
What is with her voice?
How did anyone approve of this?
That's clearly not the voice she was supposed to have.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-15 21-23-06.jpg (1278x624, 77K)

Uruka > Mafuyu = Rizu > Asumi >>> Fumino

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.39_[2019.06.15_13.27.15] (1920x1080, 161K)

Uruka top tier?
Clearly, this is a joke, because you would have to be insane to think that

I love Rizu

Attached: Rizu8.png (602x800, 527K)


Attached: 121778-y2tKWT6hqzvt.jpg (230x358, 29K)

Yuiga Mafuya

I want to fuck this autistic cake and take responsibility.

Attached: __kirisu_mafuyu_bokutachi_wa_benkyou_ga_dekinai_drawn_by_naka_kwanishi__3f8c3a22e239f2bf56a92e0271aa (1488x2105, 1.39M)

Restia > Est > Rinslet > Fianna > Ellis > Claire

Sylvia > Kirin > Saya > Irene > Julis > Claudia > Priscilla

Shizuku > Ayase > Nene > Stella > Touka > Kagami

Sakura > Karen > Emilia > Reitia > Liddy > Claire

Avrora > Sayaka > La Folia > Nagisa > Reina > Astarte > Yuuma > Asagi > Yukina

Airi > Yoruka > Krul > Nokuto > Tilfarr > Phi > Relie > Sharis > Celes > Lisha

Aika > Twirl > Phoenix Guildy > Erina > Solar > Mikoto > Anko

Kotori > Kurumi > Nia > Yoshino > Tohka > Yuzuru > Origami mk.II > Origami > Kaguya > Natsumi > Mayuri > Miku

Chris > Eu > Saras > Seras > Taeko > Kanami > Haruna > Maelstrom > Naegleria > Kyoko > Ariel

Ling > Laura > Chifuyu > Tatenashi > Tabane > Cecilia > Charlotte > Houki

Math > Snake > Bat > Snail > Cat > Doll > Phoenix > Bee > Crab > Monkey

Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha > Eiriri

Pink > Orange > Silver > Black

You > Pest > Kuro Usagi > Leticia > Asuka > Shiroyasha > Lily

Kuroneko > Ayase > Kanako > Saori > Sena > Kirino > Manami

Marika > Paula > Haru > Ruri > Tsugumi > Chitoge > Onodera

Hishoko > Rindou > Momo > Nikumi > Erina > Alice > Ryoko > Yuki > Megumi > Nene

Rem > Echidna > Beatrice > Emilia > Ram > Crusch > Priscilla > Anastasia > Elsa > Felt

Aqua > Megumin > Eris > Darkness > Yunyun > Wiz

Tomoyo > Mirei > Sayumi > Reatier > Chifuyu > Hatoko

Yoshino > Neko > Tae > Sonoka > Aki

Miko > Morgan Freeman > Bear > Empress > Oni > French

Sera > Sisti > Re=l > Celica > Rumia

Sagiri > Elf > Megumi > Tomoe > Muramasa

Akari > Chinatsu > Ayano > Rise > Sakurako > Kyoko > Himawari > Chizuru > Chitose > Yui

Aoba > Hifumi > Ahagon > Yun > Shizuku > Momo > Nene > Ko > Rin > Hajime > Naru

Satania > Gab > Raphiel > Vignette

Tendou > Konoha > Aguri > Chiaki

Kanikou > Not-Elf > College slut > Kaiko > Chihiro

Mafuyu > Kaho > Maika > Trap > Miu

Biscuits > Edelgard > Bunny > Cat > Elf > Knight bitch

Sensei > Asumi > Uruka > Rizu > Fumino

Big Nep > Noire > Nep > Pururut > IF > Vert > Blanc > Compa > Nepgear > Peashy

Some stitches from today's episode.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.55_[2019.06.15_16.35.00] (1920x1507, 683K)

Calm down, Nariyuki. Only after graduation.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.01_[2019.06.15_16.19.58] (1918x1433, 653K)

It saddens me that the worst girl is going to win and sensei being forever alone.

Her design also got ruined.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.04_[2019.06.15_16.35.17] (1916x2320, 1.23M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.04_[2019.06.15_16.34.31] (1914x3377, 1.52M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.16_[2019.06.15_16.24.28] (1903x2527, 676K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.37_[2019.06.15_16.24.41] (1914x2471, 1015K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.13_[2019.06.15_16.41.47] (1920x1664, 832K)

>carrying sensei
>her breasts are pressed against his back
>can smells her sweet breath mixed with alcohol while she mumbles dumb things
>can touch her tights
It's not fair bros...

Attached: mpv-shot0034.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.54_[2019.06.15_16.36.35] (1920x2171, 842K)

Rizu and Mafuyu are the only girls that would make for a good ending if they won.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.56_[2019.06.15_16.36.39] (1920x1822, 702K)

Her upset/pouting face makes her so autistic and cute at the same time.


Based and Angelpilled
You're the joke

Attached: 1560361288215.jpg (1450x2048, 520K)

Yuiga Mizuki
Oh wait

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p]-[12.28.248-12.30.667].webm (1920x1080, 530K)

I forgot two.
No problem, user.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.07_[2019.06.15_16.49.56] (1920x2127, 1.36M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p]-[18.40.704-18.44.124].webm (1920x1080, 860K)

How much does Mafuyu weigh?

Last one.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.02_[2019.06.15_16.42.49] (1920x1558, 894K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [720p]12_stitch.jpg (1280x1252, 316K)

She's so beautiful.

What's wrong with her voice? I think It's great.

Do people really think the last episode won't be Rizu+Fumino episode?


Damn, I missed these. I cut the edges from this one . Thanks, user.

Attached: 1560629292992.jpg (1394x1228, 551K)

Apparently less than Uruka.


Kissu the Rizu.

Nariyuki sure has a great ass.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.30_[2019.06.15_13.58.41]. (1280x720, 87K)

For now it's confirmed to be 38+39. If they adapt something Rizu related we will see in the preview next episode.

Thanks for these best girl stitches again user.

Attached: 1558209819411.jpg (963x2084, 750K)

Attached: 1532294659927.webm (960x540, 172K)

That's a nice reversed ranking.

Attached: 1558197088537.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Nariyuki will have so much fun manhandling her.

Attached: 1534365664298.png (1488x1012, 525K)

nah it's spot on

Attached: 1559411938904.jpg (1273x1237, 230K)

>at the top instead of at the bottom

Attached: 1525199356861.png (165x180, 25K)

Uruka and Sensei saved the anime

She was already cursed with being not just an older woman but a Sensei. They are designed to suffer. At least she has a cool sister.

I really hope the last episode is
>Inn - Festival
and not the other way around.

