One Piece

Has the way act2 is ending changed your thoughts on the beginning parts of the act?

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me personally, I was confused why we spent so much time with the Ebisu people. I think now that they were in it a perfect amount, not to little not too much.

confirm King and Queen as Zoro/Sanji final boss arc, since Kyoshiro is on wounded two swords Zoro level and Drake doesn't seem much stronger than Page 1

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If you say so

>drawn based on Winona Ryder, a Jew
>the thing she loves the most is money
Did Oda do this on purpose?

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Oh my god she does kind of look like a young Winona Ryder

So if Sanji is Steve Buscemi and Nami is Winona Ryder and Franky is probably Jim Carey who are the rest of the Straw Hats based on?


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>thought she killed usopp but knew she was a good person, frequently entrusts his hat to her
>genuinely cried for the first time during his adventure after the duel
>did not smile for like 15 chapters during the whole thing
>would've gladly accepted him back regardless if it wasnt for zoro
>generally the person he has the most fun with on the ship
>enies lobby
>offered him his dead brother's fruit
Zoro is Brook/Chopper tier on how much Luffy loves them.

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It's kinda scary how fucking identical the Kizaru is

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Don't bump like that you idiot, better shitpost the old thread to bump limit with leds.

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How long will this go on

Do you LOVE Pur(e)in?

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She's extremely cute and virginal.


wait ...

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That’s so sad


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based Oda

>Thanks guys
>You forgot to light all these candles, don't worry I'll do it....

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With all my heart

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So as someone who has 0 idea of how kabuki plays and their acts work, someone explain the meaning of each act.
As in, what does each act represent from a story telling perspective

>Franky and Bon Clay are both based after Jim Carrey
>also have the same VA in the anime

>Nearly every full-length play occupies five acts. The first corresponds to jo, an auspicious and slow opening which introduces the audience to the characters and the plot. The next three acts correspond to ha, speeding events up, culminating almost always in a great moment of drama or tragedy in the third act and possibly a battle in the second and/or fourth acts. The final act, corresponding to kyu, is almost always short, providing a quick and satisfying conclusion

What does he read

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>more flashbacks
I underestimated Toei

I can understand he wanted to build a relationship between Kid and Luffy while also introducing Hyorio, but I feel Oda wasted way too many pages on the prison scenes.

So third act is gonna be the flashback right? Flashbacks are always tragic in OP

>this many fucking recaps
Holy shit fuck toei and FUCK Oda.

OPM, SnK, Jojo, Hxh and Berserk/
Probably Vinland Saga tooor you can just check his fucking profile and find out yourself nigger.

I'd say
second act - gonna conclude with luffy escaping the prison and flower capital scene resolving
third act - flashback, last preparations for the war
fourth act - war
fifth act - epilogue, party

It's sad to see one of the best arcs in the manga butchered like this

I hope so because the major flashbacks always happen before the beginning of the climax.


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Being so obsessed about something "being for children" is among the most childish things.

This guy can just say One Piece is shit shit childish shit because shit shit childish shit, he can't actually argument, just say how much he hates it

>red eyes

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If anyone cares his name was pronounced as "him" without the "h".

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Episode is over and no Imu does not have his own theme. Next episode focuses on Neko and Marco with flashbacks of Whitebeard as a child.

That's because your actively trying the hardest to use mental gymnastics to not accept facts
Zoro was seething and popping veins and still couldn't get in while kyoshiro wasn't trying
Sanji was out right embarrassed and ran away

dracula confirmed for dying his hair

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I eagerly await her reintroduction to the story and her reunion with Sanji.

and if there were any doubts left that this dude was supposed to represent the united kingdom in one piece...

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Reminder that dracula existing confirms that mihawk=CD

Yes. Act 2 has been infinitely more enjoyable than Act 1, and it surprises me when I see that there are people who prefer Act1

Where can I find the latest chapter?

Eeeeeh, you mean he isnt Sanji's dad?!!

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mangaplus/viz depending where you are from
or jaimnisbox

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Worst girl

You forgot the part where the marines show up to chase them and Jimbei stays behind to hold them off

i feel bad for anime-only's

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Did she shove Shusui up her ass?

