One Punch Man

why doesn't the standard "metal knight" have even an ounce of the power possessed by the brave giant? is bofoi secretly a retard? did he just get power creeped?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did Murata really undersize Psykos' breasts?

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Is anything about Psykos redeemable? She tried to kill Fubuki's sister and every hero in the association. What the fuck is wrong with her? Why did Fubuki free her?

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Even with all that, I see some traits of great value in her.

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the brave what?

no? you might just be partially blind user, when was the last time you got your eyes checked?

Rank your favorites

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child emperor's mecha

>What the fuck is wrong with her?
She saw the future.

Metal Knight is the most useful S class hero due to being able to be everywhere but he refuses to do anything without pay

There's nothing more wasteful than ranking posts.

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why drive knight so high?

She is Cute! She likes to make jokes! And she is Cute!

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The hidden evil hiding that he is checking on could be this ninja leader.

Reminder he is above high dragons with Tats and Blast. He just doesn't fight if there's no interest for him, and even in that case he uses single units for testing weapons. Definitely the most selfish kind of hero (can he even be considered a hero?), but his full power is way above Child Emperor.

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Who's the ponytail girl?

my only question is, why are the single units he deploys to deal with dragon-level threats so woefully inadequate? both the meteor and elder centipede almost totally ignored him

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because i like his design and abilities

Child Emperor has one robot. Bofoy has hundreds and he doesn't need to personally pilot them. Also, the robot in your image got trashed by Orochi, Brave Giant wouldn't fare any better than it did.

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Grumpy Fubuki gives me life.

meteor was just a weapons test and EC was more just intel gathering

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pig god hasn't lost except to AG

didnt he lose to gums

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watchdog man is underrated

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Gay pedo

New manga chapter when and how many chapters?
Will we get Garou vs Darky this year?

Why does every ninja want to kill Flashy?

cause he destroyed the ninja village
are you retarded?

Daily reminder that Flashy is one of the strongest S class heroes
>defeated 2 mid dragon foes at the same time with only moderate difficulty
>tagged normal Saitama
>did better against AG thna the rest of S class combined
Flashy would absolutely anihilate Bang, Darkshine and Atomic Samurai.

>Will we get Garou vs Darky this year?
obviously, that's due in like the next 5 chapters at most

The ninjas flashy defeated were individually stronger than Fuhrer or Homeless Emperor,\
Flashy would also beat Black Sperm, Psykos, Vaccine Man, Carnage Kabuto and Marugori while it took AS, Metal Bat, Bang and Puri Puri to beat one of Bros'underlings. What a joke.

Will we get another 5 chapters this year?

I love Flash too user, but it doesn't matter in the least who's more powerful.

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Watchdog Man > Flashy Flash in strength, speed, and personality


digga, Murata's tits look even bigger

I am new to Japanese capeshit manga, should I read this or Hero Academi instead?

False flag.
Real FF fags respect Darkshine.


why not read both
they're both good

MHA is shit.

no u

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good taste my friend

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so when are we purging people who use tiermaker for legit tier stuff besides shitposting because this shit's gotta go

Decent taste
I think everyone can agree that King, Zombieman and Metal Bat are great

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Id put Amai Mask at A-rank by the way

>"So you are this ninja founder prick I heard about? I may not be Blast, but be sure that after I'm through with you, you won't be waking up ever again."

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>ooc dialogue
cringe and bluepilled

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powercreeped by Murata who had a boner for the birdman

Not insane Psykos after seeing the future and instead of losing her mind becoming stronger than Fubuki and becoming a great person.

>Bofoi is a fucking Elf

>strongest attack blocked by sonic

His strongest attack is the flashy slash or possibly what he wanted to use against saitama but didn't had the time for it.

just report it and a mod will delete it all if they care
we had a thread spammed with a character rolling chart and every single post replying to it was deleted

Can someone post my husband’s Garou back?


Pick one.

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Ignore this retard everyone. I'm the one who started this shitty Flash wank but I never did any shitposting. I just questioned why Flashy Flash was downplayed while everyone else loved Atomic. I never said Atomic was shit and I never implied that Flashy Flash was a fucking god. I just said that Flashy was part of the upper tier S class fighters because he was one of the few that was able to fight Garou along with a few other S class. Now it seems like people who for some reason absolutely detest Flashy Flash are acting like insufferable faggots on purpose and praise him ironically in ridiculous ways to make everyone here hate him. It worked it seems and recently ONE has been nerfing Flash to an almost unrealistic degree where he's getting hit by Sonic of all people, the anime made him look shitty, and they made Atomic slash lightning to boost him. I'm tired of all this, I just liked Flashy Flash but all it took was one post of me praising him to tear him down in these threads.

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can't find the specific webcomic page but he has pointed ears

prove it

i can't believe you made ONE nerf flashy flash

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I hope Murata releases the next chapter right after the OPM episode.

You are my hero.

he got eaten but came out and fucked him up.

what the FUCK is that

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the real reason he's a recluse

an (((elf)))

vore chad

Elves are my favorite fantasy race so fuck off

>having taste this shit
even humiefags are better than you

Please stop, I have an elven wife and an elven daughter I love elves so much I don’t know why you hate them.

It's obvious that FF isn't fighting seriously and that Sonic has gotten more powerful.

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Is this the power of diarrhea?

This is disgusting.

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Imagine the smell

Alright lads let's settle it once and for all who wins these fights?
>Flashy vs Blast
>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
>Flashy vs Bang
>Flashy vs Bomb
Flashy vs Metal Knight
>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
>Flashy vs Rover
>Flashy vs Gouketsu
>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
>Flashy vs golden Sperm
>Flashy vs Black Sperm
>Flashy vs Golden Sperm
>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto

wew, I didn't mean to make it sound like that.

Blast, Tatsu, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash> Rover, Gouketsu, Elder, Golden, Flash, Golden, Flash, Flash, Flash

Young Bang would win tho

He was nowhere near serious you retard his ultimate attack would have one shot Sanic.


Flash beats all except Tatsu, Blast, Golden Sperm ,Gouketsu. Centipede, Roverand Vaccine Man

Why do people keep lying and saying S1 was better?

Attached: Saitama vs Genos.webm (768x432, 984K)

>I don’t know why you hate them.
the thing about elves is that they're something of the munchkin's choice. they're just good at everything, have no particular flaws, are generically attractive. they dress like complete faggots, their buildings are delicate little pansy shacks. they look like shit, they're not interesting in the slightest. there's nothing that makes them truly special. they are the the place where fantasy plots go to die. characters need flaws to be interesting. elves are an entire race of OC self-inserts.

I'm going through the 5 stages too

Because the entire Boros fight

Will any of these be not-fodder?

Attached: these fucking ninja names.png (600x878, 650K)

that IS better than S2 fight scenes
for starters, genos' metal parts don't look like total shit

elves are slavers and have disgusting fetishes from living so long

I love how ONE specifically had Flash use one of his special techniques to show he wasn't fucking around yet you still say he wasn't serious.

hellfire flame and gale wind were already killed and revived (and killed again? not sure) in the manga

so one fight makes it better when we haven't seen the full S2?
they're about the same when you freeze frame many of the fights

Attached: Saitama death punch.webm (640x360, 2.48M)

Are you really strong, user?

>they're about the same when you freeze frame many of the fights
they're just not

Attached: shading how does it work.png (1280x720, 725K)

That is not true elves are beautiful and kind and gentle. I love them so much and I can’t live without them. Elves have flaws but they work hard to improve theirselves and that’s why they are my favorite fantasy race. Please don’t hate them.

Gale Wind and Hell Fire Flame

>>Flashy vs Blast
he defeated the ninja boss and put him into a coma for 16 years
>>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
even at her weakest, she could defend against dragon level, even if he is faster, she just has too much raw power
>>Flashy vs Bang
His speed hard counters his skill base approach, really close
>>Flashy vs Bomb
the first to attack wins and Flashy is faster
>>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
see Bomb
>>Flashy vs Rover
I consider him even more durable than DS and is faster, would eventually beat him
>>Flashy vs Gouketsu
Close, but his speed puts him on top
>>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
the staing the eyes thing didn't work when Genos did it
>>Flashy vs golden Sperm
their speed are comparable and the power gap is just too large to make up for it in skill
>>Flashy vs Black Sperm
BS would eventually overrun him or fuse
>>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
HE is a glass cannon and Bang could easily dodge his balls
>>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
he's HE but more durable
>>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto
He's weaker than DS

If you are that strong why don't you just destroy the American military and punch an Israel sized crater int he middle east?

the gay ninja boys will not be fodder if ONE inserts their dragon forms
they'll still job though

S1 is filled with QUALITY, bad animation, laziness, etc.

Take off the nostalgia goggles.

Attached: One-Punch Man - S01E05 - The Ultimate Master-00h13m52s331t.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

post your tits, Elf

>That CG hand
How can anyone compare that to Mad House’s work?

