

Attached: Nadeko1.png (704x400, 230K)

Worst girl.

best girl

Attached: 1457033813508.gif (400x400, 142K)

Absolutely perfect. Get that g out of chan, though.

Attached: 1552762109522.gif (500x281, 889K)

what does snake cunny feel like

I think we can all agree Karen is best girl followed by Shino, Hanekawa, everyone else, Senjougahara, and then worst girl op

Why did I think they were playing twister? Did my penis lie to me

yo nadeko is way better than hanekawa but lower than karen

why did they JUST her

I think we can all agree you need to fuck off.

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nadeko and sodachi best

Attached: 1558555875446.jpg (720x1280, 125K)


character development, duh

Attached: sodachi.png (900x732, 453K)

Attached: 1558555783851.gif (500x375, 991K)

What does this gesture mean?

that she gives good head and hand

As expected of the snek.

Attached: 1557631761704.png (1360x768, 1.65M)

It's im worst girl in sign language

>names Karen as best girl
>doesn't even mention Kanbaru
That sort of thing always confuses me

Shit girl
Shit thread
Fucking sage

Attached: Oshino-Shinobu.png (849x1313, 2.27M)

>try to make a bat thread yesterday
>no one replies to it

Attached: 1507089926843.jpg (1024x1446, 189K)

Are you a hebiphile?


She is.

Attached: nadeko_003.png (1412x2000, 735K)