>isekai ojiisan thread deleted
wtf mods
Isekai ojiisan thread deleted
Other urls found in this thread:
i wonder what's been happening here. are mods intentionally shitting the board or are they just retarded?
Don't assume malice where retardedness could be an explanation, most of the time.
Probably not enough good text in the op.
Cute tummy.
Nah they're just a bunch of retards
It was deleted because the OP was extremely low quality. Make better threads next time, fucking retard.
a while back there was a mod deleting bobobo threads because they didn't know it was anime
zoomer mods need to be educated before they are given any responsibilities
>the OP was extremely low quality
>implying this would cause the thread to be deleted, since most threads on catalog can be considered low quality.
well, at least we know who the real retard is.
>nooooo other threads are shit too!!
They should be laughing at your small brain instead. Such garbage threads. That one and this one. Fuck off if you can't make good threads.
makes you wonder about the quality of people that apply for those janitor/mod jobs. They just want some power. They really have no love for the shit they apply to be mods for. Reminds me of gaming journalists.
Yup, they're indeed family, both dense as fuck.
>F-fuck off if you can't make good threads, dude
>on Yea Forums dude
here's Yea Forums for you, fucking mentally challenged monkey.
More reason for the others to be reverse isekai'd. They need someone who understands what they are being put through.
>nooooooooo look at these other threads!!
Are you literally a child? Other threads being shit, doesn't mean yours isn't shit or doesn't deserve to be deleted. Read the rules and lurk more, you fucking clown.
But how did she come from this to that?
>it's a crossboarding nigger
Fitting, start with reading rule 1, you'll be surprised.
Puberty is a hell of a drug.
>read rules
>lurk more
>see rules are worth shit
>mentally retarded fag asks me to lurk even more
you can't get dumber user.
>I-I d-don't care about the shit rules!
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah why was my shit thread deleted????
Very high IQ move.
She has gown up.
>read the rules op
>i did, and most threads violate it
>l-lurk more op
>read the rules
Then why are you crying retard? Your thread was shit and rightfully deleted, pointing at others, doesn't magically make it a good thread. Are you autistic?
>mods are retarded for deleting a fun thread for not doing anything else than most threads do
>i did, and it still looks like a retarded decision, since other threads are still up
>i don't see how lurking more would make this less retarded
well, are you?
>mods delete a rule breaking shit thread
Kill yourself.
Dude, don't be a fag
He has a right do be annoyed that his thread been deleted, even if retardely so
Doesn't mean that you can act this way dumdum
What is this about?
His face creeps me out.
Listen up, Schizo. Your thread was complete shit and broke the rules. Cry me a river, it won't come back.
Did they think it was hentai?
No, "my dick" is "edition"-tier.
>thinks everyone is the same op
>call other schizo
take your meds user
>take your meds
You are the one pretending to be someone else mid-argument.
I didn't understand the >He part
But whatever...
Don't really care about Isekai Mangos overall, it's just your bitching attitude towards his complain that's annoying
Lurk for two years before posting and samefagging.
sure, schizo.
>editing (You)s is hard in 2019
Great screenshot.
Did you seriously just told me to lurk moar?
user is right, take your meds friend
>I'll pretend that the season hasn't changed yet just for you
This Schizo fuck doesn't even know to greentext properly, fantastic.
yeah, we're conspiring to make you look retarded
Keep pretending, fucking retard.
and it's working
what a shit thread
Ok that's enough
This thread has already lost its tracks
Alright, do it then.
and do you know what's even funnier? i'm not even op, i just saw you acting like a retard
You can literally add and remove (You)s via inspector, this webm is meaningless. You already confirmed your samefagging with this post right here . Look at the filename and comment chain, that was the other personalities gimmick you huge faggot.
Mods are really unbased today
Mods should just stick to deleting the non-anime/manga threads. I get deleting and auto-saging the other isekai threads since they are mostly about novels (LN, WN, and even some regular western novels), but this is about a manga so it can just be self-moderated by the community.
Mods are such niggers
Can we talk about that user who gonna translation chapter 8?
But the niece it's fairly attractive, the poor ojisan is ugly as a fucking sin. He's not dense the fucker was told from the beginning that he is ugly so he believes he is ugly as fuck.
His uncle is a world apart from him, he is understandable. Currently anyway.
Well, at least I found a good manga today, despite how horrible overall thread this is.
It's just one basement dwelling socially undeveloped autist sperging out and chowing down on some other faggots bait.
I suspect that one of the isekai-world characters'll get reverse isekaid into nippon land. Feels like it.
>Well, at least I found a good manga today, despite how horrible overall thread this is.
Sadly this a really shitty thread, I like how he draw the girls they look kinda feral.
I hope it's just not only at the end of the manga.
I'd be fine with that as long as it's a happy ending. Some anons have mentioned potential endings that would make my blood boil.
I'd still rather see them also arrive partly to provide comments on his stories and give their view of events.
I click on this thread ready to dab on some mods, but it seems OP is just straight up braindamaged. What a waste.
Mods don't care/know if no one reports. Or not enough people report.