Oomori and Ikeda saved the anime.

who is this whore and why should I care?

what the
why is there an actual good ranking on this board what happened to you user

Attached: 1553646604780s.jpg (115x125, 3K)


>saving a thumbnail

Attached: triggered.png (665x438, 93K)

That order doesn't make sense. Also no, the description is about Nariyuki going to the festival and then both him and Fumino losing the last train.

Uruka is best girl
Keep seething

Fumino > Asumi > Rizu > Uruka > Mafuyu.
There, ftfy.

Literally who?

>For now it's confirmed to be 38+39
When this confirmed?

If you read the manga, you'd expect it to be deeper. Everyone thought she would have a pretty deep voice but they made her sound like a total loli

>Fumishit above anyone
>Best girls at the bottom
Garbage taste.

The music during the Maid Cafe after they finished work reminded me of Persona music and it was sooo chill

Attached: personaa.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

She is a loli. It is CUTE.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.20_[2019.06.15_13.28.51]. (1280x720, 406K)

Agreed. Bad casting.

Check last thread, there was a pic with the description of episodes 12 and 13.

t.seething Urukafag

Rizu will win

Win what?
The Fumino or the moeman?

>shits on sensei this time
>hurr Urukafags


>posting you ranking is shit on someone

Oh welp, Fumino end was expected, anyways.

Attached: 1560616640215.jpg (1265x939, 423K)

The Sawakobowl

In contrast to the last episode her voice was completely fine now.

Attached: lookingatwalkinggarbage.jpg (393x321, 38K)

plot device characters that are used to move the plot when Tsutsui doesn't have any other ideas. Last time Oomori literally came to Ogata's udon shop just to make the other girls know that Yuiga dropped from the ViP nomination, so the plot could move on from.

>types, acts, and sounds liked a typical Urukafag
>I'm not seething at all
Yeah, right. That wasn't even my ranking, but you're obvious as well.

I'm fine with this.

Best bowl

Nigger what are you on about, her whole thing is that everyone thinks she's in middle school

>garbage ranking

if only

Attached: Sawako_Rizu_elope.png (279x447, 62K)

Fumino > Rizu > Asumi > Mafuyu > Uruka

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.32_[2019.05.17_11.01.42]. (1280x720, 457K)

you probably have similar shit taste tho

Based Fumino director is a bro.

>foomfags flocking to the thread now
Kinda late this time

Of course, anybody who likes Fumino most is like that to you. The feeling is mutual, Urukafag.

Because she is fucking short, not because she sounds young you retard

Deal with it.

Attached: 1560016454665.jpg (1273x1312, 251K)

Fumino a shit

Nice reverse ranking

I will

Attached: Rizu2.png (832x920, 854K)

Rankings are almost all the time bait/shitposts so he has a point.

Attached: 1555859434988.jpg (1536x1347, 357K)


Considering their rankings are always the same except for shuffling the last two places sometimes, yeah

>get called out on obvious bait
>hurr durr Urukafag
I see

I don't want to root for a clear loser but it's hard not to want a Sensei end.

if she started talking with a cake voice it would throw people off the loli thing. there's no indication of that.

Petite teenager

Would you still love her if she had no hair?

Attached: skinhead.png (395x323, 125K)

Works, because that bowl is filled with Udon.

The majority of the fanbase is in that predicament.

I don't know why, but I love it when other anime/manga make use of the newtype flash.

Tsutsui is also in this predicament, it's clear he is weighing a sensei end but being published in WSJ makes it a challenge.

Why use the entire uniform? Why not just use the shirt and the skirt as a normal shirt and skirt?

Well, she's not supposed to be the loli one, she's supposed to be the sassy one, and you would expect the sassy one to sound not like a kid for some unknown reason. Yes, she's short but her voice just doesn't suit her character at all. I will just move along and accept this voice as not canon

It was always predictable. But some people just wouldn't accept it.

Attached: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - c039 (v05) - p102 [mag] [Jaimini's Box].png (904x1300, 397K)

Most agreeable.

Attached: best ranking fixed.jpg (585x2109, 281K)

So is bait too then.

Being in WSJ also means he can pull a battle shounen timeskip and just show them married and with kids years later

Based original chart, not the downgraded one the Fuminofag reposts


Attached: 1558043042617.png (585x1508, 1.2M)

Probably his taste and also bait, yes.

>Mizuki above anyone

Finally, good taste.

What's wrong with Mizuki? She would surely have a better arc than Fumino and Asumi if given the chance

Attached: 1541204884226.png (704x1223, 664K)

Seriously what's with the distracting bangs in the anime?

That's possibly what he's trying to do by having her switch careers to skating coach.

Honestly that chapter where Nariyuki ties up her hair when they're making meatballs is the clincher.

Swap Uruka and Fumino, then you got it.

Miharu should be higher, needs an Ikeda and Hazuki

Just look at the apron she has from Nariyuki

Attached: Nariyuki_clothes.png (288x277, 52K)

>it's clear he is weighing a sensei end
He's turning Rizu into Kosaki-esque right now in her arc.

Poor Rizu. Cucked in the anime and cucked in the manga at the same time. Fuck this gay timeline.
>posting the wack-a-mole'd version

Attached: 1558205478482.png (742x957, 934K)

Rizu hates Rizu

My eyes hurt looking at the color combinations used here.
That blue thing distracts me, combined with the pink hair.
Will removing the blue thing fix it?

We aren't getting 29-30 user-san. I'm sad.

Attached: TheBestSpoiler.png (631x631, 401K)


So how's the Sensei season?
Any upcoming teachers to look forward to next season?

>cannot wear normal clothes without police interrogating you
Japan isn't like this, right?

It was always obvious that Tsutsui would go for the most cliche shit imaginable and make Fumino win. Autistic shortstacks like Rizu never win, especially if they're put against tall, long dark-haired heroines.

Attached: 397012 koiwai_yoshino masamune-kun_no_revenge see_through sweater thighhighs tiv undressing (2444x3051, 849K)

Yoshino a shit.

Hag wearing shcool uniform is weird though.

>t. aki/eriri/fuminotard

Don't compare Rizu to that piece of shit.

It is now.

Attached: 1558040951791.jpg (585x2109, 601K)

Also it's not that weird in cosplay-land

Stay mad.

>Honestly that chapter where Nariyuki ties up her hair when they're making meatballs is the clincher.
Chapter 74, yeah. The heart apron and the domesticity of the whole chapter were great.

