What is it with lolis and sharks?
What is it with lolis and sharks?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sharks are cute. I kiss my shark every day.
I want to fuck both
I am both.
Because the lolis bite!
Shark girls should be huge boobs cuties instead otherwise what's the point
No, gross.
post shark girl
Liking sharks is a cute, childish thing.
Everyone likes sharks
Loli's are just a pure existence that can dress up like an animal and make it cute instead of weird
i prefer babysharks
Liking sharks is for all ages.
Everyone loves sharks, but only a few people love shark lolis.
is this Jiro?
I find it hard to believe Hana is a high schooler.
She's the oldest in her class.
Hana is the cutest shark girl I have ever seen and also the cutest girl i have ever seen
both are man-eaters
Every year more people are bitten by New Yorkers than by sharks.
Sharks are just animals, they can't help it.
New Yorkers on the other hand are sentient parasites. They know what they're doing.
We must rid the world of the NY menace.
Lolis are shit but sharks are cool so it balances out
and sharkpilled
everyday someone is bitten by a loli
they share being predators
Sharks are cute.
Do you turn into a loli when bitten by one?
why does this guy have the hentai face?
Also, cute shark.
No, you die.
Do you go to loli heaven?
Loli hell
they are both apex predators
Any place with loli is paradise
>you wouldn't a shark
Killer whales hunt sharks.
I am a killer whale.
I'm a pedophile.
Sommelier is a good guy and gets the shark loli for himself.
Loli hell only has oppai lolis.
I know what you're trying to do, but it's ザーメン. Because in German, the S gets pronounced like the Z would be in most other West-European languages.
Of course, complaining about the weird pronunciation rules of other languages in English would be peak irony, so I won't.
Ebitsu from Dorohedoro.
I'm so glad the best shark loli of all time got a happy ending.
What is it with Yea Forums and little girls? Why can't I escape them? Goddamnit
They are the happiness that people cant keep off from us
So by logic ,Loli heaven has flat lolis?gotta be a good boy now
This picture fills me with despair.
Cute combo
They'll both get you when you least expect it. Don't let your guard down anons.
>it's gotta be at least this big soft
I love this little shit.
Cute JC
I want them both to bite my dick
Doot doot
Sounds like that might hurt, user.
I don't think there'd be much for the loli after the shark gets its nibble.
I literally wore my own Monterey Bay Aquarium shirt today. It's got whales all over it. Bright teal color.
Except, I got it in something like 1990.
But did you carry a baby shark?
My wife did
shark haet loli
Fun Fact: Sharks urinate through their skin.
"As a shark deteriorates the urea in their blood immediately begins to break down into ammonia which then gets absorbed in the flesh and expelled through the skin of the animal."
but the loli doesn't feel the same
its cute
>search the comic source trough google
>get fed with pinterest links
God please send a meteor to california.
Why does this sound like either a Tyler the Creator song or a Lonely Island song
>Two puns in one post
I hope you get eaten by a loli.
I wouldn't mind their giant earthquake to "break away"
They can piss off for "government disaster funds" when that happens, though.
Thread theme:
Well I hope a loli grants all your wet dreams
>Two puns
what puns?
This thread reminds me of the shark in my fridge.
the filename and the spoiler
I hope you're feeding him regularly.
>Having your hands anywhere near a catfishes 'neck'
Absolutely fucking not. Fuck that.
I've stepped on a catfish before and gotten that shit lodged in the side of my foot. It is not fun. I still remember the noise it made as my dad had to rip it out of me.
Apparently Nene is based off of the mangaka's real life childhood friend who was also a huge shark fan. So the loli-shark connection has some basis in reality.
It's a cute image, but yeah. Fuck catfishes.
don't sharks die if they sleep
Shark girls should be horny lolis that want to sleep with you.
It's so sad that the series was canceled. It was great while it lasted.
That particular shark has lungs that pump air in and out to breathe.
Some have gills that will continue to function even when they don't move.
If you put your fingers under the barbs then you don't get stuck by them.
It had some cute bits, but I didn't find it to be anything special.
What about lolis with shark teeth?
The characters were cute but more than anything the art style and overall way of drawing was incredibly pleasing to me.
Man that mangaka is shit at designing characters.
Does it have to do with his furry interest? Does it interfere?
uso no uso
>Like tens of thousands of different manga all featuring human characters
>"This one has kemono characters though, and it offends me for no particular reason"
Does this mean she likes nose fucking?
You sure sound like you suffer from schizophrenia
english is my 3rd language
i guess it's a word that sounds like "reef"
can you explain the puns?
