BokuBen Ch115 out

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 19.png (926x1300, 285K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She acquired taste and stopped showing up in bokuben.

She is exiting this garbage series.

Uruka, Mafuyu and Rizu are the top 3 best girls.

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Is this ending? Also. Does that mean Rizu is going to get the Christmas chapter?

Dump it, faggot. Also Uruka was a mistake.

When will jaimini's scan drama faggotry end?

This, but only the first part.

Fuck this chapter, Fuck Tsutsui for Cucking Rizu and taking Fumino's issue and trasplanting it on Rizu to cop Fumino out of the only thing that made her delving into the Nariyuki bowl somewhat compelling and difficult. Seriously, Fumino's way is paved. Rizu has realized that Nariyuki and Fumino are so good together and she even FEELS GUILTY for liking Nariyuki back. And not the same way Fumino feels guilty for the same reason, no no sir, but multiplied a hundredfold. Thus hopping out of the competition for the sake of her friend and giving her free way. With Uruka leaving, Sensei being Sensei and WSJ Editors being PETAcucks and Asumi being irrelevant, Fumino end is served and will be delivered in the most boring way possible because God forbid Fumino had it hard.

We will either get Rizumas or Marry Kirisumas.

Fine, fine.

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Happy Kirisumasu soon

>Marry Kirisumas.
Delusional thanks for dumping it.

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She ded

they were absolute retards

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A fucking zero.

new one

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Math is hard.

They never learned.

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Mafuyu's pantyhose makes me rock hard.

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>that Chono

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FLAT is justice.

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Why is Tsutsui so inconsistent with Fumino powers?


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>only pantyhose on
Fuck you 22i. You just gave a fetish hard to come by.


Attached: 13.png (926x1300, 453K)

>I love to eat and sleep


This but unironically. Tsutsui is going to start doing a Nisekoi and the girls will simply give up on Nariyuki because muh Fumino deserves to win because she looks so close with him and gets along so well with him and I can't compete with that so I will root for her instead. Fuck this

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of skeletons


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My heartboner.

tsutsui always draws the girl super uguu at the end of her arc with the emphasized lips and whatever but he already drew rizu like that in the maid chapter didn't he

also here's a little rizu that could use a hug from her buddy

Attached: lost rizu.png (110x284, 41K)

We aren't having this discussion again.

Attached: 16.png (933x1300, 371K)

>fumino end becomes more and more obvious through a chapter of the other main heroine
a bit fucked up if you ask me

user. you also have a skeleton

Attached: 17.png (931x1300, 298K)

Seems like Rizu is looking at a man of culture.

>dem pantyhose
At least Fumino is useful for something.

This image is beautiful but reading this chapter it's painful.

And that's it, last one is OP image.

Attached: 18.png (926x1300, 516K)

>aah, so you, too, appreciate how great fumino is, nariyuki

it's a bit hard to ghost everyone when everyone eats at your house probably a few times a week

>Sensei being Sensei and WSJ Editors being PETAcucks
Don't count on it.

Attached: sensei kareego.jpg (2223x1509, 1.26M)

>Fumino only looks good through other characters' POV but is shit when the story is told from hers
this is the most curious thing

>but is shit when the story is told from hers
Not at all.

It's more like in the end of this arc she will realize that she is "special" for Nariyuki too

Anyway I think Fumino will realize that Nariyuki and rizu are so good together
Finally realize her true feelings

Attached: 1560256608441.png (706x357, 63K)

It's almost like Fumino being propped up as the obvious main girl is raising a false flag.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-01 Vol 1 Ch 1 (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) - MangaDex(3).png (713x498, 320K)

Rizu never had a chance after the kiss chapter. Stop pretending anything changed.

Yep, her chapters are only saved by Reiji now

rizu demolished by fumino but later fumino eviscerated mafuyu...
way of the jungle

Attached: moe of culture.jpg (441x879, 71K)

Fumino and Rizu dyking out to leave it wide open for Mafuyu to win the bowl would be the funniest fucking ending. Everyone would be mad.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-02 Ch 111 (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) - MangaDex.png (793x505, 244K)

gulf of tonkin and 9/11 all over again

My bet is that she would realize she is special but she would also realize that Fumino is in love with Nariyuki.

Or maybe you are just biased, who knows.

That's sad user. Why are you trying to downplay Fumino and start shit?

I'm rooting for Fumino end, so I can't say I dislike it. But I did warn about featuring other heroines n another heroine's arc. It's fine having other heroines in them doing things, but their roles should be minimum and not overshadow the heroine of the arc.

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I'm also thinking this. Maybe Rizu will tell her about this herself finally starting to "compete" between the two.

Fumino chapters are cute and nice. You're just a hater.

Honestly I think only a surprise sensei end could save the manga from Fumino winning, but that has a 0.01% chances of happening, so we're doomed
Poor Rizu though, this panel alone screams loser.

Attached: ntr'd.jpg (795x248, 93K)

in* another


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Nariyuki gives her this pencil case?

Need a safe space?

>senseifag still trying

No, he gave her the pen for lefties. Rizu was the one who got a pencil case but from Sawako.

>No fun allowed

Maybe he's saying that because starting shit and acting innocent is something certain posters complained about. Yes, maybe.

>A major enemy, master!

How precious.

/u/ rides eternal

So you need a safe space. Maybe you should go back

Attached: lil riz.png (118x345, 54K)

So from wanting "open end" to wanting "Sensei end", all for the same of wanting to see everyone mad for the lulz. Epic.

Go back yourself.

I think this because nobody has noticed Fumino feelings and it works in favour of Rizu's development and I also agree thst that would put them with the same chances to win.

>everyone is the same person

I told you I don't want to play games already, geez.

So it's that Maidfag all over again isn't. I wanna see his tears again cause he's making all the threads he goes in to shit.

We've been bamboozled. This is Fumino's harem all along.

I'm fine here, thanks.

This pic too

Attached: a56b38728bd4b31c131bcd3289d6277f9f2ff898.jpg (580x338, 26K)


Mizuki is the tsundere, meta says she wins.

Nice shoop.

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lol okay user but don't start crying about evil Fuminofags.

>funniest fucking end because everyone would be mad
Same agruments. You're obvious.

That's a shitty edit of WA2's most famous scene.

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Damn, that was fast.

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You're the one crying because people aren't praising your waifu, though

Kashima is the Marika.

