>you'll never be Asian and be such a light weight due to genes you can get drunk from just beer
Im so tired of drinking whole bottles of vodka to get drunk.
>you'll never be Asian and be such a light weight due to genes you can get drunk from just beer
Im so tired of drinking whole bottles of vodka to get drunk.
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Getting drunk is for normalfags.
It's not just weight. It's partially genetics with Europeans having an innate resistance.
what isn't
I'm a white girl and I get sloshed off of one beer.
alcoholic retard, take a tolerance break
Actually it kinda sucks. But it depends I got to build up my tolerance once but it wasn't worth it and lost a lot of money I could have done other things with.
fucking THIS
I despise vodka, but I still have to get lots of it before I get drunk, and beer just doesn't do anything
battle harems.
Would it be worth the 3 inch penis, OP?
I have Asian friends with such a high sensitivity that like three sips of beer makes them violently ill for hours.
Fuck that, no thanks.
I like rumplemintz, 50% alcohol and tastes like listerine.
Also like 40 grams of sugar per shot.
That stuff has caused three of my top 5 hangovers by itself.
that's already 1/2 normie
>I have Asian friends with such a high sensitivity that like three sips of beer makes them violently ill for hours.
I thought this was just an anime/manga gag. "This liqueur spilled on my shirt and I'm dizzy from just the fumes."
Yeah that's the only thing I don't like about it. But when I do throw up from drinking a pint and a half then all I taste is mint, which makes it not as bad. Gets the job done and gets it done fast
Japanese also often have a slight allergic reaction to alcohol, when I was in Japan they advertised medicine that was supposed to help with it.
>Drink lots of alchohol
>Get tolerance
>"fucking genetics won't let me get drunk!!!"
Next time post while sober
IsnĀ“t smoking weed easier?
I was shocked to learn about this too, but yes, very real.
It's nice if you drink solely at home, but if you're like Asians where you mostly drink in business settings or with your buddies, it can suck.
Weed is disgusting and smells awful.