The official thread before the spoilers thread.
Were you shocked to find that Yotsuba was the main heroine the whole time?
The official thread before the spoilers thread.
Were you shocked to find that Yotsuba was the main heroine the whole time?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think Ichicute is best girl
Yotsuba deserves eternal suffering.
liked it better when she wasnt wearing pants
It makes sense if you think about it. Her sisters having always been supporting her as supporting characters in her biggest downer moments
>lost the money
Sisters picked her up supported the flower idea
>failed school
Sisters chose to transfer with her
>depressed over her first love
Sisters will help support her relationship with Fuutaruo
>13 hours after previous thread dies
i thought the party's already over
If her sisters hadn't transferred with her, wouldn't Fuutarou have been hired as her personal tutor?
I think you are right.
Nino a Best
Sorry, wrong image.
That unironically would’ve made for a much better story
Previous thread got nuked
Why does Itsuki want to make Yotsuba relevant even though Yotsuba wants to be irrelevant?
She’s Negi’s female insert and knows it’s best for the story
was the new volume omake leaked yet
Yes, in chink.
She's trying to be a good mom.
Who's the most mommy material, Itsuki or Ichika?
2351, right?
Fuutarou is his self-insert, the bride is based on his own wife
Heard this in another topic but didn’t the Yotsuba date chapters come out during his wedding?
Probably around his anniversary. I thought he was married before 5Toubun. IIRC, he tweeted about his wife before the manga.
Why? What happened?
Nothing. It just did.
I think Yotsuba is just fine.
Fuu-kun's wife is really cute!
To circumcise it?
His wife is also a mangaka, isn't she?
faggot op got banned for posting dumb meme I'm assume
>I think
No friend, factually she is best girl.
Need some more GENUINE here
i dont remember this page
He would have still met all of them because they'd still live in the same house.
I drew it OC
anyone translated the extras already?
>Minor role in most arc
>Suddenly gets an arc
>Wow, main heroine
lol. People really see what they want to see.
>Minor Role
Speedreading at its finest
No, those chapters came out aroun golden week
Negi did get married on labour Thanksgiving day which is when the date takes place
Yotsuba isn't genuine. She's literally the Yui of the story with her feelings being based on an insignificant thing Fuutarou did for her and hiding her jealousy for Miku and Fuutarou(Yukino and 8man of 5toubun) getting closer to each other behind the guise of the idiotic nice girl.
Ichika and Nino also predicate their feelings for him off of one off events.
Miku and Itsuki are the only ones that can have a GENUINE relationship with Fuutarou as their feelings aren't based on one off events but on gradually growing closer and coming to understand one another just like Yukino and 8man.
Y I k e s
Why did Maruo arrange to meet Fuutaruo and Takeda at Yotsuba’s depression park? I wonder if he has some sort of connection to the park as well
We'll know after the Maruo flashback arc
You confused Yukino with Yui dumbass
looks more like mouthrape than a kiss
Based 8man
Girl from the past being the bride is shit writing.
Fuu is literally where he is because of Yotsuba.
Been gone a few days. Did I miss something because I don't remember seeing this pic before. Is it official? Looks gorgeous.
Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?
Nuke this threads. Fucking cancer.
>Miku and Fuutarou(Yukino and 8man of 5toubun) getting closer to each other behind the guise of the idiotic nice girl.
Bullshit you forget that Meeku is only doormat >Yukino have her personality and she not the strong main girl like Yukino
>Miku and Itsuki are the only ones that can have a GENUINE relationship with Fuutarou as their feelings aren't based on one off events but on gradually growing closer and coming to understand one another just like Yukino and 8man
It's literally NinoxFuutarou relationships.
She the most genuine with him unlike the two other , she is the most honest about her feelings.She can talk with him and he can talk with her about how he feels. SHE CAN FEEL WHEN FUUTAROU IT IS IN BAD MOOD BECAUSE SHE LEARN ALL THIS HIS SHIT ABOUT HIM BEFORE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM !!
>for Miku she doesn't knows nothing about him >ch84 she said it to Fuutarou
She still lie about her feelings and she always play with his feelings like Yotsuba and Ichika
>For Itsuki, her game with Rena aka fake lolinakano kill her genius relationship> lies and lies
Lol no, this manga in its last third, while Souma had fucked up right in the end of the first third.
Not even close, blindnigger
>mouth rape soon
Extra from volume release, fan coloured
Based and Retardpilled.
He's where he is because of lolinakano, that girl is dead, Yotsuba is just an empty shell now
Keep applying yourself, retard-kun
Yotsuba killed her.
I want to get Itsuki pregnant
Literally the name of the chapter too.
Miku is trying so hard to improve her skills but somehow as a person she doesn't feel like she's improving that much.
Yes, I want to fuck Nino too.
If you were a metafag it was pretty obvious.
I have mixed feelings since we were all joking about it in the beginning and then it actually happened.