Hellfire flame and Gale wind were the strongest of the strongest generation and were still just demon, maybe one of them will have a illusion power or something, but thats about it

How about you... SHUT UP???????????

Saitama is my favorite Xenomorph

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Based Flashychad

You can't fool me, you dirty fucking goblin

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Blast (hyped to bee the strongest)
Tatsumaki (too op in offense and defense)
Bang (wins with breathing technique)
Flash (bomb isn't that impressive)
Darkshine (flash cant hurt Darkshine and would eventually get tired)
Metal Knight (can't dodge the nukes)
Atomic Samurai (superior swordsman)
Draw (neither can hurt the other)
Gouketsu (too durable and strong)
Black Sperm (immune to all of flash's attacks and would eventually overwhelm him)
Golden Sperm (too strong overall)
Flash (emperor can't react)
Flash (idk but I think vaccine man loses)
Draw (neither can hurt the other)

"At your current level, You and I should be able to.." what, does anyone have any clue what he's talking about?

Attached: Should be able to...jpg (600x848, 95K)

"At your current level, You and I should be able to fulfill your dream and take down the village" or something like that.

sex at the speed of sound

but FF already destroyed the village

Maybe he wants to take down the leader.


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Goblins are like, so ew so shut up.

If their boss is unconscious somewhere it would probably mean the job's not quite finished yet.

I fucking hate ONE and his unstoppable desire to wank Sonic. What now, Genos being stronger than Flashy? (Since Sonic and Genos are pretty equal)

that reminds me, the other reason that elves are shit
because they're sluts.
they fuck everything that moves and are nothing but baby factories for superior races

>(and killed again? not sure)
Nope, they got resurrected and then fled.
I kinda wonder how Murata will handle this scene (in 5 years). Would the mosnter ninjas cooperate with other, non-monster ninjas to kill FF? And i guess they want to serve the ninja king.
Also this means Sonic is growing exponentially in power. Pre MA he couldnt beat the 2 monster ninjas, now he is keeping up with FF

and all the replies to it

Modern Yea Forums everyone

Are Flashyfags confirmed retards after these chapters?

>Got humiliated by Garou
>Got humiliated by Saitama
>Got humiliated by Sonic
Poor Flashy flash

did flashy flash kill ONE's dog or something
ONE has absolutely destroyed his power scaling

Please stop that is not true. Elves are kind and gentle and pure. You sucks.

Can't even take him seriously after the last 4 webcomic chapters.

>when you realize that ONE has buffed his chuuni goth boyfriend

Sonic beats Awakened Garou


>Flashy vs Blast
Blast naturally. No explanation needed.

>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
Tats has the advantage, so her. But i can imagine a situation in which Flash kills her before she has time to try anything.

>Flashy vs Bang
50-50 or Bang. Young/Prime beats FF confidently tho.

>Flashy vs Bomb
Need to see more of Bomb, he's not disclosed as of now.

>Flashy vs Darskhine
Flash. He will slash his eyes, and then slowly kill him. Darkshine has no way of countering FF's speed.

>Flashy vs Metal Knight
Metal Knight is not disclosed as of now.

>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
Flash. AS has a chance, he just need to get lucky and find a single opening. But Flash will probably kill him before it.

>Flashy vs Rover
This fight is absurd. Maybe Flash can get him slashing his eyes, not sure.

>Flashy vs Gouketsu
Flash should. But i would say Gouketsu is not disclosed.

>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
Both have no way of killing each other.

>Flashy vs golden Sperm
Judging from the fight against Awakaned Garou, Flash should win. But i'm not sure at all. I'll skip this one.

>Flashy vs Black Sperm
Not sure if Flash can find a way to end him, but he can run away if Sperm starts to overwhelm him. 50-50?, not sure. I'll skip this one as well.

>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
Flash easily.

>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
Flash maybe?. Idk. What is Vaccine's level?, is he like mid dragon, high dragon?, above dragon?

>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto

no we saw sonic start to get serious and saitama step in to stop the fight before sonic cut off genos's head and then sonic used a move that was 2.5x as strong as the one he just used to nearly beat genos (10x clones instead of 4x). sonic is definitely above genos, and fubuki even commented he's an s class tier fighter. not to mention he's always autistically training to beat saitama while flashy's just been sitting on his ass like the rest of s rank besides tatsumaki

I feel as if it went to shit earlier than OH MY SEVEN QUIRKS but I can't quite pinpoint where. Everything up to Camino was Kino, with All Might vs AFO being peak hype but afterwards each ark was hit or miss. There hasn't been a single arc afterwards where everyone can agree it was good...

Pro Hero Arc and Liberation Army Arc have been at least 80-90% positive reception

>Everything up to Kamino was Kino
Bullshit. The writing was always trash

What chapter was this ?

So? Genos is S class too so Fubuki’s comment means jackshit.
Did you forget that Genos was about to incinerate Sonic along with his surroundings before Saitamas stopped him? Genos is now getting upgrades after every fight so Sonic’s not the only one improving.
They’re equal, there’s no way Sonic is above Genos even by a hair’s width.

I think it was the part where that little girl let Deku use his full powers but he still wasn't very impressive.

116 webcomic

Really anything not focusing on deku or ANOTHER fucking training/group excercise arc usually I find more interesting. Liberation arc has been pretty nice and Endeavor stuff was good.

All Might should have been more end game. Instead they blew their wad in the beginning and we were left with Endeavor and Hawks to look forward to. Nothing like trying to watch a series about fighting when the two strongest characters are out of the picture in the first two seasons.

>Flash kills her before she has time to try anything.
Tatsumaki has a permanent barrier. That won't work.
>Darkshine has no way of countering FF's speed.
Literally cover his face with his arms and take a nap until Flash fucks off.
Or just punch the ground really hard to stun him like Garou did and TankTopTackle his ass.

>Flashy vs Blast
>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
>Flashy vs Bang
flash, but bang would win in his prime
>Flashy vs Bomb
>Flashy vs Darshine
tie, flash doesnt have enought power to pierce DS skin, but i dont think that DS would be able to hit flash at all
>Flashy vs Metal Knight
MK, he hadnt show us his real arsenal yet, he probably have an army of robots big enought to be consider a continent threat
>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
flash in an all out fight, AS in a sword duel
>Flashy vs Rover
rover, flash doesnt have something to dealt real damage to someone like rover or DS and in this case rover can just spam his blast until flash get hit
>Flashy vs Gouketsu
i really dont know
>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
EC, again flash cant dealt enought damage to win, EC can just spam AoE atacks and he will endup winning at the end
>Flashy vs golden Sperm
GS, he is faster, strongher and again flash doesnt have any technic that could injure GS
>Flashy vs Black Sperm
BS, its just AS all over again
>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
flash easy
>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
flash, in this case vaccine man is so big that flash could just dig to his brain
>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto

Darkshine does not wear a tanktop, please do not disrespect the techniques of the tanktop by implying you can use them without a tanktop, that is misinformation, thank you

Ganja Weed (he seems like a boss of the whole pack) and his two classmates are the most obvious "mid-bosses". We will see if ONE can surprise us with others.

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I enjoy the anime. If I'm gonna get into the manga should I go with ONE's or Murata's?


Pig God lost, Bang one-shotted Gums.

both, unironically
ONE first then Murata

But they keep saying he would beat Bang, Darkshine, AS, Rover. Elder centipede or even Golden Sperm ITT.

>flash will win b-because he can slash them in the eyes

Flashfags were already confirmed retards before this chapter came out.

>Tatsumaki has a permanent barrier. That won't work.
Will her passive barrier be strong enough to mitigate Flashy Slash?. We can only theorize.

>Literally cover his face with his arms and take a nap until Flash fucks off.
Or just punch the ground really hard to stun him like Garou did and TankTopTackle his ass.
He needs to cover his face to have a chance to begin with, something that massively decreases his chances of successfully landing an attack, chances that were very slim, to begin with. Garou after ground slam very quickly got near Flash, but Flash was already in defensive posture, as can be seen in the pic. Darkshine doesn't even nearly have the speed of Garou, he will have no chance to reach him in time after the slam, and the slam itself he needs to do in a very specific way that will cover his eyes, he won't even know where Flash is afterwards. This is just very difficult. He needs to cover his eyes ASAP/instantly when the fight starts, in that case it might end with a draw, in every other scenario Flash will win. Imo.

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Were their village filled with homosexual men? Literally every man from that village looks like a total homo.

So catch up to ONE and then read to the same point with Murata and then from then on read each chapter concurrently?

they're not gay just metrosexual

I mean wasn't it explained that Bofoi has the most powerful and most massive armada on the planet ?

Also the Hero Association HQ literally survived from Boros mothership thanks to him

Well they were all abused as kid...


a part of ninja training is being able to take a cock

How strong? Can I be your friend and get close to you?