No shit sherlock.

Not him but you literally went muh fuminofags in here first. Rent free evil baddies is on you.

Not even him, but it's funny that you called him a senseifag. Then you cry that it's muh Urukafags' fault

Maybe Fumino lie about the pencil case because she wants to interrupt them by jealously like Rizu

Well it seems like the series will end with their graduation and we are in December so three more months in-series time.

That's wrong faggot
Stop crying

anyone watch shazam?
thinking of watching it after I finish cropping these rizus

Attached: rizu pensive.png (470x499, 151K)

>Sheesh, did you really learn.

I guess he truly never learns.

What the hell are you talking about? He was originally called out as an Urukafag, then he shifted to damage control by saying just wanted to see everyone mad. Nobody said he is a Senseifag in here.

My heart... it hurts...

Best girl won.

if they staged that scene now nariyuki and sensei would not be faking it


I don't see Uruka there though

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There, I fixed his post. Happy?

Yup. Also it looks like the anime skipped right over Chapter 39, which says a lot given it was the single most pro-Fumino chapter to date, while Mafuyu's beach chapter gets the OVA.

Attached: smug aisha.jpg (640x480, 61K)

Wanna eat sensei ass

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Cute damage control. Okay

We are getting 39 as finale.

get in line

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The bright background doesn't fit the scene.


>these retards again
both Fumino and Uruka are shit but for different reasons, stop with this meta faggotry once and for all, it's not even amusing at this point
>he started it
then be the better faggot and don't prolong unnecessary shit and move on

Attached: sensei glare.png (392x416, 158K)

This week was chapter 41 and next week is chapter 43.

Sensei is the only heroine Nariyuki hasn't kissed yet (if you count Fumino's "kiss"). I'm expecting Tsutsui to deliver a real one sooner or later.

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I didn't make that post, so affects me very little. But you speak from experience considering what you did in the last thread and here again. Staying quiet and deflecting hasn't gone unnoticed.

Cute but sad.

The fuck is this retarded backstory

Yeah and after that is the festival.

It's THK and TLK. Calling them out like this is a lot more effective.

Fumino is pure.

Sure thing bud

So the anime gets an open end with a mystery festival girl, and then a sensei OVA? That works.

I understand you, but her problem is with Fumino, she is an important part of the arc.

pure shit

Pure evil.

Attached: Based Fumino.png (778x587, 220K)

Not that festival, the other.

and best.

I am sure. Keep deflecting.

No, it makes you as annoying as them.

Imagine if Fumino admits to Rizu that she is evil.

Fumino is great, though.

Senseiniggers are about to get rekt once again.

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There was only one festival arc.


cute fooms

A Fumino ending will be a sad and forgettable way to end the manga.

How so? It's better to know who the real perpetrators are than to make the mistake of generalizing other fans.

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What is this supposed to be then.

Attached: 01.jpg (880x1300, 763K)

Fumino end will be adorable, logical, and remembered, just like Toradora and Nisekoi.

Fuminiggers don't get tired of getting rekt

Everybody just jump to the next romcom anyway.

Yes, for haters. We get it. Since you have given up, how about you move on so everybody else can enjoy and have a good time without having to deal with you?

>then there's this fagget who thinks Fumino won win


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Stop. Fumino is a good girl.

Attached: darthfumino.jpg (663x657, 226K)



Oh, that, they're not going to reverse order so it's not happening.

>Fuminofags hijacking Rizu's thread
Worst scum

Let's not be delusional.

Not really. Your salt will definitely help keep Bokuben alive in memory at least.

Fumino winning would be so by the book that would be boring as hell, it wouldn't be interesting or unique in any way, romcom junkies would move on to the next series immediately and forget about the existence of this series in 2 weeks tops

Yeah, I guess. Not like it's already confirmed or anything.

How about you try to talk about the chapter instead of crying abot fags.

Please stop

Fumino ins in this chapter and Rizufags make discussions about Fumino. It's far better than Urukafags spamming pics and forcing Uruka in previous threads even though Uruka is not relevant to the chapter.

Right, no source at all.

its ok to be salty, but soon you'll accept it

Attached: 1548394121312.png (168x175, 31K)

>muh endgame
Yes, we get it, this is all what you mouth breathing retards can say

It is not hijacking when Rizu herself makes Fumino a big deal.

Why are they staring at the seat like idiots?

Everybody moves to the next romcom, do you see anyone talking about Ookami shonen or TWGOK?

What else do you have to shitpost getting rekt with?

There is not? Damn I guess there isn't, sorry animator-kun.

Not really. Despite what you like to tell yourself at night, I don't hate Fumino, but her winning would be the least memorable and most forgettable outcome for the manga.

I feel like something like that will happen. Fumino will tell Rizu, "I'm not as nice as you think I am."

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Every girl you don't like that wins is boring and by the book. I'm sure you think and say exactly the same thing in your head. Romcomfags consume and shit out romcom on a seasonal basis. You don't need to be a Sherlock to know people tend to move on. That's the fate of most romcom, even ones that used to be popular as fuck.

How about every time you try to argue anything and get rekt so badly that you have to play the victim afterwards.

I'm a Fuminofag but I think this arc would put Rizu in the same tier. I still think Fumino is going to win but I don't want to celebrate before time.

Give it to me straight, anons.
Does she have even a 1% chance, really? It doesn't seem so, best girl doomed to lose once again.

Attached: uruka2.gif (494x740, 1.46M)

Our girls don't deserve all this shitposting.

Let me just say that fuck JB. What the fuck is there's problem with Mangadex. Also is Kissmanga fixed yet? Their previous shit with adblock ruined that site for me.

You already posted this shit once and everyone told you that no. What else do you want.

If that happens this arc would be the best.

She already forfeited in the manga.

They're claiming Mangadex was trying to kill off all the other aggregators before going legit/paid and fucking over the community.

>i don't hate her, I just think her winning would be the shittiest end that won't be remembered at all
Sure bro. Are your tissues ready for Yahari too?

ask me how I know you're a fuminofag

This. I don't want to be like Maidfags who got BTFO after celebrating too early.

Attached: literally criminal.jpg (346x277, 74K)

>do you see anyone talking about Ookami shonen or TWGOK?
Are you serious? Those are some of the most talked romcoms in romcom threads. Nobody would have given a shit about Ookami Shounen if Botan hadn't won.