I've always liked sharks, I like swimming and fishing, but at the same time I hate the ocean. Everything about the open deep ocean just makes my brain scream nope. I don't know if it's the idea that weather can change in an instant and fuck you over with 30ft waves, or that you can easily be eaten. I don't care if we aren't a shark or gropers normal food because all it takes is one bite and you're pretty fucked. I've caught fish on a damn broken tea spoon that I made into a lure, and they weren't even British; mistakes happen. Not to mention it's entirely out of our element. I really don't feel bad about people getting eaten by sharks because we really don't belong in the ocean. It's something that 100% can be avoided by not going into the damn salt water pits full of sea beasts and water that will poison you if you drink it.
rough & reef
What is it with lolis and me wanting to fuck them?
Pun #1
>Fi has it reef
>Fi has it "rough"
She has it difficult
Pun #2
>"Same" in English is "identical, similar"
>"same" in Japanese is 鮫 and means "shark"
In response to the other user, who says the "shark hates the loli," the loli does not feel similar about hating the shark, nor does she feel the shark eating her alive.
it's dead already, also finless (just like that even when I bought it)
man ur mom is shit at designing sons
Would you a shark with PTSD?
About 2 people are killed by sharks a year. It's a very, very, very, very, very, very, very small number.
But I agree about fear of the deep ocean.
FUCK the deep ocean. I don't need something huge swimming up underneathe me.
Fi also sounds like "I", so it is also saying "I have it rough".
Well, if you read it as "Fye" it sounds like "I" but her name is pronounced "Fee" so it sounds like "reef."
they are the cure to cancer.
small dick and lack of sex
i see, thanks
what about the second pun?
nevermind, someone already explain it above
thanks, user
how do you fuck a shark?
With your dick, obviously
Ask Maldoror.
Fee, Fye, ho hum.
penor in cloaca
baby shark do do dododo
I like them.
i hate that
i know people who put it on repeat when ignoring their kids and it drives me nuts
all I remember is singing it on the bus for field trips
Nah. Nurse sharks for example like to spend most of their time just chilling on the sea bed and they might sleep in piles, not moving at all.
There's even video of that: upi.com
In general, there are a lot of different shark species. There aren't a ton of generalisations you can apply to every species.
>cute girls in animal suit / pajama
I want to give em the big hugg
>it'll go away
>16 yo
>in Highschool
Does Japan even care at this point? This girl looks like she's 8.
does accuracy between looks and age only matter in elementary school doujins?
>Does Japan even care at this point?
Only gaijin cared in the first place.
Addition to this:
Shark in japanese "Same" sounds awfully similar to "Seme".
This might be why sharks are somehow connected to being "cute" or "sexy". Because in Japan, there exist a sort of cultural expectation about roles in sex life.
There is "Uke" which is the active partner. Westerners might call it "the top" in relationship. The dominant one. Uke is the one that does the fucking. Uke is the one who takes what they want.
"Seme" is the passive partner. You might call it "The bottom" of the relationship. The submissive one. Seme is the one who gets fucked. Seme simply lays down and takes what the Uke gives to them.
There exists a very strong cultural expectation that in relationship, MEN are "uke" and WOMEN are "seme". This is why in Japanese erotica women usually just lay there passively and let the man do whatever they want. There is a clear connection between "superior" and "inferior" partner. There is always a power-play involved.
Because that's how Japanese people think sex ought to be. These connotations go WAY gack in history and permiate the Japanese culture.
So why sharks are "cute"? Might be because the word "same" (shark) resembles "Seme" (submissive one)? Meaning that "they are there to be taken, to be dominated"?
Usually these "shark girls" are shown in positions where they are kinda like "just begging to be taken". They are cute, vulnerable, soft, feminine. ...Seme.
Maybe the shark loves the loli? Thats why its eating her
Good pasta other than the fact that you got uke and seme's meaning mixed up
Whoops, you are correct. My bad.
Nevermind, I suck cocks.
I was thinking the SAME
In addition to what said, the terms "seme" and "uke" ("attacker" and "receiver") are only used to describe roles in male homosexual relationships (they use "tachi" and "neko" for lesbians) - there are no further cultural connotations.
>tachi & neko
never heard those term in lesbians.
care to explain?
I want Kubo to come back to anime just as a character designer
He's doing Sakura Wars at least.
Tachi is the active participant (apparently it's derived from "tachiyaku", the male lead in kabuki), neko the passive one. The etymology of the latter is unclear, the most common theories are that it's either derived from wheelbarrow (also called "neko" in Japanese) or from 寝子 (lying (as in lying down) girl). However, when it's written in kanji (it's usually in katakana), it's typically spelled 猫 (cat).
