Which Amagami is best Amagami and why is it All of them

Which Amagami is best Amagami and why is it All of them

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why is amagami so sexual?

Sorry I dont have webms of the other girls Rihokofags are probably used to disappointment however

Attached: 1436461534452.webm (711x400, 1.02M)

Attached: 1484352869934.webm (960x540, 3M)

Nothing sexual here. just wholesome family content

Attached: Sex hair sitting.webm (750x422, 2.77M)

Attached: Amagami Piggyback.webm (900x506, 2.98M)

Attached: Amagami Kaoru.webm (848x480, 1.18M)

Attached: Amagami.webm (848x480, 1.32M)

Come on Yea Forums, didnt you love Amagami?

>guy gets rejected
>literally hides in his closet for a year like a child
Convince me to give this show another chance because I dropped it almost immediately

nothing to hide = amagami = surface of the pool = Nakata Jouji > the source of both joy and rage for hitler > bro chick >> Stacy > shit > stalker

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Yeah there's a reason he got rejected. But that might be considered a spoiler.

Because the girls are great.

I dont remember that reason. remind/spoiler me.

>Yeah there's a reason he got rejected.
I don't give a shit, I care about the fact that he hid in his closet like a 4 year old in time out. I understand isolating yourself if you had something actually traumatic happen, but you can't expect me to take this guy seriously.

If I remember correctly, he got rejected by that girl because Risa/creepy stalker told the girl that "rejected" him that he was waiting somewhere else. I might be fucking up the reasoning.

I like the one with dark hair

are most of them black haired?

>kissing the back of a girl's knee
>kissing a girl's bellybutton
>using a girl's pelvis as a pillow
Pick the most outrageous one.

>nothing to hide at the top of the list
Finally someone with taste

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I will admit, it is not a bad choice.

I choose the kinky option.

I am

All of them are best, but Kaoru is the bestest.

>Nakata Jouji

You mean "Nakata Jouji/Steven Spielberg"

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