
Will they kiss?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, kiss my ass.

Yes, they will kiss.

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Yes, incest endgame incoming

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Tooi and Chikai otter? yes

I realized Enta also refused to say, even if it's a lie, that he hated Kazuki
Has anyone compiled all the parallels?

Between Enta and Mabu?

raped by otter
aibou line and dying in arms
mabu sacrificing their connection vs kazuki refusing to do so
they look the same
indirect kiss (tea cup and recorder)
hands reaching (rain and colden combi)

>yfw Enta and Kazuki have to pull Toi out of his coffin

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Second and third are pretty solid. I suppose it's meant to fall on the theme that self sacrifice isn't all that great.

I'm expecting something like that actually

That thumbnail is terrifying.

Go vote in Ishikawa's ReoMabu polls.

Can a generous user translate the options?
>Ishikawa, Sarazanmai’s character designer, wants to know what kind of ReoMabu you like. The first question is about about emotional tone (any kind, ennui, care-free, tragic) and the second is about clothes (cops, military, casual, naked(ish))
Q: what kind of ReoMabu do you like (clothes)? to be used as reference later

1. police uniform ReoMabu
2. military uniform ReoMabu
3. off-time (casual) ReoMabu
4. a bit naked ReoMabu
Q: what kind of ReoMabu do you like (expression)? to be used as reference in the future

1. the usual ReoMabu
2. ennui ReoMabu
3. innocent ReoMabu
4. tragic ReoMabu

W-what's ennui? Naked is tempting but I think I'm going to vote for Military because my heart yearns for anything regarding ReoMabu + Keppi on their Kappa Kingdom days.

google says it's bored or annoyed in french

Thanks! What did you anons vote for? I voted for military and carefree.

Naked and carefree

Cop and carefree. Cop uniforms are hot

Naked nd suffering

I voted the same as you.

Casual and carefree

Naked and carefree

>Naked isn't winning
What is this?

Attached: 1558087987664.jpg (302x225, 9K)

I voted casual and innocent

Does she want to draw some special "thank you for watching" art or will she use the results as the guideline for BD/magazine etc art?

I love fashion I wanna see them more in casual clothes to get a better understanding of the way they dress and their personalities for fanart ideas

Probably the first.

Me too user. I’m sick of them wearing the same uniforms all the time.

Carefree and naked.

It's probably just a drawing she'll post on Twitter, I guess she feels bad that the fujos are sad.

She seems to have enjoyed interacting with ReoMabu fans so far, sans the stupid faggots who gave her shit about spoilers. It's nice. I'm eager to see what she draws.

Another poll for the boys

I wanted to write her a thank you message for what she posted the other day but sicne she seems to speak no English I didn't know what to type

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>Kappa army uniform trio
w a t

I'm laughing, she really wants to draw them naked.


Mabu x otter is the best ship

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Mabu returns pregnant with otter baby

>Tried to copy the options text to paste it on Google translate
>Accidently voted for the second option
>I don't even know what that means
I really need to learn nip, goddamn.

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Oh no, all the kids will die now because of you

>kappa kingdom uniforms
>naked (sarazanmai)

Otter only wants Toipussy now.

Attached: puss.png (600x600, 60K)

>accidentally vote for the worst option
Way to go, dingus.

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We all are part of Otter's harem


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Thank god. I want some more official art of the trio too.

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>Implying clothes aren't more erotic

Depends on what they are wearing

reminder that aniki did NOTHING wrong, did EVERYTHING for Toi and deserved to be brought back with the plates

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Naked + care-free sounds absolutely god tier though.


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Attached: [Asenshi] Sarazanmai - 03 [D2D4DAF3].mkv_snapshot_07.09.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

Has anyone tried to give Enta long hair and remove his glasses to see what happens

>tfw Mabu gets so mindfucked that he thinks the otter baby looks like Reo's baby the same way the otter looks like Reo

Naked and carefree for ReoMabu and Kappa kingdom uniforms would be cute for the kids.

>Interviewer: Your favourite scene is-?
>Hosoya: When Mabu bake Otter-shaped ningyoyake. Or not my favourite, but the one that left a big impression. Director Ikuhara was fussing over “more sexy/arousing”, so that’s why it left an impression.
Why isn't Ikuni in jail yet

He's just very er, particular.

Nips don't go to jail for minor crimes.

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Poor Hosoyan although I think it would be fun to watch from the sidelines.

Only tax evasion and weed.

>Interviewer: Do you have a final message for fans?
>Ikuhara: "Everyone, please find your Shirikodama! (lol). Because the shirikodama is desire, I hope you don’t let go of it!"
I'm uncomfortable with how Ikuhara is concerned about my shirikodama.

I want to find Mabu's shirikodama over and over with my dick.

>Suwabe: I liked how Mabu positioned himself in a way that would make it easiest for Reo to enter. *laughs*
>Ikuhara: They understand each other like that.

How rushed will the last episode be from 1 to 10?

>Interviewer: Murase said your instructions for the shirikodama scene was that it shouldn’t be 100% pain, it felt a little good too.
>Ikuhara: Right. “Have you had the experience of having your shirikodama removed?” I said (lol). A odd and also sensual feeling is what I wanted.
"Hey Murase have you ever been fisted haha"

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confirmed doggystyle favorite position, fujos get on this

>confirmed doggystyle favorite position
Boring, where’s the romance

I would like to see their faces when Ikuhara was talking about all these stuff to them. It should have been an experience.

The romance is needing the quickest easiest access to deep penetration at the drop of a hat when their feelings of love and need suddenly become overwhelming. Or when they have just a few minutes between shifts.

they are wild neutered dogs


And also keppi is there

SReo/MMabu anthology incoming.

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3 or so. There really isn't much left to solve and Ikuni will never explain the story background in-depth anyway.

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>being a pleb
gives easy access to hugging from behind and can still interlock fingers and kiss. Chest against back is so romantic.


