What does Yukino's ass smell like?
What does Yukino's ass smell like?
God I want Yui to piss and shit and cum all over my face.
Yukino the biggest yahari ass confirmed.
Shit like her personality
Wrong and wrong
I want to yahari one of those yaharu's yahari with my yahari
>iroWHORE isSHITki
>SHITzuka hiraSHIT
>EWWY EWWYgahama
Post Haruno
she is shit
scat is disgusting, irohafags have weird fetishes.
I don't know what her ass smells like but I know what her feet smell like.
like flowers
I don't watch this garbage but objectively speaking in terms of physical attractiveness it goes pink hair >>> yellow background >>>>>>>>> middle girl
but middle is the sexiest of the girls
You objectively speaking have awful taste
Like bath and bodyworks soap
yukino doesn't make me feel yucky, if you catch my drift.
people actually like this tranny looking bitch lmao
she doesn't look like a tranny, this looks like a tranny
Yukino's fart > yui's fart > irhoha's fart
>ass that fat
>legs that thicc
It's a shitposter
yuckyno a shit
>irowhore a shit
>shitzuka a shit
>ichika a shit
8man's semen
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
Yukinofag here and I totally agree with this post.
skinny ass she just popping
skinny legs you blind
make her hair short and that could easily pass for a young boy. I get it. You like little boys who look sort of feminine. Congrats
Shitty falseflag. also 5toubun is shit
>iroha and yuifags have a mental illness
Nothing new here
Why does she look like Mai Sakurajima?
she has the fattest ass and legs of the entire female cast, this is indisputable.
Iroha being introduced was like a breath of fresh air from all the Yuckyno stink. Bitch author just pandering to you autistic virgins.
Mai looks like a drag queen
Rikka is better than the yucky
because they copied perfection
Nah, Iroha was fucking cancer and ruined a really great series.
Nah, Iroha is shit
rikka is a shitty soulless whore
Well too bad mai turned out so shit
that's yucky yucky though..
8-man seed and MAX coffee.
Nah, Rikka is fucking shit user
>Mai is literally Yucky 2.0
>is shit
That's what you get when you copy another shit.
and yet nobody has copied iroha because sucks so much
Nah, Yukino is great, Mai is just shit. As are Rikka, Iroha and Ichika
Based as fuck
Did the last volume drop at last?
Wow Yuckinofags are ruining this threads, again. Typical, no wonder why they are also Franxxfags.
No, it's just Iroha autists spamming threads as usual
Why are all irohafags cancer?
when is it due?
Hachiman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yucky
>lesbian for Akane
>tries to ditch Yuta constantly to hang out with her normalfag friends
>doesn't give a shit about Team Gridman
Rikka is sexy, but Yukino is sexy and top tier wife material.
>everyone who doesn't like yuckyno is a irohafag
sasuga yuckynoshitters
Is this getting a new season?
>Yukino >>>>>>>>>> Hachiman
Irohafags are bros. Yuckinofags are only mad and have victim complex despite having a guaranted victory.
can you possibly discuss things like a normal human being? why do you type like a sperg?
Hah, fuck no. Irohafags are cancer incarnate. Every single fucking thread
low iq post
seethe more yucky
This thread proves you wrong, yuckymate.
I accept your concession.
Ding ding ding
This thread proves everything right though. Irohafags are cancer. Yuifags too.
>tainting Yui with frogshit
Go fuck yourself
It doesn't though, Yuckers are cancer and literally everyone on this board agrees. Yuckynofags are the new Eririshitters.
you're out of your element, Yea Forumsermin.
No, irocancerfags and yuishitterd are the worst cancer
Yea Forumstards post in these threads, they just want (you)'s
How do Irohaplebs manage to prove that they are cancerous every thread?
How can Yuckyno even compete?
Easily. Doesn't this shitstain have a movie out right now? Enjoy your dead threads.
By not being a boring and vapid character like Mai.
By not being a shit character
>shouko steals her man
Truly amazing
Shorten the hair, remove the tits, and it's a boy
Hah, nah. Still looks like a girl
the smell is so flawless that all other asses avoid her ass
Did you miss the fact you can see her pantsu and her thighs look like a woman's?
Wouldn't surprise me if Yuckers also were Church of Miku cancers
Literally what the fuck is this autist saying?
>ninofags are irohafags
Explains the cancer
Why would it smell like max coffee?
Use your imagination
Literally me
So does she actually like max coffee or does she only like it because 8man likes it?
Imagine the smell
oh god I want those on my face
yukino made me into a footfag
imagine if they both tied you down and blindfolded you and forced you to kiss and smell their feet and decide which one had nicer feet haha
it's amazing how her sweater doesn't come off, just imagine what would happen if that did and how 8man would react
You can have Iroha's feet instead.
does the anatomy look off on this one?
with yukino
It's iroshit, duh
Imagine one of them using their tights as a blindfold and the other one shoving their tights in your mouth for you to chew on whilst they're smooching your face with their bare feet, wouldn't that be gross haha.