That’s the poetry of it
But now it feels like hack writing by Yea Forums
I've told you since ancient times Negi browses these threads but you never listened
We were serious about her character qualities as a main heroine, we joked about her being doomed to irrelevancy.
These two are the worst girls.
So anons, in ch 66 pg 13 how did Yotsuba know Ichika had business with their dad?
Did yotsuba overhear Nino in ch 65 pg 15 about asking Ichika to keep an eye on their papa?
In ch 64 pg 11 Yotsuba overhears Ichika and Nino planning something together. Since in ch 64 pg 17 she says "Ichika and Nino went somewhere" since Miku stayed back to talk to Fuutarou, Miku wasn't the one looking back at Ichika and Nino.
Just like yours. Eat shit.
absolutely based
Real change is slower than how it's portrayed in moat fiction, Miku is well aware of what her issues are and she's starting to realize most of it is just in her head but just knowing that is not enough to change the way you feel
She's also actively trying to come out of her shell by opening to her sisters about how she feels about stuff (compare that to Yotsuba who never told anyone about her pain and how that ended up) and putting herself out of her comfort zone
Focusing too much on improving her skills is really just a dead end and would end with her like Yotsuba, obsessed about being the best, but i guess Fuu already took her of that path by telling her that even if the bread wasn't the best it was the effort she put into it what matters the most
Yes, mid and bottom panel are the worst, top panel is best girl
yuckyno a shit
I understand they are quintuplets but that's not Miko and Yuts
Pages like this is why I hope they both lose, bland as fuck and their characters revolve around getting Fuutaro's dick and nothing else and not in an entertaining way like Ichika.
this looks like one of those arcsys games
Desperate Ichika is peak Ichika.
Eatsuki clearly going to win. First girl in manga AND going to get the last arc? cmon open your eyes
>Obsessed with being the best
>Applying the past to the present
Yotsuba left that part of her behind after flunking. She says this in ch 89 pg 17.
Exactly, you never see girls behaving like backstabbing bitc- girls in these
Yes, i was talking of how she was in the past and about how that mentality didn't make her happy, that's why it's a good thing for Miku to avoid falling into the same trap of obsessing over her accomplishments
Yotsuba couldn't have heard them talk about their plan since that took place in the van when they were going back to inn and they were seated at the back while Yotsuba was at the front.
Cool that's a nice touch then.
Meekufags and Kirbyfags back at it again
>She's literally the Yui of the story with her feelings being based on an insignificant thing Fuutarou did for her
No that would be Miku not Yotsuba.
Then how did Yotsuba know Ichika had business with their dad then?
Ichika mentioned it herself
Miku is so ugly
Don't be, it was a funny image.
This is peak Yotsuba. Prove me wrong. Grow out your hair, Yotsubabe!
I don't think at the time of Yotsuba thinking she was the best she was unhappy, I think after failing she realized thinking who was the best was a negative way of comparing herself to her sisters. Let's not forget though, the reason for Yotsuba wanting to be the best was so she could stand out from her sisters. She developed this mindset after Fuutarou failed to realize he was talking to a different girl. So in a way, Ichika is the one who started this feeling inside Yotsuba. Because Yotsuba kept getting good grades she kept feeding this monster inside herself (the best), then because of Miku getting a better grade than her she got those PTSD feels again like when Ichika stole Fuutarou from her. So she tried harder to study, only to continue down the path of lower grades. So she turned towards sports to feed the monster inside of herself (the best). Miku could have ended up like Yotsuba if Ichika didn't apologies to Miku. Honestly, it's poetic how Yotsuba is both hope and despair. On one hand she tried to be(the best) on the other hand she's now sacrificing herself for her sisters now. She gave up on being special, and with every interaction she's had with Fuutarou since the start of the series, in her mind she probably thinks she made the right decision.
Why does she block cocks?
Damn, I can't believe I missed that. So the only scene in scrambled eggs that feels out of place now regarding Yotsuba is the bathroom scene. Thanks user.
>I have an alias
Dumb Itsuki, Fuutarou already knows about your secret food reviews!
Yotsuba better get healed hard this arc ;_;
No, Yui is fake as hell
>irowhore a shit
>ewwy a shit
Since we had Ichika's dark arc already, will we see anyone backstab or go against her sisters again?
That's a weird way of saying she's the only real one in the series
That was exclusively Ichika's role, can't have waifufags get mad because their girl is now a cunt.
No, she is a manipulative cunt.
Dies Yotsuba stabbing her own back counts?
Well, same. That's why I personally see 2/3 endings as anticlimactic ones.
>the obsessed yukinofag is here
If Fuu = 8man, then Ichika = Yukino, Nino = Yui, Yots = Iroha, Miku = Totsuka, and Eatsuki = Sensei
Sly mother fuckers.... They really took it out.
Yep, from a purely entertaining factor it's 1>4>5 if she goes crazy >>>>>3
And I'm a Yotsubafag, but a full on comeback from Ichika wold be amazing to see.