This user gets it. What kind of faggot wouldn't want to kiss and bite all over Mabu's flawless white back and nape too

I need it.

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>17 ips
Aniki wake up

>tfw nips aren't voting for naked ReoMabu

From the last thread. What is user referring to?

It helped the otters since he wouldn't even have to be transformed for it

the otter seemed to rape Mabu face front most of the time, maybe that farmed more despair

>"There's gonna be a time in my life when I'm 100 years old. I'm going to be a very old man. And you know, this is the time of my life that I will really look back and appreciate, you know? It's a gift."

THIS is the aniki that deserved to live.

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Not during cooking class

Casual because I want to see them in fashionable outfits and innocent because I want them to be happy for fucking once.

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>look at me steal your lover's face as I rape you

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please, some drawanon draw gachimuchi with both the anikis

>reference in the future

They probably mean merch and illustrations, but an user can dream for a spin-off.

I can't laugh at these anymore, I can only think of his desperation and pain
Didn't help that I recently watched Penguindrum and when Himari was in pain and about to die being wheeled to the ER she had the same red eyes Mabu had in those scenes

It'll be okay, he's going to Kappa Heaven!

user I need an uncensored version for reasons

Even just an edit would be nice

Goddamn Reo was absolutely adorable before he went bugfuck nuts.

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>when asked what's his type and what his current obsession is Toi answered nothing in particular
It's cute how in denial he is about his brocon

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It hurts

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I'm healed

>reo turned out to be a kappa

Is he brown because he's Egyptian?

The otter meme can stop now that they are confirmed kappa

reo's dick grows from his belly

But then what will I do with all these images?

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It's kappa ain't got to explain shit


I love you MS Paint user

He's confirmed to be well endowed


I never once thought they were otters so I'm fine

What's going on here? And who is the Little Prince? Then the "round ring" he mentions later, is the ア plate?
Also Sara a cute.

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Reo obviously

It might mean when he got shot as well

Reminder that incestfags ruined these threads as they always do.

Reo since he met him or Haruka dreamed of Keppi somehow.

Yeah, does anyone have that translation where Mabu mentioned Reo's size?

Thanks for delivering something wholesome as promised.

But when did he dream of him again?

Reo put him to sleep.

Did they ever find the bassist for kana-boon?

No, he became a kappazombie.

I don't remember the dialogue too well, but the 'round ring' might actually refer to the circle he mentioned to Kazuki aka everyone being connected.

No, read this article if you want to know more.

Sara then says "the world is being tested once again. Is it connected, or is it not connected?" so yes it could be that

the little prince is Reo
still wondering about the マ in the manga


>mad at incestfags in an ikuhara anime
okay retard

he's a big guy

Aww how sweet Ikuhara wants us to all try anal. He’s such a caring director.

He's right though.

The retard is you for responding.

From what?

Prostate health is important. Get yearly checks, people.

Are you thinking of that fan comic with the otter? I subscribe to the idea that the dirty urchin Mabu picked up is hung, but I don't think anything official has been said about it.

last chapter when she shows up as an adult
maybe she split her shirikodama too

Attached: MA.png (278x420, 174K)

Didn't we reach a consensus that this was just a badly drawn ア?

some people believe that but you can't be this bad at writting katakana several times, and apparently it wasn't fixed in the volume

Attached: MA2.png (184x169, 47K)

It was Mabu who wrote that katakana, please be nice to him

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fuck this makes too much sense mystery solved

Why is Mabu so retarded?

for the gapmoe, Reo understands

Don't be mean, he's trying.

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I can tell they wrote all this using a laptop trackpad

Brains literally fucked out

Is there ahegao option?

>Mabu is gapmoe retard
>Reo is just stupid

Checks out

How dare they treat your self-insert like they own you

Any predictions for the last episode title?

I want to connect, but we've always been together

This was posted in another thread, apparently it was a rejected "naked box" concept but it was taken down, did anyone save it?

>Dumb and Dumber
The perfect couple.

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I want to connect and I won't let anything stop me.

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wew, thanks

It's fairly commonly used in English too, and means basically the same thing.

>We'll never get a manga about Mabu and Reo growing up together and their relationship turning over time from kid friends to hot Ahegoing Mabu sex adults

Why is kappa!Reo so much cuter than regular Reo?

They're both perfect and Mabu lets both of them fuck him stupid.

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Mabu is ugly

>light skinned Reo
It's shit.

Factually wrong.

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Since I'll feel rightfully retarded asking this anywhere else: Were the Little Prince and the flower supposed to like each other that way, and did the narrator kind of imply the prince was cute too, or was that all kid me's delusions back then?

You know you can easily look up anything about the Little Prince online.

No, I actually didn't know you could look up possible shipping delusions about classic literature online.

I Want To Connect, So Let’s Be Together was mine

It's not a "shipping delusion" whether the relationship between the prince and the rose is romantic or not.

If you say so, but I've never seen anything like that in teaching notes.

See if a library near you has this I guess

Attached: maybe.png (647x960, 235K)

Teaching notes for 1st graders?

Depends on the literature

>google search

>betrayal and infidelity
I’ve been here too long when I’m projecting Mabu onto a book summary

Thanks, user. I feel validated enough to get off my ass and look now.
I guess?

I want to force feed aniki wasabi til he's crying and gagging!!

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I must always support research, user

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>Saint-Exupéry's infidelity and doubts about his marriage are symbolised by the field of roses the Prince encounters during his visit to Earth. In the novella, The Fox tells The Prince that his Rose is unique and special, because she is the one whom he loves.

Little prince a slut

enjoyment ranking:

sarazanmai > penguindrum > utena >>>> yka


I want to bully aniki til he snaps and takes out his anger on me sexually!

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Why aren’t Sara and Keppi naked?

How much more naked can kappa get?

I want Kappa nipples

They are. Sara is just wearing a bow.