So, since Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame are alive in the webcomic, does that mean that Gouketsu is in the webcomic and alive?

It might mean we finally get to see what he can do.

Assuming Tatsumaki is aware she is about to fight her barrier is strong enough to take Homeless Emperor's full power without a scratch. I'm 100% sure Flashy Slash wouldn't do shit. If we are talking about Flash assassinating her in her sleep or something like that idk.
I agree that Darkshine has low chances of landing a hit.

allegedly yes, but his mainline combat robot isn't remotely effective against dragon level threats
and no number of fodder really is going to be effective against high level monsters


No, unless One does a webcomic versions of the tournament we won't see Gouketsu at all.

*Hugs your arm lovingly*
Let us go, master!

Yeah i was more thinking about a situation in which Tatsumaki doesn't even realize what happened.

It is always was very difficult to judge speedsters.

Like even forget about Flash vs Darkshine.

Gale vs Darkshine, what happens?

They are alive in the manga as well. Why does everyone always forget that?

GW and HF are alive in the manga as well
dumb speedreader

imagine being that much of a speed-reader

To be frank i wouldn't be surprised if he has a metal gear around but doesn't deploy it due to the sheer damage he would cause since his drones are already on steroids

Attached: D0i3HKh.jpg (1020x1524, 233K)

Well he has Boros ship now with that weird metal.

reads faster than flashy flash

confirmed retard

Did you miss the fact that the giant can only be active for an extremely limited amount of time?

The standard metal knight is bofoi's standard "around town" model. He uses for basic engagements and information gathering. It wouldn't be very useful if it could only run for a few mins before shutting down.

I'm sure he can easily produce mechs that match or exceed brave, though, yes.

>I'm sure he can easily produce mechs that match or exceed brave, though, yes.
then why didn't he against the meteor or against elder centipede?
surely a dragon level threat that is imminently and immediately threatening to destroy a city is the time to deploy your superweapon?

I don't care how strong Flash is or who he can beat in a fight as long as he's hot.

Attached: Flash.jpg (404x627, 207K)

Because he mostly doesn't give a fuck and leaves it to others. Doing actual hero work is a far distant second or third priority to him.

During the meteor he just wanted to test his new weapon, he didn't really seem to care if the city got nuked.

>Doing actual hero work is a far distant second or third priority to him.
then what IS his priority?

Why couldn’t Flashy Flash be a girl? I truly love serious swordgirls a lot and someone like Flashy would make an outstanding swordgirl.
Too bad ONE is a literal faggot who has to make every character a male aside from two characters. I mean look at Flashy, he barely has a bulge in that picture. What a fucking waste.

Hes's cuter as a guy

He doesn't have one. Maybe the ninjas like him were castrated to prevent drag or take off the weight.

It's Murata's Flash who has feminine features.
Flash in the webcomic doesn't look like a girl at all.

At least Shadow Ring is a cute ninja girl!

>Flashy vs Blast
Blast of course, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic, although Blast is a jobber too
>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
Tats stomps, not even funny, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Bang
Bang stomps, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Bomb
Bomb stomps, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
Flashy vs Metal Knight
unknown, but probably Metal Knight wins, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic after all
>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
Atomic Samurai shitstomps, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Rover
Rover, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Gouketsu
Gouketsu, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
EC, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs golden Sperm
GS. Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>Flashy vs Black Sperm
>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
MIGHT be able to blitz him
>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto
Kabuto wins, Flash is a shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic

Seriously though bros, why is Flash such an utter shitter who struggles against a fucking holding-back S*nic

Never seen a worse jobber, even Genos the king jobbing does well against him (while he has his katana).
How one man ruin his own hype this hard

So how powerful is this Master Ninja dude? He went toe-to-toe against Blast. Is he Golden Sperm-tier at the very least?


All this while Centipede was younger and weaker too, sad!
He's probably Bang level, which means the Master Ninja is nothing special

The only ones above him are Blast, Tats and maybe Bofoi
Not sure whether he can beat black sperm.

Her barrier stayed when knocked out in the webcomic, has she it permanently on ?

>>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
>MIGHT be able to blitz him
Homeless Emperor is physically weaker and slower than Zombieman and thus Pureblood.
Flash could literally walk up to HE and rip his head off while contemplating what scarf he's going to use tomorrow.

>Flashy vs Bang
Stopped reading right there

I'm glad no one fell for this shitty bait.

We are all better than that here. That’s why OPM threads are not utter shit.

>Flashy vs Blast
Blast, we don't know much about his power but he beat the Ninja Boss who should be theoretically above Flash, also EC who has pretty insane durability (thought he did not kill either so he's either not a limit breaker or he had just started to limit break)
>Flashy vs Tatsumaki
Tatsumaki easily, Flash most likely has no way to deal with psychic bullshit and the only time Tats' barrier failed was due to more psychic bullshit
>Flashy vs Bang
Depends if Bang is in "fuck shit up" mode or not. Would definitely be able to redirect Flashy's attacks, but it's not clear if he could keep up with his speed. Bang probably wins if he goes all out.
>Flashy vs Bomb
Both are glass cannons, probably depends on which one gets the drop on the other. In this case, Flash is more likely to get the drop on Bomb, so 70-30 Flash I'd say.
>Flashy vs Darkshine
Flashy can't feasibly damage Darkshine, either a draw or Darkshine eventually wins
>Flashy vs Metal Knight
If the HA is to be believed, Metal Knight. Not sure, while MK seems to be able to field a fuckton of decently powerful robots, we haven't seen a particularly strong or fast robot from him. Flash could probably blitz all the robots we've seen, so from what we know, Flash wins?
>Flashy vs Atomic Samurai
AS is basically equivalent to Bomb and I think the same logic applies, whoever can ambush the other wins. Probably Flash, since he's a ninja.
>Flashy vs Rover
Same deal as Darkshine, Rover is just ungodly tanky. Rover wins or it's a draw.
>Flashy vs Gouketsu
Gouketsu is probably Bang tier so I'd say Gouketsu.
>Flashy vs Elder Centipede
EC is pretty tanky but maybe if Flash got inside his body he could rip shit up in there. Not sure. EC probably wouldn't be able to hit Flash, so I think Flash wins?
>Flashy vs golden Sperm
GS, easily. GS is probably just as fast as Flash and way stronger.
>Flashy vs Black Sperm
Draw, would probably just force BS to turn into GS and then Flash would lose.

>Flashy vs Homeless Emperor
HE is a jobber, Flash easily
>Flashy vs Vaccine Man
Vaccine Man is basically HE but not a jobber. Can't give an answer to this one since we basically don't know what Vaccine Man is capable of physically
>Flashy vs Carnage Kabuto
Dunno, Kabuto technically had a few canon battles but they were all meme battles, like being placed against literally unkillable dudes like Zombieman and Darkshine and literal jobbers like Genos and Sneck. I can't really give a result for this one, lack of good info

>suddenly a naruto arc
wait what? what happens to the neo hero arc then?
will Saitama deal with the ninjas and either Tatsumaki or King deals with the neo heroes?

Clearly to try and learn what she saw and prepare for the great threat coming. It wasn't the M.A.

>the ninjas want to kill flash and blast
>they don't know they are connected to the strongest man and the current strongest S class

where did kabuto fight anyone?

There was some audio book where he had simulated fights, but like I said they were all meme fights

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What the fuck is your problem? What kind of mental illness is this?

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Why are people so quick to say that Sonic is close to Flashy's level?
Gale wind and Hellfire also got a few hits on him

Did you read the latest chapters, user?

It's literally one guy.


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Get ready to apologize to JC Staff again in 3 days.

Attached: sonic_vs_ninjas.webm (1280x720, 3M)

FF still thinks Sonic is second rate to him and we know he has tons of other "forbidden" techniques.

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the ninja boss will appear and saitama will slap him

Don't give him attention.
The ledditor thriving it on right now since he got found.

if you honestly don't believe that we're not going to get a "i sealed this skill, i can't believe i have to use it" or some other nonsense, you must be so simple.

>chapter releases that makes flashy look way less impressive
>people talk about it
>"i-it's just one guy on reddit bros"
flashyfags are pathetic

Great! Now just do stuff like this for the whole episode instead of 30 seconds.

Seeth Cope and Dilate. real list right here fags

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When are we getting watchdog man's backstory? Why does he wear the fursuit?

hachiko like monster who manifested itself to be a hero

Just a few beers in and enjoying some shitposts. Sup with you negro?

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he's a man being eaten by a dog extremely slowly


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Hm? Its a dog who hasnt finished eating a human, so they both coexist.

he's waiting for his master blast to come back from space
it's some furry bdsm fetish roleplay relationship thing

I felt sad when FF used his flashy kick and then he was all happy smiling saying that now Sonic and him could spart together, while there were weapons above him.