So things that didn't happen, but you love to shitpost it to feel good about yourself. Classic.

Sawako on suicide watch

>some of the most talked romcoms
What alternative universe are you from?

I stopped giving a shit about Yahari years ago. And yes, Fumino isn't even the most popular girl for a reason. She's the epitome of cliche and predictable.

How that fuck would that happen when the Mangadex has Anidex up as a sister site the hosts torrents. You can even get JAV there for christ sake. Not to mention that Doki has been in the business for years.

Fuck of I'm not even going into your discussions so leave me alone.

Those series are hardly talked about much except as references these days. Ookami isn't even that old yet but most people have moved on.

JB is retarded as usual.

>things that didn't happen
Things that happen in nearly every thread.

far enough lets wait 'till the end unless we get an ending with no clear winner

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despite what you think in that little head of yours I don't hate Fumino, not in the slightest, in fact I don't hate any character in this series, at most I'm annoyed by Oomori's presence, but he rarely appears so that's a plus, but Fumino has the Yamero Nagasaki aesthetic with the slight twist of her sucking at house chores and the lack of a classic tsundere make her the most obvious choice, literally the safest bet you could do from a writing stand point

Okay, they are still remembered unlike other series that fell into oblivion as soon as they ended.

>I stopped giving a shit about Yahari years ago
Don't worry, I have a strong feeling you'll be in Yahari threads when the time come.
>isn't even the most popular
As if your argument would even change if she was. In fact, you'd surely use it as a point to further support being generic and predictable.

In your head, delusional hater.

Not him but who's the endgame for Yahari right now? The author keeos delaying the ending.

>literally the safest bet you could do from a writing stand point
That's exactly why I think 22i won't do it. There's no point in dragging the mystery out this long if you're going to go FIRST GIRL WINS LOL anyways.

I'll be to see how Yukino wins as everyone expected, but I'm not invested in any of those characters anymore. Sorry.
Fumino not being the most popular proves how people aren't particularly fond of her, and her winning wouldn't make this manga special or memorable in any capacity.

Ah. The main girl panel. 22i is not even subtle anymore,

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>pantylines through sweatpants
>pantylines through pencil skirt
that's not how it works, right?

Fumino a shit

Rizu doesn't agree.

Remembered by some, but not actually one of the most talked are two different things. Bokuben has a lot of shitposting and autism, so it's bound to be remembered too.

Feels good to be an Akichad.

She's pregnant with Nariyuki's child and had to drop from school to be a single mother.

So she hates herself because by having a better understanding of people's feelings, she now discovers jealousy?

Saekano was shitposted to hell and back too, but its presence now is null compared to TWGOK and Ookami.

depends how tight and thin your clothes are I guess
sensei's ass also puts maximum strain on her fabrics

I want to be Fumino.


Rizu has brain problems.
She'll probably fix them by the end of the arc.

I would actually loved that panel if the flashback wasn't so sad.

Ehh do you want to be shit?

I hope you make it, then I can marry you.

you want to be beat?

you don't see Toradora threads every day either, a romcom is remembered if it's used as reference in romcoms discussions, be it because it was good or a trainwreck is another deal, if Fumino wins this series would have nothing to make it stand out, aside of the little trivia of having an older girl as the most popular character but that point is moot when discussing other series with different premises
countless romcoms come and go every year yet only a few are referenced, the rest are forgotten and thrown into a shapeless blob of perpetual cliches that make the genre so fucking predictable, that would happen to this series if Fumino wins

It's still Yukino. Loner end is still possible, though less as likely.

I doubt it. The shitstorm Yahari will bring is not something you can avoid unless you decided to fuck off Yea Forums for a time. Fumino is the second most popular, not far from Mafuyu. But sure, whatever you say.

Sensei winning would make this series legendary.

And 22i, based director, and inevitably Nariyuki.

I bet she would still love Fumino at the end of the arc maybe more.

Uruka too.

I-is that Rizumom?

Attached: rizumom.png (58x70, 5K)

It's funny because it's true.

So Mafuyu is our last hope.

Oh yeah I forgot we have the "mysterious kisser".

I'm exclusively invested in manga romcoms now, so I'll be no big deal.
Fumino can barely beat Uruka in popularity, the new poll will put her even farther from the first place.

Ogata? More like Ogutter

>Grandma is more relevant than the mom.

Or realize she's a rival she has to snip in order to win the moebowl.

>we've known each other for six months
this an awkward time to shoehorn this information for the readers.

Nigga wat. Toradora is almost like a classic and is in a different league. It's one of the few romcoms that still get threads and is able to generate discussions nearly a decade since the anime came out.

She would still love her, she would be her rival not her enemy.

And? You don't read romcoms? Girls still love their rivals there.

Uruka a shit.


She wouldn't have that absurd worship of her in her mind anymore. Also, love, really?

Yes, love. People love their friends.

Nope, in reality.

Actually no.
A lesbian pairing becoming canon in JUMP of all magazines will lessen the shitstorm somehow

Fumino is either the end game or the end boss, holy shit.

Attached: aFV622d.gif (573x319, 1013K)

Using the word 'love' carries romantic connotations though.

It feels out of place
I don't think it's normal to say out of the blue how long you've been friends.

She can't win, the peoblem with sensei is that her chapters are isolated, at least when it's about romance, a victory for her would come from the left field for the other girls.

How fucking dare you

Attached: mad.png (409x195, 48K)

How? There's different types of love. People also love their family and they don't want to fuck them most of the time

Uruka a best

Attached: 1559411938904.jpg (1273x1237, 230K)

You're trying too hard. Realistically, waifufags only care about their girl. If their girl didn't win then they aren't going to talk or care about the series much anymore. If Sensei wins, course her fan will talk about it and definitely be smug and gloating while the hype hasn't faded into oblivion yet. A year or two, three tops from now will have her fans trying to keep it burning, but in the end oblivion is all that awaits.

a being a shit.

Yes but using love just like that, especially in a romcom thread, can only mean one thing.

That's a cute udon eating face
Udon still a shit though. Worst noodle.

