They did like, 100 shorts that only aired in Japan before the Netflix series

The show use to be a bunch of shorts before getting a actual series

A lot of what you say makes sense.

I did address it though. He stated to her if that's honestly something she'd have wanted long term, which in today's society, is pretty shitty. I don't know if kids in Japan are alot more well-behaved these days, but I can tell you it's a lot worse in the states, especially when discipline counts as a quick call from CPS, and a lawsuit waiting to drive its nail into your head. Even then, perhaps in the end, they could've adopted. That's something even the series creator didn't think about incorporating.

>woman like having a non-threatening orbiter
But what’s up with loyal Haida keep getting beaten down by life? Do women enjoy seeing a loyal male heart broken? Seems bizarre to me. Haida popularity with girls seems to go against every /r9k/ told.

It wasnt about the money or the pregnancy man, dude just straight up did not want to raise kids

Retsuko will get jealous when Haida and fenneko get together.

>It wasnt about the money or the pregnancy man, dude just straight up did not want to raise kids
Wait. Retsuko actually wanted kids?


>ending was absolutely asinine

Haida is the guy women want when they're done dating around, have peaked, and are ready to settle down.
He's popular with viewers because he's a sympathetic romantic, that's all.

If Aggretsuko was western adult cartoon. This would’ve been the pro abortion season of Aggretsuko. Bojack horseman went down hill after it reviled Mr peanut butter wanted his first child aborted. Which is beyond out of character for mr peanut butter. Who characterization was so loyal it hurts him

>Haida is the guy women want when they're done dating around, have peaked
Oh god. I’m a orbiter..... all my life and it got me no where. Now I want to die!

Unless they are sadists, not really. The sad truth is that life isn't a tv show, people don't get to see the objective narrative, character building, or human loneliness moments. The injustice against Haida isn't some cruel machination conspired by society. People can't know everything about you, so not everyone or even most people you ever see gives a shit about you or your life. That doesn't mean they're bad people with no hearts, or greedy sluts who only want social mobility, or boomers who have no idea what life is like for the younger generation. Everyone comes to the realization at some point that they are the only one who really wants what's best for them. Is that sad? Of course it is. But don't pretend you weren't clued in on it early into the game. No use crying over spilled milk.

>Is that sad? Of course it is. But don't pretend you weren't clued in on it early into the game. No use crying over spilled milk.
Fuck that. Serious question. Is it possible to become a real world Equivalent of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I think it will hurt less living as a hired gun in Third World War zones than I am now.

People do it so sure? Go join a Somali pirate crew.

But I don’t speak somlain.

who cares about this series anyway? the stupid HAHA RANDUM METAL GIRL scenes are cringe as fuck and ruin any enjoyment one could have with this show

Sounds like you need to give /r9k/ a second chance

>This was just some cheap attempt for Japan to increase the birthrate

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One of the best thing of this season was Ton talking with Retsuko about their blue collar nature: "I choosed this life. I choosed marriage, work and family as the lie which will keep me surviving. You are just repeating what Tanado says... if you quit, what would you do? You're not Tadano, he's not like the rest of us".

This shit is really deep. Tadano wants a new world in which everyone is free... but the harsh truth is that very few people wants that. Most people like their shitty jobs because they are scared of realizing that there's not for them to do.

I kind of disagree with Ton in that sense. I don't think in special people and regular people... I think it's a decision... a brave decision of confront that natural fear. Tadano did that, and Retsuko didn't.

Hope to see Retsuko realizing, next season, that she's brave enough to find something better than a slavery life.

Learn. Or realize your issue here has no warrant.

This thread making me feel like a loser. Thanks Haida...

We don't have to agree with our protagonist decisions. Retsuko is still sympathetic to the audience (Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul).

I think is very painful to watch Retsuko embracing that marriage ideal... but the series does a great job showing us the implications behind choosing that path.

We can disagree with Retsuko... but we can't judge her. How many of us have the same bravery as Tadano to embrace his talent and conquer the world with it?

Anai is true representation. I've always knew I've been a not so good employee but he made me realize I'm fucking shit just by being insecure af.

>retards didn't care about it before netflix: the thread aka retards watch anime through netflix


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This was hilarious

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Fuck you, and fuck people who are in it for themselves.

I need him

>when she sees your bank account

I kind of hate Netflix since I am already finished the series and the discussion will die down pretty quick.

I honestly thought Puko was the one who ratted her out and was going to try to steal him away since they had a similar mindset.

> absolutely never took into consideration what Retsuko wanted, she wanted to work, she wanted to be useful and not just leech from his fortune
Tadano suggested Retsuko to quit her job to achieve her dreams. The sad truth is that Retsuko isn't brave enough to embrace what she wants (I don't believe that what Retsuko wants its just a quiet life... that's not herself but her parents talking... but I could be wrong, maybe Retsuko is really that dull).
Also, Retsuko isn't a leech who search for fortunes. In their first date, she didn't care about the meal (a simple ramen), she just wanted to be with Tadano.
In the end, both of them were honest enough with themselves and with each other. It was a fantastic final episode...

Speaking personally, he's the kind of guy that other girls like to pretend they like. They claim that the nice orbiter is who they would go for, and maybe even believe it, but irl they don't go usually go for guys like Haida. It's just uncomfortable to admit you want to be railed by Chad or marry a rich dude.

like someone said in the last thread, Retsuko is a basic girl (OL), who wants basic needs (likes, a family, job even if it's soul sucking...), Tadano is just way out of her league so she don't wanna.

Of course they did it. It's not heavily implied because that would ruin the tone of the show (everyone is a kid in some way or another), but is natural to happen given the chemistry between Retsuko and Tadano.

What the fuck is he?

Lets be honest if Retusko married Haida she would make him bend over backwards for everything while not even cooking him a meal. Despite all this she would probably throw it all the way to get fucked by Shirota who probably was the best of both worlds. I met plenty of girls who have admit to having back ups if they don't get what they want.

He's popular because he's the ideal friend, not the ideal husband.

Haida has a lot of problems... he needs to be more aggresive about his relationships. His final arc will be realizing how bad for him Retsuko is.

Poor Anai didn't deserve the complete character derailment he suffered from Netflix

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>but is natural to happen given the chemistry between Retsuko and Tadano.
I just retsuko Retsuko a canon virgin. Just to see Haida face when he realize tadano got to take Retsuko cherry and he didn’t.

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>find something better than a slavery life
So become an evolutionary dead end by not having kids? Your progeny will never reach the stars with that attitude. The purpose of life is for living for the future. That means by making sure your seed continues the bloodline to infinity and beyond.

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Retsuko rejects Haiga because she doesn't like him. Haiga should forget about her in a romantic way... nothing but himself keep him there.

Retsuko isn't a goldminner... she liked Tadano (even as a poor guy) because he has something Haiga hasn't. She's just a very confused and scared girl.

>Lets be honest if Retusko married Haida she would make him bend over backwards for everything while not even cooking him a meal
Let’s be honest. Half the fandom want to see Haida bend over for a girl.

Since the setting is in Japan I feel like she would be more distraught if they did have sex due to him not committing. They never really showed them even acting like a couple like holding hands or kissing. At best they just felt like really good friends and maybe it should have stayed that way.

Well she definitely was a golddigger earlier in the story, but she's matured out of that

Real question.

Do anime studios in Japan get something like tax credits for having a pro-birth message in them? Or is there some regulatory body which dictates it or something?

The US has had things like that happen for cartoons, where cartoons necessarily had to have some educational value, so it's not exactly unreasonable to suppose.

>because he has something Haiga hasn't.
Yeah, bet you don't know what that is.

She wasn't a golddigger, she wanted to find a man that would be able to support her and their children. It's not like she was trying to fuck a millionaire for diamonds.

>distraught if they did have sex due to him not committing
It’s a Netflix show. Devilman cry baby had a gun control rap in a show set in japan. Among other things that are not politically Relevant in japan.

Then try to make some money or something valuable to offer. If you have something to offer, anything, there will be some girl who would want it in exchange for something else.

You realize the main function for living is to reproduce right?

The fox wolf guy was pretty chill and I am kind of surprised they didn't do much with him.

