Why haven't you watched Mob Psycho yet, Yea Forums?
Why haven't you watched Mob Psycho yet, Yea Forums?
I don't watch yaoi.
I'm not a fujoshit.
I'm sure it's fine, but I don't see any hot anime babes.
I am busy reading the superior series
i have
I watched 4 episodes of it and lost interest.
It picks up later
Boring as fuck
Not him, but I watched the whole S1 and liked only the last two or three episodes. Is S2 any better?
Season 2 is much better imo
The manga is amazing.
It looks too ancient for me to care about.
Episode 1 didn’t seem very convincing. If you can’t even make the first episode attractive, then why should I watch your show? Is it supposed to be entertaining through the action? Comedy? It wasn’t funny and the action could have been made up by a 4 year old. Mob sticks his hand up and destroys the ghost...WOW epic style bro! Haha Reigen isn’t actually a psychic he’s just pretending and Mob is SO powerful. Hard pass for me dog
I'm not a fujo
I don't want to end up like this guy
Anyone else think that in both seasons, the first half is better? Like the other half both have that Claw stuff and I thought that was kinda weak.
I already have and it's too good to exist in our sinfull world
Because i have read it.
not enough cute girls doing enough cute things for me, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Because OPM S2 has way better production value
I did tho
I did. It was alright.
I have. 3 times. Read the manga twice too.
I did though. You told me it would be better than MHA. It didn't live up to that but it was still enjoyable.
>Episode 1 didn’t seem very convincing. If you can’t even make the first episode
FMA:B has a shit 1st episode
Don’t worry season 3 will have almost to claw stuff. Only ??? Stuff
FMA:B sucks
No. That sol/gag part was really boring.
But it has way more episodes
because i'm not a retarded faggot?
Because source material is trash.
Kept watching for Reigen, was severely disappointed.
But I have user, and it was trash.
This is the most overrated shit of its decade.
i read it