Also, I know people talk a lot about Chapters 100-102 but I don't think this page gets enough attention. He grabs her by the mouth, drags her into an alley, and then they go for lunch at Cafe I Love You. That's more flags raised than a Communist military parade, all on one page.

we're not having this discussion again
based on all the flags Tsutsui considers a possible endgame heroine
Literal side characters calling them a cute couple and Hanae's over reaction

I'm only comparing their appearances. Personality doesn't matter, shortstacks never win if they're against typical Japanese beauties.

Goddammit gookmoot.

Attached: 06.png (914x1300, 422K)

Police can't just interrogate you for doing legal stuff like wearing clothes.

>Travelling Doctor
>Too pure
She definitely has seen more shit than an average soldier.

Don't tell me
I can handle it
I'm kinda sleepy, sorry

Attached: Rizu_sad.jpg (254x254, 89K)

>Literal side characters calling them a cute couple and Hanae's over reaction

This happens with all the girls.

>Literal side characters calling them a cute couple and Hanae's over reaction
In retrospect I'm pretty sure the entire reason Miharu got introduced is to announce to the reader "LOOK AT HOW CLOSE THEY'RE GETTING!" without breaking the fourth wall.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-05 Vol 9 Ch 74 (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) - MangaDex.png (860x1006, 809K)

Stay shit taste

She might have been interrogated because a highschool student driving isn't normal in Japan?

Not comparable. Yoshino was never a main or even a proper heroine. She was just a plot device used to fixed MC's issues that boggled him down by way of introspective contemplation and taking a step back to sort out the void after he lost his reason for revenge. More importantly, Aki was far better and was a match with MC's personality. They are a lite version of Kaguya and Prez, in some ways.

You first.

every [x]fags tunnel vision posts here amazes me


>6k RPM on second gear
RIP car

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

I don't like those shit girls tho

This sensei season is pretty great. We will probably never see anything like this again.

Attached: 1557875892208.jpg (2048x2635, 367K)

>This happens with all the girls.
The one time Nariyuki and Fumino had a chance to pretend to be a couple she sisterzoned herself. Asumi's whole misunderstandings arc comes from lying to her dad to avoid getting in trouble for working at a maid cafe. Her mom sees right through it. Uruka isn't a contender anymore.

Yoshino was always promoted as second heroine to Aki, just like Rizu is to Fumino. The rest is your opinion.

Was this animated?

Attached: real fun.png (406x446, 183K)

What series was this? JK?

It doesn't change the fact that getting called "couple" by random characters happened to all of them, Hanae also supports any of the girls. There's a bunch of evidence that can support a sensei end, you choose retarded ones.

Yes, and it was glorious.

Attached: mpv-shot0010.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

can't wait for you to cry
>Fucking Hack
once all of these becomes undone.

Uruka's friend saw that Fumino and Nariyuki have good chemistry, Rizu saw the same, and a whole club thinks they are a couple.
Like that user this happens with all the girls.

Nah, that's Neko who served as Aki's rival until she was turned down. Yoshino was Aki's attendant and filled the capacity of a main female character who secretly aided the MC instead of a heroine or a rival.

the debate isn't about who will win it's about acknowledging that at this stage Tsutsui sees her as potential endgame

Look which girls are shown most prominently here, in the first chapter.

Attached: N2.png (1538x1104, 649K)

sensei a best

Masamunefags please leave

He wanted to investigate her prices for a uniform date. It's the dream of every japanese man to go on one. And also women!

The meme show of the season, miru tights.

It's not the same with the bubble text.
Did the subs do the trick?
I don't watch any romcom adaptations no matter how godly the production is, so I don't have an idea of the anime.

Not that guy, but a Fumino or Rizu end is stronger by default still than Sensei end, which is possible but less likely. Do you at least see that?

Yes? All five girls are supposed potential endgame, that's the whole point of harem.

Popularity poll results next week. Sensei still #1?

The whole arc is just a massive tease. 102 would guarantee victory for any other girl.

you mean to say more probable? because Fumino or Rizu winning would certainly have less of an impact than sensei winning

>102 would guarantee victory for any other girl.
And you think it doesn't for Mafuyu?

Attached: mafuyu e-cup.png (408x310, 79K)

Yes, as an attendant. She's in a lot of shots by Aki's side. If she had started out, or was eventuallt built up as competition, then you have have a point. But she never was. It was Neko who came and competed against Aki.


I'm not discussing that. Personally I believe Fumino, Rizu and a open end all have more chances than a Sensei end.

Wait, for what chapter was this omake?

may have*

>open end
This is how you end your career as a romcom author

If sensei was first with notable difference before her arc, she will probably double the second place's votes now.
The real expectation is Fumino and Uruka's placements.

Attached: 1560473447069.jpg (784x1145, 835K)

Easy prediction is top 2 won't change. The real battle will be 3rd and 4th place.

44 The one when we learn all the girls's sizes

Yeah, but I wouldn't put it past it as much as I hate it.

I don't mind her voice.

This. Open end if higher than a Rizu or Fumino end.

the only real arguments against sensei winning are meta narratives.
I feel like Tsutsui knows that no matter how much teasing he puts with sensei, most people will be skeptical of her winning so he goes all out with her, so if ultimately she wins the proof is all over the manga and if she doesn't win then it's just part of the course, pretty smart move, a dick move, but smart nonetheless

Uruka has no arc and was put in the backseat for over 40 chapters. I would be shocked and surprised if she is able to maintain third.

>ravaged by Jamal every night
That and Fumino above a anybody. Kek.

user, delete this. What did you do.

Loli MILFs are always pure. Always.

these fucking threads seem to get at least a Quad every 2 days or so, what the hell

If 102 doesn't guarantee Mafuyu victory, then I'm very curious about how Tsutsui will be able to top it with the eventual winner.

Attached: 01b.jpg (908x1300, 1.37M)

>one girl end - some people mad
>harem ending - some people mad
>open end ending - everybody angry

I'm sure Fumino would still be second.

Open end is better than Fumino end.

I'm pretty sure Rizu is the only other serious contender left, so we'll see after this arc.

Attached: sensei kareego.jpg (2223x1509, 1.26M)

I'll take open end over a cope-out end when we only see the winning girl after a time skip with 0 buildup

F-san wills it.

No girl end is worse than any girl end, stop being a hater.

See this

Open ending is not better than any other ending, you are just being a butthurt faggot.

Imagine being this obsessed and hateful you'd rather have the worst kind of ending imaginable.

I won't let myself be baited by harem anymore. I still expect one of the two main heroines to win.

>Open end
Fuck no. It will make everything pointless in a god damn romcom harem.

No, open ending means the entire manga was a waste of fucking time

I don't get this F-san thing, there's no evidence of that or at least nobody has ever posted it here.