That motherfucker on the left knows he has a good view

Sorry Pudding, I didn't mean to make you cry, you're fine

>"four fucking years... i've waited and waited... but finally..."

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I am going to bury Carrot with my shits and cum until she becomes a chocolate bunny

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Sanji looks extra color with that color page.
I love him so much.

I've made the joke before but the anime really does got a boner for the bun.

"What type of filler should we have with the sunny group?"

"How about carrot learning about sabo"
"And carrot cutting her finger helping sanji cook"
"And of course carrot talking with luffy about his bounty"

"Just make it so everytime we cut back to the sunny during the reverie carrot's got focus"

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I was just checking if I was banned or not

I love so much I can’t wait until she meets Sanji again

>These are heavy
Is what’s written there

What an absolute unit

Yeah, Pudding, I'm sorry too.

Sorry you're a hideous, 3-eyed freak, and the objective worst girl.

Best girl


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Fucking this.

What does Hiyori have to do with anything?

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who hate pudding

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Puddingfags with no point seething at the idea of their flavor of the month freakshow being overshadowed by a true beauty

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Even Oda doesn't like Pudding

Zoro beat Mihawk during training break and only cares about Luffy becoming PK now

thats like
the most opposite of cunny in one piece

I thought he just trained him to the point he couldnt teach zoro anything else.

0 way Oda had Zoro offscreen Mihawk.

>Zoro already defeated and became the strongest swordsman.
I doubt it.

Hiyori is a WHORE. Pudding is PURE

Attached: PudGun.jpg (458x560, 153K)

Pure shit.

Red eyes huh. Interesting

Pure cute

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better than whoreyi atleast

>Literally leaking with every old man’s jizz from her cunt
>True beauty
Hiyorifags, everyone.


Yes Pudding! Murder that whore! Murder the fuck out of her!

>resorts to violence when angered

Keep seething

Your girl is busy fucking old men while our girl is busy making sweets and cakes and desserts for us.
What a difference. God bless Pudding.

>Falling for Pudding
Oda would be ashamed of you

>Killing an STD-filled whore
>Not a pure thing to do

>Your girl
What a fucking retard.

>guy wants more fanservice in WCI
>gets btfo
Canon reminder that Whole Cake is a pure and slut-free arc

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Reminder that Katakuri is best girl

>There are people in this threat RIGHT NOW who don't

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He has a penis though

You think that will stop Futa Piece general?

Anything is possible with the mochi mochi no mi

Literally reverie is built in filler to catch everyone up to wano

WB flashbacks next ep

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I didn't like this flashback
If all he wanted as a family/home of his own why did he leave his hometown?

That WB looks really off-model.

That's what makes him best girl user

Waifufags BTFO

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Because he wanted to support his family economically and knew that he couldn't do that while staying in their basement

Says you?

Oda has nothing to do with the fillers.

What are you talking about?

Why are you automatically assuming that Imu is a he?

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im really sad they butchered reverie this bad, i wanted my little brother to absolutely enjoy this arc but he literally dropped the fucking series

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I want to have sex with your little brother

He dropped the show after a few filler episodes? Why not just tell him to read the manga then wait for wano to start in july

The anime didn't give him boobs. So I will safely assume his gender

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>imu's servant is a qt girl

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Imu is 100% a male because Oda can’t into interesting female characters

Probably. We need to remember that this is also Momo's story, and right now he doesn't have the proper development yet. If Act 4 is the actual Fire Festival, Act 3 will likely focus on Momo and Oden. Quite possibly, it might also focus on the Scabbards and non-SH Worst Generation members at Wano too.

To be fair, Oda added recap too. Toei basically used that small recap as an invite to make their long-ass clip shows.

Oda's recap: A few pages of a single chapter that adequately explained the events that went on for each returning character.

Toei's recap: 8 half-recap episodes.

Normal people need a reminder about what happend 100, 200, or 700 episodes ago

If you had to guess, How many people follow the series without having started and chapter/episode 1?


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>winged right-hand man of a yonko associated with fire
>Yonko commander with one arm and heavily associated with a defensive ability
Dunno, I'm seeing a King/Marco and Queen/Jozu matchup, at least once by the end of the arc.

Based on that vague SBS answer?