For a second I thought Sonic had indeed betrayed him and FF was getting killed in the ambush. Thankfully both things were proven false, so they can go back to being friends. There's no shipping in OPM, so they becoming friends is the closest thing to a happy ending we'll see.

Back to plebbit

From who exactly?
This trope applies to almost every character in the series.

Something I find cool is how Murata, despite being technically superior to ONE as an artist, seems to put a lot of weight into making sure that the designs are true to ONE's style. Mainly the faces. Not just the "silly simple faces", but the normal faces are clearly designed to capture some of ONE's style.

Yeah ignore the fact that the posting style is almost exactly the same from this anti FF shitposter in previous threads.
Might as well put on a trip faggot

the ninjas specifically, since they're more about that life.

making better weapons and shit, basically

If you feel the need to reply just greentext his post so he doesn't a (you)

come back in a week, people won't be talking about the webcomic (and flashyflash) and your schizoposting will be more justified
fucking newfag shitposters

So does this mean Kuseno is also high dragon tier at this point? I guess he's been stressing his limiter after all the times he's had to fix Genos.

> Will her passive barrier be strong enough to mitigate Flashy Slash?

All he’ll do is break his sword, shit is obvious.


>one is going to finish the ninja "arc" in like 6 chapters

Flashy and Sonic are going to fight and defeat the entirety of Nintendo in the middle of their own fight
it will end in a draw or sex

I want to give Shota Sonic lots of loving headpats.

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so this is the power... of diarrhea

>Redditor posts his garbage again
Go back


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holy kek

why does he look like a gay dog

Boros has bedroom eye

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JC Staff will never put out anything better than Madhouse.

>Not jobber

lmao, his fighting style is revolving around jobbing, jobbing and jobbing until his opponent thinks he's finally dead, turns his back and then he can be stabbed from behind.

Well, either Flash wasn't serious at all, or it's time for us to admit than Sonic is now top tier S-Class and can stomp AS just as Flash would stomp AS.

>saitama remembering soniccu's name
>soniccu elbowing FF in the gut
>FF being surprised by his special move barely hurting sonnicu
someone stop ONE

>Flash VS Blast
We don't know anything about current Blast but my bet is Blast

>Flash VS Tatsumaki
Flash couldn't pierce Tatsumaki telekinetic shield, it's an easy win for Tatsumaki

>Flash VS Bang
Both are extremely close but Flash is faster and he has a sword, my bet is on him.

>Flash VS Bomb

>Flash VS Darkshine
Flash can hurt Darkshine with his blade (eyes, ears, mouth...) while Darkshine can't hurt Flash in any way, so Flash wins.

>Flash VS Metal Knight
Considering MK possesses weapons beyond imaginations, so probably something like a bomb 10x more powerful than a nuke, I'd say MK.

>Flash VS Atomic Samurai

>Flash VS Rover

>Flash VS Gouketsu
Gouketsu seems to me to be a slightly weaker version of Darkshine, so Flash wins

>Flash VS EC

>Flash VS Golden Sperm
Golden Sperm mid-diff. I think Golden Sperm can match Flash speed but his strength and durability are just over the top.

>Flash VS Black Sperm
Black Sperm, but it would take him long to exhaust Flash, he would have to sacrifice at least millions of his clones.

>Flash VS Homeless Emperor
Flash, no diff

>Flash VS Vaccine Man
Flash, but that would probably be a hard fight since I think Vaccine Man is basically Homeless Emperor with the tankiness of a Gouketsu

>Flash VS Carnage Kabuto
Flash, but also a hard fight, like against Vaccine Man

>less of a jobber than genos

opinion disregarded

more of a jobber you mean?

Elves are for rape

I did, mb.

>Both are glass cannons
Flash is not a glass cannon. People forget he has insane durability.
He took a direct kick from Garou right in the chest (that would have been enought to instantly knock out most of the other S-Classes that are real glass cannons like AS for example), but after that, he's still able to stand against Garou, THEN he takes a punch from Garou right in the fucking face AND he's still conscious after that.

That is a serious feat of tankiness right here.

Attached: opmflash.jpg (600x849, 287K)

Flash had no wound and was all fresh unlike the rest who were wounded everywhere and exhausted. What a retarded comparison, can't even take context in account.

>AND he's still conscious after that.
He isn't. Shows 0 indication of being conscious.

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They cut their balls before they hit puberty si that they can’t grow beard

He can still job harder by ingesting more jobbers.

Slow down speereader-kun.

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Nah, God/Organization/something new. The ninja leader would be just more pretentious Garou

Flash wasn't serious at all when he fought with sonic.
just look at this comparison Kicks vs a Kick.

Attached: Serious.jpg (1200x822, 339K)

>hey guy I'm looking for Sonic do you know where he is
>you dare speak to me, Leadership Leader
>insolence, I will have to show you a lesson


They are coping and retarded. They are unironically replying to that screen cap from reddit.

what makes you think I'm not ONE?

Is this TL correct? Did he finally internalized Flash's name?

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he is somewhat joking and somewhat serious in not remembering Flashy Flash's name, if FF was around he wouldn't refer to him as Flash

Garou didn't want to kill any hero. So tanking shit from Garou doesn't mean anything. It is like saying Hammerhead is the most durable enemy because he tanked Saitama's hit.

Because you are a tard?

Siatama is making fun of their redundant name. He referred to Sonic as Sonic when Sonic wasn't around but always 'forgets' when Sonic is around.

ONE confirmed

>Saitama buys Flashy Flash a shitty convention katana for $20

Because you're cherrypicking

>defeated 2 mid dragon foes at the same time with only moderate difficulty

Sorry user that just got retcon'd

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Metal Knight (w/ prep time)
Toss-up, advantage to Flash
Black and Multi Cell lose, Golden wins

>comparing manga action to webcomic action
I seriously hope you're not serious.

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Metal Knight

> Black and Multi Cell lose

Ahahahahahaha. No need to even resort ti multi cell, normal cells stomps Flash.

> muh speed
BS can fully surround him, speed won’t help.

serious series hope

Nah, there's nothing redeemable in her, since she's responsible for the death of thousands

They were revived in the manga anyway. At the same time, these continuities are clearly different. This is just the first time (along with Bone) that the webcomic borrowed from the manga instead of the other way around

BorosChad here. The right answer is
>Blast walks by him and knocks him out
>Tatsumaki with almost no effort
>Bang, his martial arts will allow him to counter Flashy's predictable movements.
>Bomb, he's almost as strong as Bang, so he's much stronger than Flashy by default
>Darkshine won't even notice him and might kill Flashy by flexing
>Metal Knight has unlimited resources and manpower. He tires Flashy by sending infinite drones while drinking a coffee.
>Atomic Samurai kills him easily with an atomic slash once he gets serious, since he's much faster when attacking.
>Rover blasts him away eventually since Flashy can't hurt him
>Gouketsu since Flashy can't hurt him and he's a master martial artist, meaning he'll tag Flashy eventually and kill him in 1 hit.
>Elder Centipede doesn't even notice him and might run over him on accident
>Golden Sperm with very little effort
>Black Sperm with some effort
>Homeless Emperor can pull out a win by laying down mines, but Flashy has the advantage. Flashy wins with EXTREME difficulty.
>Vaccine Man nukes the city before Flashy can run away
>Carnage Kabuto, but only in rage mode. If in base, stalemate since Flashy can't hurt him, but CK might not be able to keep up.
If you don't agree with this, cope.

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thank you boros kun

>Black Sperm with some effort

He beat Atomic with no effort.

>BorosChad here

Filthy Xenos, anything that comes from your mouth is a blatant lie.

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F for Flashy Flash
D for Duri Duri Drisoner

>couldn't even finish his thoughts when FF decided to use some of his actual speed

If you actually believe that Sonic could actually beat FF in a serious fight you're a confirmed retard.

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>Why did Fubuki free her?

Wasn't it because uh... to talk to her? But then Tatsu showed up and things escalated

Psykos had a hard life.

>pig god
>not in blast category

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Shit taste

>ranking this high characters with barely no panel time and barely any characterisation

ONE sure loves his goth bf huh

Well, he is ONE of a kind.

>you see flashy flashu
>i was trapped on the toilet shitting for three days and nights
>i left my humanity behind

saitama's just fucking with him

wouldn't that be redundant

Tatsumaki vs Sonic


Give him 20 more beatdowns by Saitama

she'd probably pin him to the ground and get the police to deal with him

>thinking she wouldn't kill

Get lost, small fry

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she could, easily
but she wouldn't

What mental illness is this that makes you obsess over a person on one site (reddit) and imagine that you're arguing with that same person somewhere else (Yea Forums)?

Flash can do even more than that.

Attached: w22.jpg (800x1138, 433K)

>put all your power into one kick vs multiple kicks
You don't fight irl do you?

