What was the most fucked up moment in this anime?
What was the most fucked up moment in this anime?
Real answer or Meme answer?
Really, I didn't even bat an eye during that
Realistically, Angel's Egg, that one future diary scene
Berserk and Elfen Lied excluded cause of the intended grim darkness
School Days is an entire clusterfuck of horribleness
Meme wise, that moment when mami got BEBE"d or something
For me it was pic related- excuse the shit quality. When it first happened it was unexpected and all, but seeing in the flashback Rena is on the floor on her knees reaching out to him, telling him to believe her, before he bats her is an image that always stuck with me since I first watched.
>this anime
Reminds me that I need to finish the vn.
Go with your brothers and pretend you have good reading comprehension.
WTF they did a crossover with Berserk?
Loli fanservice in Kai.
Are you retarded?
That and the fingers in the door were so unexpected
When K1 chose Rena over Mion. Yes, Rena is the superior girl, but his chemistry with Mion is unmatched.
His chemistry with somewhat crazy Rena is far superior than with Mion. Hell, he uncrazed her just by talking and trying to kill each other.
Fuck op, this is my thread now
i can't read oh well
Higurashi isn't even that bad, torture scenes in Umineko are worse in the VN
I thought mion was hotter and that he had better chemistry with Rena
Yeah, Edgefest 2: Medieval Boogaloo
I'll forgive you only if you tell me where it's from
That there are people who didn't read the vn
Rena telling Keichii to fuck off in Arc 6. Bitch is scary as fuck.
That scene was done so much better in the manga, felt really bad reading it.
>There are people who haven't played Higurashi Daybreak
I've got to do that sometime.
It's a sound novel
Best versions are proper VNs.
It's OK, not great. PSP one has the most stuff, including Natsumi Kimiyoshi, but IIRC the english version has a basic translation for the menus if you dont' want to trail and error or read hiragana/katakana
At the end of the 2nd arc when Shion visits Keiichi out of nowhere
When Nipaa killed herself.
The ending of Tatarigoroshi. They only went ahead and sent Keiichi to the hospital without having his perspective on how he managed to survive.
They fucked up so badly they had to have an anime exclusive arc in the 2nd Season to make up for it.
Also, no naked mindbroken Satoko.
I think the scene where Rika decides to kill herself to not give Shion(Mion) satisfaction ranks pretty high. Manga really does this scene justice.
Was that the one where she throws herself in the knife?
first result on google
Read the vn.
When I realized Rika wasn't my gf.
I'd normally explain, but you can't without spoilering everything about the show. So what said.
I always loved this and Shiki I miss this genre of fun horror anime.
I've had bad luck trying to get VN working, from piratebay to nyaa.si
You can buy them for like a 1-2$ each on g2a.
>fun horror
It's mostly meant to be taken seriously when the horror arrives, but aside from the mystery, yeah.
Once you start getting desensitised and start analysing it bit by bit, you do get some amusement out of everything.
Keiichi was infected with a """curse""" that kind of skewed his view on reality. He thought she and Mion were trying to inject him with something when they were just using a marker on him playfully. Thinking they've been out to get him all along, he takes his bat and snaps, beating them to death. In the midst of it, Rena was pleading with him to come to his senses.
When it first happened we saw it from his POV so we didn't know that they weren't trying to kill him and he was an unreliable narrator.
based thot destroyer
That's a nice boat.
The nail torture scene, worst of it's kind since the one in Monster
So what was what's-her-face after again? What was she going to achieve by killing Rika and having the virus wipe out the village?
I barely blinked in the neck-stabbing part at all but the nails got me.
Where they caught the loli nurse and made her lick the toilets clean after she got raped.
Blonde lady, Takano? She wanted proof of the virus for her adoptive grandpa's rejected research, as well as some sort of sick revenge on the people who rejected him
What an awful way to conduct experiments. How are you supposed to get solid proof with such inefficient methods?
I can't remember the exact scene but it was when they had lunch and found needles in their food.
Rika cleaning the window with her butt. Still have nightmares about it.
Think I need to rewatch this show. I was like 13 when I saw it and it was one of the first anime I ever saw, so a lot of it probably went over my head.
I do remember loving mion though
there is no anime
>having the virus wipe out the village?
that isn't her goal, secondary
This is now a Rika butt thread!
fingers in the door still my favorite scene
the one where dude beats the fuck out of the smallest one at school
Oh god, the anime doesn't compare
Man I remember watching this back when I first started getting into anime. I still have very fond memories of it - it’s a classic imo, even though the animation itself is garbage, the atmosphere is something else. I haven’t played the VN, but I heard that it’s superior.
