Is adult Gon the stongest character in the HxH universe?

Is adult Gon the stongest character in the HxH universe?

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i dont know

He isn't even the strongest hunter

Meruem and Netero bitch slaps gon

Phinks level at best

No because HxH is shit

That's post Rose Meruem.

I think Netero and his Dad are still stronger, let alone post Rose Meruem

gon is a piece of shit and only ever wins by asspulls

Meruem > Netero > Adult Gon > Pitou > Clown/Izumi/Spider boss/Old Zoldyck/Ging > Godspeed Killua > Regular Gon


>post-rose Meruem
>dies after a few hours at most

Waht about other 2 royal guards?
And spider boss with his ability is definitively stronger than the clown

>having a point

It's based off character interactions and fights. Pitou was implied to be the strongest Royal Guard. When Hisoka challenged untrained Netero on the ship, Netero didn't care whatsoever because the difference in their strength was not worth him acknowledging Hisoka. When Netero sensed Pitou after arriving on the scene, he admitted he doesn't know if he can win before he started training/warming up to remember what fighting is like.
Godspeed Killua easily overpowered Youpi, and Youpi was being held off and was even damaged by a Hunter underling. Their senpai who isn't exactly one of the strongest hunters out there essentially solo'd butterfree and it's implied he was the weakest guard. Also everyone shat themselves sensing Pitou's nen every time. The other guards never had that effect on them, even while facing them 1 on 1.
When Chrollo fought the two Zoldycks, Silva was weary and Zeno relied on Silva to "finish him off". Zeno may be stronger, but he wasn't confident about beating Chrollo without suffering significant damage unless Silva helped him out.
Chrollo was confident enough to face them in a 2 on 1, and even engage in close-quarters combat despite them being assassins who excel in taking down a single target. Chrollo was not confident in approaching Hisoka and instead used the crowd which implies Hisoka might be a bigger threat than both Zoldycks. No one truly "won" any of their fights, so who's exactly stronger than who is still up for debate so they're all pretty much the same for now. Also Ging is just a pure guess. I feel like he isn't actually a fighter, just a clever and adventurous guy, but he's so experienced he's at least their level and can come up with a way to take them on.

Watched the anime, should I pick up the manga? Does Togashi still write or is it in hiatus?

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Brion is the strongest

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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> is

is Gon out for the rest of the series?

Reality Warper tier: Nanika
S: Meruem
A+: Gon-san
A: Netero, Pouf, Pitou, Youpi, maaaaybe Ging, maybe Halkenburg with all his loyal men at his side
B: Chrollo, Zeno, Silva, Morel, Razor, probably Botobai and the strongest Zodiacs.
C: Uvogin, Hisoka, Illumi, Feitan, probably most Zodiacs, Knov, Bisky
D: Kurapika, Godspeed Killua, most of the Spiders, the weaker Zodiacs, Kite, Knuckle, Shoot, most Chimera Ant Squadron Leaders, probably Royal Nen Beasts, probably Benjamin and Camilla.
E: Gon, Pakunoda, Palm, Tsezguerra, Genthru, the Shadow Beasts, probably the strongest among Benjamin's men, probably Kalluto
F: Goreinu, Welfin, Ikalgo and other soldier Chimera Ants with Nen, Gotoh, probably the Xi-Yu mafia trio, probably Hanzo.
G: Leorio, Nostrade bodyguards, Kortopi, average Hunter.
H: Meleoron, Heaven's Arena trio, probably a level 20 Hei-Li, Mike
I: Nenless Worker Chimera Ant, Zushi, guys who had their Nen awakened by Kurapika/Morena, farmer with shotgun
J: Nenless human

>HxH universe
You mean the kindergarten ?

If so, what would Gon-san's sex drive be like? Just a related question begging to be asked.

Non-existent. He gave up nearly everything for power alone.

Pretty strong

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there are like 5 volumes worth of material after the anime, you should read it, it's really good

Yes his story is done

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>sustains the form for like 20 minutes and loses his nen in the process

god i hate that faggot and his faggot show

did you even watch the series? he didnt die in a fight, your take is complete nonsense

Convince me to pick this show up

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>ruining perflat with filthy udders

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Tournament arc.

Togashi releases enough chapters to cover 1 volume per year. Usually 10 chapters a year so he should be back soon for 2019 volume.

99 anime was kino af

his story is done kurapika fags actually think this when togashi confirmed kuraoika and the phantom troupe will die lmao

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You saw what he did to that cat.

Now imagine his 14 inch slab of man-meat demolishing her womb.

Just watched Gon vs Bomber, what a dumb fight

I think there's at least like 10 characters stronger. A lot of the troupe, netero, meruem and a few other hunters.

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Not by a long shot.
In the very last episode of the anime they reveal that the HxH "world" is actually just a bunch of island nations in the middle of an ocean.
Beyond that ocean there is the "Dark Continent" which is so unbelievably dangerous that basically everyone who goes there dies. You have to be Netero tier to set foot there.
The chimera ants originated on the dark continent and only have a threat level of C or something.
I haven't actually read the manga because the art is garbage tier but I did some googling.

I like that fight. What didn't you like?

It has one of the best power systems of any shonen.
The show is super brutal while still somehow maintaining a lighthearted feel.
One of the villains is a pedophile serial killer who is still somehow likable.
The fights are clever rather than powerlevel slugfests.
There's no filler or padding bullshit. The show is about 150 episodes long. Lots of content, but not too long.
The animation is great.