In terms of making the manga memorable, only an Uruka and a Sensei end would leave a lasting impression

Attached: aLgWPDz_460s.jpg (460x920, 74K)

Yeah, only Rizu has that accumulated build up and development to compete with her, but I'm afraid Tsutsui will use her arc to remove her from the bowl. This chapter is a bad omen.

Attached: 1560509501538.png (1500x1080, 740K)

Search Y-san and F-san for recent debates in these threads.

Attached: sei_heroine.png (187x464, 81K)

I can't believe Fumino killed this user's family.

Maybe Tsutsui really was foreshadowing a Reiji/Hanae end with all the onee-san talk....

Even his pet dog.

Just by looking at your reactions at the mere mention of it, it would be worth it just for the threads.

After all this time you really think It won't get back to status quo after the arc is over? No matter how it will end.

Attached: im_awake.png (130x220, 26K)

>but I'm afraid Tsutsui will use her arc to remove her from the bowl.

Attached: 17.png (927x1300, 407K)

>i'm here for the lulz guise

>muh le epic shitstorm XD
do us a favor and kill yourself

That Rizu face on the second bottom page reminds me of Wojack when he takes a deep breath before screaming.

>wanted your whole time reading the manga wasted because lol everyone Is angry

Well that seals it. I'm an Openendfag.

Nice damage control Urukafag.

A Rizu end would be celebrated to an extent too, but yeah.

Attached: 1554622656812.png (729x500, 513K)

I hope Fumino wins so you end yourself :^)

>After all this time you really think It won't get back to status quo after the arc is over?
Mafuyu hasn't been back to status quo since the first time Nariyuki visited her apartment. Those changes stayed and accumulated.

>damage control

I think it would be a follow up from that, Rizu is going to realize that she is fine like she is but also would realize that Fumino is in love with Nariyuki, she would tell her that it's okay to pursuit him but she won't lose making Fumino and her advance.

You'll get your Yamete Nakadashi end and you're going to yawn at it. And go to the next WSJ romcom I guess.

She has the cutest chapters though

Attached: cutest girl.jpg (880x708, 313K)


Attached: The Boogeyman.gif (400x224, 2.87M)

Cute and blessed. Fuck the obsessed faggot.

Attached: 1560437644213.jpg (963x1250, 147K)

For Urukafags.

Every waifufag thinks like this for his girl.

I'm a senseifag but Uruka is the cutest girl because Mafuyu is the most beautiful woman

Man, this guy is extremely obsessed.

Attached: 1529837908476.png (359x991, 145K)

>this entire post

Attached: rex of culture.png (397x376, 151K)

>openly pretends to be a Senseifag to agree that Uruka is cutest girl

Ah, yes a senseifag

After Fumino's shitshow of an arc that even got shitty rankings, I expect Fumino's popularity to drop

I too am a Senseifag who thinks Fumino is the cutest girl.

>muh ToC ranking
Means absolutely nothing.

I mean, some girls gotta be someone's least favourite. Doesn't mean they hate them.

Attached: Bokubens.jpg (1590x1805, 1.75M)

>openly pretends to be a Senseifag to agree that Fumino is cutest girl

I'm sure if her fans suddenly turned into a hater like yourself, then sure.

No, lad. Those matters that's why Senpai will end up first since her chapters were the only ones to be first, of course.

Exactly why you are obvious, Urukafag.


Attached: 1549237859744.jpg (764x1200, 239K)

When will this pretense that Senseifag have one and only one girl as their second favourite in a general view end? We've got Senseifags who are Fumino, Rizu, Uruka, Asumi secondaryfags. Senseifags are just above all you plebs.

Attached: 1554332388075.jpg (978x1536, 216K)

Her arc was fine.

It means they won't shill Fumino anymore

The only one I actively disliked was Fumino, but she sisterzoned herself so now I don't mind.

Essentially this.

Attached: sensei wins the yuigabowl on ice.png (1801x1300, 1.13M)

Attached: D9HUEtTVAAAJt-u.jpg (850x1200, 313K)

Or push her harder.

Fine crap

Yeah, and they can post about them freely. Do they need to scream btw I'm a senseifag? Of course not, that's screaming falseflagging.

ToC means nothing and you know it. ToC is chapter popularity contest among readers of WSJ. Chapters from manga more popular than Bokuben tend to have higher ranking, even if their chapter of the week is bad or boring.

Fumino will win and Bokuben will be even more irrelevant.

Fuminofags are the ones who get triggered by senseifags (or any other fan really) liking Uruka.

I was being sarcastic.


I'm sure someone said in a former thread that signing your own post is not uncommon and not a falseflagging flag. It was a discussion about someone saying he was a Rizufag.

That post was just mocking you

More like Urukafags kept forcing the notion nobody can like Fumino except Fuminofags, but cry about it when people say the same shit back at them.

In coherent discussion maybe, but we have so few of those. I'm sure no fag would truly sign a shitpost.

>implying you don't believe it

I want a lolifuyu.

Attached: 1550935038460.png (1614x1919, 2.6M)

It was fine, not perfect but good.

A post implied that only Urukafags think Uruka is cute and a Senseifag that likes Uruka said that he thinks Uruka is cute too. Doesn't seem too out of the blue.

I hate fixed Fumino.

Plenty of people like Fumino as their second or third favorite. What nobody likes is Fuminofags

The only way we get lolifuyus is to make sensei a Mamafuyu before her eggs go bad, which means Nariyuki marrying her.

Attached: sensei naked.png (357x1197, 333K)


Attached: fixed fumino.jpg (963x1536, 212K)

I remember that thread.
>nobody signs posts except falseflaggers or baiters except when they are convenient to my anti-Fumino narrative
The double standard is real.

It gets a pass only because it introduced Reiji

Just like nobody likes Urukafag.

Her voice should've been similar to this character.

Attached: licky.gif (400x400, 216K)

Urukafags are bros


Attached: 1533350671883.jpg (670x443, 133K)

Are Fuminofags actually Eririfags and Akifags in disguise?

Urukafags and Fuminofags are both the worst posters.

Said nobody ever except Urukafags themselves.

So that's what they meant by fuminofag director.

Fuminofags are bros.

Yes. I thought that was common knowledge by now

>Are Urukafags just Utahafags and Yoshinofags in disguise?

They would be the moest babies ever.

Attached: 1552160923733.png (927x1300, 1.09M)

Basado. Fumierda y Urucaca. Ruiners of threads. These fags have no reason to hate each other.

Attached: The Bane of Bokuben Threads.png (245x233, 67K)

Old news.

I'm a Megumifag.
Didn't care about Aki or her shitshow of a manga at all.

Said nobody ever except Fuminofags themselves.

The girls are fine tho, it's just the fags.