>king/queen vs zoro sanji
>when zoro cant get past kyoshiro and sanji is getting dunked on by x-drake
>also sanji would make more sense to go versus king, which ISNT happening

>Imu is 100% a male because Oda can’t into interesting female characters

Oh great you’re playing this bs card again.

It’s just a silhouette, also would the anime staff fully know this or spoil this?

Imu is a lolibaba. Of course she's flat.

Devil fruits can inhabit mushrooms?

Maybe it's a mushroom-shaped fruit. Nature is full of mimicry, you know.

So it appears. I mean some of the fruits look pretty wild anyways assuming you remove the swirls, what was the mera mera supposed to be spawn from?

>Human zoan
>Possessed fruit looks like a red capped mushroom

Could this be... dare I say it... kino?

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Too bad the upper left scene is toei's filler

True but my headcanon for now is that Oda told them to add it. Feels like a strange thing to add randomly

How did the anime adapt Niji imitating that one CHarlotte sibling over the snailphone? Did they have the same seiyu?

He was using some tech to alter his voice by holding his hand to Nusstorte's throat. It's pretty much implied that's what was happening in the manga anyway, otherwise Mont D'Or would know something was up.

Nice, the Vinsmokes are pretty cool designs honestly

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It's not even the same hand gesture.

This was the arc that prompted me to start reading the manga.

Ichiji and Niji's hairstyles are absolutely atrocious.
Stealth Black's too.

They are styling though

>based on Steve Tyler
Hahaha. no.
Fuck off

>The inspirations for Ivankov and most of the Okama in Impel Down were derived from characters and situations in the stage play The Rocky Horror Show, and it's film adaptation, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Specifically, Inazuma's outfit (sunglasses, tuxedo shirt, coat) and hairstyle are strikingly similar to those of the dancers in the "Time Warp" dance number in the film.

Best group of villains

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Well duh, one is killing butterflies and the other is making love to them

The guy literally moonwalks during his introduction and people think he's based on Steven Tyler? lol

It's especially funny at this point when we have Diamante who's so obviously modeled after him.


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If you have shit taste, definitely

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When Sabo dies, who will get the fruit?


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guys do you think koala goes commando

Does she like what she sees?

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>Everyone but Spandam learned haki over the timeskip, outpacing several of the Strawhats in growth
Based and imupilled.

>I was just wondering what Kumadori, Jabra etc were up to currently
>a few days later we get this

Vivre cards are based

post your top 3

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Luffy zoro nami

Lucci is anti hero at this point.
You will see, in te end he will fight alongside Mugiwaras because he will understand that what Luffy fights for is JUSTICE

>I'm evil so I have red eyes lmao

Good taste.

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God WCI was so fucking shit. Don't reread it.


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May as well get as much of her as we can until she goes back with her Zou compatriots in Zou.
Hopefully by the time the anime gets to where the manga is now, the attack will be well underway and maybe she'll have a few new scenes.

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*in Wano, I mean

Are there really people who think that the empty throne isn't empty? I'm LMAOing at you crazy conspiracy theorists. I bet you think Ohara was inside job too

next filler scene with carrot

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jesus christ fuck off with that spacing

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Yes. I've seen that. What are you trying to say?

She hasn't really been relevant after she got the disguise. Just been a background character.

you need to go back kid

>uses *dddit spacing
>tells me to go back
You're not fooling anyone retard.

>this coming from the guy who uses that atrocious spacing

Much of the crew is barely relevant.
Robin and Nami are actually fighting in the capital but Oda has barely drawn them more than this.

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I mean, she had that one line when it was revealed everything went to shit, before Yasue intervened, but yes. I'm just saying when the attack is in motion, she'll at the very leastpop up in the background with the other Minks.

There wasn't any spacing in my post. Maybe get new glasses

Japanese really do have a different sense of humour

More like fill her eh user

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do they

>Strawhats retreating with the corpse of their ally

I like this

>much of the crew is barely relevant
Maybe read again retard, we have Robin actively sneaking inside Orochi's castle and then planning with the others. Nami literally zapped everyone in the castle and they're both even fighting right now.

>much of the crew is barely relevant
You say this while everyone is being shown on a large screen fighting Orochi's goons which even Kaido and Queen are watching?
Are you retarded?