>You aren’t the Mabu who told me the words I wanted to hear

What were the words? 愛してる?

anyone knows which tracks of the OST still haven't played in the anime?

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holy fuck user congrats, I have a new favorite aniki picture now. I need more aniki abuse

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Maybe. It will remained unknown.


Probably some clear words of love. I doubt they'll ever be confirmed, but perhaps in the novel.

8bit Soiya

underrated plot

Bless this

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Nice I like the Dear Future one too.

I wonder if the inevitable cd for the new sarazanmai song will come with a version where mabu is actually singing

He kinda sings some of the lines. I love it as is.

>mutual pining until on the first Keppi mission it's leak time

I hope so even i know it's impossible for the (supposed) straight boys.

But who knows it will be come true.

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>Reo finding out Mabu's feelings when he sees a leak of Mabu pulling an Enta

>Reo and Mabu going through puberty together
>awkward boners when doing things like bathing and sleeping together that used to be innocent
Fund it

it's likely that, Reo was so sure of what Mabu was about to say before he blew up

also, it's such an important phrase and life or death situation, it must be no other than those
>mfw imagining the first time Mabu said those words to him

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (828x1017, 293K)

Gotta laugh at every twitter brainlet who thinks this is the first time Mabu's ever said those words to Reo

Reo: Oh no he'll see I sniffed his shirt
Mabu: Oh no he'll see I touched my Shirikodama in his futon while deep throating his recorder
Reo: wait what
>ywn have the bird and the bees explained to you by Keppi

Because it is

people actually believe this?

No problem friend, I like it a lot too.

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He knew Mabu was going to say "words of love" but I wouldn't be surprised if that actually was the first aishiteru. Those particular words just don't get said that easily, and Mabu already has a track record for being indirect. It seemed meaningful that after all his suffering, Mabu finally chose the most direct and intense way to profess his love for the final time.
Every time Reo has a lewd secret he asks Mabu to be the leaker and Mabu's secret ends up being 10x lewder than his

>years of having no secrets due to leaks
>suddenly your man is kissing an otter and secrets everywhere
No wonder Reo went nuts

The last thing Reo told Mabu before parting and becoming a zombie was "you aren’t the Mabu who told me the words I wanted to hear", he's talking of something that happened before, after mentioning the line about Mabu picking him up
Mabu repeating them at that time with Reo knowing they were coming is such a perfect climax to not be that
Mabu is indirect but no way he was indirect all the time otherwise they wouldn't be at the point they were, he probably said them back then when he wanted to show how serious he was about becoming a couple

damn Mabu literally killed himself so he could tell Reo the words he wanted to hear

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Has a sarazanmai artbook been announced yet? I want to see analysis of all the zombie designs

Really, everybody who hardly ship KujiIncest got my nerves. I have no problem with KujiIncest but why their shippers like to bash the other ship like kazutoi?

What's wrong with you guys?

This is no fanwar Please...

I don't think you guys understand how intense aishiteru sounds in japanese. Nip couples can spend entire lives together without ever saying that to each other. Certainly Mabu has said a dozen sukis and other love confessions, but it's not a huge stretch to think that was his first aishiteru.

I love this artist.

utena > sara > penguin > gay bears


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Meant to reply to

Everyone knows that, still applies, fictions tends to throw it around more freely specially romance manga. Japan isn't the only culture saying I love you out loud is too bold or embarrassing.
I don't see how it's an stretch specially with two characters who didn't have inhibitons of any kind due to the whole Kappa secret share and clearly were passionately in love

Attached: [AkaYF] Aku no Hana 02.jpg (577x628, 70K)

It's my impression that it was Mabu's first aishiteru. It doesn't seem right at all for "the words Reo wanted to hear" to have been those words. Reo could have felt loved/wanted/needed from so many other expressions, and "the words" doesn't have to be a literal singular set of words, but it could be the whole language of love that Mabu used to speak to him that Reo wasn't getting from post-death Mabu.

Even in fiction you don't see aishiteru getting thrown around very frequently, suki is still the most prefered way to confess unless the character is literally dying, which Mabu was.

>mfw I just played a video game a character asks another "how do you feel about her" and said character says "ai shiteru" in the middle of the street

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That's a very compelling argument, ESLtard.

Sara will not approve of you being mean to other anons.

>example of being used freely in fiction
>not valid

Sorry Ikuhara is my dad and he says Reo and Mabu are dead forever and will never be together again.

I want to cum inside aniki?

>Ikuhara:[...]you cant do anything with the characters once you kill them

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Reo and Mabu dead forever. Enta is next.

ans Kazuki to full circle the parallel

Everyone dies, no happy endings

I want aniki to cum inside me!

Based Kunihiko "Slayer of Homos" Ikuhara

It's okay to be gay if you literally die for it!

>Ikuhara: "This was probably the first time in anime that the [male] characters got to open up to each other about their feelings with words like that."
>"I think that might have been the first time that was represented in anime - the connection of those characters and one of them opening up to the other about his feelings with those words - I hope it got a "YESS" out of ppl."
b-b-b-born to make history

Yesss then nooo, appeared to be how it went

Kek so that is what he meant about making history

All of them have been used already.

I think there are gonna be surprise tracks last EP because I recall one BD extra was a rearrangement of ReoMabu FATE
Maybe I dreamed it

Someone tell me I'm not turning insane, I'm trying to look for the tweet(?) I saw it listed

never let go of your desire user

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I mean, lots of people want to cum on already dead historical figures or celebrities

how the fuck did keppi do that to reo's "corpse" though

keppi and sara have special powers

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2019.06.14_22.33.29].jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Keppi has near godlike powers, especially concerning 'connections'.

It's fucking magic, kero.

I really don't want this show to be over bros.

guys Mabu was kill in 2008 right? So if he had to go maintenace every day that's 365daysx11years rapes until his death in 2019 right?