>normal punch is stronger than consecutive normal punches
Kys retard

>why doesn't the standard "metal knight" have even an ounce of the power possessed by the brave giant?

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bang with his breathing technique
don't know, ds is strong enough to level the area around him so it might knock ff off his balance
metal knight
whoever moves first, if kamikaze draws his sword while ff is within range he'll probably win. the guy can cut lightning and reacted in time to that demon/low dragon sword guy so that's something
gouketsu, honestly think this guy would've destroyed everyone in s-class with the exception of tatsumaki
neither; ff can't harm ec, ec can't harm ff
golden sperm
black sperm
golden sperm
flashy flash, homeless emperor is easy for anyone, desu
vaccine man, decimated a city in moments with energy-based attacks, was probably among the strongest monsters seen so far
carnage kabuto, ff couldn't scratch this guy and likely doesn't have the endurance to keep up with him for a whole week

Updated the tier list

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Murata says he'll draw chibi Tatsumaki when King sees her panties. Hopefully he doesn't do it again when she and Saitama fight.

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Darkshine one shots

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only times I want her to turn chibi is when she accuses Saitama of liking her, when she calls him bald (and he calls her a midget) and when after Saitama asks if she's alright and tries to broach the subject of loneliness and she says Saitama doesn't have any friends either
the rest of it should be normal size Tats

>Leadership Leader

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If they cant do it right they should skip it altogether, like tons of other panels.

>leadership leader

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Bomb is stronger than Bang you fucking retard(confirmed by ONE). at leats get your facts right before shitposting dumb cunt.

literally in the next scene he says that he was punching an afterimage you dumb fuck shitposter

>Considering MK possesses weapons beyond imaginations, so probably something like a bomb 10x more powerful than a nuke, I'd say MK.
That's fucking nothing, the Tsar Bomba was only 100 megatons out of which they detonated only 50. A single kick from Garou is thousands of times stronger than that and Flash survived it and even got back up.

>A single kick from Garou is thousands of times stronger than a nuke
kek, the state of Garoufags.

>A single kick from Garou is thousands of times stronger than a nuke
Good job misquoting me you dumb nigegr what i said is a single kick from Garou is thousands of times stronger than a gigaton level nuke. If the entire nuclear arsenal of humanity were to be dfetonated it would merely destroy the equivalent of a large island at best. Garou is equal to Boros who cans have the Earth's surface.
Nukes aren't these fucking humanity wiping devices the media told you, you dumb fucking sheep.

At this point I can't tell if the garoufag/flashfag is serious or shitposting.

Flashfag, you’re fucking retarded.

Garou fucked around with Flash for literal giggles. He kicked him extremely casually, and that was enough to put Flash out of commission. One fucking kick and Flash was unable to fight. Garou would’ve killed him if he hit him like he hit Darkshine or Pig God.

Flash took damage from the scrub ninjas. His durability ain’t shit you dumbass.

>Garou is thousands of times stronger than a gigaton level nuke.
kek, the state of Garoufags.
>Nukes aren't these fucking humanity wiping devices the media told you, you dumb fucking sheep.
Awaken user, why are you here?

>Nukes aren't these fucking humanity wiping devices the media told you, you dumb fucking sheep.
Well not in sheer destruction, but the combined AoE of radiation can eliminate most life on the planet

Lmao what a retard.

Garou is nowhere near that strong and as said by ONE he can fight Boros because his martial arts are broken.

Isn't it just for testing new weapons? In both times he sent it out against the meteor and Elder Centipede, it was for testing explosives.

Radiation is overrated, cancer levels in Hiroshima and Nagasakia re lower than the average national level and Japan cancer levels are lower than America for instance..

Kys you dumb nigger you have literally no argument, the Tsar Bomba barely destroyed a fuckig city. A multi gigaton nuke can barely wipe out an island.
In order to wipe out the earth's surface like Garou and Boros you would need an exaton level yield which is actually a billion times stronger than a gigaton nuke. So i stand corrected Garou and Boros are literally a billion times stronger than a nuke 10 times stronger than the strongest nuke ever developed.

>In order to wipe out the earth's surface like Garou
Nobody tell him.

>scaling Flash to awaken Garou
Is Stinger also island level because he's about as strong as CE physically who tank one of AG blow?

>Flash looked decent in just one actual fight against ninjas who were a comfortable matchup for him
>Flash got casually bamboozled, trolled, humbled and humiliated in every encounter with relevant characters (Garou, Saitama and even Sonic)
>bunch of mongoloids wanked Flash to oblivion, scrambling to invent “oustanding feats” for him

I can’t fucking believe how retarded Flashfags are.

>wipe out the earth's surface like Garou and Boros
>like Garou
kek, the state of Garoufags.

Garou IS continent buster just like Boros so what i said is true.

To be fair most of the Flashfags are actually me falseflagging.

I think you are falseflagging as a flashfag falseflagger.

I am every post in here, including flashfag.

Flashfags aren’t garoufags by definition. Garoufags constantly call out confirmed retards like flashfags for thinking he’s speshul among S classes because they couldn’t comprehend something as bloody simple as Garou blatantly toying with him the whole fucking time.

Flashfags could always be both false flaggers and unironical retards. They’ve been worshiping this borderline featless gay ninja for fuck knows how long.


Can't wait to see Suiryu's new dentures when he appears in the Neo Heroes!

Is stronger than Flash

I want to lick her tiny body all over

Suiryu's reintroduction will be kino and webcomic purists will seethe like never before.


Do Flashfags unironically think he is light speed?. That's just the name for his techniques he is massively hypersonic+, you can't be this retarded right?

Well saitama IS the one punch man

I need more WDM in this story

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Don’t worry Flashybros, he’s gonna fight agaisnt the Boss Ninja 1v1 and destroy him, without even having his sword


But Flash does have feats, such as:
>struggling against a fucking holding-back S*nic
>struggling against G*nos despite having his katana

No, not really. Actually she was extremely privileged.

This isn't actually the first time. Forte, Chain-Toad, and Butterfly DX were from the manga.

Flash is fast, but he's not powerful. Even some A class heroes have more raw strenght. It's questionable whether Flash could leave a visible scratch cut on someone like Gouketsu, and his hand to hand combat is probably only strong enough to take down Tanktop Master.

>Even some A class heroes have more raw strenght.
He doesn't have much power but I wouldn't put him THAT low.

You don't know how well CE would have done against the meteor, and metal knight is constantly developing new weapons and hiding his power level in preparation for the bigger fight down the road that he suspects is coming
Nobody can really know how effective metal knight really is

How do you know what threat level the meteor was? No one had any effect on it except saitama, and his strength is immeasurable

dragon: a crisis threatening ceased operations or the destruction of multiple cities
the meteor threatened to destroy Z city and heavily damage neighbouring cities
hence it was a dragon-level disaster

>struggling against sonic
He beat the ninjas both at the same time when sonic couldn't defeat one of them alone, so pretty sure whatever you are referring to is either irrelevant to current power levels or you misinterpreted what was going on

Sonic didn't fight the ninjas. All they did was a quick warm up and then Gale showed him his monster speed. We don't know how a real figure would have gone.


Sonic was shitting his pants just by seeing their monster forms.

Episode 9 was a lot better than most of the other episodes. Suiryu looked like shit, but the pacing wasn't absolute garbage, and they did some of the jokes justice.

They glossed over the Gouketsu kill which was another dramatic scene, but it wasn't as poorly done as previous dramatic scenes. Had some flow to it at least.

Remember. There were no women at all from their village.

Honestly, this didn't really seem that impressive in size the first time this chapter came up. There should have been a shot of the same scene from up above/a bit to the side so that the city could help set a comparison for size.

I love that Genos is taking Rover for a walk.

Sonic was clearly outclassed when that happen, he just got much stronger since

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Speaking of that chapter, is there a comparison pic or anywhere that hosts both versions of it? Cause I know in one Sonic gets overwhelmed by the human form ninjas, and in the other he doesn’t.

I don't have a comparaison pic, but heres the redraw fight between in their human (the page showed in are still there do)

Sonic didn't humilliate Flash last chapter by being faster. Skill can make up for the speed difference.

Based Ninjas CHADs

>haban drew Garou

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Are you retarded? they got revived by PM

Essentially this. Just like how the current webcomic Genos is much stronger now compared to how he was at this point of the story, Sonic has similarly gone through his own advances in power. His just aren't as clearly shown as Genos' upgrades are, but he's also been making leaps of progress.

>they didn't even fight
>sonic is amazed at the speed and that's it
Where he doesn't struggle is the print version.


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Ah thanks mang, yeah I dunno if anyone ever bothered to TS those pages and make a v2.
I thought as much.

This is the only correct post.

Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame were still fighting Sonic barehanded with no weapons or ninjutsu.

And Sonic had just finished his training.