When the attack is in motion everyone will be relevant because everyone will have battles to get to.

Im saying hoping she'll join is pointless now, every Strawhat that joined was extremely relevant/important/shown in their respective joining arcs. Carrots practically disappeared once she's joined, if he actually planned on making her join. She'd at least be with Chopper at the prison right now. Imu's girlfriend wearing a strawhat?

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probably the best female character written by Oda

That was obvious from the start tho

Zoro didn't even use any named moves against Kyoshiro.


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Zoro is wounded and without a sword
Sanji didn't run away what the fuck are you talking about

Jobberji did run away, reread.

Are you retarded?

He's running from Drake since he can't seem to hurt him.

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I can only see Zoro running away on this panel

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He ran towards one enemy to cut down, and an ally to save.

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It looks like he left because he sensed that Hiyori was in danger.

>Kyoshiro cumdump

Wait,.doesn't this mean Zoro is faster than Sanji? He was both behind him and Sanji's lust was up.

it means that love is a hurricane

Sanji has to dodge Drake bite

So do you think that Zoro will be left handicapped and Sanji won't' use his raidsuit until the end of Wano?

We see Zoro behinf Sanji after he dodged the bite and still outspeed Sanji.

Doflamingo son is a wimp

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Looks like a very tiny white ochinchin

>rabbit bastard
what did he mean by this

rabbits are a metaphor for weakness to Mihawk

no, Zoro was already running while Sanji just landed from the jump
he just wants more money

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King and Queen probably pranked Jack by telling him his hairstyle looked good and everyone would laugh at him behind his back about it

Jack became a lot more likable when we found out that he's being bullied


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It's made me dislike act 2 a lot more, yeah.
All the japan wank with samurai and shit is trash.
I want pirates not the elite ninja wank bullshit they have now.
Also the clothes look trash.
Sanji should always wear suits.

>Sanji should always wear suits.
agree on this one, the rest of your post is retarded

Let's face it, the crowd wants Zoro. Oda is giving the crowd what they want. Everyone else is a supporting character

I bet Queen has a bigger penis than him

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Who's stronger?

Carrot of Kin'emon?

Mama's glistening oblong clit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Queen's thick veiny dino neck >>>>> Jack's weird wrinkly trunk

What did Mihawk mean by this?

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They both are more durable than Zoro


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We need to talk about the Fishmen and the Minks

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The Ninjas are a joke and Kyoshiro is the only notable samurai
This arc is more about dinosaurs than it is ninjas or samurai so far

They're all welcome at my table, Redhead

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Big mom is a rapist!

degenerate fis*men fucker

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>Hiyori also gasped when she saw Zoro's three-sword style

Who wins?
Gear 4 zoro or Gear 4 luffy?

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4 more days to spoilers

Question: will Hiyori keep her hands off Zoro in the next chapter?


Is there something Wrong with that, Mr Emperor?

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she's a strawhat right?

Jesus christ, I have the Ocean fever.

She has to continue the Kozuki bloodline

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Hey, I work with the mangaka Eiichiro Oda. Kyoshiro ate the Toki Toki no Mi and will use its power to send Zorojuro and Sangoro into the future

disgusting la creatura

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I think Anana father does not want to marry a whale ..
She was 60 years old when she got anana

Never kinkshame user

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The Monster Trio!

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wow nami sure got a transformation

Shia shia shia

>my three favourite cuties

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>"I get to come home to that every day"

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Praline is ugly

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but you are dead

In the excitement of Wano I totally forgot Jimbei is meant to be on his way to join

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All Charlottes have a food related name right?
Then what the fuck is a Perospero.

He is already forgotten.

Attached: デイビージョーンズのロッカー.jpg (1366x768, 121K)

What sort of Pirate are you? Don't you believe in Romance?
Come for a swim

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He's one of the most loved character in polls though?

>the onomatopoeia for licking
>a powerful sorcerer from William Shakespeare's play The Tempest

Attached: Swapped.jpg (900x1500, 224K)

Japanse onomatopoeia for licking

pero is used for licking sounds in japanese

It's the Japanese onomatopoeia for licking


remember when he gave candy to kids?