More likely weekly maintenance than daily

Is saitou misaki implying that she's working on 8 more pages?

I hope so

Guesses on what that will be?

Reo and Mabu's links slowly being covered by debris in the street.

Did they actually fuck?

Attached: D8aXYOjW4AAZSXZ.jpg (1136x640, 56K)

I thought that was the scene about, the naked hug, heart grab, heart going overdrive
>Mabu embraces Reo back unlike the otter who he hardly keeps eye contact wih to begin with
>he couldn't say I love you the whole time

Fucking while not being able to express your love must have been something at least he kinda hugged

I'm inclined to say no, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was confirmed that they did have sex. It'd be a real bummer to be told that after scarfing down that ningyouyaki, Reo actually grabs Mabu in a frenzy of affection and fucks him right on the table in the koban, and we didn't get to see any of it.
For now, I think it's just a visualization of Reo's feelings. Reo coming back to the koban while it's still nighttime with the wine makes it seem like sex was on the agenda, but not reached. Also, despite Mabu's skill at being totally deadpan, I feel like he might have emoted a little more upon Reo finding him in the maintenence room if they'd just had some successful loving sex shortly before.

The scene is surreal, I read various interpretations.
To me it's not what literally happened in that moment, but just a representation of Reo's feelings.

Just look on the fucking site

Oh, this is what hontoku secretly drew those irises for. Nice.



Nigga the "kiss my ass" was shitposting
I'm not a shipperfag so fuck off

I hope there's some real teasing in the PV coming out tomorrow.

I feel like the imagery does feel like it happened
And its very convenient how it would be the same day he was lured to the bar, that must have been enough despair to fuel kuro keppi for a month

unless I'm remembering didnt the novel said something about touching Mabu's heart feeling very good? that's why I assumed it was sexual when the lights went off and it was strongly held
Also reminder that in Japanese hug is slang for fuck

The novel says that Mabu gets an expression "like ecstasy" when Reo pulls out his heart.
I figured the otter turning out the lights on the naked embrace was a visual thing for the otter deciding at that moment (a peak of hope for Reo and Mabu, perhaps cued by the rapid beating of Mabu's heart) to shut down their happiness (which the otter quickly does in the following scene). The events that unfold between Reo and Mabu seem carefully orchestrated by the otter to maximize their despair.

for mabu

romantic ;_;

>Sarazanmai Radio: Ikuhara,
"Sara appears as a human body shape or a round shape. Real Sara is the latter. When she is on TV, the round one is a CG model. And its doll was set at the place of fan event EP05" Dish !

That's cute dish. Wish we actually had more of her onscreen.

wish we knew if the manager is a kappa


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They just announced he got back to his family.

Attached: D9KjAxgU0AA7csn.jpg (848x1200, 62K)

amazing, good news, is he in good health?

Apparently he's very tired but no wounds or anything.

shit, sounds like a kidnaping ir drugs gone wrong
the fact that I hope is the former is sad but >japanese drug laws


no, but they'll fuck

Where are the Ikuhara quotes coming from? Someone posted another one where he said you can interpret it as platonic friendship.

From several translated interviews. I think they're on some blog or Twitter but I don't know where exactly.

I think I might be a slowpoke.
I just realized Otter is the faceless fat old man.

He’s probably trolling there but iirc wasn’t that interview before 10?

>kappa kingdom uniforms

Enta is gonna look like he’s wearing the scalps of his clones

Utena and Anthy never rode pegasi, you should be used to this by now.

That scene is always so confusing. At least we've seen Otterzila in the show.

>Despite everything reomabu still haven't had an onscreen kiss

Ikuhara you coward, make it happen

Yeah and that's why I want to see it again. It briefly appeared at the end of episode 6.
New poll.

Too fucking soon!

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Google Play added STAND BY ME.

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>boring option is winning
Nips suck

They're just keychains for the moment. Dad lied to you and also your mom is your aunt.

Oh God I want to see this

I am connected

"We are Sarazanmai" or simply "Sarazanmai"

That's... really weak to be honest? It's not like gay characters are lacking, it's that they often just die after confessing. Even No. 6 in which both characters kiss on screen are separated in the end. That's probably why Yuri on Ice was so successful, even if the writers had to somehow obscure some parts.


Also I don't think Ikuhara cares TOO much about checking politically correct boxes because if you do that your art will end up shit and he's an artist primarily.

>no snout
I wonder how well this will age.

You're not consuming an Ikuhara show correctly if you don't come out of it slightly more degenerate, right?

I don't see anything about gay characters in the translated quote. Maybe he's talking about having a character say aishiteru.

kek he really got into the show.

it's far from the first ai shiteru in anime but may have been the first between male characters

He doesn't care. Ikuhara is not afraid of writing controversial characters and situations, so why would he suddenly care about being politically correct? He is not a lgbt hero and people should stop trying to depict him as one, or expect him to do justice to sexual minorities through his works.
He's a director and an artist first, not a social activist. He's just inspired by such themes on an aesthetic level; if positive messages come across it's unintentional.

then he already did that with Shoma
context people


Happy fathers day

Attached: 6CDB47EB-8E2B-4CE5-AFBA-508972121BF2.jpg (1437x813, 352K)

Even the staff starts drawing that kind of art.

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Same with negative messages. I agree he’s not trying to be more inclusive or whatever, but he does seem more purposeful in a way. Like including same sex unions in Shibuya in his list of notable events. And I doubt that’s in regards to YKA.

I wouldn't say unintentional (since that sounds more like sending messages that conflict with his intentions) but that any messages would organically result from the story rather than the story being written to send a message. And that's how I like it.
>He is not a lgbt hero and people should stop trying to depict him as one, or expect him to do justice to sexual minorities through his works.
Replace "he" with "he and any fiction writer ever" and I agree.