>Yea Forums claimed that Itsuki was the first girl and because of that she was gonna end up with Fuutarou
>they said Itsuki was Rena and also lolikano
>they said that Yotsuba was gonna end up in despair while her other sisters confessed
>Turns out that Yotsuba was first girl all along and most likely Fuutarou's first love and possibly the kisser
>Yea Forums backtracks and now they say that they knew Yotsuba was gonna comeback and confess to Fuutarou
I'm not listening to you retards anymore.
the autistic spammer was always here
If you had half a brain the bathroom scene wouldn't feel out of place.
There's no way that'd happen.
>Goes to pee
>Doesn't pee
>Half a brain
More than you user.
I need healing from the Bokuben threads.
Some autistic shitposter that derails threads. Probably an Irohafag. Ignore it.
Is following panels really that hard for you?
Hopefully not, getting everything solved in a single arc means dropping out and that Negi pretty much crammed everything about her in a volume.
Is this your first manga?
>I can't remember this
Funny how you always fed him in the Yaharishit threads.
No problem. But I see nothing special about the bathroom scene. You're overthinking,user
At least try user.
Took what out?
Reminder to thank the user who coloured the page.
I wish to one day see the same picture, but with Yots' brightest smile
What you're basically saying is that Yotsuba took Nino's letter and went to the bathroom to dispose of it, right?
Look at the out of border colors, it might be one of those sites that automatically color waifu images like someone posted ages ago.
more than 24 hours away
This, you really spelled it out
I want Yots' smiles to be healed.
Scrambled Eggs is going to be so hard to pull off in TV. Not unless they break the rules.
Nah, it's been settled down in Kyoto arc. From now we can get some light catfights maximum.
What rules?
No, I don't think Yotsuba took the letter. Since Maruo told Fuutarou that he was looking for the bathroom and then pointed in the opposite direction of the quints room. The bathroom scene is out of place because yotsuba never went to the bathroom to pee like she claimed. She went in then came out instantly. Unless Yotsuba has a dick and can piss in miliseconds then the scene is out of place.
That is her brightest smile.
Since Fuutarou told Maruo*
But Yots was the first one to confess. She hid behind a joke, but it was still a confession.
That aside, after Itsuki was made into a fat joke, people assumed that its not gonna be your usual romcom, so they looked at other girls, but Yotsuba was still everyones second best, since she was competing and was the wingman for every sister.
However, now that Yots actually stand a chance of winning, its fucking hilarious seeing almost everyone point their guns at her.
VAs mimic the other sisters. That's the biggest giveaway. And the best one to only pull it off was Miku and Inori Minase.
>I'm a Yotsubafag, but a full on comeback from Ichika wold be amazing
Yeah, I feel the same.
>Hey Fuutarou-kun, remember when i cucked you with my childhood friend? Well, turns out childhood friends never win, so wanna marry me?
Imagine Fuutarou realizes he still loves lolikano after all these years and confesses to Rena while Yotsuba watches from the sidelines.
I refuse to believe ai is that advanced.
Dunno, i was there when user posted the picture. Still kudos to him
expectations: subverted
Months ago someone posted some toubun pictures colored with that site and the result was very close.
>mfw all of a sudden finding out utter normie-tier girls in campus reads 5toubun
>Transferring to Fuutarou's school after this flashback arc.
It would be the greatest shit storm.
go back
What purpose did she actually have for the story? Will she come back with her now boyfriend and make him start thinking more seriously about love? Her design is too cute to be flashback only
it was posted by a colorfag like just the day before yesterday, user
>Her design is too cute to be flashback only
Precisely. My guess is she's going to make a small comeback as a plot device after all the cards are out in the open and Fuutarou's stuck having to make a decision
Cue some small talk in a cafe and her talking some sense into Fuutarou's already scrambled brain
I think Negi is going to reintroduce her into the story and have the brides hair color turn black and reveal Takebayashi is a quintuplet as well.
>Her design is too cute to be flashback only
I wish 8 will come back too.
Yotsuba has a rude body.
When will this arc end?
You're rude
You've just spoiled the ending
If by rude you mean lewd, I concur
That foreshadowing
5 Takebayashis?
Next chapter should be the most important flashback yet, the true
>what the fuck is going through Yotsuba's head about Fuuts
You're breathtaking.
>Miku and Fuutarou(Yukino and 8man of 5toubun)
Both best girls.
Yotsuba is for eternal suffering.
Magazine cover out
based user
Why again were Ninofags telling me she's the kisser?
This thread needs to get nuked as well
She doesn't care about appearances anymore
I want to see Yotsuba's reaction to Miku hugging Fuutarou. Or when Nino said she loved F in front of everyone seconds after Yots tried to martyr herself to let all of them be in the same group. Imagine the mental scars.
She existed to make a parallel of childhood love and class reps with el hermano for Yotsuba and Fuutaruo
There's not enough manga to tell Yotsuba's story properly.
Yotsuba, stop it
user, you sadist
What would be even better is if she tries to deny her own feelings while watching those moments. Seeing her sisters happy while she is hurt because she forced herself to be powerless would be satisfying.