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>You realize the main function for living is to reproduce right?
Not for me. I’m pretty much pro death.

More specifically she wanted a ticket so she wouldn't have to work a job, preferably someone well off.

She's matured to the point that she isn't just looking for a ticket to a jobless life

>because he has something Haiga hasn't
Yea, money
Also, ESL?

Nobody wants kids, though. People like Retsuko think they want kids... but in fact is a way to "pass the days". It's a distraction from the anxiety of living.

Sure, plenty of people want kids.

That's not what I'm asking. If you don't know you don't have to reply, my dude.

>Nobody wants kids, though.
Are you a psychopath?

You are confused my friend. Psychopaths want kids very much. Very, very much.

No, I think that is what you're implying because of some deep seeded insecurity that you possess.

Nah I met plenty of people that want kids, but that doesn't mean there aren't people who don't want kids. Neither are really wrong, but obviously they can't be together.

I'm not your friend ESL

Which wouldn't have anything to do with the topic at hand and is just a personal attack. Look in a mirror.

I don't like the idea of being born to be an slave. I'm ok with the idea of living a satisfactory life even if I died without leaving my seed. However, if I can reach that and save enough money to ensure my children will not be slaves, I will definitely have kids.

I'm not your ESL pal.

Do I really have to say it? Haiga lives for Retsuko... that's not attractive. Tadano lives for himself... that's attractive as fuck.

If they say they want kids it's because they don't know what a kid means... 90% of the people don't understand what a kid needs. They've a romantic idea of children...

The scene of the hipo mom is real, but it's not like that all the time. That's the romance about children, to believe that it's like that the majority of the time.

Its weird seeing how Anai was so fucking terrible to people, but was later redeemed for it despite still being a sperg in general. Reasuske doesn't really do anything, but now nobody wants to be around him.

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Maybe because Anai showed an actual will to change the way he reacts to people while turboautist remains a turboautist?

But why do they want them? Why would anyone want a baby that requires money, time, hours of sleep and freedom? What's heavier that our dream of freedom? The dream of a person who needs us.

Yes its called responsibility and does take work. Some people are cut out for it and others aren't. Obviously its easier to just take care of yourself and never have to worry about anything. That doesn't mean everyone wants to take that path in life even if its more simple. Be a free spirit, but don't shit on others if they don't hold that same value.

Someone wanted this in the last thread and I totally forgot, so here you go. Sound version is here:

Attached: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.webm (1920x1080, 318K)

So. Is there a canon lesbian yet or just implied gay males?

>Obviously its easier to just take care of yourself
It's not easier. In fact, it's easier to find a job and make money to the babies than choosing the path of freedom.
To have babies at the age of Retsuko (25) is, in fact, a lack of responsability. If you have enough money saved (I dunno, maybe after the 30 years old), I think is a responsible decision.

Nah, unless you count Fenneko admitting she stalks girls' instagrams for thigh pics as something


I have seen families get by even if they weren't totally prepared and are still pretty close despite all those problems.

He was still easily forgiven after being an ass to everyone. Not even fucking Ton has said something to him about that afterwards and I'm sure that he would have never let anyone hear the end of it if this happened before

I think it's implied there's something of a time skip

He didn't even apologize for what he did either. So its kind of hard to see everyone love him just because he makes good food.

I think this is a case of people being relieved they can actually work with him now but still being scared of it happening again so they just try to forget it
Plus Japanese office workers are very non-confrontational

is is true japanese people wear casual clothes to work and then get changed into work wear?

It's weird, but the show is really stuck on this old-fashioned concept of marriage, where women suddenly become housewives and have no life outside of that. I know Japan USED to be like that, but I honestly doubt it still is.

Still, the kids vs. no kids is real argument I sometimes see happen. Props for the realism.

>Just throw a kid out into a world that will kill them with little to no regard for yourself or the child
Yeah works out for every lower class citizen and Japan right now

Retusko probably wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I think she has grown to want have a career as well even if it doesn't go to something way more greater. I honestly can't really picture her being a stay home mom either since she can hardly take care of herself. She would obviously need a husband that take over from time to time.

>nless you count Fenneko admitting she stalks girls' instagrams for thigh pics as something
Please! It means Haida is getting cuck in two fronts!

>but I think she has grown to want have a career as well even if it doesn't go to something way more greater
I interpreted it as her realizing she has no interests or goals outside of work and so keeping her job is the only option she has otherwise her life would be purposeless

>entire season is about retsuko trying to hook up
Is Japan really that anal about marriage? Shit I was 33 when I got married, and Retsuko is fucking 25 and everyones pushing her to date and marry.

looks like a donkey, maybe some sort of rodent

Well Japan is where the "Christmas Cake" thing came from, aka "Girls past 25 are too old". It's not nearly as much of a stigma to be older than 25 and unmarried these days, but it's still there.

hyena too

>looks like a donkey, maybe some sort of rodent
What kind of donkey looks like a rodent?

>It's weird, but the show is really stuck on this old-fashioned concept of marriage, where women suddenly become housewives and have no life outside of that. I know Japan USED to be like that, but I honestly doubt it still is.
I feel like you misunderstood. While it is true that back in season 1 that Retsuko only wanted to get married to become a housewife, post Resasuke she's wanted to marry for love not as a way out.

Retsuko wants to be like Kabae - she wants to have someone she connects with deeply, have a family, and maintain her career.

I'm just judging by his tail really. Only thing I can think of with tails like that is donkeys, some rodents, and certain cats(lions)
He's clearly not a lion and his face makes me thing donkey, but certain rodents, like capybara, have snouts like that

You ever seen him from the back of his head? He had a total horse face
That + his tail makes it pretty clear hes a donkey

>like capybara
They don’t have long tails

So whats the average income in japan? If your making a MILLION FUCKING YEN that seems pretty large and i'd probably suck some cock for a husbando who makes a million a year, but is that like average basic bitch money in japan?

Isn't that a Capybara on the right?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Aggressive Retsuko (2019) - 02 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_02.49.789.jpg (1920x1080, 251K)

Or a guinea pig

and foxes and hyenas dont work in office buildings

It's not exactly 1:1, but one yen is a little less then one cent. (actually I just looked it up and a dollar is currently worth 108 yen).

A million yen is a a little more than 9,000 dollars.


Ironically I didn't notice this watching S1, but when you step back and think about it. Retsuko's a normie roastie who's selfish and thinks only about herself. Fenneko is actually the good girl.

Why is it so hard to find decent discussions about That aren't shipping related

Do you want to talk about how much of a whore Retsuko is then
This is what you get when you visit Yea Forums

Do people who live in Tokyo just not get their licenses? Shit I can't even imagine not being able to drive and I live in a city.

>Driving in a city dealing with millions of walkers, let alone the fucking traffic.
What's the point. You'll spend more time running gas in traffic then getting to your destination.

I had to put on the english audio for the screamo parts, Japanese screamo literally sounds like incomprehensible growling

>implying the dub isnt better then the sub

>Entire season about relationships and marriage
What else is there to talk about?

They made a comment about the cost of parking in Tokyo in the show itself.

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Fenneko x Retsuko's Mom x Driving School Dog

I wonder how their little date went? Since she seemed pretty into it for a while.

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>there are actual anti-natalists in this thread
Holy shit. Here you have an anime promoting a wholesome message, and you fags complain that it isn't degenerate and destroying civilization like you are. I can't believe people are so open with their evil.

wait, they dub the screamo parts in the american version?

I'm kinda annoyed seeing my friends assuming she's just a dyke. It's very easily Fenneko just hates basic bitches.

Every musical segment (singing,screamo, rap) is dubbed in english, yes.

>She gets flustered and excited when snow leopard/tiger guy from sales flirts with her
>Lol she's a lesbian


go see a shrink, you have been brainwashed by corporate propaganda

So do Tumblr kids just misconstrue any characters who’s smug/sassy as just having the same weird irrational prejudices that they have? Fenneko has never shown to hate men in the show.

They just think she's a lesbian because she isn't being paired up with any guys so far and because "she's obsessed about deergirl's thighs". It's almost the trope of "the girlfriend of the main character has to be a lesbian".

if you don't want to get married, nobody should be able to make you...and if you DO want to get married, then you shouldn't let someone tell you not to. There was no "right" or "wrong" side in their relationship. They could not have compromised and they needed to end it.