So was Ace

>A character called Capone who dresses like an old timey mobster is based on a real life mobster who was also named Capone

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Fuck Big Mom Pirates

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What did Wanda mean by this?

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Your point? Ace is not forgotten in the manga.

>Jim Carry is the inspiration for the two most based characters in the manga

It doesn't help that he's modeled after the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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Ugly posts

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don't you dare talk shit my crewmates

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So what's going to happen to Law after Wano is finished?

Brooks touch would be pretty unsettling

What homie will jimbe be?

Attached: ‘one-piece-chapter-902’-luffy’s-biggest-failure-and-jinbe’s-future.png (1130x675, 923K)

Corpses can't be homies

Why would Jinbe even be a homie? Big Mom arrived here without him.

The homies can be somewhat independent of BM, hell Nami has her direct homie.

We don't know that. He could be locked up in the hold. They could make him swim up the waterfall and look for BM. Maybe they affix an explosive collar or something to him, and Luffy will be able to disable it and take it off

>jinbe and others can literally go deep underwater to escape from bmp anytime
>people think they'd get caught after this

Just Jimbe. That "even if you die, don't die" bullshit was screaming "homie Jimbe" all along.

He'll be buried

homie jinbe with all of his lifespan. yes 100%

They thought they had Luffy and the rest caught in unbreakable prisons and shit, they won't bother keeping live prisoners for the SHs.

>Confusing Gastino for Caesar

Croco's son is an ugly bastard in the making

Nobody really likes him as he is now, so Oda has a good chance of making him something cool with him. I wonder what would it be.

You can't use a dead mugiwara as a bait

Not sure who will be final boss, but I'd add to it that Zoro hasn't gotten an upgrade yet, and it's pretty obvious they're going to do CP9 2.0 where the Strawhats get random upgrades this arc.

S(he) being mating pressed by a dirty old man from a NTR doujin would explain why

>be oda
>about to fight the space bio android with enel and all the yonkos cells final boss
>fuck, zoro has no upgrade
>it's time
>opens closed eye

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>Winona Ryder was arrested for shop lifting in 2000s
>Nami is introduced as a thief well before that


Zoro also had a battle with Luffy. Right after Zoro fucked up all the Baroque works mercenaries and Luffy thought Zoro was just slaughtering people for fun.

>mfw will be away from the Internet on Friday

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bros... when will IT be done?

Kek. I've seen a lot of spics in manga site's comic section saying in broken english stuff like "ZORO GOING TO OPEN HIS EYE AND UNLEASH HIS FULL POWER HE HAS HAWKEYE LIKE MIHAWK"

Funny thing is this was before Fujitora was introduced. He made that shit 10 times worse by ACTUALLY having power from opening his eyes. Fucking Oda appeasing spics.

15 more years till oda dies leaving everything unfinished and we all go enelface.

The answer is an astounding NO

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>He made that shit 10 times worse by ACTUALLY having power from opening his eyes
what did he mean by this

I don't know either user. Just let the guy be.

The question is will Zoro manage to keep her hands off him.


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while i dread that happening user, that is not the IT i was talking about

Sanji had his time to shine and he spent it kicking his captain in the face and crying like a bitch. He will never be relevant again. Sorry

>luffy will never hug you
why even live

>luffy will never be your otouto

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the protagonist of Wano has arrived, Samurais and Dinosaurs fear the sentai

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He's weaker than dinos though.

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I wonder what does Im-sama want from the Nefertari family ?

A wedding ?

Or is Vivi the "light" that he wants to erase from History ? Or that would be Luffy and blackbeard ?? Anyway if it's one of them it might be related to what Shanks told to the Gorosei ??

My god just imagine if Blackbeard and Luffy were to create a pirte alliance !!!

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>posting chapter where Sanji foderized Yonko elite officer


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I wonder what they mean by erasing someone from history since there's already someone who can do just that: Sugar.

Dressrosa was just a miniature world government
>ruled by a celestial dragon
>has red line/aqueduct in the middle
>citizens trust the rulers who lie and erase people

Attached: op sugar.png (646x886, 710K)

>not having big news Morgan as Big Bird

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Spoilers soon

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spic posting about eye powers. Oda added in Fujitora's eye thing and now it's worse.