Attached: 1548472489583.png (1920x2100, 1.87M)

Why can't their fans love each other, just like the girls they root for?

Attached: 1548478030929.png (669x489, 303K)

Case closed, lads.

Pot calling the kettle black

All best girls.

Because THK and TLK affected the fanbase with their autism and blood feud.

I don't believe you.

Ur/u/ka and F/u/mino belong together and their fags should be besties. Since Uruka has already lost pretty much, I hope Fumino loses as well so the fags can be losers together and make peace.

Attached: Poolben.png (3200x2264, 3.63M)

Aki was shit
Eriri redeemed herself in the end but still not even top 3
Fumino started off good but only keeps getting worse while the other girls (and even her own dad) overshadow her

Not sure about the other user, but I've been promoting Megumi and Fumino since a year now. Are you just new?

t. THK

Wrong x 3. Yoshinofags will truly never recover.

You boogeyman would never say that Eriri redeemed herself, but nice try anyway

Unlike this user I'm just laughing off the Utaha/Eriri shitflinging.

Fumino is stright, I don't remember her saying this girl smells nice or that she us her type.

Nice argument

Fumino, Eriri and Nekofag here.


Also this. They even make the same delusional arguments

>Eriri redeemed herself

>shit, not top 3, worse because I say so

Didn't care about that manga either.

All not uncommon opinions either way

Uruka a best

Attached: 1560094231443.jpg (633x926, 146K)

I know about you, but you only seem to do it to avoid looking like an Eririfag. Megumifags used to be like the Senseifags while Eririfags and Fuminofags are both the controversial parts of their respective fanbases

Yes, she didn't even try to fight for the MC and realized what a shit she was

THK would say anything as long as the girls he hates are shit/worst girl to him no matter what other people's opinions say. You sound just like him.

Ruifags absolutely don't give a shit about domekano, same way fuminofags don't care about bokuben.

Uruka is like her fanfic heroine. She even goes Doki Doki for her.

Attached: 20190616_005421.png (269x369, 120K)

It will be Abe's apology for denying us dinobabies.

Attached: 1560360103242.jpg (1588x2008, 1.15M)

Aki and Fumino are more popular than your shitty girls, Yoshinotard/Urukatard

The only girl I said was shit is Aki

Yoshino was more popular than Aki
Sensei and Uruka are more popular than Fumino

Yet I'm still here user

Attached: 1542325419916.png (501x454, 121K)

But I like Fumino and Hina.

Because you only care about Fumino

You made a shout out and I answered. Just what are you expecting when you posted ? I don't speak for other Fuminofags and Megumifags, and I'm sure you can't either.

>more popular
Yep, it's you alright. Still delusional as ever.

But I'm sure you're one of those vocal Fuminofags and you sound and act nothing like the Megumifags in the Saekano threads.

Deal with it

Don't you guys get bored

No, I care for this guy

Attached: moeb.png (539x447, 131K)

But we have people who don't care about the manga and just want Fumino to lose
Is he also a Fuminofag?

You sound insane. Fuminofags contributed a lot, if not the most in establishing Bokuben around here. If they didn't care, then they wouldn't have done that.

Attached: D3elP-LUUAEdyRT.jpg (1447x1717, 229K)

He's a Fuminofag falseflagging so you can act like the victim for the hundredth time

He was shitting on Fumino.

I'm neither of those anons but maybe he wants Fumino to lose so he can marry her himself

Attached: 1549925819827.png (620x624, 530K)

Do you know what falseflagging means

>a guy who sounded like a typical Urukashitter is falseflagging
>everyone hated his idea, so he proceed with damage control
Makes you think now, doesn't it?

That's ancient history. Fuminofags nowadays only care about winning the bowl and don't give a shit about anything else

I'm sure you're familiar with that modus operandi

The Fumino roulette, right?

The guy was clearly a hater. There's no falseflagging to make other fans look bad.

Prove it, minder reader-kun.

What is she dreaming about?

I will never rest until I make every one of you faggots see that Sensei is the best girl.

Why? Because they, like essentially everyone else, cares for their girl and hope that their girl wins? That has been a thing since Bokuben threads started too.

Attached: 1534226160326.jpg (823x1200, 144K)

Prove that you care about Bokuben as a whole. Most of the non-shitposting discussion we've had for the past few months has been carried out by senseifags, Urukafags, Rizufags and even senpaifags. Fuminofags only come here to remind us she will win because of meta and everyone else is irrelevant.

Pretty much this. It’s teased so much to get readers to take Sensei seriously as a love interest but it just ends up overshadowing the other girls moments.

I do. But it has to be a very tiring shitpost. Depends on the odds really. Sometimes I'm 2v1 or 3v2 and it's hard some other times I have more back up so it's definetely easier.

Not him but Then why did I get shit on for wanting Rizu to win in the last thread?

Good luck because I think Fumino is the best.

That is what it is. Sensei's shipperfags will no doubt see it as more than teasing and in the event Sensei does win, then they have something to brag and be smug about. But ifs he doesn't win, then they fall back on it was only just teasing and we weren't being serious about it.

Because fuminiggers are viciously jealous of any arc that shows another girl winning. The same thing happened to Sensei posters during Chapter 100-102, 106, and 111 threads and they still get mad about them to this day.

All of the girls' moments until now are teasing until the real development begins.

Nobody is winning because so far Nariyuki hasn't shown romantic feeling for anyone, every girl have cute moments but senseifags think hers are more important.

This is "Bernie can still win" levels of damage control.

Attached: asuka soundtrack baka.png (600x600, 266K)

>it's obviously Sensei end, she has the most development and can't be topped
>the main heroine(s) only has meta
Mafuyufags are Remfags.

Most of us already think so user. That's enough.

Because Urukashitter here thought you were falseflagging Rizu, as crazy and dumb as that sounds.

>>it's obviously Sensei end
>Fuminofag once again strawmanning what people say
And then you wonder why nobody likes you.

What a boring episode. Only saving grace was Fumino's face near the end when she saw them kissing.

Attached: mfw sensei episode.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Who did that? If you're the Rizufag from last thread who lashed out at 22i and thought Rizu was getting the Kosaki treatment, then among the three who argued with you, I was the one who told you to stop being pessimistic. Rizu clearly still has a good chance and the development she gets is supposed to allow her to overcome her issues.

The shittiest of taste

The hell are you talking about?


>sensei sees nariyuki walking with inferior girls

Attached: sensei sees walking garbage.png (424x1299, 567K)

So you can't read. None of those posts say it's obviously a sensei end or that it can't be topped.

>Fuminofags seething
This indeed gets tiring after a whole week of it happening

Define vocal. I'm not wholly inactive but I don't partake in the fling between Fuminofags and Urukafags if that's what you're assuming. I often speak to voice Fumino end, however.

