>diavolo is a schizophrenic personality
>its common for schizophrenics to not be aware of alternate personalitiess and they can't remember anything the alternate personality does
>this means that you will appear in random places from your point of view and you can't remember how you got there
King Crimsons power is literally applied symptoms of schizophrenia by affecting everything
Diavolo is a schizophrenic personality
Other urls found in this thread:
multiple personality disorder =/= schizophrenia
It's always such a treat to see the word 'schizophrenia' tossed around by people so lazy King Crimson would only get one use out of.
it's not schizophrenia. diavolo's ghost/spirit actually can kill people and is separate from doppio.
Epitaph = Doppio
King Crimson = Diavolo
>is separate from doppio.
Do you have a way of proving that?
I want a jojo villain that is a nice guy but insane and think that his stand is forcing him to do crimes like the Ventriloquist from Batman
OP does not understand Schizophrenia: the post.
Psych conditions where people have genuine multiple personalities are exceedingly rare and the vast majority of the time patients who are doing this are pretending and are fagets.
After silver charriot requiem swaps peoples souls, doppio and diavolo end up in different bodys
Okay. Thanks. So that would mean that Diavolo possessed Doppio at some point. How and when did this happen?
Silver chariot requiem puts doppio in and diavolo into separate bodies. Theyre 2 souls.
Not possessed. 2 separate souls.
But they share on body, so clearly one possessed the other.
Nope. 2 separate souls. Not possession.
Should've been the Boss tbqh. Would be more interesting than yet another time-manipulating fag.
I hate how pointless and without explanation the whole 2 soul thing was.
So Doppio was born with two souls?
More or less
Why didn't Diavolo just ask Josuke to Crazy Diamond his soul back together?
It took him like 18 months to be born.
Then why is it that only Diavolo is aware of the fact that they share one body while Doppio is oblivious?
He was also born of a weird 2 year long pregnancy from a mother who was in a female only prison
nothing about diavolo makes sense or is even supposed to
>believing a prisoner's words
She probably didn't want to expose the father who corssdressed to work at prison.
because he's the dominant personality.
Theres literally a stand in part 5 that can get women pregnant and birth a stand baby
She probably got impregnanted by a stand
He's racist
Was crosschanging Anasui Diavolo's father before becoming a prisioner?
Diavolo being annasui's father would make more sense
But Stands weren't a thing when he was born. Stands appeared in late 80s, when Dio got resurrected.
Except schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are entirely seperate things.
They may as well be weird cousins, who knows how many babies Pucci's mother stole from their famillies
he never died. he got freed from the coffin.
How do people in jojolion have stands then?
That's just when DIO and the Joestars got their stands.
some people are born with stands and dont need the arrow
they are given by the bites of the invisible ghost of jesus chirst that was left behind in the soil of the wall eyes after he was buried there during the earthquake that devastated japan
Different continuity.
Ask Araki.
resurrection implies death, also stands existed prior to Dio being freed. Very very wrong post friend.
>stands existed prior to Dio being freed
Dio specifically tried to recruit STAND USERS
Anubis somehow existing centuries before Part 3 even began?
Polnareff had silver chariot since he was a child. Avdol had magician's red his entire life.
Avdol? Polnareff? Kakyoin?
Why didn't he stay with the girl ? Or at least tell her who he was ?
Because he had to continue his bro adventure with his bros. Polnareff lives by bros before hoes
Approximately 50,000 years ago, a meteorite crash landed on Earth around an underpopulated region of Cape YorkW, GreenlandW. In 1978, a mineral excavation team uncovered an unknown virus within the rocks of the surrounding area and determined that it had been laying dormant inside the meteorite that hit Earth long ago. Despite extensive research, government doctors were unable to determine the alien virus' purpose outside the total elimination of human life. Akin to the theory of evolution, it was discovered that certain people possessed a quality that would enable them to survive when exposed to the virus, additionally granting them supernatural abilities.
stardust cusaders happens 10 years later
Several hundred years before the discovery of the virus, a man who wished to acquire the power of gods took the rocks and fashioned them into Arrows.
What are your absolute favorite stands?
>Black Sabbath
>The Hand
>Highway Star
>Little Feet
>Stone Free
>Sticky Fingers
Nut King Call
Stone Free
Killer Queen
Beach Boy
for me it's [Six Bullets]
Sticky Fingers
King Crimson
Stone Free
Heavy Weather
Paisley Park
This whole space alien stand-granting virus crap is so goddamn unnecessary...The fuck does that have to do with souls or the fact people can be born with stands/acquire them through life. I swear whenever Araki tries to ''explain'' his bullshit, everything becomes way worse.