There's a whole list of Japanese lesbian slang on Japanese Wikipedia:
thanks, but i can't read japanese
Why does she have the curves already?
I was volunteering for a shark conservation project and went diving with bull sharks. They're cute and you should talk with people you know about how cute and misunderstood sharks are so we can strive to protect these important members of the underwater ecosystem!
A certain loli shark music video got 2 billion views I don't know how and why.
excuse me
Which one?
Hinata is the apex predator, the shark. She preys upon Mya-nee, reproduces slowly, and is a lazy hunter.
Mya-nee preys upon Hana, and does so relentlessly to reproduce in order to beat her competition.
Hana feeds on sweets. Without her, the sweets would go uneaten, multiplying out of control and suffocating the ecosystem.
If we decimate the Hinata population, the Mya-nee population will run wild and reproduce at rapid speeds, making quick work of the Hana-chans of the house. The house is now suffocating under the weight of uneaten sweets that just keep on being made.
There, I explained sharks to you.
You're not cursed with knowing that. Let's keep it that way.
But I want to be cursed, user.
hinata vs hinata?
Sharks aren't apex predators
Depends on the species. What you're likely referring to is the great white shark, which was once considered to be an apex predator, but was relegated to not apex predator when orcas were found to be hunting them.
Great Whites are blue open water hunters though. That's significantly different from reef sharks, who are apex predators in the context of their reef. Great whites travel long distances, crossing entire oceans for mating and food, while reef sharks mostly stay around the same islands and lagoons, and have their young in mangrove forests.
The definition of apex predator is a spongey one, while we mostly attribute it to animals that have no natural enemies, it might be more accurate to attribute it to species whose main population limiting factor is their food source rather than their predators. This is the case for most sharks.
>but was relegated to not apex predator when orcas were found to be hunting them.
Wasn't one Great White found off of the coast of Hawaii because Orcas were in their traditional waters?
First time I've heard of that. They usually turn up in weird places like the Mediterranean though (which has none of their preferred prey) because travelling long distances is in their nature. Their range is "all oceans that aren't too cold" which means their range is currently expanding due to warming oceans.
>What you're likely referring to is the great white shark, which was once considered to be an apex predator, but was relegated to not apex predator when orcas were found to be hunting them.
Fucking orcas. The way they're killing sharks is brutal.
Apparently they ram the great whites in order to stun them, then they turn them around to induce tonic immobility, eventually suffocating the shark.
Orcas are cute. Very hugable.
This poster was killed for trying to hug an orca.
Both are cute
They're both the same
you're using the same puns again and again
You could say he's obviously samefagging.
This actually got a full manga chapter, but it didn't look very good.
This thread was made for sameminded geniuses, bros
Being stuck in a small tank at sea world, swimming in circles until their fins rot off is too good for Orcas.
Lesbians and sharks.
i learned from
I hate sharks! especially ones from san jose
Yer on thin ice, buddy.
Thanks user, now I know what pic related means.
That was probably my favorite mascot in the show. He even scares himself when he's wet.
Now I'm hearing the phrase in the tune of "I'm On A Boat".
>take a good hard look at the motherfucking shark
Aren't sharks supposed to be hydrodynamic?
>Recompressing your sharks
would you?
Those are fighting words.
is that 8man?
Silly Hinata, you're a frog, not a shark.
That's a mighty lookin' duck, there.
When YOUR Hockey Team adopts a kitten that wandered into the stadium and makes it a temporary mascot, then we'll talk.
yeah 0 cups still
It's either that or risking injury/death from a shark bite.
Why does she sit like this?
Maybe she wishes you to swim with her without the protection of a cage.
Both are vicious predators.
Cute sharks
it checks out.
Pocket Fi
they're cute
Please don't stop.
I feel like the author's colour pages are steadily getting more and more sexual. Vol 7's cover looked like it could have been a doujin's.
I will need proof.
Who's this shibuya clone?
they know sharks are masterrace
Sharks are cool.
Was that the cow one? I had to double check to make sure that was actually the cover.
Best girl.
I love my shark as well. Gotta go give her a hug now.
what about THESE sharks?
What about THESE sharks?
shark girls are quick to recognize lewdness
Shotgun Shark
She can ride my shotgun
I loved those sharks when i was a kid. I still have the toys of them
that's a cute shark
hitomi cute
What is it with Hinata that gives me an erection?
she's so beautiful
I wish I was a cute shark.
Cut a gypsy off in traffic
Dun dun dun dun
They get bullied by dolphins
Apex predators.
>Yea Forumstrash
Both are predators
I hope people start posting sharks when pointing out samefagging in other thread in the future. That'd be fantastic.
Because that is how you should treat lawyers.
How dare you