>literally says it does guarantee victory
>basically acts like it should be Sensei victory and any other victory not hers will be forced or win by meta

Not more important, just more numerous because of the odd relationship between Sensei and Nariyuki.

I only see Urukafags seething in here. As usual.

>implies this when he has been shitposting left and right and forcing cross-fanbase wars and screeching shit taste

>102 would guarantee victory for any other girl.
>for any other girl
This is getting embarrasing. Also they're talking about current events, not hypothetical shit.

A Fuminofag called me a retard after I was accused of falseflagging for some reason and another said that unless you rooting for obvious main heroine I'm supposed to take the L and enjoy the journey.

dreaming about driving her car

Says the obviously seething Fuminofag

>I'm seething
>REEEEE no you're seething, and falseflagging
Fuminofags vs Urukafags

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-065652_Chrome.jpg (1079x1508, 473K)

Well, for one Megumifags never pushed for a Megumi end nor gloated about it and just enjoyed their girl.

>Fuminofags contributed a lot, if not the most in establishing Bokuben around here

Shitposting isn't contributing, giving a bad rep isn't proper establishing.

That's a trap. Burden of proof calls for you to support an assertion and provide evidence. It's innocent until proven guilt for a reason.

Weak defense.

>Conveniently ignores
I wonder why.

I see Fuminofags are trying to drag Senseifags into their shitflinging again. They truly never learn

Uruka is the sexiest

Attached: 1558807990409.jpg (1919x1921, 711K)

The animeonly's are on damage control now because of this scene.

Attached: mpv-shot0014.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Huh? Plenty of Megumifags were happy with Megumi end and put Eririfags and Utahafags in place. Usually not in a shitposter-like fashion, but it happened. Megumi end was obvious since day 0, and sometimes that needed a reminder.

>I see Urukafags are trying to drag Senseifags into their shitflinging against Fuminofags again. They truly never learn

me on the right

Still nope, they aren't saying what you want to hear so you can start another ebin fanbase war

>Mafuyu hasn't been back to status quo since the first time Nariyuki visited her apartment. Those changes stayed and accumulated.
I am glad her arc didn't outright develop her but gave her a realization and she's been working from that point on into being a better character. Glad the changes are visible and actually had an impact on the story (106)

No idea what you're talking about.

Sweaty sex with Uruka

Attached: 1557590018112.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

>Her arc was fine.
no it wasn't

Funny, but Fuminofags are the ones who get legitimately triggered when they discuss Sensei's chances of winning

He's a butthurt Yea Forumsfag from way back who couldn't speak up because Uruka didn't have the numbers and took criticisms every fanbase. Fuminofags were the majority so he singles out them out. No matter how he tries to twist history, threads then were good and comfy regardless.

Fumino will win the poll.

You're pushing it a bit

I bet you like Sensei, Fumino and Sawako

I'm talking about before it happened. Most of the discussion was centered around whether Megumi had romantic feelings or not, among other things, but fans never made posts of the "Megumi/best girl will win/muh OTP" type in every thread

let them have their meltdowns
Countless sensei doujinshi are coming soon....

Not even Japan has taste that bad.

>nobody can like Fumino except Fuminofags
I got pretty annoyed with Fuminofags during chapter 100 spoiler threads, so I can't say I like them.

You mean ""Senseifags"" get triggered at the mere mention of Fumino's chance or victory being obvious and most likely, so they always downplaying meta and treat her end as generic and bad.

Why is it that every post that contains the word Fuminofag and Urukafag can keep the same meaning when those two words are switched in the same sentence?

Attached: A7FfM0V.png (866x866, 281K)

>Fumino started off good but only keeps getting worse while the other girls (and even her own dad) overshadow her
You know what would fix that, if she stopped being fucking dense about her own feelings.

Fumino, Asumi and Ikeda.

Keep trying. Urukafags have nothing to do with you wanting to attack Senseifags again because they believe their girl has a chance

It's cute

>Fuminofags contributed a lot
Yet, the only thing they've been doing noteworthy is being a bunch of shits for a few months now.

But Megumi a best and talks of her being obvious winner were common? Also, volume 7 discussions regarding Megumi's enigmatic feelings? I remember and I was on the side that said that she had obvious feelings and was changing and breaking out of th shell of the boring heroine Tomoya initially saw in volume 1. Either way, I don't see what any of this have to do with me being a Fuminofag.

It reminds me of something from three years ago where people were so confident a certain she would win and then an older dark-horse character blew her the fuck out. People were literally sobbing in the streets when they found out.

There's already a very good one.
Shiri to Souji to Unajuu to / 尻と掃除とうな重と

Attached: aqua thinking.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

And that'll have to wait, she's currently being used as a plot device to fuel Rizu's self-hatred and jealousy.

Sure thing. It's just a coincidence "they" sound and argue just like Urukashitters.

>a guy who sounded like a typical Foomshitter is falseflagging
Really sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Don't you ever get tired of typing the same shit over and over and over again?

All fags are acting like shit, don't be deluded.

Care to point out the post that did that? I only see and he called you a Fuminofag in a derogatory sense, so it's quite obvious he isn't a Fuminofag.

Mafuyu > Sekijou > Fumino > Rizu > Uruka

But you or one of your fellow fags were openly attacking Senseifags alongside Urukafags two days ago. It'd be better if you dropped the pretense and admitted that you hate most people in these threads

>jealous sensei
Now that's something I'd like to see.

You ok, is it hard to read or something?

Let's not pretend your side has been saints for the past few months either.

She is going to develop in this arc with Rizu

>scuminofags basically admitting they only understand and value hugbox environments

She didn't even develop in her own arc.
She's going to fuck off once it's Rizu's time to shine.

This is getting so old by now Fuminofags. Is it that hard to accept that your fucking fanbase is capable of being cancerous or are you seriously this thick in the head?

Arguably we did see it in her maid chapter/episode. She was doing a physical tug of war with Asumi for Nariyuki's attention.

My proof is all over these threads with Fuminofags only talking about muh endgame. All you'd have to do is point out something you've discussed or talked about that doesn't involve winning.

>Countless sensei doujinshi are coming soon....

Maybe if a certain group among Urukafags would drop hostilities and quit looking for an excuse to vent out their anger because Yea Forums is most hated since early Bokuben threads, things could return to how they used to be.

She did and Rizu's problem is related with her.

>Fuminofags start shitposting and attacking other girls
>Fuminofags: It's Ururkafag falseflagging, Fuminofags are saints and will never shitpost

There it is, the same implications and exploiting Senseifags to fight your battles. I'm sure you would sleep like a baby if that became a reality.

rizu is warm and soft

We could say the same about Urukafags. Literally.