I'm kinda hoping for some full-on despair doujins expanding of her heartbreak upon seeing her sister's advances and fuutarou's response, tbqh
Negi will drag this story out for Yotsuba.
Miku a cute
You could just have Itsuki's VA voice everyone, couldn't you? Also, it's not like the kisser spoke when she was with Fuutarou.
Yotsuba is the ultimate cuck.
Shit taste
>I know
They can but that's not how they rolled with S1. It was amazing honetly speaking. I really liked that.
Ichika pleases old men for roles.
Wouldn't that just make her Ichika 2.0?
We know, Fuutarou
It ruins any kind of scene so amazingly.
Still, what's the big deal if you can tell who everyone is? We already knew where most of the quints were before the kiss happened, so it's not like we'll get much more from that scene in an anime.
Yotsuba is the original.
2 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 3
femenine timid girls are best girls, patrician taste
all the tomboys and sassy subhuman feminoids are the fantasies of plebians that know nothing of how this world works
>femenine timid girls are best girls
Ah... Spoken like a true virgin.
I'm getting excited just by reading it. Yotsuba's despair and hope moments literally one of the best things that came out of this story
Enjoy your STDs.
I have a wife who matches those characteristics so square the fuck up nigga
Can't argue with that
Would Itsuki and Laius get along?
I'm talking about from the perspective of not manga readers. Shit on them for all you want but I can still appreciate seeing my favorite works get adapted. Granted they don't butcher it too much.
3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 1
It's close between 4 and 5 though.
Speaking of Oregairu comparisons
Why steins gate?
Miku fits the archetype
I bet Yotsuba doesn't even know what masturbation is.
Something tells me your girl's squared up enough for the both of us.
I imagine in that scenario there would be a rift between Yotsuba and her sisters making her feel uncomfortable studying at home. Most events would take place at her and Fuutarou's school leaving the other quints with minimal screentime.
Name calling will get you nowhere conversation wise. You're not gonna even try so Imma be quiet now. I already spoke my piece.
I just polled 250 experts and the consensus was:
>nobody puts 5 at the top
5 is love, 5 is life.
From left to right
I think she's very cute and has always been a fun character, she just hasn't gotten as much development of the other girls I like, and that puts them ahead.
Yukino = Ichika
5=3>4>Itsuki is best girl but Fuutarou belongs to Miku
Yukino a shit
Actually liking that autistic cardboard girl over Yui. While I won't say edgy shit like "you have shit taste, mind's better" and I do believe that tastes are subjective, I have yet to understand what some of you anons find attractive in these passive archetypes like Yukino or Miku.
t. Ichika. Dubs confirm
End of the last arc in the manga. Don't recall it being colored in but I might have just forgot
i want yotsuba to give birth to my own quintuplets
Wrong faggot. Yui is fucking shit.
Would eat.
All these anons are in denial when it's obvious Itsuki was going to win from the start.
Aren't they supposed to be quintuplets? Why is Miku look like dogshit compared to her sisters?
Actually liking a traitrerous backstabbing cunt like Yui over a girl that supports you through and through like Yukino.
user, no! She will be kill.
That's fucking it?
Nah Ichika is Haruno. Big sister that bullies her autistic little sister who is spilling spaghetti over her first love out of jealousy. They are both the sexiest girls of their respective series too.
Miku is the most beautiful of them all tho.
>supports you through and through
>runs away h8man needs help
>still no quint nendos
surely they'll be a thing with season 2
Miku is by far the cutest, especially when she's smiling
Meh, they just like like snakes, nothing sexy about them.
First of all, write proper sentences. Also, yes, after Hachiman asked Yukino for help, she fixed that entire Christmas arc.
Her body can take. Yotsustrong
Which Quint would be more sympathetic to begging them for sex?
Asking for a friend.
Definitely Yotsuba.
The one who can't say no.
Because you have dogshit taste, user
As long as it makes you happy, she will accept.
I don't even like Ichika, but whatever dude. You've complety won the nonexistent argument.
No user, you are!
That depends, is that friend of yours old, bald and fat?
Begging who? Fuutarou and his Bride? Begging for a 3some?
She's missing a few chromosomes, that's why she's so terrible at everything and has the self-agency of a newborn.
Yotsuba obviously
I see, its not Nino. but Miku who derives the ever loving seethe out of people
Cute Miku
2 >= 4 > 1 > 5 >>>> 3
My brother
Miku is like that retarded sibling you'd want to keep away from public
user... If you say she's dogshit the all other quints are dog shit. She's the best impersonator out of them all.
Surprisingly accurate
Indeed. Will buy all if it happens. I want to buy the scale Miku fig but scale bother me so much when only a few are made for the main characters.
Believe it or not, Miku is nothing to seethe about as you make it out to be, user. She's proven time and time again to be a weak and boring character that brings pretty much nothing to the story. Literally remove her and nothing would probably change. Well, Ichika would probably not be as much as a snake as she already is.