OP obviously you've never been in a real adult relationships before. The whole issue was that Retsuko already has an idea of what she wants for her future. She wants to get married, and have kids, and start a family. This is what she wants. Tadano at the same time thinks Marriage is a waste of time, and he also doesn't want kids. This is completely mature and understandable. Not everyone wants to have children, and some people would rather just be with someone without marrying them because, like Tadano, they don't see a logical point in marriage, but they see a lot of issues with it. To them, the benefits are nonexistent, while the drawbacks are immense.

Both of them are adults, and both of them have incompatible goals for their future. Retsuko realizes this, and even though she knows she LOVES Tadano, she knows she'll never be TRULY happy with him because she wants marriage and children. She realizes that it can't work and ends the relationship.

But she went on a date with that one dude in Season 1 along with Retsuko which she seemed to enjoy for the most part.

I enjoyed some of the music segments in English which is rare.

>Okay, sorry, but this ending was absolutely asinine.

Bottomline: Retsuko is a shallow, gold-digging whore, who literally turned Tadano down simply because he wouldn't marry her; thus insuring she would get access to his money, since she already hung around long enough to realize she liked him as a person.

Just like the first season where she couldn't accept autistic plant-lover despite all the shit she went on about simply wishing to settle for anyone, just to experience love and possibly marriage. It's consistent characterization, just like she wouldn't pull the trigger on the polar bear, despite her realizing he would be ideal for her after the fact. Assuming there's another season, expect her to become the jealous cunt, when Fenneko and Haida accidentally start date--as a round about way of getting Retsuko out of her post-Tadano funk, which will also end with either Haida or Fenneko have legit feelings for each other and the latter breaking things off 'for Retsuko's sake'.

Same for places like New York. When you have good public transportation in the form of subways and trains, the need for a car isn't really necessary is a BIG city. It's just ends up being a lot of expenses for no reason. So a lot of people don't bother getting a license they'll never use.

The autist was not giving her any kind of love. Or any kind of emotion. She wanted marriage because she's a basic who wants marriage and kids, not because of some soul sucking alimony. Did you miss the part where she was falling for him when he was a slacker doofus with no job? She was a 100% gold digger with the white tiger at the speed date, but she wasn't with Tadano. If anything it demonstrated how she isn't a harpy because she had the perfect chance here and she didn't take it. It was the golden ticket out of work - it just required she give up work (and give up the dream of marriage and kids) and she chose not to take it.

most people here are nihilist-hedonist, to each their own self delusion that allows them to sleep at night.

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I want to like this character, I really do but both fucking seasons he's a loser. He doesn't do jackshit and in Season 2 he barely shows up.

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Tadano isn't going to be getting any more sleep.

If she settled with Tadano there wouldn't be a season 3 next.

>If she settled with Tadano there wouldn't be a season 3 next
Season 3 will be jealous of Haida getting a girlfriend season

>The autist was not giving her any kind of love.

Of course he didn't. She was too busy being lost in her own delusions on what the relationship was to really care to get to know him, until her friends forced her to have a reality check. You'll also remember that Retsuko went above and beyond to settle with that guy, just for the experience of being 'in love' in if it was all her own shallow delusions, since she originally just wanted to get hitched to get out of working, until she started idolizing him. That's why I said she's completely in character by being a shallow gold-digger, in the second season. It also wasn't until her mom meddled into life and her boss forced her to participate in the Family Day stand at her job, that she seriously started caring about getting married and settling down, as an honest life goal, instead of a means to an end. As with the polar bear, she original just wanted to be with Tadano for his personality, once she realized he was famous and rich, she let her delusions lead her around again, as with Resasuke, except she just ran away from her responsibilities until her friends had to bail her out again and give her another reality check.

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>S1 has Manumaru
>S2 has Shirota
I can't wait to see what big boy will bring season 3

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You've probably never lived in a real city then.

The optimal age for a woman to have kids is 23 - 30 years old period. This is a time window where the chances to give birth to healthy baby are the highest as well as it will be better for a woman to have child at that period because it will make further pregnancies and birth easier to bear.

>Tadano says she can chase her dreams with him
>Retsuko dreams of starting a family
>Tadano doesn't want to start a family
Gee, I wonder why they ended it on good terms?

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If she was really that shallow she would have stuck things out with Tadano instead of breaking things off completely.

>excited when snow leopard/tiger guy from sales flirts with her
That's not a leopard.
He is a Manul's_cat

Tumblr dykes are insane.

>If she was really that shallow she would have stuck things out with Tadano instead of breaking things off completely.

It's because she's that shallow, her friends had to save her from herself...again. She was literally hurting herself to stay with Resasuke, before the end of season intervention. It was the same way in season 2. I'm not even implying she didn't learn anything from those experiences, but let's not act like Retsuko made an honest effort to work things out with Tadano before the cavalry came.

>Didn't have the Fenneko phone call to Haida
God damn if that wasn't some wholesome shit.

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How would she even begin to work things out with him? They both wanted completely different things from the relationship. She was just unwilling to admit it because she cared for him.

Post your predictions for future seasons.

Season 3:
For the whole season Retsuko and Haida trying to get it work together with them finally announcing they are getting together at the end of the season

Season 4:
Despite being together there appear some disagreements between Retsuko and Haida here and there that in the end of the season would result with them breaking up.

I mean creators would want to push it further so I doubt we will see a happy ending.

>25 cents per kilometer
All I can think about is how terrifying this would be in Canada.

I am kind of annoyed they didn't really do much with him. I really thought they were going to show both sides of the spectrum. Where they both have glaring issues where the polar bear would have the money and looks,but not be as super emotionally invested. While Tadano was poor and lazy, but a really sweet guy. Obviously this would make her question what she really wants until she realizes she wants a middle ground dumping them both. At least it would be more sensible. Which then would make her at least start looking at someone like Haida.

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Man the scales of animals are all over the place. I get the bear guy being big, but that cat dude looks like a Lynx, which are one of the smaller "big" cats. But they're both roughly the same size in universe.

>They both wanted completely different things from the relationship

Exactly. That she had to have her friends literally kidnap Tadano so she could show her true self and give him an ultimatum makes her shallow. She was unwilling to admit it because she was scared of facing the fact that there wasn't realistic compromise and would rather go with the flow (in this case whatever Tadano wanted), which is why her friends needed to intervene.

I honestly would have rather they have Retsuko confront Tadano without Haida, Gori and Washimi getting involved.

>As long as the series continues, the two of them are forced to stay in the goddamn will-they-won't-they situation.

Poor Haida. I feel bad for him.

As an aside, it takes away from Ton's speech about her being herself and growing up and finding the thing she want to live for, instead of doing what others tell her to do.

Between season 3 and 4 I suspect we're going to get some shitty love-triangle drama with Fenneko-Retsuko-Haida, with it ultimately leaving Fenneko falling for Haida for real,Retsuko getting jealous and Haida being clueless until after the fact.

Maybe this christmas we will see yet another bone being thrown to Haida to yet encourage him again to pursue Retsuko and again mislead us to believing they will make it our in the next season finally.

>especially when discipline counts as a quick call from CPS, and a lawsuit waiting to drive its nail into your head
Surprise, you can discipline kids without whipping them with a belt.

Either the kid is a sociopath who needs therapy, or you need to stop being a shitty parent who resorts to screaming and violence. Just because you had a shitty childhood doesn't mean your kids (if you have any lol) should have one too.

The only thing negative reinforcement teaches kids is that they should be scared of you, not that they shouldn't be doing X thing. Just like how religiously abusive parents raise pathological liars because the kids only learn that life is about lying as hard as you can to make the parents happy to avoid getting yelled at, and physically abused kids just learn to play dead so that the beatings and rapes stop faster with slightly less overall pain.

