I said it 10 or 11 years ago and I'll say it now.
This old dead nigger isn't anime or manga, fuck off.
I said it 10 or 11 years ago and I'll say it now.
Fuck off.
I said it 10 or 11 years ago and I'll say it now.
Dumb, uppity nigger.
Seemed liked a cool dude, probably dead by now. Hope he rests in peace.
Made me look...
you're right, let's talk about isekai or shipping shonen characters.
Wrongs done by others do not justify your own wrongdoings.
Yea Forums always had people it loved, so long as it doesn't overwelm the board I don't see an issue. When was the last time you saw a Jii-san thread user?
I don't know what's more sad, you pretending that you're an oldfag or you actually being here for that long and still getting mad over threads that don't even last that long rather than the countless crossboarder threads that will stay up for days.
>rather than
Are you mentally ill? You seem to have imagined a scenario which has not occurred nor has been implied in any capacity.
> 2010
>really believes is an oldfag
Are you really trying to imply crossing boarding isn't an issue user? Have you been outside of threads you yourself have posted within the last 5 years?
Now this is projecting
Nobody said "I am an oldfag" and nobody said anything about other shitty threads currently on Yea Forums
>2010 was 9 years ago
Holy fuck what the shit
I think it was 2011 or something when Yea Forums really started getting overrun by newfags, I remember the post counter literally doubled within a single year.
Stay dedicated, user. Nothing is more admirable than letting nothing change you but yourself.
>I said it 10 or 11 years ago and I'll say it now.
How is that not trying to gain clout by saying you are an oldfag? What did he imply he said it on gaia online or something?
I hope you die.
Ah sorry. I forgot you new users are incredibly insecure about being an absolute cancer upon this site. Next time I'll just say "not anime, fuck off" as to not hurt their feelings.
>he's still trying to pretend he's an oldfag
>nobody said "I am an oldfag"
>you did say you are an oldfag
>f-fuck off
Who are you quoting?
Haha just kidding but seriously why are you so upset over being told your offtopic garbage is not anime & manga? Why not just post on Yea Forums where you belong?
RIP based uncle /out/ Yea Forumsutist, I bet the skinwalkers got him while he was strolling innawoods.