Nero is best saber!

Nero is best saber!

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Saber faces are the shittiest thing ever made. They took an amazing, unique design and just copy pasted it until they ruined the original. Fucking Takeuchi.

The original saber was the best saber until TYPE MOON decided to cater to every limp-wristed rubber-backed bedpan-cleaning flitboy's fetish fuel.

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>every other servant is saber with varying amounts of tits
Nasu is the greatest hack on this planet.

Nasu isn't the one who makes the designs though. Sure he's a hack but it's on Takeuchi

Nero is Artoria's ancestor so every Saberface is technically a Neroface.

Agreed, fuck Takeuchi, fuck Nasu, and fuck gacha shit

don't forget otaku saber

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OG Saber's design is more than just her face though and some saberfaces like Okita also have great designs. Takeuchi is lazy fuck though, not denying it.

Nothing wrong with Saberfaces. Takeuchi was never shown to be a man of artistic integrity. He's just a man who draws what he wants, when he wants and he earned that position within the company.

Summer in FGO NA when?

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Why is she cosplaying as Angelica

I mean, you know, Lanacer Saber is fucking ARA ARA if you know what I'm saying.

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Saber is worst Saber!

Based. Nero is the best!

If she were my servant, I would pump mana into her every night.

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>Whore of Babylon
>anything but worst

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gay boring butler that jobbed to Umu under his optimal conditions in Last Encore, exuberant, couragous Emperor with personal ambition and actually perfect female form is superior

She can't beat the original.

Isn’t she actually one of the worst Saber servants?

She can, Altria is really lame.

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>Altria is really lame.
Why are FGO tertiaries so predictable?

That's pretty cool, I like that. Informative yet funny, also frog shade.

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Reminder that LE flopped harder than the 4th season of prisma illya

Were talking looks here and maybe a little personality. Unless of course you like flat then I respect your opinion, go team flat! Or if you want bigger then you got something for that too, Nero is in the middle when it comes to size. I also don't care about the game, not a gamer (I know offensive right?), so there is that too.

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D-do you like them you know... huge?

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That is definitely true, yes.

Did Nero learn her ways from Caligula?

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Would you?

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I want the weight of their bodies to crush me in bed.


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