This has to be the saddest Gundam series and I'm not talking about just the ending...

This has to be the saddest Gundam series and I'm not talking about just the ending. It has very depressive atmosphere all around and feels far more opressive to watch than the rest.

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That second op, man. Always brings me to tears.

Never expected Kamille to turn into a potato

it's definitely dark

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Victory does sadness much better.

I couldn't make it through ZZ for this very reason

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I'm watching Victory and I don't really care about anyone (yet)

anime ja nai

I think Victory is more of shock value kind of deal.

And you won't, they die before you are given a reason to care about them. To this day I remember only very few names of main cast.

0080 is the king but if we're talking just full length and not OVAs then I'm with There's absolutely a shock value factor but I don't think a single good thing happens to any character at any point in Victory

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They do though, Marbet marries, the black hair kid there hooks up with hottest chick, Shakti and Uso survive.

It's just Marbet's husband dies immediately after he impregnates her and that black hair kid dies. Other than that, happy things do happen.

Katz dying was comedy gold though.

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Pretty sure Tomino wrote Zeta while depressed himself.

>Write while depressed
>It's a masterpiece

>Write Greco while not depressed
>It's a clisterfuck

Isn't the depression gundam Victory?

Greco is a masterpiece though.

Make a new GOOD Gundam already old man

>tfw Tomino might not live to make another new gundam
God damn, I would love another wild ride like Greco.

You're making me sad


No, that's Victory.

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