Attached: fuminudon.png (790x488, 266K)

That's Fumino

>t. sobafag

you need to go back

>barely beat

It will be one of the few harems where a teacher won

To think that Sawako now has a contender from the same side.

exactly, one of the most remembered romcoms ever gets occasional threads at best, Madoka and Eva get threads daily, even if they are samey (literally over 2 decades worth of arguments wasted on just 2 girls) or just plain shit as is the case with Madoka threads.
so you have to adjust the popularity accordingly

Girls can't love girls like that. It's haram

That's the same for every girl. It's not until now that Rizu is realizing how well Fumino gets along with Nariyuki and drama ensues. If they were to realize how close he's with Sensei, similar drama would originate

>urukafag joins the voice chat
>sirens in the distance
>dogs barking
>loud portuguese shouting

>sports bra
Cute flat

of all the noodles in the world
including the ones made by the italians
why stick to udon?
get a new tongue

Fumino actually reminds me of Ukyo from Ranma 1/2, and that's why I'm pretty sure she won't win. If MC-kun is using you to get advice on how to deal with other girls, you lose. I think Fumino's final POV chapter will be realizing how she's put herself in a non-romantic box. Uruka ran into that trap headlong when Nariyuki asked her for advice on Mafuyu's skating dilemma.

If anything I think it'd be worse with sensei because Miharu would show up and call him onii-chan or something.

Attached: 1420855399204.jpg (1000x1260, 874K)

Yes. Fumino is way closer to Uruka than she is to Sensei in the poll.

Cute fatty.

Attached: fat.png (134x213, 23K)

Sawako is a good girl, she would support Rizu even knowing that a Fumino victory would take down her 2 rivals.

I'm more of a Ramen person.

It would. It's never gonna happen but it would. People would speak about this series for years to come.

This. And Sawako and Miharu complete the top 5.

Attached: 06.png (902x1300, 421K)

Oh how convenient, a """"""""ramenfag"""""""" magically shows up to shit all over udon and we're just supposed to believe you?

This is why no one likes you sobafags

Uruka friends also know that they have good chemistry, and Asumi might think that Fumino feels something for Nariyuki but she doesn't care.

I like your optimism but its falsely placed in 22i.

Why is Uruka so dark?

user you're comparing 2 of the biggest anime with a sucessful romcom. Are you an idiot. One of then even affected a whole generation of anime viewers and started the whole latenight anime movement.

I haven't even gotten to a soba shop in my life. There are no known sobashops in our area
I'm sure soba is not worse than fucking udon though

Asumi is too busy pushing Nariyuki with Sensei

No user.
Just imagine if they get caught by Oomori/Ikeda of all people
She'll get fired.
He'll get suspended.

It's not, it's tasty buckwheat noodles. Soba and ramen are both better than udon. I have no idea wtf is wrong with nip tastebuds.

Good thing you still have eyes then.
That's expected.

or Tsutsui going rogue and completely changing the tone of the manga with sudden aliens, time travelers, we already have canon ghosts so espers are already a possibility, add some yakuza arranged marriage and a 20 chapter long rape scene for good measure and we're good to go

Udon is literally the same as Shanghai noodles, that being said it's still tasty.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.55_[2019.06.15_20.08.47] (1920x1080, 204K)

Fumino winning would be like Aika winning in Shomin Sample. People would be incredibly disappointed that the main girl won only due to metashit while the other girls that were the more popular and superior choices, with more development and chemistry with the MC, lost just because. If Miyuki or Karen had won instead people would remember it much more fondly. Here, if Sensei, Rizu or Uruka won instead, Bokuben would be better remembered as well.

>Sawako waited for 3 YEARS just to be close to the Udon
>Fumino just had to take a tutor session with Rizu to charm her
Tick Tock Sawako


that's my point, the romcom fandom is it's own microcosm, chances are that you've called the same person a man of culture in one series' thread and an irredeemable faggot in other series, so being used as reference is how most romcoms are remembered

That's not comparable. Shomin Sample was one of those series that shill other girls a lot more than Aika. Plus, AIka's personality leaves a lot to be desired. And not only was Aika not popular, but her ending was one a lot of people didn't see coming.

fucking god damn, my heart

Sawako will be there to catch the rebound.

Rizu is a main girl as well so by your logic of "main girl = bad" then is the same case as Fumino.

>just had to includes Rizu and even Uruka when they are less popular
You just couldn't hold back any longer, could you hater?

It would be worth it.

Attached: 1511751476957.jpg (1030x1200, 280K)

this is canon as far as i'm concerned

Attached: x17.jpg (900x1277, 291K)

Both of them will die of poverty
We need to have a sustainable future scenario here


This guy is trying super hard to sound sophisticated when all that matters is he doesn't like Fumino.

Fear the foom

Will this arc end with a formal declaration of War between the two starting leads?

there can only be one main girl

Let's hope so.

Attached: 1535254492313.png (172x130, 18K)

There won't be any war. Tsutsui already portrayed Rizu as the cucked loser and she will root for Fumino after the arc.

the post he is replying to isn't mine, like I said, I don't hate Fumino, but her winning would be so part of the course that it would be inoffensive, it wouldn't be impactful

Well, here's two and it was like that since the start.

Mafuyu maxed out the Nariyuki boner meter way back in chapter 34. All of her arc since then has been developing the other parts of a relationship.

And Fumino's personality doesn't leave a lot to be desired?
>logic of "main girl = bad"
That's not my logic at all.
It's not only popularity. Read again.
Or maybe you know I'm right. It's fine to like Fumino but let's not pretend she's what makes the manga interesting or that she isn't overshadowed hard by other girls.

If played well, at the end of the arc we may know the winner of the game.

We are within 100 days of graduation...

Mafuyu can't win.
because she already won months ago

this arc will be about Rizu winning self-confidence, and part of that will be her realizing that she is also special to Yuiga

The end of this arc will be Rizu figuring out how Fumino feels about him

>and part of that will be her realizing that she is also special to Yuiga
maybe Nariyuki himself will have to tell her so

Absolutely correct you cheeky bastard.

Attached: mafuyu nariyuki shirt.png (420x275, 74K)

>If played well
>Ever believing in Tsutsui
Even if I'm still following the manga I won't count on it.

Who determines if Fumino is interesting or not? That's literally subjetive.

>"I don't hate Fumino, guise"


Pasta is clearly the superior choice.

Noodles are shitty carb. Rice is the patrician choice.