Miku is a plot device to make her other sisters look worse and then Negi sweeps in with the Eatsuki win in the end. Predictable but I'll still read
what would nino say to you after giving her a creamy nut
>mfw I realize that Ichika has done more as Miku than Miku as done as herself
"What do you want for dinner?"
>Nino would still refuse change
>Ichika would never be selfish for herself
>Yotsuba would never understand Renas words
>Fuutarou would continue with his original plan of "capturing" the quints attention rather than properly catering to their low intelligence. Nino would skin him alive for this.
Believe it or not user, Miku is an important character who has affexted the story through her actions. The current arc is making that even more apparent.
No sneks allowes in the fucking thread.
>Fuu doesn't learn about the fireworks so he doesn't help to look for the other girls
>Never thinks of them as partners
>No promise to dance with Ichika
>Fuu never understands LOVE
Why so much Nino talk then? At least Ich is up front with her snekness
Seething, lying Mikek
I don't like Miku but saying she's unnecessary to the story is retarded.
Honestly yeah. I feel bad for Ichika more than I do for Miku.
4 > 2 > 5 > 1 >3
That the best you got?
"Ichika did nothing wrong"~Miku
They're sisters, a little bit of beef is nothing to be surprised of
Only because this is a story about quintuplets. If it were about quadruplets she would be the one removed
Snakefags and Ninofags are at it again shitting up the thread.
I'm an Eatsukifag by the way. Don't care if she wins or not. She's still cute.
>That the best you got?
It's a lot better than transparent lies that no one believes LMAO
>Done so much
>Take a lot of Yotsuba's stuff when they were younger
>A fucking snake
.....I'm no doctor, but this looks pretty unhealthy to me. This level of....what do I even call it. Obsession? Butthurt? Headcanon? I cant even decide
This is Fuu-kuns future bride. Say something nice about her.
That looks amazing
>Ninofags and Ichikafags have been quieter than usual
>anyone that talks shit about Miku is automatically either of the two
Ichikafags maybe since she got BTFO'd. I think she'll still win though just because of the nature of her character.
Ninofags? Being quiet at all? Get the fuck out.
Ninofag here, nowadays i only lurk because the shitposting is unbereable and i like all the quints.
>Ninofags being quiet
You guys sure overreact. It's pretty quiet than how it's been in past threads and I've seen bad.
What's your favorite Nino art?
Learn english retards
Bad timing lol
The rejection one
She has the best hair color
>get called out for his bullshit
This is pathetic.
Learn casual english converstions retarded SEA monkey. Real americans dont talk like how your grammar books tell you
Can decide
That was a different user, genius.
Wow, that actually pretty nice. Coming from a Mikufag
I like this one
I'm a different user too. This shits got levels
Yeah and I'm Nino. Fuck off.
Thanks Mikubro.
Fuck off Horaf, you're unironically a "my wife's son" cuck.
Newfag here. Who dat?
*I'm Nino
Marry me
>Miku perfects imitating her sisters which is symbolic of Ichika's acting skills
>Over the last few arcs Miku has been practicing her cooking and managed to make acceptable bread which is her gaining cooking skill which represents Nino
>Now that she has finished absorbing Nino's knowledge she is going to move onto Yotsuba and become more athlethic during Yotsuba's arc(foreshadowed by the gym tickets for her and Fuutarou which were delayed until Yotsuba's arc)
>will probably absorb some knowledge from Itsuki during the Itsuki arc
Notice how Negi made the bride at the end a combination of the 5 quints to make it harder to tell who she was?
In reality Miku has been learning bits from each of her sisters throughout every arc and has been slowly growing into the 5part bride. Guarantee you that Miku's cooking practice will be irrelevant now and she will begin focusing on improving her physical abilities(might be a sports tournament arc coming up for Yotsuba's arc with plenty of Yotsuba moments both as an athlete and with Fuutarou as class reps).
5toubun is a story of self improvement of Fuutarou and Miku and that if you work hard your efforts will be rewarded.
>she will begin focusing on improving her physical abilities
The gym membership?
The main heroine is the one with the most spotlight and relevance in the story. Yotsuba isn't.
>if you work hard
When did Miku ever work hard?
Everyone. 5 fifths equals an whole.
Miku vs Nino be like
Miku=Perfect copy
Nino=freestyle unstoppable
Nah, Miku is now obsolete. The incompetent girl who deserves pity is now Yotsuba. It's over for Miku now.
This copypasta is almost as stale as Miku's burnt bread. Almost.
Imagine spending time talking about Nino and Miku when Eatsuki will fly in for the win
Chill, we all expected a Yotsuba and Itsuki arc to come eventually.
Cope harder mikulet
Whos that?
Yotsuba probably didn't lose in chapter 72. She lost way earlier.
Ichika is going to be the bride and Nino will cook them a cake made from her fucking tears.
It also tastes like effort was put into it, just like Mikus burnt bread. But hey, at least Fuutarou likes it, justs like Mikus burnt bread
I can't believe Nino is strawberry icecream
Holy shit, this Mikusperg is freaking out
Cute Miku!
