Overlord thread

Is Maruyama a lost cause now?

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Yep. He's gone the way of GRR Martin. He's no longer capable of writing his flagship franchise.

Does Nazarick ever get any decent enemies?

They all got buried under new "plot lines"

I just started watching this and It seems pretty fun but everyone keeps saying It goes to shit later, fuck.

Of all the characters in overlord, why the fuck would someone choose Entoma for a tattoo?

Well only degenerates get tattoos, so trying to understand their thoughts in choosing one is wasted.

What happened? Did the series jump the ship?

>"Seriously, my energy to keep writing is slipping away. I'm thinking of returning to being an office worker after Overlord. I think I may reduce the amount of volumes to 17 for now."
>"Sorry to everyone with good feelings. Anyways, finishing 16 volumes will be tough, I'll be taking it slow and easy."

Bug fag went too far this time.
They do and are out there, but you are more likely to die than ever fucking seeing them thanks to Maruyama.

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>>"Seriously, my energy to keep writing is slipping away. I'm thinking of returning to being an office worker after Overlord. I think I may reduce the amount of volumes to 17 for now."
> >"Sorry to everyone with good feelings. Anyways, finishing 16 volumes will be tough, I'll be taking it slow and easy."
Could he be... trolling, perhaps?

Considering how mediocre the Holy Kingdom arc was, I'll agree to this if volume 14 ends up as a disappointment after this long wait.

Does the hair on your arm grow back when you get a tattoo?

Next message will be him saying he's wrapping up the story in 15 volumes.

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Perhaps, his responses seem extremely odd and unrealistic.

Also, how the fuck is he planning to wrap this series up by vol 17, when the plot is constantly being pushed back, in favor of developing shitty characters who always die by the end of the volume?

>would rather go back to being a office wage slave than write.
Why does this always happen

Who else did it happen to?

Some people would rather be told what to do than to think for themselves, it creates a sense of comfort when the responsibility of your daily life is in the hands of others.

I'm think (hoping) he is trolling (I refuse to being anyone can be this stupid), since I have known some japs who have finally quit the job since it was fucking stressful and they hated it, then settled for a low paying job which they enjoyed.

>imagine liking working in an office
japs are truly workaholic subhumans

>i have no idea what to do with the story
>but haven't made enough money to retire

Office work is a lot better in countries other than Japan. But wanting to be a Japanese salaryman is definitely masochism.

Job security and quite possibly less disappointed relatives.


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Holy Kingdom was fun.

His relatives are disappointed in him?

Actually, this is the fate of many LN authors.
>Start a WN series for fun.
>Small but loyal fanbase that loves your work.
>Someone like Kadokawa picks you up and makes you a big LN
>Fanbase gets bigger, but it's still manageable
>Then they decide to give you an anime
>Suddenly your audience gets 100 times bigger, and includes gaijins.
>Suddenly a lot of people have super high expectations for something you started for shits and giggles.
>You also run out of old WN material
>Fan expectations get bigger and bigger
>You are too scared to continue, because every mistake you make will piss people off.
>So you start taking longer with the volumes, until you basically go on indefinite hiatus.
A lot of authors have fallen for a variantation of this story. Haruhi author for example also started to write something he was interested in and found fun. Then it was turned into the biggest franchise of the 00's, and the pressure got to him and he just kinda gave up.

Alright guys, you have to end Overlord in 4 volumes. How do you end it?

That’s what happened to re zero

>How do you end it?

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In the end, we truly were the Overlords.

That’s not shalltear

Shalltear is flat, unfit to be a mother.

>No Ainz
>You were the NPC
>And then Ainz was the NPC

It’s a vampire baby. It doesn’t need breastmilk

>True Vampires are like giant mosquitoes
>The female has to drink obscene amounts of blood to feed her young.. which she stores in her chest (breasts)
What now?

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new volume when??

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Keep asking and he'll reduce the number of volumes again

Why this has to happen to us, overlordbros? Other writers just release their mediocre shit for 30-40 volumes and keep going.

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>Have a volume that introduces all the characters who can possibly take on Nazarick. They decide that Ainz has got to go, so they put together a team that consists of the strongest beings in NW, and most other characters who we have been introduced to.
>Next volume will be them planning the attack on Nazarick, while Ainz has a nice moment of calm before the storm with his underlings. Then the attack starts.
>Basically the final two Volumes are one big invasion of Nazarick, where the invaders do their best to clear the floors, while the NPC's all get to show off and have a badass moment here and there. Ainz's side wins ofcourse.

He just ran out of ideas, so he wants to use something as a scapegoat for his lack of enthusiasm. Basically he doesn't feel like it, so he blames the fans for ruining it and geta away scott free. I wonder if his comments have hurt the Overlord franchise. I have heard that a lot of people lost interest after they saw his tweets.

What did he say exactly? Anyway blaming the fans in anything doesn't seem like a very good idea.

In my opinion she has the best aesthetics of any Overlord character.
That's why she's my favorite.

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These writers that started with web novels are not hardened professionals, they likely have not learned much in the way of PR beyond their common sense.

>wake up tied to some sci-fi hospital pod
>shocked by his Humie body
>In front of him monitors displaying different regions of the NW
>one of those monitors has Nazarick in it
>in the confusion of the moment and in the middle of his light year long autistic inner monologue of his current situation Satoru discovers he can still use Momonga's magic
>escapes the Mega-corporations facility
>uses illusion magic to change his face and body
>"In the end, they truly were the Overlords"
>he becomes the MC of Maruyama's next romcom

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>Maruyama makes Overlord a public utility
W-what now?

Nice tat

Bi yearly release
Overlord is the friend we made along the way

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He started bitching about the bonus vol from s3 being pirated even though it was behind a $300 paywall + full price purchase after you bought all the BD volumes.
Now he wants to end the series earlier to not give people more content.

I would like to know as well. I hear something about the Lich being 200 years into the future or something like that.

More like the ship is getting mothballed
That's just from the alt universe side story.


While it's always fun to see images of cute maids and vampire lolis did anything new actually happen since the spin off?

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>ran out of idea
He could of have try to explore the guild itself before the series started, like how all the 41 members became guild members, or how they manage to get the tomb as their guild hall. Or he could have just done what Miura did and claim something else was distracting him.

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Why would anything happen? We already know volume 14 has little chances to release late this year and will most like release early next year

It's only been like two months since the spinoff, what do you think?

Ainz straps a number on engines on Nazarick and they go on a space adventure.

Does he even have a penis or sperm for that matter?

This is something the SAO author did right. People shit on his writing, but he never stopped and has continually improved.

Because like Dan Harmon, Maruyama struggles to keep it good till the end.

Entoma is cute! CUTE!

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Yes just not as thick sometimes. Really if you have dark hair it’s best to not get color tats unless you shave often because it will look muddy. If you have light hair it’s fine.

we're 3 seasons and 13 volumes in but so far no players or dragons that killed the players.

She’s interesting at least compared the the other greek letter gals

I always wonder what would happen if any other guildmate was in the same position as Momonga.

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probably get coup'd because they haven't got 1000000000IQ (luck*), the perfect pokerface and an emotional inhibitor

Sex with Evileye.