>how... did you get that much... no amount of training could make you that fast...
he wasn't just amazed, he straight up didn't think it was impossible for them to get that fast

Easy answer: I assume they got demonsterized when ressurrected.

People speedread this fighting and ignore the fact that they were causing explosions just by fighting each other.

Attached: w27.jpg (1600x1138, 1.3M)

>A kick of Garou is stronger than a nuke

>Imagine being this retarded.

Prove it. Did Garou ever did anything that was close to even a country-buster ? No, thanks, fuck off now, retard.

That is Murata hyping them, changing the dialogue that ONE gave him, thus it is not canon. It also doesn't make sense as Sonic grew up training and knows Flash's feats.

Get that right you nigger i said tens of thousands of times stronger than a nuke
>most opowerfuyl nukes ar ein the megatones
>Garou's kicks are in the terratonne yield at least
You're a dumb nigger faggot who was no idea how strongnukes reallya re, fuck you

Garou's or Boros' potential output is irrelevant when we know for a fact Garou was fucking around with Flash you degenerate dumbass.

Literally doesn't count when this applies to every character in the series.
Plot device he did better than almost every other S class.

Flashy haters seem more obsessed than with him than his actual fans.

Confirmed retard. Flash didn't do better than every other S class, braindead flashfag. Tatsumaki did. On the contrary Flash got trolled massively and effortlessly on every account by casual Garou.

Flash is pratically a featless one-trick pony. He didn't have a single truly impressive serious fight. The only one he looked decent in - against the two ninjas - was a familiar matchup for him.

What did you smoked ? Did you even read the fight between Flash and Gale/Hellfire ? Flash has so much power in his legs that he causes big explosions and shockwaves by simply jumping from a wall to another.

A random Flashy kick must be way more powerful than the most powerful punch from Tanktop Master.

why count saitama when we know his the strongest?that just retarded user.

why would that be the case though

Yes, Murata and ONE stating he is as strong as Boros.

>Flash can litterally move so fast that everything around him seems frozen in space, even explosions

>Killed two Dragons effortlessly

>Able to create thousands of afterimages of himself by moving fast, while Sonic can only create 10 copies and it is already an amazing speed feat.

>Insane durability. Takes one direct kick from Garou in the chest, can still stand, then takes a punch from Garou right in the face and is still conscious.

>He's currently one of the S-Class with the most varied set of techniques, from fencing to ninjutsu, barehanded combat, assassination, ultra powerful kicks, insane speed, knife throwing. While a guy like AS (who's a real one-trick pony) can litterally do nothing when he's deprived of his sword, Flash is able to deal with any possible situation.

Slow down speedreader-kun, you might have skipped something like 10 or 20 chapters in the manga. Or perhaps you just have been heavily braindamaged in your childhood.

Attached: opmflash3.png (250x335, 143K)

Damn, flashfags are truly the most retarded lot.

Why count? Because that's all the showings Flash has had against relevant characters, retard. That's the whole point. Even when the S classes were getting their serious fights Flash the buttmonkey was stuck in a humilating scene with Saitama.

Saiatama is not a gag character he is a parody character therefore his feats are valid. Saitama is muti-continent level and sub relativistic.

They never stated that, you absolute fucking retard.

>caring about powerlevels in fucking OPM of all series

Attached: Saitama confused.jpg (111x174, 7K)

but how can it be humiliating when saitama is the strongest by default?
shit the fact that saitma never touch him.. means i should be overhyping l

blame ONE for this, his the one drawing chapter full of fights

Tell that to guy who's obsessed in downplaying FF for some reason.
I would rather talk about the story and Sonic's & FF's relationship too.

Saitama got his powers from God so God is the strongest as he can take back his power.

OPM is a battleshonen retard what do you expect people to talk about?
This series is 99% fights with some comedy at times.

>then takes a punch from Garou right in the face and is still conscious.

Garou pretty much kept them conscious on purpose to bully them verbally.

Flash did not kill the ninjas effortlessly even though the ninjas were a comfortable and wholly familiar matchup for him.
Flash got completely shat on by Garou who was fucking around casually. Garou let him throw out anything he has and shut it down effortlessly to humiliate him. Garou's one casual kick renderred Flash unable to fight and Flash bled against the scrub ninjas as well. Flash's durability ain't shit.
Wanking Flash's knife throwing and basic ass ninjutsu when the S class has characters who can cut and deflect fucking energy or have wacky "I ain't gotta explain shit" abilities like Pig God's stomach is utterly retarded.

Get your head out of your ass, flashfag. You're a confirmed retard and a cancerous wanker.

garou shat on everybody, the only cancerous wanker here is you

That whole situation was humiliating. Instead of getting a serious fight or even several fights like the other S classes did, where their best could be shown in dire, challenging conditions, Flash was written like a classic buttmonkey and got his sword snapped by Saitama for shits and giggles.

Not this user but, dude, you're the most cancerous one here.

FF is a high tier s class. Beating two dragons is something notable when most s class struggle with one. Keep in mind that he was holding back until he could kill both at the same time in that fight.
No one has claimed that he's Boros or Awakened Garou level.
Just be honest that you're jealous that he's getting attention in the story right now Garoufag.

I don't think he's even a Garoufag. I just think he's the same Atomic Samuraifag and Flash hater who's is spamming every OPM thread.

Yes, Garou shat on everybody and was blatantly toying around.

Flashfags who think "Flash performed better than any S class" in the final showdown when he did bloody nothing and got trolled like everybody else are cancerous wankers, period. Tatsumaki objectively performed much better than Flash/Darkshine/whoever, it's not up to debate.

Dragons are not interchangeable. They all differ in power and skillsets. One dragon can be worth several depending on his abilities.
Beating or even holding off a powerhouse dragon who is a bad/tricky matchup is notable. Beating two scrawny ninja "demons to dragons" who are a familiar matchup is not.
No need to pretend that Flash isn't wanked by retards. They don't stop at "he's a high tier S class just like Bang, Atomic, etc.". They baselessly put him above characters who have more feats and big battles under their belt.

he got a serious fight and it was against to garou.
asking for flash to have more fights is nonsense, garou was the only one that mattered.

So cooked monster cell actually work?

We get it, you hate Flash.

Yeah, remember that guy name Orochi right?

nah just powerlevel been bullshit as usual

That wasn't a serious fight, retard. Flash got trolled massively again, by casual Garou this time.

Flash could've been assigned some big ass dragon monster mid arc like the other S classes were or included into the action against Sperm and co. But he wasn't, Flash was literally written like a buttmonkey.

Disasters levels are still power level shit when even the strongest demon gets BTFO by any dragon

How strong will be Leading Leader, the ninja leader who's been in coma for 15 years ?

A very strong Dragon like Gouketsu or Rover ? An insanely strong Dragon, almost a God, like Golden Sperm and Orochi ? A pure God like Boros ?

Attached: newopm3.jpg (600x848, 174K)

We're not comparing different disaster levels, dumbfuck. It's a fact that dragons can vary greatly in power in their own tier. Same thing applies to any other disaster level.

Saitama gonna punch him in one punch, so I don't care.

The ninjas were notable enough to be cadre candidates.
They weren't low tier dragons by any stretch.

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it was a serious fight for flash where garou was serious or not dont matter .
the fact that you want one to waste more page on silly dragon fights baffle me man.
the S class barely did anything this arc
god did the job for zombie man, bang beat 2dragons then poof,fubuki finish her sister job and that really it.

He'll just dismiss canon to downplay FF.
It's no use having a rational discussion.

you fucks ready for black sperm tuesday

The ninjas were one-trick ponies like Flash and Sonic. Flash only fought them.
There's no frame of comparison between them and the other dragons in the cadre group. Literally NO basis to say the two of them, even together, are mid or high dragons among actual cadres. So far Phoenix Man, who wasn't a candidate or whatever irrelevant word, overshadowed the ninjas.

is it weird to try and learn to draw from how ONE is doing the webcomics, mostly humans. They aren’t particularly excellent, but they’re decently consistent most of the time and fairly simple at the same time. Then again I may irrevocably destroy my potential for a good art style in the future.

I'm having hard time getting hype for the Ninja Leader considering he was in coma for 15 years, as such is completely out of practice.

Honestly, wtf.

I'll take PM's word over your headcanon

It matters, retard. The fact that the fresh Flash was going all out and got trolled effortslessly by Garou only makes it more poignant. Flash spent second half of the arc being a fodder buttmonkey. Only PPP did less.

The other S classes were busy fighting dragons to the death.

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We get it, you hate flash

Based flash

>killed two Dragons effortlessly
>killed two Dragons after fighting for 2 chapters and bleeding before using two consecutive special techniques
Pick one and only one.

PM never said anything to support your retardation. "These two should be pretty strong" =/= "oh my god they were super powerful even among the actual cadres".