>boils your path

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>Every single start of Luffy's Journey has seen him come into contact with One if not more of Roger's crew

You think Luffy's going to meet/be trained by anyone else before he gets to Raftel?

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Not to mention Perospero's being capable of making gigantic candy blockades underwater

Oven can only heat his immediate surroundings, unless you think the deep ocean is hotter than the part Oven is next to

Was he fighting the Sun Pirates? I thought he was resting when Big Mom ate the cake


easily best girl

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>200 million beli bounty post timeskip

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Oven's range with his heat torpedoes is pretty extensive and as we've seen with Perospero's candy being able to reach the seafloor, it's ovbious that the WCI seas ain't that deep.

He followed Big Mom to Cacao Island, he was sitting on Napoleon

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>One Piece subverts shounen expectation by having a ridiculous hero with strange powers and abilities. The comic relief center stage as the hero
>People ignore this for constant faggery about the two most normal and bland main characters with contemporaries you could find in any fucking manga.

All Zorofags and Sanjifags must die

You're right user, this is Frankie, Usopp and Jinbeifag country

Ultimate Trio

i guess katanas are too epic for you, kiddo...

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Katanas are cringe even in Japan, user. Wash under your triple chin and take off that hat

>Zoro cutting Pica is stronger than the explosion of Tsar Bomba the strongest nuclear weapont o be detonated by humanity
Does Cuckji have any attack even remotely comparable to a nuke? Yeah, i thought so.


Hiatus isn't so bad after all with you guys.

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what's wrong

I miss you boys, I'm home for the summer and trying to get into voxel art, gimme objects or characters to try to make


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Good Morning and Happy Sperm Doner's Day!

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how the HECK did sweet linlin turn into this evil witch

I'm starting to agree with the mother caramel soul transfer theory


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Happy fathers day to my daddy

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Where's the better drawfag?

for me it's opdrwfg for drawing the best pirate crew

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He's cool too

She was raised by Streusen and got power hungry.

Mel Gibson confirmed to be playing Arlong in the Live Action series.

Guys, what if we die and op is not finished. All the years spent for nothing. Fuck. I'm going to quit smoking just because of that.

based Oda extending OP so people leave their vices and lead healthier lives

Come gather 'round all ye Bastards!
And raise up your cup to this arse-turd.
He came and freed the fires of hell,
and let 'im run loose over hill and dell.

Here's to the Orochi, and his scab of a brain,
Here's to the Kaido and all it has slain.
The gate is knocked in and the Wano is aflame.
And it's ours for the taking, and you get the fame.

We tortured some samurais, it's true.
And Pounded, but Couldn't breakthrough.
With all of his might, the Kaido took flight
And Burned the Wano down to a ball-bag of shite.

Here's to the Orochi and his knob of a head.
Here's to the Wano, the smoke, and the dead.
The gate is knocked in and the town is aflame.
And it's ours for the taking, and you get the fame.

Here's to the Orochi and a pullin' me plum.
Here's to the Beasts and the rest of you scum.
The gate is knocked in and the Wano is aflame.
And it's ours for the taking, though you get the fame

Attached: Pleasures.png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Wait for the oshiruko tantrum and the flashback. Only pudding will save the day when bm remembers she ate her family and goes into desperation mode

I love zorofags

Why the fuck are the little pigs coming from the back of the mother. Wtf is law doing

What. Is that filler?

Imagine the hype of the ones that have been reading for literal decades

the second screenshoot is, technically, an actual panel from the manga

Yes and no. We get a glimpse of WB's childhood in 909. The anime is just expanding on it

I bet we won't get Reverie until December

Attached: one zoro.png (310x198, 46K)

Absolutely based

Attached: [HorribleSubs] One Piece - 847 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.28_[2018.07.29_12.41.34].jpg (1280x720, 101K)

You do c sections on a cow sideways too.

Not him but okay, guess I learned something today.

we should probably get Reverie when act 2 end

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When you realize young mama looks like smoothie. Gotta change waifu

Yeah I'm gonna need the One PACE people to fixed this up. This is One of my favourite arcs, I need justice

The Reverie should be already over in-universe.