I'm a former Mikufag that jumped ships.
I am Barrack Obama
It's exactly this reason that I believe Miku will lose.
Obama did nothing wrong
stupid sexy Nino
Ichika = Sagiri
Nino = Hibari
Miku = Chisaki
Yotsuba = Karura
Itsuki = Yuuna
Hibari a shit. Sagiri a best. Yuuna a mascot.
Nino a shit
imagine her glaring at you as you play with her socked feet
I'd rather play with Yotsuba's feet.
Nino is Karura
Why are people so afraid of Nino?
Nah, if we're talking about just feet I'd go with Itsuki. She's the most sedentary of the quints next to Miku so her feet would be very soft, and also she only wears white knee socks so there won't be any lingering fuzz.
This is fucking embarassing.
She has the vagina stank
I'm seeing a lot of Ichikafags popping up lately. What caused this massive upheaval?
I wonder why Ichika's bride look is the only one that resembles the actual bride.
>strapless gown
>that similar hair shine yet again
You are shit any you should feel bad about it. Learn something form your sister you pedobait shit character. You will never be relevant as long as your superior older sister exists. Fucking failure
Me on the left
If anyone stinks it's Miku. She wears baggy clothing and vaginas covered by both panties and pantyhose will seal the air which it needs or else it will smell bad.
>every time a Mikufag posts he gets 10 replies
Rent free
I'm surprised you know so much about vaginas user.
Why does Yotsubas face convey eternal pain and suffering in this pic?
Best girl!
Cute and sexiest quint
I love Ichika!
Sacrifices for her sisters, like Fuutarou
"Strong and Independent"
Best banter with Fuutarou
Best and most contributing posters (TLs, Drawfags, Colorfags are mostly Ichikafags)
Shits on Nino a lot (worst girl)
Their de facto leader is Michlan
Thats it
She's screaming for help
The brides resemblance to Nino is uncanny. Negi isn't being subtle anymore.
Just end her suffering already Negi. Please
>why Ichika's bride look is the only one that resembles the actual bride.
I didn't know Ichikafags were blind
Has there ever been any hiatus for this manga at all?
They're as desperate just like their quint. Pottery.
It's not the exact dress or look, but they both have a veil/strapless gown/gloves that almost reach their elbows.
>The official thread before the spoilers thread.
Motherfucker. You made me think today is monday and visit this shithole
I feel like Negi's painted himself into a corner, giving the bride bangs like that. Only Miku's forehead approaches that level of exposure.
Then again, none of this is real, and we've learned from the Sisters' War arc that Nino can hide her bangs entirely, so anything is possible.
The quints wedding volume covers has nothing to do with the canon story. Trying to nitpick their looks is practically grasping straws.
I can't wait for Nino to lose so these threads can be free of you fags unless you end up being sore losers that continue to shit them up out of bitterness.
Miku is the worst
There's just something about characters who tries the hardest that give off that loserflag. To be honest, Ichika and Nino have a higher chance than Miku despite her gradual self improvement.
Shut up Fuutarou!
user here I mistyped. meant to type nino
I'm going to marry Nino!
>high chance
>I can't wait for Nino to lose so these threads can be free of you fags
When Nino loses, there will be continuous shitposting for at the very least 3 days straight. Dont underestimate the Ninofags
>The quints wedding volume covers has nothing to do with the canon story.
I'm aware. I just wonder why only her look resembled the future bride look, the veil is even the same length.
did you post something like that about the ichikafag he replied to? don't want to impose a double-standard, y'know, otherwise you just look bitter
We know, Fuu-kun
As long as Miku also loses, nothing can go wrong.
I can't wait for Ichika to lose so these threads can be free of you fags unless you end up being sore losers that continue to shit them up out of bitterness.
Ichika already lost. She dropped out of the bowl herself. Fatty will probably win.
that ninofag replied to a snekfag, who said something similar about his quint first. just seems funny that you'd get doubly upset about a ninofag saying it
I wouldn't be surprised if she gets back in the game.
4/5 seems a pretty safe bet to me. I'll be having the rest of the 1/5 then. Miku best girl
Nino is always cute. Negi not giving her more chapters is a crime.
I'm fine with anyone but Miku winning desu
Nino is the girl in class who cuts her wrists and lowkey wants bbc
>cuts her wrists
You probably mistook Nino with Miku or Yotsuba
That's either Miku , Ichika or Yotsuba.
Yotsuba is the girl who wears wrist sweatbands and everyone assumes it's because she athletic and is involved with lots of sports clubs, but in reality it's because she's hiding her scars. And if anyone finds out about it, she instantly relapses.
Nino would never harm her body
bbc maybe, cutting is a hard miss
Hope chapter soon!
Except for that one time with Jamal kun
I ship 2 x 3. Nino would make a great lesbian and Miku is desperate for any attention.
Nino definitely has an eating disorder.