There is not a single situation where a beating or similar method does a better job of teaching discipline / life lessons to a kid more than talking about how it's not okay and/or other non-violent, non-abusive methods. The kid isn't the enemy. There is zero reason to ever get aggressive or treat them as one. New Star Wars is a load of shit and a disaster but one thing they did right was Han refusing to get violent, and showing that Luke holding a lightsaber over Ben's head was the fuckup of the century, even if Luke wasn't going to follow-through in the end. Ben seeing that was all that was need to get things snowballing. Short of some contrived Reddit fanfiction scenario where you are ripping off your 25yo Downs Syndrome son from raping your toddler daughter, raising your hands against any kid is never the answer.
And if you can't figure out how to get the point across, you go and ask somebody for help.

So your whining about calls to CPS for disciplining a kid just shows your lack of qualification to be anywhere near kids or talking about childcare in general.

I honestly think Gori was right about Washimi just having a bad experience shouldn't make her think everything is doomed to fail. Washimi is kind of right as well since Gori passed up too much time with too many high standards. Given her looks she seems like one of those that doesn't need no man to support herself. I hope they both find happiness regardless.

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Plot twist: Haida suddenly gets a crush on Fenneko but it turns out she plays for the other team in like Episode 8.

25 is too low, it's 30 in most cases.

25 is like "just graduated college a year or two ago".

A Democrat.

The issue is they never got around to discussing what they want out of the relationship. Retsuko got carried away and thought she found a husband and father of her children and Tadano is too wrapped up in his ideals and only wants a lifelong friend/mistress. It's not about the money or whether marriage is worth it or not, they fundamentally can't agree on the purpose of their relationship so they broke up.

>25 is like "just graduated college a year or two ago".
People graduating college later in life. Ether starting college early or taking longer to get a degree. Haida probably one of those.

I still can't get over Retsuko turned down the idea of just dating Shirota just because he was too perfect in her eyes. Now she will forever wonder if she made the right choice.

Gee, it's almost like Retsuko is just a shallow bitch that doesn't get her happiness for a reason

So that's why I've seen so many threads about this recently. That's fucking depressing.

It honestly hurt me seeing Gori and Washimi fight. Fuck Retsuko's drama, it's just not cool having two lonely expired cakes have a falling out like that without making up by getting plastered and singing bad karaoke.

It's sad, but I legit could see Haida ended up not only never getting with Retsuko or Fenneko and ended up as the 'uncle' who babysits their kids after they settle down with whoever they end up with.

Alternately, I could see Retsuko and Fenneko becoming becoming Gori and Washimi 2.0, once their careers take off/standards remain too high.

>Plot twist: Haida suddenly gets a crush on Fenneko but it turns out she plays for the other team in like Episode 8.

Netflix hire this user.

I will fuck Haida

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Like they say: "He's too good for me."

At this point that is pretty much everyone.

I dunno, I actually think that if Retsuko and Haida end up dating, they'll call it off mutually because as Haida originally put it, he's seeing the idealized Retsuko, not the real one. It'd be interesting if they have them date, but find out they're just not a good relationship match.


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>>retards didn't care about it before netflix: the thread aka retards watch anime through netflix

I don't know, I got into this from the original shorts and still feel said shorts covered all that needed covering for this series. The Netflix series wasn't needed, especially with how underutilized a lot of the characters are. That said, it's cool for the people who enjoyed the first season.

One of the saddest moment turned into the funniest moments.

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I'd wager the two of them will be spinsters but ones who have eachother. Not in a lesbian situation - there's nothing wrong with that but christ almighty love doesn't need to be carnal. They're just going to be two generation X power-pose businesswomen who will eventually reach the top and realize being a king (queen) is hollow if you have any sense of responsibility and duty instead of being bailed out by your underlings (the way Washimi's boss is). Her boss is able to be a whimsical manchild ever dreaming of silly schemes because the powerful woman behind him does all the work. When it's their turn to 'rule' they take that shit too seriously to enjoy the fruits of the position, and find being the boss isn't so powerful or rewarding. So it will be bittersweet, made sweet by realizing they will still always have eachother and knowing they can be better bosses and stewards for the next generation of women. Or the tragedy is like pigman said, you will become the boogeyman boss.

Fenneko being lesbian is as trite as fenneko and haida coming together. I'd rather like Fenneko loving big male instagram hunks an amusing twist as it would demonstrate Fenneko's own hypocrisy and imperfection. The truth is the girl hating on the 'stacys of instagram' still can't control what makes her panties wet. Be a lot more engaging than "lol I'm actually a les bean" and it'd cover that type of person most circles of friends have - the one who either acts indifferent and jaded or sopping romantic but really is a horny animal like the rest of us. It also fits given the one bit where her seeming asexualism dropped was when the big jock cat was flirting with her.

Honestly I kind of hope this is the case because the guy really can't move on with his life. He really hasn't seen much of the real Retsuko and would be a good wake up call. As for Fenneko I guess they could be a thing since she does love teasing him but still goes out of her way to make sure he is okay.

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But isn't okay to have a shitty job? As long as you doing other things that make you happy.

I don't get it

in season 1 that was when he fell into depression when he heard Retsuko's got someone.
This repeats again but this time is done as a gag instead of an emotional moment.

unless you are asking about the pic, it's the passed out hooker that has to eat all the egg greentext

>So become an evolutionary dead end by not having kids?
>That means by making sure your seed continues the bloodline to infinity and beyond.
You'd fit right in in the 3rd world where this mentality prevails.
>The purpose of life is for living for the future.
Bet you think you're smarter than everyone else, but you're not. The purpose of life is living in the present moment.

Life has its ups and downs and being able to find a perfect balance is what matters. You don't need to do something super important to live your life so long as you are happy where you are at. I feel like too many people who reach for the stars get burnt out and end up thinking their life was a failure. Now I do think some people should live a little from time to time then being stuck in their ways with thinking outside the box.

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>He's seeing the idealized Retsuko, not the real one
I think, from what little we've seen of Haida's life outside of work, he could be the one that would appreciate the real Retsuko. While different sub-genres, the two both share a love of rock music and thinking about it the two share some personality aspects. It's hard to say one way or another without actually seeing more of real Haida.

Honestly, the more I read the threads I find myself swayed away from Fenneko and Haida despite being pretty into the ship initially. The only common grounds they seem to share is work and Retsuko. Again, much like before, without any sort of real meat to Fenneko's character to cement it, it just seems platonic.

I still think that Turboautist panda is actually a homo and wouldn't mind to hit it with his Manul coworker

>I think, from what little we've seen of Haida's life outside of work
What if Haida raising younger siblings or lying about being a Virgin because he’s a single father?

I feel like Fenneko would have found out very quickly if that was the case. Just like Washimi not saying anything about her marriage. I think it be kind of shitty of Haida to do such a thing.

As much as I doubt Haida isn’t a Virgin. Are single fathers looked down upon in japan?

Haida's story is to get over with incompatible girl and start dating actually someone he is compatible with (Fenneko).
Retsuko tries to pretend she is something more than super generic girl, who wants super generic life.
TON THE DON is the best character.

>Start dating actually someone he is compatible with (Fenneko)
In what ways are Haida and Fenneko compatible based on what little the show gives us of the two? I haven't watched season 1 in a while, but all of the interactions I call between the two were talking about work and talking about Retsuko.

>because the powerful woman behind him does all the work
I'm sure you could have guessed this from her species but she's a secretary, and he's the CEO. He's probably good at his job at running the company but we only see him in scenes trying and failing to adapt the workplace to modern culture. Being old and out of touch with people younger than half his age doesn't mean he doesn't do work

Didn't he waste a bunch of the companie's money on some stupid model?

Fenneko will die alone. In a way her story is more tragic than Retsuko because she almost seems OK with that.

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Her job does get her somewhere on the social ladder though. Just look at how she views Tadano while thinking he's unemployed. The fact that she even considers supporting him speaks volumes to her frivilous nature which has been dashed by her harsh reality.

I wanted most of this, dang it

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>In a way her story is more tragic than Retsuko because she almost seems OK with that
Fuck..... that hits close to home.

Some agencies and workplaces do. Especially if they have fancy or overtly formal work uniforms.

Romanceshit is overrated.

...and it ruins everything.

Worst part of both seasons, but guess what? That's what people end up talking about and that's why they keep doing it.

Honestly I thought we were over this shit after S1 clearly established that Retsuko basically deluded herself into further ruining her already terrible life with the notion of love.