Nope, she didn't. And Rizu's problem requires fixing her own self-steem and her distorted view of Fumino. Fumino is only the plot device used to create the conflict of the arc.

This guy also didn't respond to him since his overly defensive ass can't think of anything but shitposting meta narrative being behind any post that's a tinsy bit controversial.

>All fags are acting like shit, don't be deluded.
>don't be deluded.
I think you're the one being deluded here user/

Urukafags are cancerous on their own. Fuminofags just like to get even since Urukafags started the second shitpost wars. If you feel offended, then maybe it's time to call out your fellow fans on their bad behavior.

>Rizu's problem requires fixing her own self-steem and her distorted view of Fumino. Fumino is only the plot device used to create the conflict of the arc.
Does that indicate a demotion to second-tier character?

Attached: 1560315335525.png (806x403, 233K)

I don't need to, given that Senseifags already tell Fuminofags to fuck off as well. Keep pretending it's just muh Urukafags though

>and even so in this thread someone can be called a shitposter for liking Fumino and posting his ranking

what a beautiful smile

Attached: happy ikeda.jpg (95x129, 7K)

>Let's not pretend your side has been saints for the past few months either.
I am not saying my side has been saints user, just that Fuminofags have really "stepped" up their game these last few months. Every fanbase can start a shitpost, but Fuminofags have been doing so more frequently. At least I am shifting blame to falseflaggers.

You should know by now that they are ruifags, infamous for being soft in the head.

user, I think you need to read that again. The guy he replied to was the one who called you a Fuminofag. That guy corrected him and implied the exact opposite as he said you hated Fumino.

I'd say that's less happy and more grimacing while confused.

You can even say you like Fumino arc, stop being deluded.

>Fuminofags and Urukafags looking for the approval of Senseifags as if they were a hive mind akin to them
Imagine my sides

First post ITT is an Urukafag who started shit and was attacking Fumino and fans who disagreed with him. Try again?

>Maybe if a certain group among Urukafags would drop hostilities and quit looking for an excuse to vent out their anger because Yea Forums is most hated since early Bokuben threads, things could return to how they used to be.
Remember the shitfest that started in threads when Mafuyu was revealed as the "first girl" in the manga a Fuminofag(s) went completely fucking livid for a few threads? Or did you magically forget that?

Never witnessed a fanbase that managed to achieve ironic projecting as hard as scumonifags before. Every single time they point fingers at others, it's like they're talking to the mirror.

user I think you should reread the chainnof our posts here. I never complained about being called a Fuminofag, I complained about getting called a retard

>JB -still- hasn't released chapter 115
This chapter must be absolutely devastating for Fumino.


>First post ITT is an Urukafag who started shit and was attacking Fumino and fans who disagreed with him.
What does that have anything to do with my post?
>try again?
So, the other hundred or so threads just magically don't exist anymore and only this thread is relevant? Do you have autism or something?

Not him but
>posting your girl chart
>starting shit
Come the fuck on user, how sensitive can you be.

>Fuminofags are shitting on sensei once agan
>look at Fuminofags wanting approval from senseifags
It's hard to be a Fuminofag this days.

I have never, ever heard one Fuminofag admit that their fags have ever initiated shitposting. It's always "false flag"

Yet again, that's you. You are the deluded one here user.

You have never heard that from anyone.

And in every thread of this week it was a Fuminofag starting shit instead. Your point? Also FP barely counts as starting shit.

Fuminofags have been at war with both Urukafags and Senseifags. Naturally they would have to be delusional to think only Urukafags call them out on their shit when they recently began attacking Senseifags as well because they can't handle people considering Mafuyu a real contender for the bowl instead of your token irrelevant old woman

>Urukafags are cancerous on their own.
and you keep going, you keep deflecting, maybe it's actually just sheer autism at this point

This is why nobody likes you. You always play victim and claim Fuminofags are usually the one who start shitposting and attack other girls when in reality, it's Urukafags who do that. False falseflagging to fulfill false prophecy of attacking other girls is even Urukafags' forte. Plus, Urukafags will never have the high ground because they were the one started this waifufag war several months ago.

I meant to say can't, and it's true, you can't even say you like her arc and someone starting shit.

Fumino>Mafuyu>Rizu>Sister>Rizu stalker>Asumi>Asumi’s mom>entirety of asumi work colleagues>Uruka.

>they can't handle people considering Mafuyu a real contender for the bowl instead of your token irrelevant old woman
They know as well as anyone else if she's a legit contender she's in the lead right now. That's why they're panicking.

>called a shitposter for liking Fumino and posting his ranking
>obvious bait is obvious

>Fuminofags nowadays only care about winning the bowl and don't give a shit about anything else
Implying that wasn't always the case.

>At least I am shifting blame to falseflaggers.

sensei ass is nice but rizu's is nothing to scoff at either

>it's only obvious bait if you put Fumino first

Rizu is very cute. I just don't think she's in the lead right now.

Attached: 1560355130799.png (542x580, 232K)

>it's not shitposting IF we do it
t. anti-Fumino autists

>you can't even say you like her arc and someone starting shit.
Oh that, ok maybe you have a point.

>This is why nobody likes you.
>fuminofag saying this
Oh, this is so very very fucking ironic

The only lead in Rizu is the one Tsutsui shot in her character to kill it and wank Fumino.

You don't understand user, her mom is dead.

>What does that have anything to do with my post?

It's the same excuse/reason Urukafags and Senseifags use.

Not even close. The typical guilty party that always shitpost and falseflag each other, dragging others into theri fight, has never change. 's point implies only one conclusion, when that is far from the truth.

one again user
>obvious bait is obvious
there is also a Urukafag doing it, which was also obvious bait. both your fanbases are shit.

Nice deflection

Yes, Fumino is not even top 3 objectively

she's a great character but her design is anti-winner which is sad unless we get an ichigo 100% ending but even tsukasa looked more winnerish

>>It's the same excuse/reason Urukafags and Senseifags use.

>Not even close. The typical guilty party that always shitpost and falseflag each other, dragging others into theri fight, has never change. (You)'s point implies only one conclusion, when that is far from the truth.
This is straight up false you fucking inbred, the fact of the matter is that you Fuminofags don't accept any other conclusion then Fuminofags shitposting being a falseflagging Urukafag. Your post is so fucking hypocritical

What can I say? I learned from the best
>Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags
But I will never reach your level

Everyone is arguing so now is the perfect time to admit that I want to lick the smug maid's feet!

Attached: fm.png (1024x1514, 1.85M)

Uruka was a mistake

at least they used to do crops and edits back then.
Now all they do is argue metashit (both about the series and the threads).