Miku cuts herself
Yots blows any guy in a bathroom stall for a few bucks and a compliment
Eat marries the first guy she goes out with, turns out he beats and rapes her, and she stays with him until he leaves her
Ich becomes a superstar like she deserves
Yotsuba is fat
Stop self inserting
Why is yotsuba so dumb ?
Who's her VA?
Maaya Sakamoto
>Nino Time
>eating disorder
Stop posting
>tfw no arc where Yotsuba goes full despair and all of the quints band together to help her out one more time
YOTSUBROS we are 24 hours from spoilers for the most pivotal chapter in /our girls/ story. It could be make or break where we find out how committed she has always been on entering bowl. I just want to say it’s been an honour posting with you especially these past few weeks and as the spoilers come pouring in let them hear our battle cry!
If there's a mudshark of the 5, it's 100% Miku. That much is obvious
5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.
>Their de facto leader is Michlan
I never got this, why is he the meme man of Ichikafags? I see his name in theae threads and its always related to Ichika
Normally women have nowhere close to the same hairstyle they normally do when they’re getting married
Next chapter is most likely the final flashback chapter. We're gonna see Yotsubas perspective of first meeting Fuut and her inner monologues throughout the beginning to the current chapter in Kyoto.
How would Nino haters recover from an assblast if she wins?
Whats a mudshark?
Fuck short hair
They don't, and their tears will be delicious
They wouldn't.
A Nino win doesnt irk me. I am more worried about the smugness of Ninofags if Nino wins. So if Nino wins, i'll probably avoid Yea Forums for like a week or two. Thats all
Have people recovered from Chihiro winning?
>This whole volume is a flashback!
Negi, probably.
But, going through chapter 1 to chapter 86 in one chapter would be negi's way of shitting all over Yotsubros. Despair is all that matters.
The only real sore losers are you Nino haters. Relentlessly shitting on her, fixated of her bad sides & ignore her good sides, thinking that the first to confess will have no chance to win & at that. You fags need to go get a life already
Almost missed this Eatsuki last chapter with all the despair going on
What I don't understand is how any of you can even tell the difference. They all literally look alike you're probably talking about the same character
Watch Negi utterly destroy hopefags' hopes and dreams next chapter.
Eat a salad for once for fucks sake
For Fuu's sake I hope this isn't end game. Imagine marrying someone who will be obese. gross
stop it
Despairfags know what's up
I want to give Itsuki headpats and McDonalds.
Put barbecue sauce on your dick for free blowjobs
I've come from the future and I'm here to tell you Ichika's redemption isn't over yet. Prepare your salt fags
I honestly don't give a fuck which Quint wins, as long as the winner is chosen in a satisfying way.
How can you like any quint other than Nino? They are all fucking useless and would make terrible girlfriends. Only Nino would make a great wife.
She's not that lewd. Surely she would be able to tell it's a dick from the smell.
I want to give Itsuki hugs and KFC.
Are you gay? That's the target of all high test men.
You're a man of no fears.
Itsuki prefers a Large Triple Whopper Meal though.
And shes gonna enjoy sucking it regardless
Chiaki Omigawa
Realistically speaking, Nino would make the worst wife of the 5.
Miku wants to please her man in any way possible. Even teaching herself to cook and rid of all of her wifely weaknesses.
Yotsuba is a big slut but loyal. Good combination.
Ichika is going to become a famous actress and be out of town all the time so he can cheat whenever he wants
Itsuki is going to have horrible self confidence once she gets fat so he can control her easily.
Nino is overbearing and extremely confident. Plus clingy.
This never fails to crack me up. He did it!
While chapter 90 will probably be full of despair and kino moments, the most important one to yotsubros is chapter 91. It decides what role Yotsuba will continue to play in the story. If chapter 91 focuses on her which leads to the solution to her problem, that means its over for her since I doubt Negi will give any shit to her after her issue is done. After all its quite hard to write a genki girl competing in MCbowl due to their personality which usually leads to comedy than romamce. But if chapter 91 doesnt show anything about solving Yots issue, which means her issue is delayed, then there's a high chance she will be in the endgame.
The other girls being incompetent doormats don't make them good wives, user. A confident and skillful wife that also wants the best for you is the pinnacle of a wife.
I'm sure you can add more meat to a McDonalds burger
>We're going to view this from Yotsuba's point of view
My despairboner is ready
This one
They didn't increase they just got louder and more obnoxious. You can also tell that 1 or 2 of them are samefaging to all hell
She ran in the bathroom pretending she didn't see Ichika crying, had a change of heart and asked her what's wrong.
I come back to the thread and your're just nonsensically sperging out about Nino. Fucking collect yourself, incel.
God Yotsuba is such a failure.
>Fuutarou becomes an architect
At least door mats have a purpose in life. Yotsuba is nothing but a waste of space.
Next chapter, Yotsuba an heroes
I wanna peeno inside nino
>Another despair chapter
I wanna smell Mikus tights
Will the cafe be reopened? Nino or Miku?
Miku AND Nino
What does Season 2 taste like?