Especially if broken to pieces

Attached: 1560558213391.jpg (720x720, 47K)

One thing is how her fans would rather talk about her winning than literally anything else about her. Sure it tells a lot when they don't talk about the character or what they have done in the story but how the meta narrative will grant them victory instead and how they will celebrate when it happens. A stark contrast from people discussing the other girls.
Believe what you want.

Pretty much all of your points converge on one particular fact, one that isn't nearly as obscure and veiled as you think it is. You really just don't like her. It's fine if you don't like her, but you have been going at it as if what you say is true like a fact instead of opinion.

Absolutely based. Otherfags absolutely BTFO.

The only winning move is not to play.

Oh yes, it's just a matter of opinion, unless it's you shitting on Uruka, that's actually a fact.

>stark contrast from people discussing the other girls.
Literally just your bias. And who are you to treat talking about winning and meta as if they are irrelevant to discussing Fumino?

Potatoes are the true patrician choice.

>trying to be an "intelectual" blinded by bias and hate.

This user has a really high IQ.

Attached: sensei.jpg (964x2910, 1.27M)

>I hate Fumino
>triggered t. Urukabro

Do you even know how you sound right now? You aren't helping your case and give people reasons to doubt you.

>it's the you never ever talk about anything ever except muh meta """senseifag"'"
Cat is out of the bag now.

I barely see people discussing Rizu winning without using the meta narrative as well.

I still don't see the Fumino shot from 115 as better than 102.

Attached: sensei wins the yuigabowl on ice.png (1801x1300, 1.13M)

That's not his point, user.

No bias, it's literally what happens here.
>And who are you to treat talking about winning and meta as if they are irrelevant to discussing Fumino?
More like it's the only thing you can ever talk about. What an interesting character Fumino must be if her fans only treat her as a way to win in a romcom.
Not that guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if more people were aware of this.

I like the shot still
But good for you user for having a nice opinion.

No one really is forcing to

How did Aika win? I remember seeing everyone else having yandere eyes in one of the manga images so aren't they all ploting to kill Aika someday?

They're drowned out by the Fumino winning posts, but Rizufags are discussing Rizu.

sensei ass

Attached: buoyancy.jpg (279x201, 28K)

With this chapter, Rizu is officially the most interesting heroine.

I see the user that family got killed by Fumino is still angry with her. Hope he gets better.

Sensei's ass really wasn't made justice in the anime. They better had leave those animators without a paycheck.

fuck knows i ditched it not long after hearing aika won

She's boycotting these shitty scanlators

Fumino has been close to killing my interest in the manga and that's something not even Uruka has done

How large was your family, user? It must had hurt a lot.

Because it isn't. Mafuyu's shot is the climax of an arc and a beautiful realization for Nariyuki. Fumino's shot is filled with negative emotions from Rizu. Fumino isn't even half as beautiful as Sensei for starters

>Fumino isn't even half as beautiful as Sensei for starters
Correct. Washboard-chan can't compete.

Attached: sensei naked.png (357x1197, 333K)

>Not that guy
Sure, buddy.


I wish Fumino killed my family

He's not allowed to find a character uninteresting?

We all have different opinions, user.

I'm glad you understand.

Attached: 1502987903910.png (300x270, 141K)

This is cute.

Attached: img_icon_1.png (400x400, 98K)

Would you talk all the time about a character you find so unniteresting?

That's how Fuminofags are.

Want to pinch her cheeks.

Calm down user
He's not even implying that

I'm talking about her fans and how they treat her

There's nothing to pinch down there, only bones.

Fumino has the biggest chance of winning here, so I wouldn't blame him for what he said if he finds her uninteresting.

Because all the jokes, discussion, debates, appreciation, and so forth never happened. There's only meta winning talks which means her fans don't like her. You're insane. I love to hear how other girls have discussions that's sooooo different from Fumino that makes you think this.

Does that mean you find her fans interesting?

Remember guise. He doesn't "hate" Fumino.

>Fumino's mom got sick and died
>Fumino passes out more often than not throughout the manga
I hope this isn't going where I think it's going.

Attached: 1559415683936.jpg (1920x1080, 623K)

I want to kiss her beauty mark.

I'm not even saying she's wholly uninteresting, just that she's vastly overshadowed by other girls and definitely not what makes the manga interesting.

I came here for fluff, not feels

inb4 he pulls something out of his ass. Like a certain copypasta from a certain autist for a certain character.

No, annoying and hypocritical sure

So is Rizu going to become a math god now?

Attached: 1559937751083.png (157x157, 32K)

And that's your opinion which is fine.

>passes out
Wait, when did she?

I too think Sensei is uninteresting and vastly overshadowed by other girls. Not hating Sensei btw.

That's objectively wrong.

She's just sleeping not passes out, user.

Good. Why do you keep talking about them and what they do then?

Cause and effect. All the eating she does has got to have its consequences in the end. Law of the universe.

Attached: 14[1].jpg (869x1277, 248K)

"Patricians" basically viewed potatoes as feed for human livestock. Noodles are a hotly debated international art form.

And udon is the black tar heroin to raven's gateway drug

Attached: 1548036786348.png (362x1029, 352K)

Bring it on, fellow autist

Attached: 16~2.png (678x522, 461K)

Getting cancer was supposed to be a joke, you guys ;_;


That's her only option now that she is not part of the study group.

Attached: 1558106128153.png (234x247, 70K)

>There's only meta winning talks which means her fans don't like her
I never remotely implied anything like this. I think you're the insane one, user.
Also, there's plenty of discussion about other girls that doesn't involve muh endgame. You would never participate in them because they don't involve Fumino and winning.

I love Funino

>All the eating she does has got to have its consequences in the end.

That's called pooping.

It's a shame that Fumino became a central part of Rizu's arc. Now anything that Rizu does will only become a pale imitation of Fumino and that pretty much gives her all the flags for endgame, not that she didnt have the already.

Oh and before you ask, I'm a senseifag

Is it Rizu's time to shine?

Attached: puffed cheeks rizu.png (701x763, 387K)

I only mentioned them to illustrate how interesting Fumino must be as a character if most of the talks about her are about meta narratives for her to win.

She sleeps a lot at class because she spend the night looking for her mother star. That's her promise to her mom.

Most fans wouldn't agree.
Uruka winning would make Bokuben memorable as well.