Ranking girls is part of the romcom culture, you may have thin skin.

hold on a second you dumb nigger, all I said is that story wise sensei winning makes sense, I didn't imply any other end wouldn't make sense or would be forced by meta narratives, just that meta narratives go against her
any other girl getting something close to 102 would almost be a guaranteed victory, this is an undeniable truth, who knows, maybe it was for sensei and it will pay off in the end, but what stops people from claiming such things is only meta

Your complaint is being called a retard? user, that's like being called a faggot around here. Fairly normal, all things considered given your negativity and sour tone.


You fuckers do the same shit. Quit acting like you are better.


Attached: 1555170144510.jpg (1440x810, 156K)

Fumino, Rizu, and Asumi are the top 3.

>any shitposting my side does is falseflagging, we can never do wrong
t. Fuminoshitters

This episode confirmed that sensei is best girl and the only one that will win the Nariyuki's bowl.

Fumino and Asumi are objectively the two worst written heroines

It's also the fact that I wanted Rizu to win and fags went, no you're not supposed to care about that it's fine if she loses.

It's not even the best sensei arc from the manga, as hard as that is to believe.

If the leaks are right, you'll see at the final episode that you're wrong.

wish asumi would leak on me

Did you forget that Uruka exists?

If the next thread will be as shitty as this one was, Nariyuki will cry.
Do you guys honestly want that?

Attached: dctzj.jpg (290x380, 35K)

Uruka is at least consistently mediocre. Nothing offensive about her.

>they were the one started this waifufag war several months ago.
Can you pinpoint? I'm looking at threads in the archive in the month of November and sincerely Urukafags aren't doing shit.

Reactions like this is common. Also, .

>straight up false
How so? The digging rage in your writing sure isn't helping you be convincing, you know.
>don't accept any other conclusion then Fuminofags shitposting being a falseflagging Urukafag
How is that different from Urukafags and Senseifags who push the same conclusions? The only thing that's clearly hypocritical here is you who is trying to make it sound like there's only one truth.

Too late. Bokuben is becoming the new Go-toubun which was the new Yahari.

>consistently mediocre
That's being super generous. Emphasis on super.

those posts just called your taste shit user, and they are right

Fuck this faggot that will fall in love with a boring pile of bones. His only redemption would come from a Sensei end.

Only to dumb haters.

I dunno, people who try to defend them are always outed as the dumb/ignorant ones.



We’re not as popular as those so it won’t get as bad as those two fortunately.

He didn't reply to me, so not my ranking, and he didn't do only just that. But see? You just proved my point.

We used to be more popular than 5toubun

Circular argument is not being smart, retard.

Fumino is a walking pile of badly written cliches. Asumi is a non-character there to fill in a 5-girl harem quota.

Based and redpilled Fuminobro. We will win.

All of this started because a Senseibro said Uruka was the cutest girl for him.
Fuminofags have serious brain problems and insecurity issues

Considering the muh inconsistencyfag was BTFO, but keeps at it acting like it never happened, not really.

Just like when a Seneisefag liked Fumino and her arc. Oh wait.

Denial is not an argument either, retard.
Not really. Kinda ironic since you're acting like the other times you got BTFO about it never happened.

>arguing over which -fags are worse

Attached: smug.png (110x110, 10K)

That thread didn't have you preaching and white knighting your fellow Fuminofags though. People spotted the obvious falseflag and told him off

t. retard

>a blatant false flagging post* started this
Obviously Sherlock.

>tfw you overshadow your daughter in her own arc

Attached: reiji dab.jpg (329x429, 39K)

Not everyone is like you, Fuminofags. You only suck up to other fags when it's convenient to you, next thread you're shitting on them if the weather changes. You're disgusting.

You were screeching at him and accepted your own conclusion as truth. It didn't happen only one time either. Nice try.

>muh Fuminofags
Rent free.

I wasn't even arguing with him but keep trying

>he wasn't here when we had daily shitpost threads
I envy you.

>in the end Reiji was the Beloved Star
this will never not be funny

Holy shit I was a falseflagger but dropped this series after the forced furuhashit arc, and these threads actually got worse after I left what the fuck

Cool denial

>Not everyone is like you, Urukafags. You only suck up to other fags when it's convenient to you, next thread you're shitting on them if the weather changes. You're disgusting.
This makes more sense. Urukafags love going muh bro and patting each other on the back when it's convenient, which is to disagree with Fuminofags. They don't actually care so long as they can use Senseifags, even RIzufags and Asumifags as long as they can praise Uruka and shit on Fumino.

Sure. Good deflection nonetheless.

The more you bitch about Fuminofags the more I love Funino. Keep it up.

>I was

Keep crying that you weren't in the thread to cry that people spotted a Fuminofag falseflagging

Reminder if Rizu bows out this arc, Sensei wins.

Attached: best girl best cover sensei.jpg (763x1200, 337K)

Based. But I like Fumitsuki more.

>muh Urukafags
most of them, or at least the ones who engage with you, have been fond of Rizu, sensei and sawako while disliking Fumino. You are the one who doesn't care about anything but your shitty skeleton

Fumino and Nino are both a shit

Pretty sure the other who argued with you were RIzufags. I'm a Fuminofag and I told you that you were overreacting. There's no reason why you shouldn't want Rizu end as a fan, but you had already given up and acted like it was the end of the world. Rizu's development is setup that way for a reason but it's like you took it as a foregone conclusion of Fumino end already.

This. Urukafags have no standards and are the biggest hypocrites.

Are you


Fumino a shit, but Nino is the second best quint

I know you're being ironic, but if only user. If only.

>most of them, or at least the ones who don't engage with you, have been fond of Rizu, Asumi, and even Sensei despite what happened during the 1st waifu war while disliking Uruka. You are the one who doesn't care about anything but your shitty Yea Forums.
Another proper fixed.

>expecting Fuminochinks to be able to understand posts that aren't basic one-liners

Fumino and Nino are best girls
Uruka and Ichika are worst girls.

Not entirely. I remain convinced that Fumino got sisterzoned dozens of chapters ago.

>liking anyone except Asumi sometimes
My sides

There is a """Senseifag""" who recently has been bitching and downplaying meta. Not only just that, but he is trying to make it taboo because the meta Fumino has hurts his narrative to support a Sensei win.

Miku and Uruka are the best girls
Nino and Fumino a shit

Attached: 1545480800952.jpg (720x512, 244K)

Hello Urukafag who only started lurking to forced fanbase wars since last fall.

Love: Fumino
Like: Senpai, Rizu
Indifferent: Sensei
Don't like: Uruka

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.26_[2019.06.12_13.47.06]. (1280x720, 442K)