>to be honest?
Anyway, why make that comparison when we don't know if gay characters in this will end up together or not? You can't say nothing can happen in one episode when it's almost 10% of the show.

I love the way Iwaida draws kappa.

Attached: D8f_3iWU0AAGGFa.jpg (844x482, 41K)

Attached: ButtSarazanmai.jpg (1500x1332, 276K)

Reo's dick is extra larger if they fuck that way.

I totally would a Mabukappa. Greedy horny Mabu is irresistible in any form.

>he and any nip fiction writer ever

Nah, I meant any. Sure, Western writers like marketing their rep cred as acts of heroism but that doesn't mean I accept their bragging.

Utena > YKA > Penguin > Sara

>Also I don't think Ikuhara cares TOO much about checking politically correct boxes because if you do that your art will end up shit and he's an artist primarily.
Which has nothing to do with what I said?



You know they must have done it both way

>art that is concerned with aesthetics over politics is inherently better


Attached: 1557452188863.jpg (640x480, 25K)

I don't even know how this discussion came to be
I was just pointing out that Ikuhara isn't so revolutionary as he think he is


YKA you have to get thru the first 3 episodes which are a real chore lets be honest.

Bring back the cop coffees and this is AOTY.

I still don't understand why people rate Penguindrum so high. The first half is a boring slog only carried by cliffhangers and the second half is a mess of themes and characters with no direction.

Enta will turn out to be a yellow dryer and Kazuki will turn into a boat.

Screencap this post.

That lollipop we see at the end of episode 10 is Enta's true form. Kazuki is the ア signs. Tooi is the tentacles.

Kazuki merging with the ア sign in the opening scene in episode 1 and becoming the god of connections?

Yes, that's why he's everywhere. All those ア signs are mini Kazukis.

Kazuki is in eveything!

Even, in a kiss.

>a mess of themes and characters
Let's be real, this is just Ikuhara's MO. He doesn't understand the concept of less is more.

why did they save all the QUALITY for aniki episodes

Attached: 1556852439940.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Episode 9 is the best, direction and animation wise.

You mean kappa Reo banging human Mabu?

I disagree. Utena has a lot of themes going on, but it's thematically wonderful. Even YKA, despite being a poor product, had a strong theme going on.

Nigga what?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.04.737.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

I know, which is what makes 10 so underwhelming in comparison, despite the emotional catharsis

Yeah, art that aims to be aesthetically good usually ends up being more aesthetically good.

The last episode is directed and written by Ikuhara, right? I hope it looks amazing.

He definitely tries to do things no one has done before, but not really in a political way.

I like YKA specifically because I feel that it's the most focused and coherent thing he's produced, thematically speaking.


Dry humping

Attached: IMG_20190616_103037.jpg (1500x1575, 267K)

Yes. Mabu doesn't care is Reo's dick is Kappa small if it's Reo. Heck we all know Kappa are good at reaching deep for that shirikodama maybe Kappa are better at anal pleasure than humans. Their myths do have them eat ass.

Takeuchi is an anikifag

Ikuhara's strength as a director is the way he marries visuals with music/sound design. I'm excited.

>come home from a long day of work
>this horny little gremlin starts jumping your leg as soon as you walk through the door
poor mabu

Art is inherently political, especially something that challenges societal norms like Ikuhara's works.

This said, nothing about Sarazanmai is revolutionary so far.

It's worth it when Reo sticks his tongue up your ass and starts licking your desireball.



Do you even know what QUALITY is?

Mabu is 100% into it. He's even encouraging Reo in that pic.

I actually suspect Ikuhara is more influenced by religion than politics. PenguinDrum had a lot of Buddhist themes, and I can see them in Sarazanmai too.

What are you saying user, this is 4chin.
Me not want politics in my anime!
Less SJW shit, more cute girls!
Fun things are fun!
Also nationalism and japanese politics I'm completely oblivious to and therefore don't notice are completely fine!

Attached: ultimate wizard.jpg (1155x865, 232K)

I feel like Sarazanmai isn't delivering its message in a powerful way, on the contrary the episodes are too disrupted.

>That Slayers poster
Confirmed for Grand Master of the Order

This, I'm tired of political messages in anime these days. I want to go back to old anime, that had no politics whatsoever, like gundam.

Better taste than pretty much everyone on Yea Forums

> I want to go back to old anime, that had no politics whatsoever, like gundam
This joke has only just started but it has already gone too far. Please Delete your post.

Attached: wrong pic pretend its gundam.jpg (680x621, 39K)

Slayers is bretty gud and has 10/10 OPs and EDs

But user, he's a Reifag.

It's like that goblin bl animation except Mabu loves every second.
Kappa Reo is master of rimming.

>ywn protect these smiles

Attached: D9LLNUbUEAEbnDA.jpg (1536x2048, 201K)

Great taste for a frog.

No it isn't, unless you're using a very unorthodox definition of political, which defeats the lmaoposter's argument anyway.
>This is nu/a/!
>Where Yea Forums and /pol/ are the same, amirite!

>No it isn't
you are very stupid if you actually believe this

>if you tell reo you love him your heart will explode
>wanting to tell reo I love him is a selfish desire
I don't understand why the words were desire enough to zombify mabu but also love enough to kill him

Are you seriously gonna deny this is the opinion of the majority around these parts? I only exgerrated it a little for the sake of humor.

Kappas don't die like humans, right?

Attached: D9HgWLDUcAIxJic.jpg (893x1200, 131K)

They can die since Mabu died in the war.

I guess the "desire to tell" makes desire strong even if it's out of love.

Yes I am very stupid, but even I can't beat this statement.
No, I'm confused by why you think not being /pol/ on Yea Forums is worth ironic tumblrposting.

The whole "if you tell him, your heart will explode" thing just sounds like a curse. The otters just wanted to torture them both and probably feed on their garmonbozia.

They get turned into keychains apparently.