This whole stand-granting arrow crap is so goddamn unnecessary...The fuck does that have to do with souls or the fact people can be born with stands/acquire them through life. I swear whenever Araki tries to ''explain'' his bullshit, everything becomes way worse.
I too felt it was over-explained.
At least that was still mysterious.
just be glad he didnt explain DIO's steps to heaven
He did explain the snail thing though
subliminal messages that dont turn you into a snail but instead make you think you're a snail but also lets your body act like a snail
the snail thing needed to be explained
not really could have easily just said
"looking at the rainbow turns you into a snail"
I haven't read part 8 yet, and it's hilarious to me that I have no idea if this is shitposting or not.
Yeah but he was into dumb shit while writing stone ocean. theres an entire fight and stand based around rods.
It's pretty much how stands are gained in part 8.
In no particular order
Sticky Fingers
Crazy Diamon
Highway Star
Killer Queen
Purple Haze
Black Sabbat
Charriot Requiem
Highway Star
Foo Fighters
I'll never forgive Araki for not making Rykiel's stand that of controlling herds of cows. Just look at him ffs.
>[Six Bullets]
0% shitpost
100% canon
Araki is one hell of a drug
That fight was pretty kino though, its guilty of overexplaining it but the fight itself was good
Rykiel was easily the least evil of DIO's 3 reject sons
rykiel's IQ is off the charts
Rykiel was a good boy with bad croud, I like him and Donatelo way more than giorno and druggy
That would've been too dumb, Weather Report would've been far too vague as a stand without the explanation.
>The King in Crimson, crimson comes
He knows the weakness that you can't fight
The stone of night that weighs you down
If only you could see the visions
His hand is death if you take it now
So why didn't doppio have his own stand?
Donatelo and Rykiel definitely have more personality than Giorno.
Giorno stopped having a personality once he put a foot inside Buccelati's boot
People have known Diavolo isn't right in the head for over a decade, so this isn't exactly new information people can't figure out for themselves.
He's a paranoid schizophrenic with dissociative identity disorder AND an over powered Stand with god like abilities that probably lets him imagine there is nothing wrong with him because of that power derived from his instabilities. He's fucking broken at a fundamental level and loving every minute of it with King Crimson.
Design wise, Whitesnake and GER. Both are aesthetic as fuck
Why did Diavolo ask Polnareff if he understood what he meant by "this is a test" if he was using his time erase and Polnareff didn't even hear the question?
its a test for him, he was talking to himself. It's a test for diavolo to defeat his past.
well polnareff could have answered while king crimson was in effect, but wouldnt have remembered afterwards
Why didn't Mista die to Green Day when Cioccolata cut his bullets and he fell over?
Star Platinum
Black Sabbath
Sticky Fingers
Moody Blues
Purple Haze
The Grateful Dead
King Crimson
Green Day
White Snake
Diver Down
Under World
There are so many great designs from Parts 3 to 6
colony stand
I don't mean why didn't he die because his stand was damaged but why didn't he mold when he dropped elevation?
maybe he didnt fall far enough, or it was while cioccolata was pretending to be dead so green day wasnt activated.
Honestly, don't know.
I could buy the second reason, not really but I could see that. The first doesn't make too much sense considering Mista molded just bending over to pick something up
Why didn't Jotaro just use his time stop when he watched Kira open the door in the tailor shop and grab his coat? Regardless of his ability, stopping time and obliterating the door would still have been a very safe move.
I also find it hilarious Araki didn't bring Fugo back because he didn't want to see friends fight, but the biggest dude-bro Polnareff gets turned into a pathetic and idiotic cripple
Araki really likes shitting on characters from previous parts, doesn't he?
i think killer queen is the strongest stand that was thought up. especially with the cat stand inside him. walk by something bam bites the dust killed you. touch a door knob basic stand ability killed you . walk into a store bam sub stand blew you the fuck up. main hero decides its time for flicky flicky that nigger shoots shit at you from his stomach
Spot the limbfag
>Speedwagon dies a virgin in part 2
>Jonathan's body is defiled by DIO in part 3
>Joseph is a forgetful old fart in part 4
>Polnareff is crippled, dies, and becomes a turtle in part 5
>Jotaro is put into a coma and then dies in part 6
>only guy to fight diavolo and not die
>key to the gang defeating diavolo
>turns his own stand into the first requiem stand that literally stops diavolo from controlling the arrow and winning
okay whatever you say dude-o
Part 4 is shit, Kira is plot armored shit, Araki tried to keep the story going longer than it needed to
>Polnareff never returned to Luxor and hit it off with the girl
>he could have settled down and had a nice life
I miss when Stands were just elevated Hamon for like 4 minutes
why couldnt the entire series just be NEW COLOR OVERDRIVE over and over
Lol you forgot
>dumb enough after going through Dio to travel and fight alone despite losing 50% of party members
>Lost 3 of 4 limbs and an eye, leaving him retarded enough to not see Doppio was a boy when Bruno thought it was Trish
>Got turned into a turtle
I guess if you have low expectations none of this is tooo bad.