It's on the 7th day right now isn't it?

does she

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hold on to this for cute while I try to figure out how to make a higher poly version, it seems like the program is pretty limiting when it comes to characters but I bet I can figure something neat out

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One of the after arc world building pages will be Marco knocked out and being dragged by Weevil


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Which Nami should I add to the collection?

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wano has been kino as fuck and it's only ramping up

I want to nut inside Kalifa

Sexual harrasment!

I can't wait to buy this figure soon :D

Attached: 35854_ONE_GG_califa_A_2000x2000.jpg (2000x2000, 187K)

AAAAH limited or not I love it.

Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu fruit

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Same. I mean I can understand why some people don't like it but for my personal brand of shittaste it's shaping up to be another over the top favourite like thriller bark.

That's sexual harassment.

glad you like it user!

I can't wait for Luffy to impregnate her in Wano

Today, ill remind them...

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stay down, ronin

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zoronigger is fucking BASED

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thank you for saving this hiatus week zoroanons

im wheezing

based Zorobro

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Holy shit

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>boring thread
>no chapter
>anime recap

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How many black babies could Robin feed with her breasts?

Kill yourself.

If Imu has posters of the three and and stabbed one of them they likely want rid of them all.

My question is why now, if Imu has the backing of the World Government and all it's forces taking care of the Nefertari family would be no problem and could have been done earlier.

You totally lost it, huh?

>why now
because of cobra?

It's true, there's the Reverie events and Cobra which is likely the answer

but at the same time this family turned their backs on all this 800 years ago, and only now one of them gets bit lippy and it's Nefertari hunting time?

He fears the D.

Maybe somehow information about the Poneglyph got out, or the fact that Vivi spent time with Luffy. So they're beggining to lose all trust on them.

the nefertari are still royal, user, and you have to remember that imu's presence is supposed to be a secret to the rest of the world. meanining that genociding an entire royal line entirely for no reason, to the eyes of the world, would obviously raise some doubts

They weren't planning holocaust until now. Either Vivi is somehow needed or a threat to the plan. Nefertaris probably did some stuff during the last cleansing so Imu's not taking any chances this time

>Nefertaris probably did some stuff during the last cleansing
we've never seen vivi's mother either

We did see her in a flashback during Alabasta

i think this panel is all we've got

Attached: big vivi.png (456x489, 478K)


and in Chapter 0

Vivi is 18, she wasn't born when roger died.

Yeah. I used to like Wano a lot but now I don't care at all. Looking forward to whenever it's over.

Oda doesn't work on such rigid criteria.
For example Robin, Brook and Nami were much less important in their introductory arcs than Sanji, Chopper and Franky were

You'd think with jinbe people would stop insisting on how oda does or doesn't do things, especially when it comes to joining the strawhats.

The dude literally hasn't been seen once in over a year, which is especially funny to me because of an argument on a forum where the other person insisted that jinbe would be back in the story before 2018 ended.

Wonder how mad people will get when jinbe shows up in wano and still doesn't get included in the color spreads until after the arc ends?

>tfw we will never taste the greatest cake in the world

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When will we see her true form lads?

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Why even live

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what the fuck, brother. come on

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>tfw she will never squeeze out your juices and drink it all

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You can’t do this to me, I’m a hard working man, I pay my taxes I love my family. All I ask in return is to be crushed into oblivion by these sweet sweet theighs god can’t be so cruel as to make me wish for the impossible. Is he?

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Did jinbe get a temporary boost because he joined the crew, or will he keep climbing?

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my man, cmon now

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>beginning to
The Five Elders already consider the Nefertaris to be a family of traitors just for staying in Alabasta.

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Gol D Roger didn't even fight Big Mom that slippery bastard LMAO

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daaaamn, first time in a long ass time that i got schooled on by another smoothiefag

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Poor Brook...

Truly Roger was the Buggy of his time.

yes, very interesting dialogue

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What a fokin legend he was

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im always glad to see more smoothiefags

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Not so fast

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If you're asking what place he'd get if their was a poll now? Probably a lot lower. Highest would be 10-20ish range.