>Fumino aka Hinata-lite will win the bowl
What is with Jump and this lame as shit Hinata/Orihime archetype they like to push?
It's not like it will be a surprise either since Fumino was shilled since the first day on the very first volume cover as the most prominent character.
This already mediocre series became a dumpster fire.

How the fuck is Fumino anything like Hinata or Orihime? What?
The only similar thing I can think of is Orihime eating a lot.

At least at the end of the day Rizu will become a more sympathetic and interesting character than Fumino will ever hope to be. Not everything is winning the MCbowl.


>she's not interesting according to me. See? Her fans never talk about anything except she'll win with related meta. I said so, so it's true. And according to me, that means they don't find her interesting, ergo that sure shows how much they like her
Literally what you're saying and implying, yes.
>plenty of discussions
You didn't answer the question. I wonder why. The same could be said for Fumino but she has an added bonus of discussions related to winning, and that is not a crime. It's clear as day you don't like Fumino and loathe any discussions about her winning, so you resort to this nonsense narrative and push it onto her fans via massive projection and slandering.


Attached: Deadmom hairstyle.jpg (784x1145, 250K)

Nice joke, bro. Everybody knows anime girls don't poop.

Eventually Miharu will ask that question out loud, and then the fun begins.

>Uruka winning would make Bokuben memorable as well.
Most fans wouldn't agree and would hate it.


The shitstorm would make it memorable, whether you like the ending or not.

>Rizu will become a more sympathetic and interesting character than Fumino
Now that I disagree with. Rizu is pretty much just "Want some Udon" and I feel that this arc won't change anything at all.

Blame yourself and your fellow fans for never discussing Fumino's personality, flaws or interests and instead only coming to the threads to gloat about how she's going to win. This thread is living proof.
No, the same cannot be said for Fumino. Following the Saekano comparison made in the previoos thread, Megumi had the most talk and discussion, and none of it had anything to do with her winning. With Fumino it's the opposite. Having the highest chance of winning the MCbowl is her only notable trait.

Blind and delusional.

That outfit looks so lovely. How do I get a Fumino wife?

Visit the cancer ward at your local hospital.

>2 main girls
No shit Sherlock

Fumino is so unniteresting yet why can't I stop talking and making every thread about her bros?

I'm surprised anyone even noticed she was missing, it's not like she had any presence after all

>tfw Fumino will never be your wife

Attached: sad hisu.jpg (244x265, 35K)

New chapter when?

Attached: 1560027872479.jpg (411x377, 70K)

Your sarcasm would make sense if people actually talked about her and not her fags

They didn't have anyone offering udon so they suspected after some days.

the "senseifag" who supports fumino and massively hates rizu is a mainstay in these threads

I would like it because I like Uruka even if she's not my favorite girl.

>nobody made a bukkake joke
Congrats on not going for the low-hanging fruit, Yea Forums.

Anywhere from 6-9 days depending on how much of a nigger JB decides to be this week.

Ugh, I hate Fuminofags so much. Why can't I stop talking and making every thread about them

Fumino and Rizu are 14 on that page and nobody wanted that particular shitstorm.

Why do all the characters suck Fuminos dick so much?
What the fuck is this shit writing?

Now change Fuminofags for Urukafags and bam, there's your problem

Seethe more. Chadmino always wins baby.

I'm glad Rizu agree that Fumino is the best.

Where is people talking about those here?

It's the hack author's way of paving the road for a Fumino end. Since he can't write anything interesting about her character he pulls shit like this. First it was with the hair color change, next it was the hairstyles, and now you have everyone going muh Fumino.

>Fuminofags talk/circlejerk about Fumino
>non-Fuminofags talk about Fuminofags

To make you mad, basically. And it's working.

Fuminofags held back on them this time, surprisingly


Go back to /snk/, my fellow EHbro.

This could have been avoided had Rizu stayed fixed.

Attached: fixedrizu.png (930x1300, 478K)



I want to marry a Furuhashi. I don't care which one.

hard pass

Attached: 1560461395213.png (609x523, 114K)


Attached: sensei wanwan.png (800x500, 21K)

>I'm pretty sure she won't win. If MC-kun is using you to get advice on how to deal with other girls, you lose
That should be the case shouldn't it? The problem is Nariyuki doesn't seem to treat any of the girls like serious romantic interests. Which gets annoying to be honest, because if it's not gonna happen soon enough the ending will be forced no matter what. Inb4 What about sensei: No he doesn't see her as a romantic interest either. There was nothing to indicate that. No matter how close they seem to the reader or to any 3rd party really doesn't matter if he isn't going to acknowledge that and he never did.

>Rizu is a Rizu hater and a Fuminofag
>the Ibara club
Tsutsui is incredibly meta. I suspect he reads our threads sometimes.

Attached: 1555356435767.png (308x423, 85K)

Nino a SHIT
Fuck off

How many chapters left until the manga ends?

So you still choose to avoid answering the question to validate your so called stark contrast comparison. Yeah, it's beyond obvious now you're bullshitting and trying to convince even yourself. Bokuben isn't a deep and thought-provoking series. People don't create lengthy write ups or delve into intellectual pseudo discussions into the characters' actions and psyche. Vast majority of discussions go as far as calling girls cute, listing traits, and talking about why people like them. Praising body is the further from that and Fuminofags do that less than Urukafags and Senseifags. But of course you wouldn't know, or rather choose to ignore any Fumino related talks unless it to hate her and when you are triggered by mentions of winning and relevant meta.

>Inb4 What about sensei: No he doesn't see her as a romantic interest either. There was nothing to indicate that.

Unknown. We have about three months of in-universe time.

Attached: mafuyu maid blush.png (897x1300, 503K)

Attached: 1551813718223.png (492x675, 195K)

There are multiple foreshadowing in this page. Can anons spot them all?

Fuminohaters are tsundere for Fumino.

Harem MCs tend to break through their denseness/obliviousness by the end anyway. Usually, they fall for the girls they've spent the most time with or are closest with, which would point towards a Sensei end if you exclude every meta narrative that's against her.

>he thinks lust for the sake of shit comedy is the same as romantic interest
Fuck off out of here senseifag

I'm not that user but I doubt you can even call that romantic. He gets flustered with every other girl too.

Fumino is best wife?


Fumino is my wife.

Cute couple

Attached: 15606472d46318.jpg (406x351, 53K)

I bet you're an Irohafag.

No, we are here to stay with our ally.