Ok, I'm certain now that you don't know what " being a one-trick pony" means.

And phoenix man himself was wary of Flash, and thought highly of Ninjas.

Can this stupidity just stop.
Ninjas were said to be possible cadre level in duo, that's just a fact, Flash beat them, that's a fact. Flash also did better vs Garou than anyone else besides Saitama, he even did better than Golden sperm. And that is also a fact. Flash was able to dodge casual Saitama, only other person to be able to do that is Garou, and well i guess Orochi. His level is quite obvious.

Like, why try to downplay him, i don't understand this.

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the S class lost to dragons monster, flash lost to awaken garou.
But i love how you have to mention a fresh flash, as if it would make a difference at this point for any of the S class against garou.
the fact that One had to save him for awaken garou should tell how strong he is, rather then wasting on on silly dragons.

Fuck I miss him so much!

It's clear what it means. Having a single notable skill. The ninjas are all speed. They can't regenerate, they don't have ranged AoE, nothing implies they have even remotely high durability, and they have no special resistances or busted gimmicks. There are dragons far more versatile than them.

>killed two Dragons after fighting for 2 chapters at low speed (for him) on purpose to look weak to his opponents and make them talk, then purposely maked the fight longer so he could kill the two of them simultaneously and not risk one of them escaping. Ended the fight with a few scratches here and there and almost no energy used, as if he had just killed minor Demons.

That's the one I pick.

So how did Tanktop Master make it to S rank?
Sort of feel like he was just one of the first there and now he's being crowded out by these ridiculous super-humans.

cause he killed demon monster.


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Darkshine did better than Flash.

And the Golden Sperm fight was offscreen.

>Ninjas are all speed
>Ignoring their mastery of multiple weapons, ranging from swords to knifes, cutting wires and shurikens.
>Ignoring their science of poison, assassination and stealth.
>Ignoring their skills in barehanded martial arts, not revolving around only one move but instead focusing on both kicks and punches.
>Ignoring their high durability and strength.

Flash and the ninja speedsters in general are the OPM characters with the most varied set of techniques, it's a fact, deal with it.

You want one-trick ponies ? Atomic Samurai. Pig God. Pri-Pri-Prisoner.

ALL S classes including Flash lost to Awakened Garou trolling them. Except they actually got serious fights prior to meeting Garou, unlike Flash who was the buttmonkey and missed out on all the big action. Garou wasn't a requirement to beat Flash. You're absolutely goddamn retarded.

Wrong, they are all martial artists, with wide range of tricks.

One trick pony by your logic would be Atomic Samurai who is nothing without his sword. Flash lost his sword, went against Garou, and did better than anyone else.
He can fight with variety of weapons, he can fight without weapons, he has inane amount of techniques, he is durable, as he was able to stand after getting by Garou, he has excellent mind games, as he was able to predict and dodge casual Saitama. Even his cape has a battle use, and isn't only for the show.

Flash is the literal opposite of a one trick pony.

>They weren't low tier dragons by any stretch.

being low tier is what made them candidates and not right away cadres.

Being a cadre candidate doesn't mean "possible cadre", it means they were in selection process. And guess what. THEY WERE NEVER SELECTED. So stop saying they might be cadre level every single fucking thread.
The only notable thing Flash did was dodging Garou before instantly getting BTFO the moment he went into offense. If you think that's "doing better" than Tatsumaki holding Garou for several pages with her rock barrage and then immobilizing him with her psychic powers you are mentally handicapped.
Garou fought Sperm with intention to kill, while with Flash he was playing. Don't be fucking blind.

>Thinking that Hellfire Flame and Gale Winds are weaker than Homeless Emperor and Gum.
>Imagine being this retarded.

Kill yourself, for the love of god. You're a burden for mankind.

> Gums no dif'd Pig God who one eats demons like human Hellfire and Gale
> Hobo is a broken mage who can spam unlimited highgly destructive explosive attacks and surround his enemies

And you don't actually think that those two were as fast as serious Bang, right?

No he didn't do better than Flash, even when Flash and Darkshine fought together, Shine was the first to fall.

He actually lost to Garou before the latter turned into a "monster".

Golden Sperm fight wasn't offscreen, Garou just ended it in 3 panels.

Attached: FF and DS vs Garou.jpg (600x848, 93K)

>Flash got disarmed and ragdolled at the end on purpose
>using two special techniques is effortless
Wrong choice
The fact that he took that long to find an opening to kill two enemies that are allegedly that much inferior to him is enough to say it wasn't effortless.

flash big action was again garou, why is it so hard for you to understand this?
the rest was again dragon monster
Them getting serious prior to facing garou doest fucking matter at all.
flash like saitama had to miss on most of the action, because they were too strong

> posting a page where Darkshine stands up right after
Darkshine lasted much longer and tanked much harder. Flash took forever to stand up after the first kick.

> Golden Sperm fight wasn't offscreen, Garou just ended it in 3 panels.
It was offscreen. Shit means nothing as we saw quickly lots of hits, Flash was basically out after a light kick, while Golden's body was full of punches marks.

The match up was a 9 to 1 in favor of Black Sperm. It's only natural that AS would lose.

Flash wasn't too strong in that scenario. He literally can't do anything to Sperm and ENW.

and I'm saying Flash would get destroyed just as hard.

None of that niche shit is even remotely notable.

In terms of attack power and defense none of the ninjutsu come anywhere near close to martial arts, sword moves, or energy powered moves demonstrayed by other high end users. Without speed the ninjas are literally nothing. They can't compensate with anything. The two ninjas and Flash do not have high durability, you actual retards. They're one-trick ponies just like Darkshine for example, whose fighting style is entirely reliant on his skin.

There are dragons who are fast, can into both close and long range attacks, can regenerate and/or have high durability, and have gimmicks or resistances on top of that.

Flash was just not there to have comedic scenes with Saitama in preparation for the ongoing arc, don't be delusional.


>Flash would get destroyed just as hard.
Hahaha no.

Sonic is actually getting stronger without realizing by using Saitama as a comparative for training.
He might turn into a garou like character at this rate

he would. once he's surrounded he's utterly fucked. and in an underground facility, that will easily happen.

>deconstruction of battle manga
>threads devolve into powerlevelfaggotry
drive-by kek

The thing is, Flash isn't a dumbass like AS.

I forget, would ENW he susceptible to exploding shuriken? I forget his possible weakness cause he ended up getting taken out of action by Saitama. But I’m not sure that’s even part of Flash’s arsenal anyway. Considering the latter’s speed, he may be a better matchup than someone like CE. Though perhaps unable to destroy it

if sweet mask by himself can handlle sperms, flash would have no problem.

You'd need a very big explosion to kill him for good I think. His regen rate from air humidity was absurd so small explosions shouldn't be a problem for him.

It literally does mean possible cadre, that's what being candidate means, it doesn't say they were rejected, it says they are right now a cadre candidate you absolute retard.
Oh god, how autistic can you be, she was literally holding him so the other heroes could have attacked, they worked as a team, it wasn't a fight of Tats vs Garou, It was S class vs Garou. She would have done better had she was full strength, but the way it went - she didn't. "Several", 4 pages yes, nice.

He was playing with Mask, Samurai and others, he didn't play with Flash, he went for the decisive blow from the get-go, no teasing.
Meanwhile before it, when fighting against other S class, he wasn't even attacking at first, and only talking, mainly about how useless they are.
I'm not the one who's blind here.

Well, let's be honest. There's probably a specific reason why Pykos called over all the cadre first after she finished observing the S Class fight, and a lot of people have come up with the theory that it's probably to counter the specific S Classes she matched them up against. At least, the implications of there being a special reason for that little meet-up before the action started is there.

>And phoenix man himself was wary of Flash, and thought highly of Ninjas.
Phoenix Man knew the ninja duo went after Flash. Since they were both killed by Flash, Phoenix Man knows that Flash is capable of defeating Dragon level opponents and would, therefore, be wary of him. It's not that he was wary of Flash beforehand. I feel this needs to be clarified as your line can easily be misconstrued to be the latter.

Pri-Pri is the exact opposite of a one-trick pony now, though, as he's been powering up in strange ways recently.

Calling Atomic Samurai a one-trick pony is disingenuous. There's no need for many different names for how he waves around his sword. Flash has different techniques to achieve different purposes, but Atomic's Atomic Slash can achieve different purposes with that one technique. It's not like Flash's Flash Kicks can be done with his fists; it's called a kick and, therefore, it must be done with the leg. But the Atomic Slash doesn't have that sort of limitation as the attacks Atomic does can range from being so delicate that the cuts he makes aren't noticed until his target falls apart or a large mess in an area. His Atomic Slash also cut apart the roof in his fight against Black Sperm, so it also has a range that extends beyond the length of his sword; presumably some sort of flying slash like Okamaitachi. Your hand isn't a one-trick pony just because it's called a 'hand'; it's capable of doing all sorts of things.