>YFW Haida and Fenneko hook up
>And then Haida leaves her to be with main girl. Because main girl.

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This isn't Beastars or Zootopia though; the fact that they're animals is more of an artistic choice, like how Goofy is a "dog" while Pluto is a real fucking dog. Hence why the hippo's husband is also a hippo, why a red panda is eating meat and so on.

Kabae, the hippo mom, also taught Retsuko that true happiness lies in being with somebody who lets you be yourself.

C'mon man, how could a civilized man wear white socks in a suit?

I really enjoyed watching this season, it was a pretty fun ride but I agree with OP, Retsuko It's such an indecisive dumbass and if that's doesnt change in a new season then this show will be fucked.

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American comics/cartoons had tons of moral standards to live up to, which wasn't regulated by a body but upheld at the risk of ostracization.

I don't see your point though. Out of the entire main cast, the only married people with any children are a fat hippo and a fat pig, and they're both pretty terrible.

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Nah they were pretty based at times.

It kills series for me. Usually I've seen it kill live action Western series sooner than anime series, though. It's just impossible to NOT talk about because they make it end up being the entirety of the development and storytelling. For fuck's sake Washimi and Gori don't even make up, they just call a truce - to defer to relationship drama. "Will he? Won't he? Will she? Won't she" suffocates the room.

Of his appearances thus far:

1) He had this retarded new-agey notion of wet noodle trains through the office. She was the voice of reason and shut him down.
2) He wasted 300,000 yen (3k so not that much USD) and begged her to not make him have to reimburse the company.
3) He had the feel good retarded idea of the food festival.
4) He had no role in soliciting Tadano, Tadano sought him out. So that was just golf chumming.

He very much is getting presented as the dumb head-in-the-clouds boss, the way his secretary could hold his wallet hostage in the first instance was way too on the nose to not be a reflection of the japanese husband whose money is controlled by his wife. He's not an old dinosaur out of pace with modernity the way pigman (I'm bad with names) is. They do a great job playing that angle with the fucking abacus of all things (When was the last time a salaryman used that? 1950? Pigman started working in 1987ish, they would have had calculators they just gave him that to reinforce his anachronism), but there's no such depiction with the Boss. If Boss was an old dinosaur like pigman he'd have gone "AI? What's this eight eyes, some kinda television company?"

I would say the hippo is anything but terrible. The hippo ends up seeming like one of the best well off characters:
-She's got a doctor for a husband
-The doctor lets her be her true self, no mask on.
-She's got kids that love her
-She's got an office where she can be a gossipmongering chat-oca-lips now

She must not have a second of alone time, as that fox at work noted and admired in her, but she's probably the only office member who is utterly happy and content with her life. Nobody would want to marry her or look like her yet ultimately a lot of viewers and characters in the series would love to have what she has. Pigman's marriage life isn't as idyllic but by his own omission they drive him crazy but they give him a purpose and company. Without them he would probably be infinitely more mean or would jump to his death by now.

The show 100% falls on the side of marriage is good. The one bad marriage is Washimi. Otherwise:
-Couple that breaks up gets back together
-Retsuko's mom regales how she and her husband were star-crossed lovers who defied their parents.
-Hippo marriage is fucking perfect
-Pigman marriage works if it has problems
And Tadano while not a bad guy, is clearly cast in the opposition and is the anti-marriage figure.

I'd wager next season we'll see a bad marriage though

You fell for the Shinzo Abe meme I see.

>Fenneko worried over Haida
Damm these two need to hook up already

mega when

Surprised there isn’t a yoga fart joke. Aggretsuko already has a Constipation subplot.

That’s one ugly donkey >189417020

Haida and Fenneko fucking when?

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We had a great thread yesterday.

Hopefully at the end of season 3

>Watching this show with the godawful english dub instead of the godtier german and Japanese dub
Yea Forums truly has fallen from grace if it ever had something like that

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Is this the Bojack Horseman of Japan?

If only Bojack Horseman was in any way funny, relatable, poignant and clever.

>Of his appearances thus far:
>silly idea to improve morale for the younger generation based on what he's heard young, hip tech companies do (but totally missing the mark)
>going overboard with the idea
>another idea to improve morale that is still out of touch with what people want
>a good business decision that admittedly doesn't count as smart but doesn't show any incompetence either
Yes that's exactly what I'm saying dude, we only see him in scenes bumbling about improving the well-being of his co-workers because the show is about the well-being of co-workers. It would be boring as shit seeing him actually doing his job. And I'm telling you no matter how much de-facto power you have, being a secretary is not the path to becoming a CEO.

>german dub
Go away uh hmmm Alsace Lorraine

He's a realistic portrayal

One thing I can appreciate is Fenneko being concerned about Haida's well being more than anyone else, but that could also just be due to her being perceptive

I like men how I like my coffee


>Haida and Retsuko hook up
>in the end they break up because relationships with close coworkers are impossible
Screencap this

So they jump to conclusions, just like shipfags here. Intredasting.

It's not fair. I actually really liked Tadano and I respect his ideals but I do Retsuko's as well.
>still think marriage is good as well as having a family so that you're not entirely alone
>but also wouldn't mind being with that person without marriage just as long as I'm still with that person

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Anai x Fenneko is the most comfy of all ships

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Retsuko wanted to get married and broke up when he didn't want to because she was going for those sweet divorce settlement money.
Haida needs to fuck Fenneko till she can't stand and have an happy life with her.

This show is really ahead showing what you g people think about marriage. Tadano had his way of looking at relationships and retsuko had her way. Who are we to tell them. That are wrong. That is why finding a person to be with you for the rest of your life is hard. That is why relationships are hard.

But I only ever watch the jap dub with english subs

So when does Haida get bitten by a radioactive spider and become Haidaman and has to balance his love interest with Retsuko along with his day job alongside heroic battles with supervillains now we had the Hollywood romance story that was Tadano x Retsuko?

God, what would their chatlog look like?

>Hey retsuko look at this funny me and the Boys meme
>Uh...why are they smiling?

>German dub
Source?I know a little bit of it since I had to learn it in school and I kinda want to see it now

Retsuko when she sees all the porn of her

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Of course the stereotype started when women were expected just just be pure housewives, so finishing college probably wasn't expected of them.

>Shirota is everything Retsuko is looking for in a man
>She hurt his feelings and abandoned him

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Have you never been in a relationship? It's not going to work when they make it clear that both Tadano and Aggretsuko have wildly different goals and expectations.

sorry you are alone, user. Maybe one they you will find your anime girl of your dreams.

She thought he was too good to be true. And desu, I would have rejected him as well if I was on her position. I wouldn't want to be rushed into marriage

Shouldn't you be thanking Netflix since this series is better than the majority of anime that aired this year?

I used to think this way too but I'm definitely a better person after having a daughter. She is my #1 source for motivation to get through my shitty office job.

Unrelated to your post, but I think Washimi is based off a secretary bird.

Yeah, I'm starting to want them to get together. They have more chemistry than Haida does with Retsuko

>not spider-haida

Shit taste

>Fenneko and Haida dated long before the show started
>They ended up breaking up but decided to stay good friends
>Fenneko looks out for Haida because deep down she still worries about him sometimes

>all episodes released at once
>have to rush through the show to catch Yea Forums threads in time
>done with watching, but threads are dying down
The Netflix release modus sucks. If most shows did this, it'd kill my enjoyment of anime and Yea Forums both.

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>If most shows did this, it'd kill my enjoyment of anime
It sucks for discussion, but you should be able to enjoy a show by yourself user

He's a good guy

No, some shows need low dosages. Marathoning a show can kill your enjoyment because it's too much at once. Or maybe it's better to say that you would enjoy the show more if you were forced to make pauses. You have nothing to look forward to next week either.



Yes user, watch it slowly by yourself

>Bet you think you're smarter than everyone else, but you're not. The purpose of life is living in the present moment.

I'm 2000% sure the irony of this statement is completely lost on you.

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this season was really cute. loved the newer faces we got. also, why would anyone watch the shitty netflix eng dub when you can listen to the much cuter and highly superior japanese dub?