>if you exclude every meta narrative that's against her.
[Fuminofags didn't like that.]

>I'm not that user but I doubt you can even call that romantic.
OK, how about this?

Attached: nariyuki confesses to mafuyu.png (927x1300, 407K)

You're the one exaggerating and implying I ever considered this to be a DEEP series. No, people don't need to have long, intellectual and detailed discussions about their favorite girls, just not relying on meta shit to validate their tastes is enough, which is what Fuminofags do all the time. They also talk about things that happened in the manga and discuss them, while for Fuminofags the only value about them is what their meta narrative deems as valid for their win. I wasn't even talking about body praising which Fuminofags do on a greater basis than everyone else with muh DFC.

>bringing up Fuminofags again.

user, you want to fuck one? Be sincere.

We broke THK

-playing wife --> inevitable in the future
-shadowed serious face --> wants to make the most out of the time we have left
>same hairstyle as her mom --> will be dead soon

What ally?
Ninofags from 5toubun threads prefer Sensei

No, Uruka is objectively the best wife. Sorry.

Attached: 1554622656812.png (729x500, 513K)

>Fuminofags talk/circlejerk about Fumino
>Othergirlfags talk about their favorite girls
I finally found it. A way to improve this thread.

So this is the power of the foom? Truly best girl. It’s amazing how Fumino makes everyone seethe, just like Nino and Yukino, best girl of their respective series and future winners.


Childbearing hips.

>Fuminofags talk/circlejerk about Fumino
They do that when their safe space isn't treatened, if not they will engage in the meta shit to defend themselves

Good luck with that.

>everyone missing
She killed them all?

It's true. Everytime the council images are posted over there most of them choose Sensei as their Bokuben

The last time that happened, it didnt work.

A fitting end for Kusoben

>chop chop chop

That's what Mizuki and twins get for messing with the a cup.

Where are the stitches?

Pretty sure it's almost always Fumino/Nino/Sagiri

Based 乃 alliance.

No, Fumino is the Houki, Aika, Lisha and pretty much every other unpopular main girl that wins by default

Can't you read? Explaining to you why it isn't deep and thought-provoking was to put things into perspective. The follow-up argument perfectly refutes what you're implying about what other fans do but Fumino fans don't, which is bullshit since they do all of that too. The quickest example would be to look at Fumino's arc threads, but I know you won't do even that.
>meta shit
Just more proof that you only care about focusing on meta and talks of winning, which doesn't even happen account for a third of all related Fumino postings since day 0. We get it, you hate her and since you can't deny that she will win, you take it to heart and lash out.
>greater basis
Nobody will believe this. You have Urukafags who have copypasta and go on about great body. And guess who usually start discussions about body and opinions with skelly and looking like a boy? Not Fuminofags, obviously.

That thread is why I'll always hate Fuminofags and their shitty victim complex

Oh noes.

Attached: 1535033289300.jpg (542x767, 96K)

The kanji of the winners

Seethe more

See this thread
That Fumino/Nino alliance is a meme

So, is the next chapter going to have a lot of Fumino too?


lust is at the root of all romance

>isolated thread
What's stopping you from doing it again?

It’s just an anime mate. Relax.

Not possible with THK around.

nah some of them really loathe her.

I hope so.

Does it matter? Thread will be about Fumino and Fuminofags again.

Attached: D7Pd7oaVUAEOz-W.jpg (1660x935, 111K)

Why would I do it again if I never did it in the first place?

Can you understand the point at all? Other fans can talk about meta or praise their girls' bodies, but that's not the only thing they ever do unlike Fuminofags.
I'm not denying Fuminofags discussed her character back in the day, but those days are long gone. Just look at your other fellow Fuminofags in here, all they talk about is winning while other fans talk about current and past events of the manga.

Now post threads where Urukafags or Senseifags don't complain or shit on Fumino and her fans because they can go about minding their business.

Pick one.

Its nice that you don't even bother to mention Rizufags since they are all long gone

You mean the Fumino arc threads where you were allowed to circlejerk all you wanted?

>Just look at your other fellow Fuminofags in here, all they talk about is winning
user, are you blind?

I pick all four.

There's the I love Rizu guy and I want to believe he is not a shitposters since I like him.

Rizufags are on suicide watch since this arc confirmed that Rizu will lose hard

Urubros.. Senseibros.. THK.. you told me that Rizu was going to win, what happened? Why is Fumino winning so hard? I hate this so fucking much and I want to kill myself. Foomchads..... They are laughing at us again. Help... I can’t stand this anger anymore . I hate myself and I feel betrayed by the author.. it’s not that I cared about Rizu but I can’t stand Fumino winning, I HATE THIS FUMINO A SHIT!!!!!

90% of their posts are about it, just look at this guy


And STILL you dodged the point and refuse to answer. How long do you think you can keep lying to even yourself?
>Other fans can talk about meta or praise their girls' bodies, but that's not the only thing they ever do unlike Fuminofags.
>I'm not denying Fuminofags discussed her character back in the day, but those days are long gone.
Either prove it once and for all with valid comparisons that isn't you nitpicking , or shut up and quit proving what people say about you already.
>all they talk about is winning while other fans talk about current and past events of the manga.
Let's see. Rizufags got the ball rolling about Fumino being the winner since the chapter dropped and we see that again. Fuminofags respond in kind and basically don't disagree and accept the signs. But right, being happy about that, among everything else going on in here, is a crime in your insane hater-filled world.

Sorry bro, we didn't know the power of shitty cliches and shitty writing was so strong

>a post that mocks him
Are you a retard?



meant for


That post was made by a Fuminofag though.

>1 minute
Isn't that too obvious, user?

Attached: 1546907657919.jpg (296x324, 49K)

This unironically is what goes through THK's mind except he's an Urukafag.

And he's mocking you, retard.

Exactly, because he can't literally talk about anything else about Fumino. Retard.

That's not how mocking works, retard. He's mocking you, so in truth it's you who CAN'T TALK about anything else except Fumino and bitching about her winning.

THK btfo

I still don't understand why that user talks about Fumino and Fuminofags all the time if he hates them so much. There's literally no explanation for this.


Because he is THK.

Wow, Fumino is even better at Rizu's job than Rizu herself.

Attached: 1503546755762.png (376x376, 98K)

Based chadmino destroying the competition and making THK seethe at the same time.