I bought into Keiichi's paranoia, so the whole time in the scene I was thinking "Slam the door on her fucking fingers!"
The whole Satoko torture scene was pretty rough
The part where you didn't read the VN instead.
That moment when Redline flopped, we could have had a world where high budget anime movies entirely handawed where released but insted we have shitty CGI
The anime is so awful
Ah, so just schizophrenia
Is it bad if I relate to this story quite a bit?
No not schizophrenia. What aspect do you relate to?
Story sound very similar to what I nearly did to a friend a few months ago. He was playing a joke on my but my mind took it as he was insulting my humanity and my brain went into full chaos mode where I thought he was going to kill me. Like he was doing this to mock me before he kills me. OBVIOUSLY THE FUCKER WAS GOING TO KILL ME I GOT TO KILL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS ME, HE INSULTED MY CHARACTER ANYWAY SO THE FUCKER DESERVES DEATH!! you know I'm being told of this screaming at me so that night I went to his room and knifed out the little eyehole and like 2 nights later I saw him going down the elevator so I ran downstairs with the knife and chased him through the courtyard and i nearly fucking caught up with him until he turned around and stopped and just said "Hey look let's just talk about it'
realized how insane I had fucking gone and my mind cleared up. Threw my knife to the side and told him I had lost my mind. Who knows how things would of happened had he just not turned around. He knows I'm a little paranoid because anytime I go to his room I carry a pin in my hand (like those cheap ones) and I always tell him it's because it's just an instinct that I must take something sharp with me so in-case you try and kill me I can get you first. I knew the guy was never going to hurt me but my mind was telling me otherwise.
TL;DR I saw the context and related to it all too well.
the most fucked up moment will probably be the ass fucking I'll get while in jail.
I cringed so hard popped a blood vessel
Why wait?
Trust me I cringe looking back too
read Umineko Tsubasa
Jesus that's quite literally the same thing step by step. Good thing you didn't stab your friend unlike... Well...
Get help user, seriously, you're going to kill someone and that would suck.
Well then
Only if you're Iranian or something
DEEN's QUALITY animation
why do roasties always have such severe mental health issues?
Wait, roastie?
This isn't even me but I agree
Are you drunk?
>imagine being elitist shithead because you read crappy fanfiction tier VN
Cope, retard
the rice balls
whats fucked up about angels egg?
It can get interesting, yes.
THAT part, you know user
i need to rewatch
was she telling the truth?
why did that need to happen
Yes, she recognized the symptoms of paranoia from when she went through it.
Spoilers for the rest of the series She told Irie that Keiichi was being paranoid like she was which Irie recognized as hinamizawa syndrome, so he sent the yamainu to bring him back to the clinic so they can stablize him. She was following Keiichi with her hatchet, because she was protecting him from the yamainu goons, that's why when he got attacked by them and knocked out, he woke up at his house because Rena fought them off and brought him home
that one scene where the hat girl gets her hand smashed in the MC's door was pretty fucked up
The most fucked up thing in that anime was how retarded season 2 was. It really could have done without the big government shit. The story of the fucked up shit, and then going into trying to resolve things with the power of friendship instead of murder was all great.
Especially in retrospect that he was going insane (and, you know... murdered her later that night). Wasn't she standing out side his window saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again, or was that his or my imagination?
why do i get this reference
That happened
You might like Miotsukoshi-hen, it still has the government conspiracy angle but it's a better ending
i probably would have reacted the same as him to be honest
what in the fuck
how did they get away with it
It was an OVA
Today is watanagashi, what are you doing to celebrate?
Isn't it on the 19th?
3rd sunday of june. Keep talking like that you might get disappeared
That was Hanyuu.
when rena didn't morph out of the screen and become my wife
Sorry user, but she only takes cute things home.
I'd just have to hit her enough until the brain damage would make her perceive me as cute
The anime toned it down, but Rika killing herself in Meakashi. Her stabbing a hole in her throat, then prying it wide open with her hands genuinely made me nauseous. The description of the guy who swallowed an entire metal spoon was pretty bad too.
Ah, so that's what Keiichi was trying to do at the end of Onikakushi.
Reminder Rena was nearly raped
She wasn’t trying to get REAL proof. She was trying to get something that LOOKED LIKE proof.
This was my favourite arc. It had such a satisfying story from start to end. Also the ALIENS DID IT theory is my favourite.
Read the VN
No lol
Ah, texhnolize. A forgotten classic.
Slow down there Doppio, please go see a doctor
I'm worried about you