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>anai in approx 2 weeks commands more respect and adoration from the office (including his female co workers) than Haida did in 5 years
>all while being an autist with a comfy blanket
Truly he is this shows plebfilter

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well I can't see anyone hating him in this office so probably. I think it's actually impossible to hate capybaras

it's because he had a social bridging tool. Those bento boxes worked wonders for him, whereas Haida was just another face in the office. it all depends on how big a splash you make and the people you hit with it

If you can't stay true to yourself in a relationship then it's not worth your time. Tadano wasn't a bad guy, he was actually great which makes the whole thing so tragic.

>I'd wager next season we'll see a bad marriage though

Speaking of, where is Retsuko's dad? Did he and her mom get divorced? Is he busy? She's surprisingly free to bother her daughter...

Meant for

Is Ookami gay

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Not gonna lie; I miss those two.

He's asexual for all we know, not like I care since he's my favorite character so far

That would be true if a season of aggretsuko wasn't only 10 fucking episodes 10 minutes long. It's less then two hours come one, do you expect me to watch one episode a day? 10 minutes of which like 1 is intro+outro?

Why do they need something like a year for 100 hours of 2D animations? It wouldn't be excusable even if they had only one animator, their animations are cute but it's not 3D which requires much more time, I'd expect at least 10 hours of show per season. Or a new 10epx10min season per month. Why are they slacking off?
It's Wolfgang, user.
Why haven't they developed the best looking chaddest character yet?

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Based and anyone who doesn't agree isn't mentally fit to watch this show

>make a consistently great show
>reeeee make it faster
Come on buddy, just watch some other shit if you're bored (or get a fucking hobby)

It sounds as if they are still married (retsumom mentions he has a health problem and it might be difficult for her to manage alone)

This, I can't believe people are so obsessed with Haida, he's a basic autistic office worker with almost no friends/hobbies, we don't see him do anything, he's socially avoidant in all but the safest conditions (like with anai where he acts dominant until the second he is confronted and then he's terrified). Haida isn't special, or if he is he is too scared to show it. That more than anything is why Retsuko barely even sees him as a work friend, much less a romantic prospect.

That's not what she thought at all, at the time she was simply terrified of the idea of marriage, how do you miss this simple plot point when there are multiple conversations with retsukos mom, shirota, and others spelling it out for you? Retsuko simply does not feel like she is ready for marriage. It has nothing to do with what she thinks of Shirota.

Kill yourself or go watch a show that's more on your mental level like dragonball z

Anime is trash, me likey only cute animals and Jojo shit.
What if watching aggretsuko is my hobby uh?
>t. Retsuko
Don't you have an office job and people to disappoint tomorrow morning?
>to be noticed by girls you need to be special and stand out
Fuck you why is this so realistic

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we're all the normal-teir people in this show. I really doubt many if anyone in this thread actually is considered 'special' by any social metrics.

If there's anything to take from this season of the anime, it's that we are creatures of our own making. We all need our anchors in life and goals to keep our day to day moving. If your goal really is being noticed only you can make yourself someone that other people in your world will stop and look at with wide eyes

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He's the one with the best characterization and he's also best boy

Why did they turn Anai into such shit?
I'm finding it hard to finish the season because he's so damn bad. I want someone to push him into traffic

He gets better

They are both amazing in their own way and would make an awesome team if they became friends

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But i have been following this anime since the shorts

You have written your explicit desire to see Anai potentially get harmed in a traffic accident, which can be considered as a form of harassment towards fictional characters who strive to bring joy to real living people like you. If you intend to apologize, I expect it in writing towards him.

I want to see Retsuko get NTRd by Fenneko

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>There are gamma-"males" who don't like Ton-chad-sama

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I like it because it's about normal people doing normal things in normal contexts, makes you reflect on reality of things and is really relatable to people. And there are cute antrho animals which makes it not boring visually.
Really that's all it takes to make a good show.

Fuck you. You'll get no apologies from m but dammit you did get a giggle.

These topics can get pretty boring tho, the thing about this show Its that it has pretty good and fluid writting

You have triggered Anai mode. Face the consequences.

Anai its pretty much your average Twitterfag who feels offended over everything and wants people to lose their job while doing public shaming.

But at least Anai has a job

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Haida could be a fucking Chad but he keeps beta'ing himself

Anyone else besides me think Fenneko and Haida are made for each other? Also I wanna see more bandmode Haida. He's gotta be in a punk band right? I don't think he's dressed for a metal band, could be wrong. I bet Retsuko loves her some fuckin' Detroit Metal City. Tadano was actually a pretty cool bro, would love to talk AI with. I thought they handled the new guy horribly though he fits at the end. Where is HR in all of this? At least Haida kinda had him figured out.

This, he's too much of an orbiter. He needs to bang some groupies. I bet he gets a GF about the same time Retsy sees him for who he is.

Yes and please.

They couldn't just give us cute dorky naive newbie Anai, noooooo. Sometimes I wonder if they ruined his character so people wouldn't ship with him with Retsuko since in the original shorts since they want us to drink the Tadano or Haida juice. Anai was by far the safest ship option in the OG and Haida was just another character

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but what happens when Haida's band takes off and he is swimming in groupie pussy?

The real question is, will Gori finally find happiness, and prove to Washimi that love is real?

He never once publicly shamed anyone, retard, on the contrary even in his autistic hate mode he gives people the opportunity to reply, even if the reply being in writing is an explicit (but not public) threat of bringing the issue to authorities

Haida can probably play but I doubt he's in a band , that would take balls that he currently lacks

>Marriage should not define your happiness

>spend entire first season teasing Retsuko x Haida
>throw it away in a christmas special half the fans didn't even see
>throw in new guy just to make a point about marriage etc
>don't even try to flesh out Haida and Retsuko's relationship despite her realizing she wants marriage and kids
>Haida is practically a fucking background character

What the actual fuck were they thinking? Why was Haida cucked AGAIN?

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Haida and Retsuko are coworkers, that's it, he isnt even as close as Gori/Washimi who are her actual friends

Because his arc is getting over Retsuko and finding something better, you know, like the friend who actually hangs up and cares about him

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>This was just some cheap attempt for Japan to increase the birthrate

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Honestly I'd be fine with Haida getting with Fenneko. I think I'm just pissed about him being treated like a literal background character.
Interesting arc for Season 3 would be if he got with Fenneko for Retsu had to realize she missed the chance at a stable relationship with him. But maybe that's just me projecting.

Tadano > Haida in my opinion

>spend entire first season teasing Retsuko x Haida
When the fuck that was teased. He has a crush on her... And that's pretty much it.

And btw, a true fan would have seen the Christmas special. Why bother calling yourself a fan if you don't watch a direct continuation of the show? Especially when we were all waiting for Season 2

>The Trifecta.
Also she gets to rationalize her selfish behavior as she always knew there was something special there.

not him but what the fuck? where can i watch this shit?

You say that like literally everything you do isn't a distraction from the anxiety of living

>Anyone else besides me think Fenneko and Haida are made for each other?
No, a lot of people in these threads seem to think they're made for each other. Personally, I don't see it and no one has really given any real reaaon for why they feel they're so compatible. Much like Tadano and Retsuko, they both have been established as wanting other things (Haida wants to do the marriage and family thing, and Fenneko doesn't).

>You have to pay a driving tax
What the fuck

she gon end up with anai in the end

Honestly it might work. Yes he isn't perfect but he does a lot of shit she would never do. He would have no problem calling her out on bullshit then being like Haida who let get away with it.

>a motherucking H_______k reference
user, NO!

Anai was my favorite in the original shorts. Hopefully they show some of his original personality in S3.

He kind of reverted back since he still says shit without thinking. Still its nice he has more then one emotion.

Toll roads are common in big cities, but in Japan, they're apparently very expensive.

She wants the buck.

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This could be applied for every beta who is a 7/10 or higher. "just stop being beta" doesn't work. Believe me.
Nah again, believe me when I say you don't need balls to play in a band. But yes I belive he's not In One too

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Remember, ladies. No matter how rich he is, if he doesn't want kids, into the trash it skids!

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what the fuck has happened to Yea Forums

The fox boi was cute. What's his gimmick?

I'm not an Yea Forumsutist, I despise anime other than Jojo and aggretsuko, so I didn't know any streaming website

you have to go back

Being based.
In one of the short skits this show is based off he charms Retsuko just to ask her money.

