
Imagine, no fuck it, I am forcing you to, so I command you to imagine a hot and steamy day, so hot that the the steam sales are on a all time high. The only way to get this hunk of flesh to stop persperating is to shove its pussy vent in front of a draft machine. As the cool draft blows on the pussy meat, the rooms aroma slowly creeps upon everyone sitting in the room. "BAKKA!" The hunky flesh ball cried out, "it's not like I smell or anything..." suddenly after making this comment she realised the mistake she made by saying such an obvious lie. Her face quickly changes pallette from her natural state to a red as bright as her pussyflesh. As her precious oniichan walks into the room, he is immediately dropkicked in the face by the putred smell of a sweaty moshpit filled with thousands of men. He drops to the floor on his knees holding is face
shouting:"what the hell has god put upon this earth to make such a fowl smell?" He looks toward his imoto, in disgust. She replies"BAKAAAAAAAAAAA!" THE END.

Now it is time to hand out the test pamphlets and see what you kiddies learned from today's movie. You have five minutes to finish the test and no cheating allowed. Hand it to my desk when you are done and wait patiently for everyone else to finish. Good luck!!!

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The fuck?

>implying you have more than one waifu

Well that was awful.

Geno i think hes getting in

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No, it was great

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>so hot that the the steam sales are on a all time high
I couldn't get past this part, cringe

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Fucking normie nigger, you should read it, it was a great read. That also was the best part imo

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Veko's rancid unkempt smell would drive me absolutely wild. I don't care how much it makes me want to gag on a superficial level, the mental high of letting it fill my senses would be indescribably good.

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Fuck you

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Aquire intercourse

What I learned in boating school is

Based steamsales

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That's fucking disgusting

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No one's making you do the same, disgustfag

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I like the smells of fluttershys diaper, does that count?

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based beyond belief

Can I report this for being low quality

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video games
i mean anime and mangos

Just... huh?

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Her lips are so big tho

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bosting in ebic thread

Waifu does not mean anime girl.

I know that you fucking normfag. It is the one you hold dearest to your asscheeks. OwO

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the fuck is this shit

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I'm not even sure myself, Appreciate the shitpost though, 8/10 was too confusing, got my dick stuck in my DC drive trying to fuck Tomoyo.

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based shitpost quick someone screencap it before it gets removed