he ain't a turtle anymore
whats his stand called
jingle bell rock
just you wait for the disc bullshit
And that makes him pretty great, in my opinion. Can't help but wonder what he'd be like with proper treatment though.
>jail house lock
>purple haze
>black sabbath
>dark blue moon
>the hand
no particular order but i like KC´s design the most
when Bucciarati fell asleep from Requiem, he probably thought death had finally come for him
i'm not ready bros
I've read all the manga up to this point user, i was just being a cunt
Don't worry user, him and Abbacchio just faked their deaths to escape this shit plot and went on to a Gucci show with Jolyne.
bruno and abba became TSA agents looking for a unicorn
>no au healed bossu
>Trish can sense Diavolo's soul
>Trish cannot sense Doppio's soul
>retards will still try to tell you that Doppio is the original personality
my theory is that doppio did all the dating and diavolo all the fug
That just confirms Diavolo is the father, not the original personality
he'd probably either be a sailor or just an actual businessman
does it matter since Diavolo and Doppio have the same jizz?
>why would I ruin literally the perfect facade?
Good shit. I want more of that plot.
I'm sorry user it was just a dream :(
Don't forget.
>Gyro doesn't even accomplish what he set out to do
>Johnny dies 10 years after SBR
Eh, it mattered with Giorno.
Yeah, yeah, that's just a flowery way of putting it, Araki.
You deserve death and eternal damnation.
is bucciarati fucking retarded
why did he do this
French man said arrow important
so as we come on the finale of part 5's anime, how would you rate each part to its manga?
part 1: manga>>>>>>>anime. The details cut from the anime to rush to part 2 just kill it.
part 2: Anime>manga. It's a mostly faithful recreation, and the music just pushes it over
part 3: manga>anime. Araki's old style of art peaks here, and it's a shame to miss.
part 4: manga=anime. Major transitional period for araki, and while some of the art is gorgeous, particularly characters like kira, the anime is more consistent with its style, and the fighting works well.
part 5: anime>manga. this one was begging for an anime adaptation and is some of the best of jojo anime.
stands have always existed, the arrows being discovered just made more stand users out of people who had the potential
Epitaph is part of King Crimson.
Soft and Wet
King Nothing
Killer Queen
Tusk Act 4
Hanged Man
Purple Haze
Beach Boy
>he doesn't know about GER
they have different body types and souls so they might have different jizz
This is mostly accurate, but Jesus was buried in Morioh back in 1901 and has had a presence ever since.
>part 1
manga>anime, jonathan lost some nuance in the anime
>part 2
anime>manga , has a weak main villain and unexciting plot but the direction and VAs save it
>part 3
manga>anime, anime is too slow paced and visually bland
>part 4
manga>anime, anime is a poorly handled adaptation of an already below average part
>part 5
anime>manga, the details the anime adds makes it an even better experience
>if Koichi stayed with Gio he would of eventually meet Polnareff
>if he meet Polnareff he would of been able to tell him he knows Jotaro
>Jotaro could of directed Polnareff to Jouske
>Jouske could of healed Polnareff's lameness
>tfw this never happened
But Yea Forums = retards.
>could of
I want to sniff Mista's armpits
>Polnareff returns
>Just to job twice in one episode to Emperor Reddit
fucking yikes dude Araki is a hack
imagine the smell of that ass
To be fair johnny deserved to die
>imma sacrifice some randoms to save my chink gf
>Había un hombre joven de Japón, pero ¿a quién le importa lo que piensa esa doble cruzada en el pentámetro yámbico de Limerick?
In a relative way the kids are alright.
P. Ditty (AKA Puff Daddy)
This is great.
I'm gonna be honest here I just want Uragirimono no Requiem SFX
Fighting Gold SFX would've been better though
controversial, yet true
Reminder Risotto WON and died with dignity, unlike Diavolo and Narancia
Supuraito kuranberī
There are a lot of moments where Green Day could have activated and it didn't. The fight isn't too consistent.
Doppio had better situational awareness, then King Crimson fully activated just in time.
2 personalities
2 faces