It's a "selfish" desire, because speaking those words means dying. Dying, knowing that it will hurt Reo, to satisfy his desire to speak those words = "selfish".

>The whole "if you tell him, your heart will explode" thing just sounds like a curse.
Did you watch the episode? Mabu literally explodes after he says the words.

>get me pregnant reo

Attached: IMG_20190616_111642.png (791x700, 327K)

That explosion worries me. If Mabu only had his shirikodama pulled out, Keppi could have used some butt magic, but having your heart explode sounds like there might be no coming back. Fuck otters.

Everyone gets turned into keychains after they zombie but usually keppi absorbs them and then they go ghost
But reo also turned into a keychain cause keppi is magic like that

Imagine being Keppi.

Attached: third wheel.jpg (700x988, 180K)

In the moment of the heart grab Mabu turns his eyes to audience
Can't let Reo can see the ecstasy (desire) in his eyes
;_; [/s]

Those uniforms are made for doujinshi.

Everyone is a keychain or whatever those rings are. When a Kappazombie dies their ring disconnects from a chain and goes into that circular "No end. No Connection. No beginning thing. Keppi knocked Mabu's ring into Reo's pocket. When Reo died his ring was interlocked with Mabu so they're sleeping and still connected.

Attached: 1553583880105.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

The world is full of magic. If Mabu and Reo both turn into magical keyrings the same way after exploding so hard that his particles evaporate and being shot dead with a real gun respectively, I'm sure they can both be revived the same way too.

>I want to go back to old anime, that had no politics whatsoever, like gundam.
OK user you made me laugh really hard with that one.

I think the difference between desire and love is whether you're willing to accept substitutes for the connection you want. Mabu says he's giving up on having Reo's heart before seppukuing so it's desire.


He should have brought Sara.

Reo turned into a corpse when he was shot. Keppi winked at him twice and turned him into a butt ring

>Everyone is butts
>Mabu is Mabu and Reo is "Leo"
Really makes you think.


Mabu was technically a "corpse" as well, even if he was in energy form instead of tissue due to the way that he died.

Complaining about the politics of western dubbers, bloggers and youtube and twitter shitheads isn't complaining about the anime, user.

>die without being able to tell your most precious person how you feel
aniki didn't deserve to suffer so much

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Reo is about to murder their boss for using Mabu as a seat

Asenshi's subs are out early. Yet again, I think part of their work is superior to CR's and part of it isn't. Their efforts to produce an impactful translation of aishiteru just comes across awkwardly unnatural to me.

I don't know what spiritualism the show will follow or it's some make up thing so I assume the rings are like the souls. After they die their "soul" goes into the "No end. No connection. No beginning" afterlife? circle. Since Mabu's and Reo's ring were saved by Keppi from that they kind of still exist in the living world.

Attached: 1547011908762.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>Their efforts to produce an impactful translation of aishiteru just comes across awkwardly unnatural to me
What did they go with?

So basically you're just confused by shitposting. On Yea Forums.

Attached: ok.png (157x142, 32K)

>Always until now, and hereafter forevermore, I love you.
I think it's a mouthful too poetic, but maybe that's just my taste. The line felt worse when reading it while watching the scene than it does just reading it as text though.

What the hell, that sounds dumb. Why not go with 'I have and will always love you'? Unless CR already did that.

OK, I have corrected my ways now. But who do the butts represent?

Yeah, that does sound overwrought. I think "I always have and always will love you" is fine. If they weren't happy with that then even something like "From now and until always, I love you" would have worked. They all functionally have the same meaning anyway.

Only zombies have their rings disconnected from the chain and then absorbed by keppi which is why everybody forgets about them.
RM's rings left the chain which is why KOOL twitter was deleted but because keppi connected them to each other instead of absorbing them they will remember each other in the afterlife

Shiri is short for shirikodama
The name just means who that specific shirikodama belongs to

Nope, not what I meant.

what list?

From the Ikuhara exhibit

Oh cool, Migii posted all the of the Sarazanmai stuff on pixiv.

Oh I know you didn't.
But you're still completely deluded if you think cancerous shitposting is the apanage of tumblr. Or as that other user put it more harshly: you're stupid.

I think they wanted to have the complete "I love you" at the end, which I understand. It's just a tough line to work out neatly in English that way. The more I consider it the less I dislike it, but it's unfortunate that my first impression was negative.

Bless you.

Attached: 1554977743801.jpg (1754x1240, 450K)

I wonder why their names were in katakana instead of kanji

Easier to draw and read, I guess.

Okay, but you too, because that's still not it and that's not what an apanage is either.

This List from the Ikuhara Exhibit of things that have influenced his works.

Attached: 1556426158301.jpg (1200x446, 164K)


>WTC attacks
>North Korea missile testings
Where did those come in?

Deep down a normalfag I see

Attached: 56468159-56468847_044.png (620x620, 344K)

The simplicity, I'm sure. レオマブ has been used significantly in official materials to identify them as a unit, and consistency is valuable.

What's up with the SMAP thing? Does this mean the boys will separate in the end? I doubt anything that happened in 2018 had an effect on Sarazanmai.

ReoMabu survive and move to Shibuya!

He's an artist, not an incel. I'm sure he's touched many a boobie and shirikodama in his time.

They still call each other aibou, they won't get a domestic partnership unless they tell everyone it's as friends.

Otterzilla tries to destroy Skytree, the kappa boys turn into missiles to stop it.

I'll overlook it because he makes superior 2D.

I can't appreciate that sexy back because of otters.

Attached: [Asenshi] Sarazanmai - 10 [AC15AF9E].mkv_snapshot_12.59_[2019.06.16_19.15.42].jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

9/11 Stuff could be tied to Penguindrum, I mean Penguindrum is a Sarin Gas AU but they're both terrorist attacks. This is a list of things he finds inspiring for works so it could also tie into future projects as well?