I've seen rule-breaking posts and threads stay up for hours and then get deleted 5-15 minutes after I report them. Have you tried reporting more?
But when i report some faggot spamming variants of "fucking kill yourself", the post doesnt get deleted.
Why would you report that? If they started censoring insults this site would be 100% reddit instead of maybe 80%.
>I click on this thread ready to dab on some mods
you're not any better, retard
Seething, I can't believe someone is so stupid that tranny jannies are actually in the right for once.
Mods must have thought this was a hentai doujin or something. Yes Yea Forumsmods can sometimes be very retarded. See nipple mod for a very good example of a retarded mod.
buzzwords don't make you look any less retarded
Crying makes you look like a bitch though. Hope this thread gets deleted too. Unironically based mods taking out the trash.
Well this entire thread was a pretty cringe attempt to start some drama, shitposts get deleted sometimes just move on
mods are trannies that want Yea Forums to turn into /bnha/
God you're a retard
Easy to say that when it isn't your pist fucker. Or are you a mod? Maybe a janny? Either way, mods fucked up. They need to own up to it. Not post anonymously defending themselves in a thread complaining about them.
aren't you that schizo from earlier in the thread? why are you pretending to be another retard?
There are mods that want /u/ to be a main staple of Yea Forums. It seems like what they're doing is working.
Are you retarded? Make a post about any other series with the same OP text as the archive thread. It'll be deleted too, there's no conspiracy here. The thread was plain worthless. Heck if I was a mod I'd delete this thread and ban you for life lol.
Are you projecting, dumbass?
hi schizo. still fighting against (you)s?
? Do you need help fag?
This kind of shit gets pretty consistently deleted just click through a few pages. It's well deserved.
No it doesn't. Really. How long have you been on Yea Forums? Actually look at half of Yea Forums right now. Half of it is very fucking low quality. Yet none of them are deleted yet. Face it. Mods are dumb idiots. High on power Hiro given to them. Nipplemod was like that too. He deleted stuff he doesn't like. Watch out mods. If you went out of line, we can tell Hiro to take your power away.
Holy shit. So, now we have a new nipple mod. No, a dickmod. Any post containing the word dick is deleted? Are you fucking retarded mods?
You're delusional as fuck. Make a thread right now about ANY other series with the same OP as that deleted thread. It will 100% be deleted. Instead of writing all this crap, just do it. There's no secret agenda against this particular shit series here.
All those threads are complete shit, are you okay? Most of them have fucking pepe or lolicon stuff as op image.
There is. Mods are deleting threads with any OP containing the word dick. Mods tell me. What part of the rules are people breaking with adding the word dick to a post?
>lolicon stuff
Oh. You are a mod. Yeah fuck you mod.
>There's no secret agenda against this particular shit series here.
no one here besides you is talking about that. we're talking about mods being retarded.
No, they aren't. Don't you know how the archive works? Just unclick deleted and you see the regular threads too.
Summer or wherever your from please.
Lolicon porn is literally against the rules like... All porn. You dumb fuck.
Shut up dickmod. Hiro will hear about this.
>lolicon porn
I didn't see any porn in any of those posts.
That's what your post boiled down too. The thread wasnt deleted because someone just felt like it. Any series with the same OP would generally have it's thread nuked too.
who's talking about porn. mongoloid?
Follow the discussion, did you even click on the archive linkdie you subhuman?
not even the same user, but where did he imply that?
Actually. Why is an user defending a mod in the first place? It's not your job. You don't have any stake on it. It isn't you that will be punished if the mod did something wrong. So, why?
Why delete old thread, faggot mod? No one is even talking about the manga in this thread.
Here , but read the post he replied to first.
It has the word dick on it. Literally just that.
Because drama baiting for shit thread is cringe.
Faggot mods.
But defending mods isn't cringe? You retard.
Less than apparently making two pretty bad threads in a row just to cry around.
no, i isn't
And a no u back
Why is this offtopic thread still up?
Because some mod want a chance to defend himself and his action. Or mods are sleeping like baby bitches.
>because they didn't know it was anime
kek. how did they get this job really?
No one is reporting it I assume. The OP looks half board related too.
By agreeing to work for free.
Isekaifags are disgusting like always desu.
Moderators are pedophiles
What's wrong with that, bigot?
The discussion here is completely unrelated alredy, but I read what's been translated so far and it's really heartbreaking, specially the New Year's chapter.
Not even the cringe isekai memories, but the nephew going and spending time connecting with his uncle and helping him have a good time after years of solitude and the rest of the family discarding him is so bittersweet, it's a good kind of pain. Real family hours.
The nephew was literally going to leave the uncle. He's an opportunist. At first anyway. Now he really cares for his uncle.
His uncle needs to try teaching the nephew how to use magic. They have similar ways of thinking, so maybe it has a chance to work.
Hey, I never denied that, but at that point they were basically strangers (with the uncle legit looking completely mental), and he still was the only family member to go there, so points to him for that, if only the minimal amount.
Since the magic seems to work with japanese incantations and there are confrmed spirits to talk to around, I don't see how he shouldn't be able to.