That poll was started the exact week jinbe stood up to big mom and all the characters talked about how cool he was, but currently jinbe hasn't been seen since they left wci over a year ago. Look at the huge drop barto got after dressrosa was over, dude dropped from 9th place to 30th.

the feeling is mutual

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well if user is Smoothie that's not a problem

Zoro Luffy Franky

Zoro's EOS fight

The Queen

Attached: Nami Queen.jpg (2048x2048, 529K)

Usopp Franky Luffy

Will Blackbeard acquire more powers before Luffy finally fights him?

>800 Years ago
>tenryuubito original aliens come from the sky
>war against the entire planet
>eventually win
>the locals were not so docile tho
>ancient weapons and shit
>some strong willed people around there
>world government created
>some had minds strong enough to not accept the dictators
>some of them are even more D. Angerous due to their need of freedom
>shit, humans are not easy to tame
>tenryuubitos decide to delete the history of the locals
>stablish themselves as untouchable gods, living as close to the sky as they can
>feels good man
>some decide to stay down because the world is beautiful
>little by little the alien blood is mixed with the human slaves they had
>also inbreeding
>the real, pure blood tenryus have eyes like imu
>hes tired of bullshit and a second war is coming

That's OP century void in a nutshell

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The live action series looks awesome

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Good gaijin. That's exactly what Oda wants you to think

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Wano arc is shit, when will it end?

Everything in OP is based in the sumerian history of the Annunaki and the conspiracy theories.

I love them!!!

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doesn't explain moon people (Shandians were fighting vs World Government)

I declare these digits for Doffy

Big Mom is a fat retard with a litter of goblino children, worst yonko

>sasasasasasa! Leave Katakuri to me, Blackhige-sama

Attached: Wanze_Anime_Infobox.png (488x477, 270K)

>literally ZERO attractive children
>the only one that even comes close is Oven, and he's 6/10 at best

Why does Big Meme have such garbage genes?

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Sorry but Katakuri is 10/10 perfect man

Yes, exactly. How can one woman consistantly produce such ugly offspring?

Why is it that every single Katafag is a delusional, shit taste retard? There are things to like about him, but he's canonically ugly.

He is canonically beautiful and perfect

praline is best girl

>ywn choke on kata's mochi
>ywn drink smoothie's juice
>ywn lick peros-nii's candy
>ywn taste galette's butter
>ywn break your teeth on cracker's biscuits

Attached: Pout.jpg (900x675, 167K)

but she's pretty

Attached: nutmeg.png (204x450, 83K)

>the real, pure blood tenryus have eyes like imu
What's mihawks backstory then
Ia caribou also a pure blooded tenryu

>Mihawk - Yellow
>Imu - Red
>Caribou - Green
>Hakuba - Blue

Attached: OP conspiracy.png (750x375, 610K)

why they remove ZR

>want me to slice you user?

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this is too big.

>ywn choke on kata's mochi
I do like how muchi smell and feel but that would still be slightly gay

>too big!

they're all 56% human

There's nothing gay about eating another man

>too big

No mention of Smoothie, Praline, the Megs, or the best girls.

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>too big

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For you

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Ugly nigress
Frumpy, skin diseased with awful hairstyle. People only like her because she's genuinely in love with her husbando. If she had sided with Big Mom she would have no fanbase whatsoever.
Ugly clones with disgusting proportions.
Ginrummy, but more unattractive in every single way.
I like to forget this one exists, because she is one of the only girls to actually make shark teeth unattractive.


>disgusting proportions
t tumbrl landwhale

it's nice that they are using WE ARE

>ugly nigress

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how can one man be so unbased

One Piece waifus are temporary, but Dobon is eternal

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Didn't Zunisha have Imu eyes aswell?

Who doesn't at this point?

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When's Momonosuke's mom gonna appear from the past and cuck Robin's quest by just explaining what happened in the void century?

Kyoshiro is the current user of the Toki Toki no Mi

How can one man be so tasteless?

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>4 colors
>4 seas
>4 ends of the cross

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Most dead break week i've seen in a long time

It's father's day, user

i'm only here for the eventual ninja girl porn


She is NOT for lewd

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>Shit girl gets shit art
Poetic justice.

tsar bomb is not nuclear. its just an explosion

Where will you go?

Why is Sanji so best?

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It is not even about the breasts size. It is about that ridiculously small waist that makes those rather big boobs look just ridiculous.

I never allowed you to post my wife.