Pig God is the only actual one-trick pony, and that's because he seems to be hiding a trump card.

SM have durability factor and was at his limit when Tatsumaki kicked in. He was getting casually beaten just like Atomic was.

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Why is it so hard for you to understand that Flash did literally nothing in 2nd half of the arc but get trolled by Saitama and Garou effortlessly? He's borderline featless.

He didn't have "big action" retard. He missed out on all the big action against the groups of dragon executives and spent his screentime getting humiliated. It's not because Flash is "too strong" - Tatsumaki is too strong and she got fucktons of action demonstrating how powerful she is. It's because ONE literally writes Flash like a buttmonkey ninja who gets his sword snapped hilariously and trips over himself when the ground is punched casually.

Is it surprisingly hard to draw Webcomic Flash’s hair or am I just an idiot? It looks simple, then I try it and it doesn’t look right at all.

I'm posting the result of Flash & Darkshine vs Garou.
Darkshine stood up after, meanwhile Flash wasn't even down. Immediately after that page Garou attacked Flash and they fought, only after that DS stood up.
It was first 1v1, Garou vs Flash, then it was FF & DS vs Garou, then DS fell, and it was 1v1 Flash vs Garou again, then Flash fell, and it was 1v1 Garou vs Darkshine, then DS fell, and Flash then stood up and got destroyed once again. That's how it went.

>It was offscreen. Shit means nothing as we saw quickly lots of hits
By that logic Flash & DS vs Garou was completely offscreen as well. No, One just didn't go into the detail.
Oh boy, so you're saying Golden is more durable than Flash, wow, you're so smart, how did you figure that out, tell me please.

>I feel this needs to be clarified as your line can easily be misconstrued to be the latter.
I literally in that very post put a pic of Phoenix making that conclusion. Which was basically "oh boy these guys were supposed to be very strong but this hero beat him, i should watch out for this hero"
Don't see how it could be misconstrued when i literally posted the pic.

>Without speed the ninjas are literally nothing

Without sword, Atomic Samurai is nothing. Without muscles, Darkshine is nothing. Without fast regen, Zombieman is nothing. Without martial art, Bang is nothing. Without telekinesis, Tatsumaki is nothing. Without weapons, Genos is nothing.

What's your point already ?

tats lost to a weak female esper, flash lost to awaken garou.
flash lost against the strong, tats lost again a female(weaker then her sister btw) even bang retired after that.
flash had to be held back with satama cause hes was to strong, the situation would have change dramatically if he was up there fighting wastemen, to bad you cant see it

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>He was playing with Mask, Samurai and others, he didn't play with Flash, he went for the decisive blow from the get-go, no teasing.
You're completely retarded, flashfag. Garou played around with all of them. It was especially visible with Flash. He even played around with Flash and DS at the same bloody time.

Garou didn't go on the offensive from the get-go. Flash did. Garou blatantly LET Flash throw all the shit he has out and he shat all over Flash casually in turn. And on top of talking he even laughed at Flash for pete's sake. You're a confirmed retard.

Calm down buddy, Flash is a manga character, he's not real, he can't hurt you.

>The fact that he took that long to find an opening to kill two enemies that are allegedly that much inferior to him is enough to say it wasn't effortless.
It wasn't completely effortless obviously. But he needed to kill them at the same time, that was the point that guy was trying make i believe.
It wouldn't take as long and be as difficult if he could just kill them one by one.

According to Garou, Flash would have defeated him in his human form.
So Flash > Darkshine.

but that's not really true
zombieman for example is skilled in investigations, it being his primary interest as a hero
bang is still retard strong and tough even without his martial arts
genos is still strong and fast without his embedded weapons
flash is a major one-trick pony like darkshine, AS and tats

Serious question : Did Flash raped your mother in front of you when you were a kid or something ?

>meanwhile Flash wasn't even down.

ah yes, he slept on the ground for a while, while Darkshine was getting pummeled of hits. Then he stood up for an instant and went down instantly. Impressive.

That the 2 ninjas are one-trick ponies as far as dragon monsters go, retard. There are dragons with far more loaded abilities.

I wasn't even talking about heroes but Flash is a one-trick pony too.

he said "it would have ended ugly for him".

Darkshine hit him so hard he couldn't move after their fight and triggered his monster form. I would say that was fairly "ugly".

Flash without his speed is still skilled in assassination (poison, stealth), skilled in fencing and the use of other weapons (shurikens, knifes), strong and tough, etc.

So no, Flash is like the exact opposite of a one-trick pony. He's currently the S-Class hero with the most diversified set of techniques.

But it didn't "ENDED ugly for him" with Darkshine. It was just "ugly".

Garou explicitely said that Flash would have "ended" him. Darkshine was unable to end Garou.

>Took so long
You realize that speedster fighting was in slowed time in our perspective?

This retard probably didn't even read it. And if he read it, he didn't understand that Flash actually defeated two Dragons in like 0.1 second.

He didn't play with Flash, and he didn't play with Flash and DS together at all. In fact we couldn't even see what exactly was happening in that fight, as it was drawn the same way as the Golden Sperm fight.

Wrong, he let Flash attack first so he can download his moves, like he literally said himself, after which he even complimented Flash saying it would have ended ugly for him had he faced Flash before becoming a monster. After the download Garou went for the decisive attack.
Just how retarded can you fkin be.

What needs to happen for you to acknowledge Flash's level as it was shown in the fkin webcomic and manga?
Do you just hate him for no reason, so you're just wasting my time, meaning you cannot possibly change your mind, as you don't actually give a shit what is true?
Just fkin tell me how it is

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Incorrect. Garou only said he might have had trouble against Flash before. He never mentioned a particular form or admitted anything certain. To demonstrate how retarded you are, Garou also flat out, clearly said that he'd "die" to Darkshine's tackle but he stood up and pushed Darkshine's shit in.

Flash and Darkshine are more or less implied to be in the same league when they got fucked up by AG simultaneously, they just have different specialties - speed and power respectively.

By took so long I mean that they were two whole chapters exchanging blows and jumping around. If you want an example of a quick and clean fight see Bang consecutively one-shotting two Executives (not to be confused with executive candidates) in two pages.

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>If my old self faced you, it would have ended ugly for me

That's what Garou said. Flash would have defeated human Garou, and not even using his top speed (Monster Garou said that before Flash even showed him his real speed).

it ended ugly, he was unable to move after the fight and his body was destroyed from the inside. Stop misinterprting shit, flashfag.

That damage control, kek.

Wrong. Garou said that facing Flash before might have been dangerous. Nothing explicit.

He actually explicitly said he'd "die instantly" (literally quoted from Japanese) if Darkshine's tackle connected and we know how that shit went, so you're, as always, retarded and reaching desperately, flashfag.

"If my old self faced you, it would have ended ugly for me. But now, you cannot."
Nothing else is needed to add.
if you cannot understand the meaning of these words, then any kind of conversation with you is absolutely pointless.

Garou said that Darkshine's tackle would kill him BEFORE Darkshine actually tackled him. He didn't even know the exact power of this attack. He was wrong, the tackle wasn't enough to kill him.

But he said that Flash's punches would have ended him AFTER he had actually been hit by these punches, and AFTER his fight with Darkshine (so he was able to compare the lethality of Flash's technique with Darkshine's techniques).

So yeah, Flash > Darkshine, it's said explicitely by Garou himself.

> before you could have damaged me pretty hard like Darkshine did, but now you're just fodder

Farewell. I wish you happy life.

That is not what Garou said, absolute retards. There are no "old self" or "would have" or "defeated" in Japanese in that speech bubble. Garou said that facing Flash before might have been dangerous. That's ambiguous as fuck, not some hidden power scaling "feat" for Flash over Darkshine at some particular point in time.

Garou did counter DS prior to the tackle. And yet Garou said he'd literally die if DS' tackle connected and the exact opposite happened. Garou can't precisely calculate how an encounter would actually go because of his own adaptability. If you still cannot understand how utterly retarded and desperate you are, Flash wankers, you need to commit seppuku right now.

A candidate for something by definition isn't that something yet. The possibility is zero. He needs to be selected first.
Tatsumaki's feat is impressive because her psychic strength and Garou's strenght were equally matched while Garou was immobilized. Flash never matched Garou in anything. Garou was faster, stronger, more skilled, and more durable than Flash.
>He was playing with Mask, Samurai and others
That was at the start when he teased and insulted them. Then after he says "I'm the monster and you are the heroes, is that clear enough for you?" Garou takes them down one after the another without playing around.
>he went for the decisive blow from the get-go, no teasing.
Garou literally starts talking instead of attacking Flash back when they first clash. The fuck are you talking about.

You can only dream of Flash killing the gay ninjas as elegantly as Bang killed the executives, faggot.