It may have to do with this works in general. I took the SMAP thing as having to do possibly with Double H and Triple H stuff in Penguindrum, Since Boybands and Girl Groups were the precursors to idols. Or maybe he wants to make a boyband anime in the future, I mean I'd watch an Ikuhara series that was about a boyband with anticapitalist themes.

>a boyband with anticapitalist themes.
This cracks me up, I'd pick it up.

>the official account started character gifs and the old PVs for the countdown
Feels like I was watching the teasers yesterday. Remember when we thought Reo and Mabu would be the main characters?

>we will never see Reo or Mabu at Sara's parent teacher meetings
>we will never see Reo and Mabu deal with their boss dating their daughter
>we will never see the banging hot make up sex now that their butts have connected
>we will never see nyantaro get his revenge on Reo by eating the mouse that will steal the keychains

>with anticapitalistic themes
Nah, It's gonna be AntiGaijin themed.

No? Right from the start they said they're supporting characters.

I'm pretty sure they stated they were side characters when the manga got announced, which was shorty after the PVs

They are in my shirikodama

Waiting for the new PVs every week was really fun.

It was really impressive how everybody could tell this was going to be gay from the first PV alone.

>some anons won't make it til the next ikuni anime
>Yea Forums(el) probably won't even be here when the next ikuni anime airs

People were debating whether Kazuki was wearing nail polish in the PV. Dark times.

Wasn't the official site with Migi's RM illustration launched first? I remember people arguing about their status until we discovered they were called key characters. Whatever, it's been too long.

We are here forever. I will watch the next Ikuhara anime with my fellow Penguinbros even.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 02 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_06.04_[2019.04.18_21.49.14].jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Don't let the otters get you bros

That's just expected. Some people always think it will be gay and some people never think it will be gay.
Was he?

Aniki is so sexy!! I want to cum in his cold, stiff corpse!!

Attached: D9CINRXVUAA5T9v.png (550x791, 101K)

It's just the way they draw nails in this show. They are colored.

Attached: [Asenshi] Sarazanmai - 10 [AC15AF9E].mkv_snapshot_04.43_[2019.06.16_22.40.21].jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

>finally drawn with an ass because blessed animator
>it's otter

Attached: finally.png (313x261, 68K)

That's how you know it's not real Reo.

Please let Mabu smile again.

I want to grow cucumbers with Reo and his tiny ponytail.

Attached: sara10_premux_001_18335.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

>ywn leak with Reo and have him see all your dirty fantasies about pulling on his ponytail and coming on his nape

He smiled a few times in ep10.

Attached: smile.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

Well, post 10. Bring back Mabu, bring back his coffee.
Imagine the coffee sales if they bring them back. It'd be marketing genius.

He was so beautiful. And his skin was fairer than his white gloves.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.42_[2019.05.17_01.54.57].jpg (1280x720, 94K)

they removed them from the menus?


holy shit I thought they only removed them for the ads as a joke not that you couldn't order it anymore

I didn't know being erased from existence would be that hard.

it's good to be a kappa

Attached: D9NUySwUIAAxeiM.jpg (1262x620, 56K)

The music used in episode 10 isn't in the OST, is it? I want that instrumental version of Kawausoiya.

It's not. Maybe they will release another OST with the new music and songs.

Can you imagine the amount of orders there will be if Reo and Mabu come back and so does the coffee?

there will be homo of course. But one of the boys is in love with their manager who is a Yukionna. As far as the obligatory cutesy animal mascot it''s a baby seal. They sing a song about why you shouldn't club baby seals too.

When in the episode was that?

So who's gotten USO'd so far?

>wants to be with Reo so he'll lie

>wants his old Mabu so he won't accept the 'new' one

>split in two

>Golden Combi > *
>can't lie

>to be continued


Is someone going to get split into two again?

Attached: D9KuS0tUwAAlDkl.jpg (1000x1000, 210K)

Kazuki, he has to do something as MC.

Attached: 1555919789755.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

It was confirmed that the following BDs/DVDs will have different versions of older songs and character songs.

It was when Reo was leaking.

Sweet. I got the OST, but I will probably pirate them though.

extremely cruel and unfair if the kuji bros are the only ones to remain separated in the end

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Maybe they can be keychains too.

>maybe the less painful the connection, the more they look at the camera...
Shin Toizilla next episode boys

Why would you wish that on a kid

I want Sara to be relevant. I suspect she'll be something like Kumaria-sama, but I'd rather she be a good daughter and brought her dead dads back to life.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 09 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_07.07_[2019.06.06_20.19.39].jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Only Haruka got tsunagari'd. Good boy.

god I wish that were me

Attached: D9K7AcIUcAACW0e.jpg (1400x1604, 172K)

Hang on for Sara ex machina.

So he can be with his nii-san forever!

Attached: D9MCxTKUwAEu15h.jpg (720x960, 108K)

They're together forever now!
That would be a nice late father's day present

I really want Enta to get the Kazu D. He deserves to be happy, he said no to otters. That's the equivalent of saying no to Akio.

Ikuni fucked us over on onii-sans' day. He has to redeem himself.

But Enta is for Hue dicks. He deserves an ending on a beach surrounded by beautiful buff Brazilian men who worship the ground that he walks on, not someone who is emotionally constipated and doesn't know what he has until it's basically gone ie he's sweet crippled brother getting taken by Reo and Enta getting shot before he cares.

3P ending when? The boys all deserve to be happy and dicked down.

nigga you can't just make everyone gay in this story. Enta is for suffering alone.

Attached: D8-iTKaU0AAbeR4.jpg (700x809, 72K)


Attached: D7-4QhnUcAERijB.png (508x839, 413K)

That'd be the worst end for Enta. Kazuki might get better, I want to believe.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.21_[2019.05.17_01.43.11].jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Pls don't bully

>t. battered spouse

Enta is too good for Kazuki

Circle jerk end

So... Sarazanmai really was the friends we made along the way?