I'm just against un-educated people having kids who will become slaves. If you can give excellent education and a decent home for your family (and you actually want a family) go for it... if you can't afford that, welcome to hell.

>The fox boi
He's the wolf from uma delicia land

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do you think retsuko has a tight poosy or is it loose and worn out?

I dunno... I accept Retsuko's ideals about marriage because she already knew that marriage is just a bunch of lies (like Ton told her), she realized she needed those lies. That's brave and respectable.

However, if you want to get married because you think that's how it works, or because you see the happy ending of fairy tails as literal and not in a symbolic way... you should not get married. Kids should not get married between them, and kids should not raise other kids.

This user gets it. And, in the end, some of us will choose the path Retsuko took, and some of us will choose the path Tadano took.

It's the price for the path he choosed.
Tadano is just like King Minos of Crete.

Because they truly cared for each other.

Season 3
Retsuko finds something more accurate to her habilities and hopes. She quits her job to achieve those dreams.

Just as the dichotomy generated by Retsuko and Tadano ideals, I think the ideals behind Washimi and Gori would generate a simmilar dichotomy.

I think Washimi was right. Marriage can't last if you don't lie to yourself. She realized this and withdraw from it. And Gori probably wouldn't never see this because she's kind of ugly, and probably she would never get married as Washimi.
Also, that's why Washimi never talked about her marriage, to avoid fighting with Gori. Truly a sad moment in the series.

So... just like every human being at some point of their life.

>because she's kind of ugly
user, that's not a real problem for marriage, just hookups

Holy shit people who are ugly must have it rough. I'm fairly attractive and still not popular with girls.
Being a good looking virgin is surely better Than being an ugly one. I'd kill myself probably

I definitely believe you. If that's what you needed, I respect that. I bet my father said something simmilar about me at some point ofnhis life. It's just so overwhelming for me today...

neck yourself

i gave up idea of marriage and dating and my grandparents are freaking out

Nah, I feel anxious too. I just need different things to overcome that anxiety.

Anime are trash come on every one looks like the same. Mangas is where it's at.

>giving up on reproducing
Do you hold anything important to you?

just admit you haven't seen more than 5 anime and go back to wherever you came from

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Admit? First of all I've already did, also Its my pride and joy.

Your post is interesting. It summs up the theme of the series.

You say you prefer to be a virgin good-looking because you still have hope of get laid. You say that you'll probably kill yourself if you were ugly.... because you won't have any hope for the future.

You'll be surprised. If you were ugly, you will find hope in another thing. And even ugly people can have the love experience (a very different experience to get married).

Being purposefully ignorant isn't something to be proud of.

define important

I'm asking you if you have any values that you want to spread to the next generation.

So was the "late stage capitalism" just the dub butchering the translation, or has that meme insult made it all the way to Japan already

shut up with your saccharine normalfag shit

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You didn't answer my question.

i'm not the person you weren't originally talking to, so


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Marriage wasn't the main thing why she left Tadano. It's the fact they didn't share the same goals in life. While Tadano was a visionary that wanted to change the world in a fundamental level, Retsuko has a more traditional outlook in life (made apparent by her mom's behavior). You can't really love someone who doesn't think like you do, no matter how much you delude yourself and try to think like the person you're trying to hook up with.
That was the whole season, user: Have a goal, follow that goal and find someone who shares that goal, because that person is the one who will (hopefully) let you be yourself.

Having said that, yes, Retsuko is coming off as a very fickle and insecure woman, who can't hold in interest for more than a week without making a full life change at the drop of a hat. Hope that changes in the third season.


Yes but I think even ugly people like attractive ones, so it must be hard knowing you'll have to settle down. I don't know if I could romantically love someone who I don't consider attractive. But I'd also say I don't really know what love is, my past experiences were pretty shallow.
In my first relationship I was a bit like Resasuke, in just for the sake of being in one and having a gf. Other Than physical attraction and a mild pleasure to be with someone I wouldn't know what else there is.

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I think people forget that restuko is supposed to be a borderline unlikeable character. The whole show is centered around being a comedy about a main character that is supposed to be a manchild facing the harsh reality of adulthood and she is even called out multiple times for that, just take Aggretsuko's mother for a single example. It makes me think how many people are actually like her in some way but have a hard time being honest with themselves about those negative points.

>It already happened
That got me good.

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>Among all reactions hers I wanted to see the most
>got squat
They really drop the ball with this one.

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>Good looking
>Stable job
>Financially well off
>Family seems nice
>Shares Retsuko's views on marriage and how daunting it can be
>Shares Retsuko's views on life and how hard it can be to be an adult
>He seemed like a down to earth guy that just wanted to find a good person to share life with
>Time passes
>Retsuko discovers he's no longer available

I'm glad about everything that happened to Retsuko this season. She got happiness served to her on a silver platter and she threw it to the floor like a little baby.

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Yeah he definite needs an arc, fenneko as well, they are both treated as background characters with no sympathy or depth to why they are that way, which really stands out in this show considering how it treats everyone else except maybe the otter who sucks Tons dick all day

>watching the dub
You deserve every shit meme and bad translation you run into

She only wanted to settle down, marry and have kids after seeing how happy Kabae was with her kids during the family festival with her own eyes.

Seeing it is better than just believing it.

At least they didn't make him a villain.

Finally started watching seeing two at the speed dating episode lost my shit when horse lady burst their fantasies like that.

Kind of dumb they said it's too good to be true but Retsuko met two perfect guys with great jobs.

wait what we have those cute foxes/wolves here?

Yeah she really blew it with her first meeting and let a good one go.

I don't fucking understand Aggretsuko at all.
She has all these cute, perfect guys who wanna fuck her and she turns down all of them.

I'd bone Haida, Tadano, and Shirota day 1.

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They should all get together to spite Retsuko.

How'd she end up being so great this season?

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she was annoying just for the sake of it before. they gave her a cool background now and a lot of people relate to having a mother like her or wished they had

She's still an annoying blabbermouth who likes to gossip around if you work with her.
She is however the perfect anti-Fenneko. Whereas Fenneko is cynical and lonely, Kabae is happy and fulfilled.

Didn't the wolf guy say she doesn't really have much time to do fun stuff outside occassionally to her coworkers? Obviously she wouldn't give up her life, but it is kind is disheartening when the one thing you look forward to gets turned down.

Kabae-san is very big and motherly

its an issue for japan since they dont have a whole lot of pure nihon blood anymore. westerns overpopulated so much that being sterile/gay is actually a good thing for birth control

She was always great.

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Whatever happened to her being arrested at the end of season 1 for being a spy? That was pretty hilarious.

Pretty sure it was in the subs as well.

Still miffed that they only ever showed her from the shoulders up. I can't do fan art like this.

>another zoomer who can't tap into the primordial stream

You are a zoomer too you know that, almost everyone who watches anime is a zoomer

Not everyone loves torrents, user


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Motherly instincts.

Blessed pige

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This show attracts a shitload of failed normalfags christ

>dumb, average girl with no interests or passions dates genius multibillionaire with radical plans to revamp society
>breaks up with him because her only goal in life is to get married and she has no actual legitimate interests to follow through with

This anime captures the female condition incredibly well

That's "girl" in my native language, so suddenly this is way funnier but in a different way.

Do you think there will be doujin/fanfiction of Anai actually being a yandere for Retsuko? It's the only way I think I can compromise from his complete from the shorts

Anyways, does this show even get good doujins/fanfiction?

The show is about a Japanese woman on the verge of normalfagness failure. It checks out.

She wants her life to include a family , there's nothing wrong with that, if anything her being willing to just cave in to tadanos ideas for the future when that wasn't what she really wanted for herself was wrong of her to accept, thankfully based director Ton directed her toward happiness

Never saw doujins of it, I don't fucking care about fanfic.
I wish they did doujins though it deserves them.

I still ship Haida x Tadano now.
Imagine every scene Retsuko had, and put Haida in her place, and it just works better, of course Haida would wig out about it a lot harder to begin with and then realize he can enjoy life as is.

But then I can imagine him going full retarded and throwing it away to orbit around Retsuko again who isn't even a girl worth orbiting around.