Was there even any doubt?

Attached: 1535083055091.png (500x477, 285K)

Fumino is a genius at literature, dramas, and memorizing lines. Customer service and reading cues is her forte.

So? That's still a post made by a Fuminofag who can't think about anything that isn't Fumino winning. Literally proving me right.

Based 22i strikes again.

You're done.

>comments or actions that are intended to make somebody/something seem ridiculous

You're making this an overly convoluted argument just to justify Fuminofags never being able to talk about anything that isn't meta shit because her character doesn't go beyond that.
>Either prove it once and for all with valid comparisons that isn't you nitpicking , or shut up and quit proving what people say about you already.
This thread is enough proof of that. Anyone who isn't blind would see it.
No, Fuminofags just swoop in to gloat about winning. They're not even talking about the chapter itself. That's a fact.

All these shitflinging
and nobody even talks about the moeboy

Attached: moeb.png (539x447, 131K)

And both Uruka and Rizu say she's amazing! Hell, Rizu seethes that she isn't Fumino. Why do other girls even bother?

He is shitposter who is also in Toubun/Saekano threads, among others, who has an unhealthy obsession with tsunderes. He tends to pick the third heroine to shitpost and also form nonexistent “alliances” with the most popular fanbase to hate on X Tsundere girl.


I even accepted that he was mocking because he can't do anything else. Why're you so retarded?


this is all your fault, if you haven't realized it yet
If you only went with Uruka that time
This would've been axed and forgotten already.

Goddamn I love very girl in this manga

Attached: Fumino.jpg (872x757, 201K)

Tell me more, this time without the tinfoil hat please.

>he mocks me who can't stop talking about muh fumino like a retard
>why do you guys make fun of me wah

He kissed Rizu and didn't take responsibility and marry her. Now she hates herself. Fuck off.

That's why she loves her

Unsurprisingly another thread ruined by Fuminofags

Don’t argue with THK. He is literally incapable of moving forward during a discussion.

Finally you got a better example
Not every sensei chapter has hints of romantic interest with the MC
The tunnel vision [x]fags show
I swear

And you still don't realize that you're proving me right. Your mockery is fueled by Fumino "winning", because that's all you care about. Fucking retard.

Need a safespace thread?

He's a generic "lol such a good guy XD" MC. There's not much to say.

>overly convoluted argument
No, that's you. The simple fact you have yet to back up a single argument to claims you make says everything about your conviction and powers of persuasion. Basically zero.

This thread is filled with a lot of posts that are typical of most Bokuben threads. It literally does nothing new to threads from early spring, last winter, last summer, or even from 2017 threads. But sure, go ahead and point every Fumino posts in this thread and compare them to posts from other fans.
>not even talking about the chapter itself
Literally you because you rather bitch and complain than to talk about a chapter that praises Fumino. Meanwhile, there are plenty who make positive and humorous posts for Fumino that has little to do with meta and win, not that talking about winning is bad at all.

No, but maybe Fuminofags need it since they start crying hater and sperg out the moment anyone says anything bad about Fumino.

You mean you, THK.

fuck off


There, I'm mocking you since you are so obsessed with winning.

Fumino is so amazing even the girls love her, want to be her, and are disgusted to even think of loving a man that Fumino loves. Wow, I wonder what the author means by this development.


Attached: backstory.png (156x156, 19K)

>Google cpatcha literally prevented me from posting
She's my most disliked character and she's still so good.

Attached: ogata riichan.jpg (781x987, 222K)

You can say that all you want, I'm just pointing out that that's all you care about
Keep sperging.

>He kissed Rizu and didn't take responsibility and marry her. Now she hates herself.
wtf I love Yuiga now

Don’t waste your time with THK.

No, fucking retard. It is YOU who are hater's obsession with muh winning and can't let go. You got mocked for it. Take it like a man and deal with it.

I wasn't even the user you were talking too, just joined because you are kind of retarded but I guess there's no point.

Looks like he's right. You want a safespace thread.


That's definitely her best feature.

>THK is utterly and completely BTFO
This is going in my sweet personal archive.

It would've balanced her boring personality that's for sure.

>I-I wasn't him
Sugoi defense

Foom makes user-kun foam.

>No u
I guess you're done

It’s truly satisfying.

Defense of what?

>Fuminofags spamming muh THK
>btfoing anyone

Calm down THK. Go to bed.

>playing dumb

See, you did it again!

Of your defenseless anus, THK.

No, seriously. Defense of what?

Rizu is supposed to be autistic. I thought autists are supposed to have greater-than-normal ability to details and to focus on tasks that they take an interests in?

Rizu is a fake autist. Reiji is the true one.

I guess Rizu doesn't like udon as much as Fumino the Glutton.

That means Fumino is best girl.

That you're a clueless moron

Autistic Reiji is based and moe.

Reminder the fuminospammer Is the ninospammer

Ninobro here. Fumino a best, THK a shit.

This thread is here for anyone to see. Not a single talk abuot Fumino's character, only posts about her winning and mocking others. Your fanbase only sees her as a way to shitpost as winners of a romcom. I'm sure you also like her body, but you never talk about her character of what she's done in the manga either, unlike other fans who do so on a consistent basis.

And I'm not denying that the post is mockery, retard, but it only proves me right about Fuminofags being unable to think about anything else.

She's cute.

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Fumino's harem is coming realer and realer. My yuri goggles are ready.

>Ninobro here
Post discarded

Foomfags are so mean ... I want to cry.

>muh can't talk about anything else
>literally half the thread is not even talking about except HIM who makes a big fucking deal over it because it triggers him
End yourself.

What a great thread, THK getting absolutely BTFO is based

>the absolute state of these threads

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Blessed thread. I can’t believe I used to defend him in Saekano threads.

THK is everywhere
I must fight him and protect the name of my waifu

Indeed it is and anyone can see that you are full of shit. You refused multiple times to actually prove your claims. Not a single one even though it should be so easy given what you accuse Fuminofags of doing. Hell, you can't even support bullshit claims you make for OTHER fans. Once again, your obsessions and warped hatred makes you go full retard and tunnel vision to everything but your narrative that only seeks to shitpost girls you hate and slander their fans.

Unironically this. Mai nigga.

Better than 5toubun and, ironically, kaguya threads

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>Mai nigga
Mai a best. Futaba a shit.

Most people would agree.