I'll be pleasantly surprised if he gets anyone's D except Otter's. But I'm preparing my ass for no real screentime or resolution at all.

At first, I thought that Keppi's design was dumb but now I find him cute and squishy. I would buy a Keppi pillow.

Attached: [Asenshi] Sarazanmai - 01 [9E2C2E1A].mkv_snapshot_19.38_[2019.04.13_23.02.36].jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

>all these fanarts
Otterzuki should have gone further.

He might get kappazoned and remain as a kappa forever.

>wants to kill himself for Harukappa
>gets punched and told he's a dumbass

>wants to kill himself for Enta
>gets punched and told he's a dumbass

Will this guy ever learn.

And lovers.

Attached: 1542156952625.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

Kazuki is too good for Enta

Brazil, the country where the gay community live in fear of being brutally attacked in the street seems great for him

I want a huge Keppi mascot like that ghastly Kappazuki haunting Asakusa.

he will move with his men to shibuya

To be fair it's a desperate situation when your friend is a frog timebomb.

they're both terrible for each other, which is why they need a real man like toi to take the reins

Attached: D9HPw1GUcAEfu_5.jpg (780x1024, 131K)

Don't know why, but the fact that he thirsts for Kazuki's dick and not only his pure heart somehow makes it less imbalanced for me.

Enta will get Bolsonaro's son's dick.

No, please come to brazil.

>gay anime character ever getting over their crush with the dense straight best friend

can we link all of these with each of his works? I would do it myself but I haven't read his manga with Nakamura

>I took the SMAP thing as having to do possibly with Double H and Triple H stuff in Penguindrum
but Penguindrum came out in 5 years before

Kazuki won't get better, shitty guys never get better, Enta needs to just move on and find another cock to choke down.

Honestly, I love how much of a sad, horny spazzy 14-year-old homo Enta is. We all knew a kid like this or was a kid like this. And Kazuki being such an emotional constipated shitty 14-year-old... man Ikuni really captured what makes middle-schoolers such garbage people but in two different ways.

Weird how shitty to you is cute as fuck to me.

how does a 14 year old pink wearing fruit like kazuki already qualify as a "guy" that won't get better
if enta is a kid so is kazuki

Attached: D9MOU_MU8AESRBu.jpg (688x887, 95K)

Tbf Kazuki kinda realized he was being a piece of shit during his conversation with Haruka but I feel like the only thing he retained from it was that he got dabbed on by Toi when they were ten.

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Unpopular opinion but I really, really enjoy this show and am going to be sad when it's over

If you're the same person you were when you were 14, that's on you.

Some are way more obvious then others I'm honestly thinking he's got some kind of boyband or girl group idea in the works.

I meant SMAP releasing their single in 2003 more than SMAP breaking up.


Attached: 1549585985763.jpg (820x1016, 109K)

From what I can tell

>Sarin, AKB48, kogal (maybe?)

>Twitter, LINE, Skytree, Shibuya (?), iPhone, Tohoku earthquake

Haven't seen Yurikuma and Utena had much different and older influences. The only ones that would apply to it timeline wise would be the Hanshin earthquake and kogal and neither seems to fit.

Unpopular opinion but Reo and Mabu should come back but be kept in their kappa forms

kappa sex is purer than human sex

Attached: D9GVYk-U4AAIFcH.jpg (768x768, 97K)

but frogs have no dicks... right?

They will exist between life and death as Keppi's servants once more and sleep in the bushes at his little park.

sarazanmai no uta ranking:

enta > kazuki > reo > tooi

Kappa are not frogs.

Attached: IMG_20190616_071244.png (749x562, 233K)

Yeah, none of that list makes me think of Utena at all. With Yurikuma maybe the missile testing stuff because in Yurikuma the Humans have a huge wall to defend themselves from the bears and you could maybe tie that to wanting to build up Japan's defenses more as a response?

>Reo > Enta > Toi > Kazuki

But Kappa do in shunga

as predicted

Attached: D9L-rN7VUAEPfQ8.jpg (894x1200, 181K)

Reo should be last. His singing is godawful. At least the kids sound cute in their inability to carry a note.

His singing is wonderful because it's awful.

Kazuki >= Enta >>> Reo = Tooi

Death pretty much means nothing in any Ikuhara show. Reo and Mabu still exist, and they will almost certainly be reincarnated next ep.

>thinks there are characters on this show who aren't into dick
Even Keppi is, he just likes girls too

keppi definitely 3p'd with reo and mabu

How mad will people be if the yurifag madman has them reincarnate as girls?


What was KOOL twitter?

>KeppiEnta kiss in ep3 still hasn't been explained
>KeppiKazuToi memory blackout in ep1 still hasn't been explained
There's some hidden degeneracy there.


Imagine using Keppi as a shared onahole with your bro.

Stop ending your statements with question marks you tumblr scum.

Attached: the fuck did you just say bitch.jpg (1054x1024, 151K)

Will they be cute like Sara


Attached: puppet cakes.png (1366x768, 1.11M)


Mabu's Jelly doughnuts

They will reincarnate as girls and will meet again only after Mabu (girl) gets pregnant by a random sign guy.
Fuck purityfags as he once implied.

That's something I'd like to see.
The madman has yet to impress me with weird and unpredictable shit, Sarazanmai has stopped shocking me since episode 1 with Keppi pooping out the kappa boys.

reo and mabu reincarnated as siamese twins

> Reo Smokes Kools

Reo I know cigs are expensive but that won't get them to send you free packs homie.

>KeppiKazuToi memory blackout in ep1 still hasn't been explained
Yeah, what was up with that? Will we ever found out what happened or is it foreshadowing that the boys lost/will lose their memories of what happened?

>sisters and lesbians
killing two birds with one stone

Ikuni's final form

Why the fuck would they do that?

last for aniki toi gay incest

Last for kero

>googles 'puppet cake'

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