Nino. Nino is the one wanting no open a restaurant and the one with actual cooking skills.
>This delusion
Doesn't change the needing to pee badly thing. Yotsuba had ulterior motives and use going to the toilet as an excuse
Ninofagging intensified
Yotsuba is a healthy tennage girl going through puberty. Thers only one explaination for her needing to "pee badly". Wait, two actually. But you get what I'm implying right?
Yeah the trail of blood on the floor is visible clearly
No one,because Raiha and Isanari are still piss poor.
If you take a lewd image of Alice from Shokugeki, preferably in B&W, and mirror it, it kinda looks like a lewd Ichika.
What arc will season 2 go up to?
Scrambled Eggs. Season 1 adapted 4 volumes and that arc is in volume 8.
>Chiaki Omigawa
Grating voice.
>S1 ended with Miku accepting she loves Fuu and a wedding scene
>S2 will end with Fuu's LOVE for Miku and a wedding scene
it's just a coincidence, right?
Miku is irrelevant now that Negi gave us Yotsuba
This pic was tagged "I want to stick my finger in that belly button."
makes sense
Must impregnate
It's actually quite the opposite. While the four sisters have been kinda fighting to be in the spotlight, she has supported all of them AND MC-kun. That's what I observed throughout this series. She actually helps him quite a lot, as he tries to workout the quintuplets problems and yotsuba is mostly always there
It's Father's Day. Say something nice about best dad.
Not dissimilar to best girl Yui
>delusional Jamal-kun thinking he has a chance
Why does he look like Chrollo from HxH?
He's shit
>Ich becomes a superstar like she deserves
idols are just high-class prostitutes
Has a genki character ever won, come to think of it? I'm having a hard time thinking of one.
Uh, Yui hasn't supported Hachiman at all. So no
I'm not sure. I don't remember snafu very well, but yui was always the kinda girl that needs help right? I feel yotsubas character is far more dependable
>Will the cafe be reopened
yes, otherwise there is no way the uesugi family finance state is still that bad 5 years after.
Where's this panel from?
Cbf to go to my pc
>While the four sisters have been kinda fighting to be in the spotlight, she has supported all of them AND MC-kun.
She did nothing for Ichika, Nino and Itsuki. What she did to Ichika made things worse actually.
You know as a Yosubafag just finished reading the chapter, it kind of annoys me. It just means she's learned nothing from this experience and continues her "put athletics over grades" mentally even after Fuutarou returns in her life.
fuck off yaharifags, go back to your shithole and deal with the autistic yukinofags yourself. We don't want those faggots flooding this thread.
Ichika was unexpected though. Bitch went crazy
Honestly, the Yukinofags are part of the better posters. It's sadly the other groups that suck.
Can't be fucked to press and hold to download the image either huh
this isnt a shonen, people naturally dont change their habits after one bad experience, even if it is their fault
No I can't
End result is the same, VBut he motivation now is "others before self" and before it was "superior to the quints".
Other than always being there for him, pushing both H8man and Yukino (for H8man's sake) to open up, and constantly helping him with his club stuff then sure she hasn't supported him
what was yotsuba thinking here
>athletics over grades
Well, she likes it and she is the dumbest so.
highkey a real snek
Seven Goodbyes?
>Where did he hide the rope?
>Fuck I should've showed him my handwriting 5 years ago
Nino stole the show there so we aren't counting that arc
This reeks of desperation
tbf, name an arc Nino hasn't been the brightest star in starting from whatever chapter it was when Fuu was trying to play both the "cousin" and himself at the hotel
>Yotsuba = Karura
What? How? It'd make more sense if her and Nino switched
Miku is really the one that cares for her sisters the most, she instantly knew that Ichika was trying to suppress her feelings for Fuu to play the role of onee-san and told her to stop and just do what she wants to, she was the one that knew why Nino was so mad and went to help her deal with her issues while the others were just waiting to see who would apologize first, while the other sisters were just talking about how popular Yotsuba was becoming Miku noticed she was suffering and offered to help her
Sisters' War just happened, man
Which sister tops her in that? In terms of sister rankings from that arc it goes:
Nino > Ich > Eat > Yots > Miku
I love how Futarou always manage to BTFO Ichika and how she reacts. She is so cute!
that chapter was still mostly about Miku though, and Miku remained very relevant to the arc unlike Yotsuba whose problem was mitigated in favor of the Nino/Itsuki feud
When you analyze the pictures of the 5 with the bride, there's one big giveaway showing Itsuki is the future wife. Kind of surprised Negi would be so casual about it lol
Her relevancy was being a doormat and being carried across the finish line to her confession
t. Yukinofag
>Miku is really the one that cares for her sisters the most
Stopped reading there. Nino is the girl who loves her sisters and Fuutarou the most.
do tell
Nino had the best moments in that arc though. Less in quantity but much better in quality.
Except Ichika had the best moments, Nino was just a supporting character in that whole arc, and none of the shit she did was even remotely significant.