Tsubone seems to be a better match for Anai. Mostly because she's good at her job and shits on people for being bad at something, like Anai does. I mean there is the age gap and everything but still.

I used to think like that until I fell in love with a... well, not that attractive girl. How someone looks is not important at all.

>I think I will just go home now.

Am I dumb for just liking the show based on its style and simple plot?
The party scene in S1 was fantastic.

>Ilusory happiness

moral of the story
women are subhuman trash

It's "piga" in mine

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No, illusory happiness would be accepting Tadano's proposal at the expense of your own dreams and convincing yourself it was what you wanted

>life is working in a soul crushing job with long hours
>wants kids to experience the same brain wracking monotony
dumb breedgroid. at least adopt

Save hex

t. someone who has never had kids

Smug porker.

>tadano i want to give me a shiny rock mined by children at gunpoint then sign a government contract with me
>why not just be happy being together

In that scenario, Retsuko can't lie to herself, therefore, that wouldn't be an "illusory happiness".

My point is that marriage =/= happiness. Marriage is the heart-shaped box in which we try to put love. Marriage is our negative to accept the truth: relationships don't last forever.

In Retsuko case, she choosed marriage because her other option was even worse for her.

I'm not a furry but I'd fuck Fenneko. Is that normal?

No. Now head to e621 and fap to your hearts content.

Ah the good old I'm not a furry but.
It's ok, I'd fuck many anthro characters but I don't feel the need to make it my personality or want to go around dressed as a disappointment.

I think the "I don't want to have children" part is the real dealbreaker there.

Isn't there a difference between characters being animals as an artistic choice (Mickey Mouse, Aggretsuko) and characters being furries (Zootopia, Beastars)? I mean, I'd dig this show if there were no animals in it at all.

Yeah no bro, accept your fetishes and don't make it a big deal. Ik the feeling of inadequacy, but really, what does it matter if you fap to anthros? As long as you don't want to fuck a dog you are good

Washimi's voice is really nice. I'm amazed that it's her first role. She seems like she'd do great older sister characters.

I want Washimi to step on me with high heels

Same but I want Fenneko laughing at me as she does so.

You would die she a secretary birb

>relationships don't last forever
If this was why Tadano didn't want to get married, I'm glad Retsuko left him. The lack of commitment is real worrying, there was nothing stopping Tadano from leaving Retsuko for another woman in his scenario and then she would be alone and without a job because he would have convinced her quitting her current one

That and if things ever went wrong their lives would be fucked you can lose it all very easily.

Tadano has his own life, is charismatic, good looking, cool and does as he pleases. Haida is just an average employee like her and bends over backwards to please her.

Retsuko liked Tadano even when she thought he was poor. She was even thinking of providing for him.

Fuck off tadano is laid back and independent just because he's rich as fuck, try acting independent and careless in an office, see what happens

>almost seems okay with that
She is 100% okay with that. She gave a big speech about young people in Japan giving no shits about finding a partner. She just wants to avoid the games and have a big guy call her hot once in a while

Fenneko is clearly gay for Tsunoda.


Yea Forums is fucking dead

Go watch your shitty carbon copy anime faggot

The thing I most enjoy about this anime is the animal choice for the cast.
Common picks like pigs and dogs and rare choices like the brazilian maned wolf or the pallas cat. it's so nice to see animals that I don't even konw they existed.

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US cities, besides being huge, have awful public transportation. Try going to the UK or Spain: you can get pretty much anywhere in 20-30 minutes just using public transport (unless it's London or Madrid.)

Cute dog.

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Haida and Fenneko need to get together

>Retsukohas no real goals in life
>even her hobbies consist of nothing
>Gets handed handsome wealthy man after handsome wealthy man that she keeps rejecting
>Acts butthurt when those men move on to other women
>Has the fucking nerve to cry when she dumps a billionaire that would've given her everything she could've ever wanted just because she's cute
>When she becomes a used up wrinkly trash bag at 40 she'll still have cool chad Haida to fall back on


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The boss' kid getting special treatment

Anai bustin' out his sweet moves was the highlight of the season.

I didn't see this episode in season 2.

forgot the girls

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Wouldn't Haida be a 40 year old virgin at that point? I think that prevents him from being a chat.

It's because it's not from Netflix, it's from the original shorts

I understand Tumblr babies not having seen the original shorts but I had assumed that Yea Forums would be better than that

She was already lying to herself and drinking tadanos coolaid until Ton forced her to really think about what she wanted, and what she wanted included marriage and children

There's a reason why Retsuko was adopted by Gori and Washimi. They both know another fucking eternal Christmas cake when they see it.

Retsuko will always sabotage her own happiness because she's a dumbass who can't focus on one goal. Same with Haida, who will fuck himself over by being an orbiter rather than moving on like Shiroto did.

The question is, will Retsuko or Haida wisen up first, in one scenario where Haida ends up in a Ton situation because Retsuko decides to "settle" or Retsuko resenting Haida for moving on.

How is zootopia somehow more furry than aggretsuko?

>oneechan goes "retsuko is literally me!"
>"so you are inconsistent super generic girl who shots down good guys just because they arent perfect?"
>still mad

Retsuko is NOT a good example to follow,

>The lack of commitment is real worrying, there was nothing stopping Tadano from leaving Retsuko for another woman
Yes, that would be the scenary 2 years later.

>would've given her everything she ever wanted
But that's not true, speedwatcher

You're just forgetting that there was a time when Tadano was still making his tecnollogy. How do you think the world treated him in that lapse of time?

>because they aren't perfect
That's not why she's shooting them down, do you niggers even watch the show? She's terrified of marriage early in the season and late in the season is coming to terms with what she wants out of relationships long term (which includes marriage and children)

What these threads have shown me is /r9k/ spreads like a virus

Haida is a hyena. Male hyenas are submissive as fuck:
>they mount other males to excite females
>they are fucked by the females
>cumming hurts them
>female hyenas have a large penis-shaped organ whose only purpose is to buttfuck male hyenas into submission
It's in his nature to forever be like that.

That's the point of the series, just like BoJack.

Does anyone like Retsuko at this point?

Deepest lore.

I like her, but I don't agree with certain decisions she took.

This. Considering it's anime for women if she ends up with Haida I am going to be furious. "You will always have a pet boy to fall to, he always liked you and was always there, and was waiting for you to fool around."

Don't be a douche, you can't expect people to have kept up with fucking everything.

I want to fug that fox.

Gee, I wonder.

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She won't.
Haida hooks up with Fenneko and that sends Retsuko even further panic spiral (people are moving on).

>implying people aren't lewding aggretsuko girls in this very thread
So what's the difference again?

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Where do you think you are?

Retsuko won't even notice, why are you people so delusional? She doesn't think of Haida that way, hell I doubt she even thinks of him at all if he isn't right in front of her.

So now that Retsuko is ready to settle down, whats stopping her from getting together with Haida, she knows he likes her

Zootopia characters have sexual characteristics while Aggretsuko characters do not. Hell, Shakira asked the animators to make Gazelle sexier and widen her hips.

Also, the amount of r34 and doujins Aggretsuko receives is far smaller and more tame than those of Zootopia.

It's not about Haida, it's about her friends generally moving on. You will see.

The thing is, it's not just about his feelings. Her feelings should also matter. So if she doesn't like him, he is not really an option. Hooking up/getting married only works if both sides love the other

well user.... i have bad news and a bowl full of hard boil egg

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So the difference is art style and popularity, both of which have nothing to do with the furry scale. They are at the exact same spot on the scale. They are identically furry.

That would be an interesting angle but they don't seem interested in developing Haida or fenneko, Retsuko is the one who has been maturing over the show, and she's the one in danger of moving on, but yeah we'll see where they take it

I don't know, maybe the fact that she doesn't like him back?

Fucking hell what is it about jojo that makes you fuckers think you're better than other anime fans because you only tune in every Friday to watch fabulous men pose?

Someone should stop time and shove a road roller up your ass while you meme about being too stupid to understand how king crimson works.

Bro there's no maned wolf wtf are you on about.
You mean Wolfgang? He's just a fox
Great meme potential and the metrosexuality.
It's not your basic Shonen shit.