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Don Freecss

the entire point of gon's transformation was to show that he was willing to sacrifice literally everything just for enough power to revenge kill a miniboss
hard to quantify strength in a manga like this, but there are surely enhancers with more potential and more sense than him

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I'm a pretty big hxhfag, but I just can't get into the new content. It feels so distant to the hxh we've experienced, probably because we've lost Gon and Killua. I mean I completely understand that there's not much else you can do with them, and I admit that everything else about hxh is pretty good that I'm sure it could stand on it's own with those two. Yet I still can't really find an interest in it.

Why didn't Killua asked Nanika sooner to heal Kaito/kill Pitou & the ants. ?

Implying Greed Island wasn't complete filler.

No his dad could beat him with techniques

I'm sure if series ever moves faster than snail we will be some grade a level bullshit nen techniques

Don might be

because he was in a completely different country and he doesnt want to use her as a tool

Kirn is already dead. Ludwig is dead. Takai is dead.

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They literally threatened humanity's existence. Those are shit reasons

Chrollo cheated because he knew he would've lost in a real 1 on 1 fight against Hisoka.

>the troupe
Are you serious? He crushed Pitou and there is no way anyone in the troupe could take her on 1v1.

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How many children would pitou be okay with having?

phinks can just crank to infinity
nobunaga has a conditional instakill

We saw all of them fight regular leader Ants. Pitou, Meruem, Netero, and Gon-san were intentionally meant to be the strongest characters we'll ever see until Dark Continent shenanigans happens. It was meant to illustrate how weak everyone truly is compared to that.

phinks didn't crank to infinity then

An entire litter

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>Godspeed Killua easily overpowered Youpi.
Youpi wasn't in any serious danger from Killua. He was hurting him sure but it was mostly a 'wtf is going on' moment for Youpi. Youpi's adaptability was freakish, he definitely had the most potential out of the Royal Guards.

He may have been joking when he said that; not confirmed

It is known,

Youpi wasn't a genius like Meruem to face Killua. If Meruem wasn't a genius and just had his regular strength, Netero would have won eventually despite being significantly weaker.
Also Godspeed Killua was still afraid of facing Izumi and Hisoka. Youpi and Pouf were simply not that strong.

Pouf certainly wasn't very strong but Youpi definitely was. He was tanking everything they tossed at him the only thing that would have killed him is if he went bankrupt. He isn't Meruem smart but he absolutely was learning fast, and maturing fast. It's quite impressive for someone that was pretty dumb at first.
Killua being afraid of Illumi is mainly because of his history with him, probably due to the needle.

Using your abilities is cheating now?

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because he didn't remove the needle when it happened and when he did he had other priorities

ITT people forget that togashi makes a point that strength doesn't decide a battle ever since yyh

Gon-san as he is, a 13 year old impulsive boy isn't all that intimidating in a combat. Even model might defeat him who knows.

As for future Gon, everything will depend on how he develops

I mean its up to you if you want to see the best anime ever. I mean I would.

Fuck you I loved Greed Island. It's all centered on Gon and Killua which was nice after they got sidelined in Yorknew. They get a good little training arc where they expand on the nen system getting into some special abilities and the whole power distribution stuff which is interesting. The whole card thing is fun and unique. The dodgeball game was great. The bombers weren't very good villains but they were fine.

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No basis for Ging

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Old/First Zoldyck was stronger than Netero though

It’s a garbage arc

nice bulge pitoufag

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there's no point in doing so for at least another 5 years

ok i only watched hunter once but pitu clearly said gon san was as strong as king and that bug boy said neteru was weak as fuck and would get merked by the king why are you fags that love this so much so retarded.

>should I pick up the manga?

Do you like Kurapika? If so, then yes.

He is the most overrated one

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Wasn't the aura that made Knov abandon the mission Pouf's?

You're retarded. He literally said Netero was stronger than himself.

Hey nerds. Just wanna say that this shitty show sucks. If you want to watch an actually good show, watch JoJo’s instead

Maybe, but you have to keep in mind that Adult Gon form isn't a preview of Gon's future strength or anything, it was a one time use powerup. Nen contracts become stronger based on what is being given up, and Gon gave up his ability to use nen.

yes, because all other are kids

shes an outtie

Finally found it! It's been fucking ages since i read this.

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Friendly reminder that there's Zeno and Maha (two generations older), and that the previous posters could be referring to either. Zeno admits that Netero's stronger than him, Maha takes some assumptions to go either way. All we know is that it was a superlative for Netero to have survived a fight against him at all from Zeno's perspective.

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Yes. In my opinion royal guards should all have more or less the same amount of aura so they'll all pretty close in power, Pouf is physically weaker but he's almost untouchable with his clones and he's by far the smartest of the three, so I don't think him being considerably weaker makes any sense. However it's true that he should have been able to kill Morel with ease in multiple occasions and failed to do so, but the way I see it that's simply plot armor and convenient writing by Togashi who didn't want the hunters to die, as we've seen in multiple occasions when they're saved unexpectedly or at the last second, it didn't look convincing with Pouf vs Morel tho.

I don't think Pouf cared much about any of the intruders and was just worried about the king's whereabouts. We never got to see his power in full display.

Well Netero stated that Pitou is stronger than him, so...

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As someone who's only ever watched the two anime seasons, do you think this story will ever actually be completed? With the dark continent coming into play it seems like Togashi would need to write at least another 500 chapters.

that hair looks fucking goofy

It’s a reference to how old netero is. A proper translation was done and the translator states that it’s a reference to how Netero is the only person who has crossed fists with Maha before but still alive. It’s not a strength thing it’s an indication on how old Netero is. Everyone who has fought Maha kicked the bucket either through natural or unatural causes

Before he meditated

Looking for the humans are truly fascinating picture but with a roach instead of chrollo

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Netero, Bisky, Kite, Knuckle and Genthru are a tier above where you placed them