2 weeks remain until Vol. 5 releases. Here are our latest additions:
Love Dramatic (Kaguya-sama OP): youtube.com/watch?v=PU5xkUtXeTY
shadowgraph (Boogiepop and Others OP): youtube.com/watch?v=D-GPILAzaIY
Zesshou (Symphogear): youtube.com/watch?v=Ug7SL1GT8wc
Gyakkou no Flugel (Symphogear): youtube.com/watch?v=fwQnL2l6rAU
At Nightfall (SAO): youtube.com/watch?v=TA5mIuU2mpw
There are only 5 days left to submit recordings, and several songs are close to completion. Visit okea.moe/ if you'd like to help.
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Yea Forums culture is kinda... yikes. haha
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Quite some Symphogeah since new season soon I guess. And the Boogiepop one is really nice. Next album when?
>being this new
It sure is summer
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I'd do nasty things to kaguya.
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You'd be assassinated before you got the chance
t. fujiwara
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The bloody stream cover on that channel legit gave me goosebumps
This is actually quite bad, holy shit.
Why would you tie her up?
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She's a shit and a cheater
Flute who did Flip Flap here, did it turn out alright?
Its going well, mixing is almost done
It's very nicely played, thanks for the part.
Nice, hope the final product turns out well
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The mix should be posted very soon, so keep an eye out for it. It turned out amazing overall.
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I do not like this cover, user, its smug aura mocks me
So where are the Houseki covers?
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>stealing my youtube shitpost
>already at vol. 5
Fuck you guys are fast.
It's one album every year
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How to spot the newfag 101
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oh fuck
you guys are amazing
i wish i could help somehow
My wife/husband boogie is really cute
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