What kind of mascot animal should the next season of Slayers feature as its main character?

What kind of mascot animal should the next season of Slayers feature as its main character?

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A big-tiddy knife-ear with an attitude problem for normies.

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everything would be 5x better without Pokota

It's an objective fact and we're all glad that he's got a whole kingdom to rebuild so we'll never, never, never see him again in the anime outside of a cameo that can easily be missed.

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You're talking like we're ever getting another anime season. The revival wasn't successful so I'll be surprised if they try again.

IF people buy the BDs and
IF people buy the new light novels and
IF people buy the Naga and Gourry figurines coming out and
IF people push hard enough for official translations of Volumes 9-15
THEN we just might maybe one day possibly hopefully...

I just wanna be positive even though all of the odds are stacked against it, you know?

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The novel revival was very successful, with many reprintings, so an anime revival is a real possibility.

If you've got a source on that, I would like to have it so I can use that little factoid in future threads for raising morale.

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I never watched any of the series, which one should I start with?

If you want to watch the series chronologically in terms of Lina's adventures, start with the OVAs, specifically Slayers Excellent, then follow this handy-dandy chart leading with Slayers Perfect (Slayers: The Motion Picture).

If you want to watch it chronologically in terms of how it was released IRL, start with the first season of the Slayers anime, and then follow the years on this same graph for what to watch next. You'll be jumping around the timeline, but it still works if you like getting little tastes of different character dynamics.

Not pictured are Slayers Revolution / Evolution-R, which come last no matter what you do.

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I'd have to look back on Twitter posts from last year, Rui retweeted a lot of posts about the situation because people kept asking about how to buy the novel because it was impossible to find it in bookstores for the first several weeks. Novel 16 actually sold out on the first day it came out, and people had to wait several days for bookstores to restock it. Then the next printing sold out on the first day it came out, and that repeated a few more times. Kadokawa was caught off guard and didn't print as many copies as they should have since it's an old series.

Damn, Twitter... If for some reason you find the free time to go hunting for it, I'd really appreciate it, but if you don't want to do that kind of digging I totally understand. I'll start trying to go back myself, but my social media archiving is shit.

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A cute Doragon waifu

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Ahahahahaha what the fuck??

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>all these cameos
>not a single new official product

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But is any of that GOOD?

Well there was a huge surge of fan art back in May for Lina, so perhaps she'll become popular again. She's the ginger of the sushi platter, a palate cleanser for how stagnant waifus have become. (inb4 someone tries to "prove" me wrong with Tits McGee v56)

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nufag here.
Marathoned all of the existing Slayers material earlier this year. It's all pretty entertaining, yeah. The OVAs and films are superior to the TV series, IMO.

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Subjectively, yes. OVAs and the movies have excellent animation and very good music, not to mention that the plots are grounded within their setting and the dynamic between Lina and Naga is very strong and entertaining. It's one of the most endearing things about the franchise.

The anime is very much a 90s anime for all its gifts and faults, from animation to filler to plots. For example, the show very nearly jumps the shark within the first ten episodes of the first season. NEXT is considered by most peak-Slayers, and in my opinion adapts the light novels its based on better than the original work, especially with the ending.

As I've said before, Revo / Evo-R are panned critically because of it re-treads the light novels after going its own way with Try, and including a mascot character. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but when the filler episodes are better than the main plot, there's definitely something wrong.

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There are an absurd amount of pictures of Lina.

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Ok, I'll take the bite and try the first season

Thanks anons

Get comfy and have a good time, I hope you come back and have fun with us in the future!

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How is Elf magic more OP than fucking dragon magic?

More crossdressing boys.

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As far as I can understand it, dragon and elven magic are on-par with each other. It's been poorly explained by Hajime, but when the Mazoku Barrier was put up on the continent, a massive amount of magic called Holy was lost to humanity. Holy, unlike White, comes directly from Ceipheed, which is a power that is understandably used by the dragon races. For example, when Amelia got absolutely FUCKED when Lina was being escorted to the Claire Bible, Milgazia, a golden dragon, was able to heal her better and more-efficiently than if Sylphiel had been there using Resurrection.

Now, it's rumored that Gourry's second weapon, the Blast Sword, was a legendary weapon of Ceipheed and was used to carve Shabranigdo into seven fragments. Milgazia put a dulling spell on the blade because of how powerful it was; it would even cut through its own scabbard. However, in Volume 16, an elf named Eileen was able to remove the dulling spell Milgazia had placed because she can "see" the words of the spell on the weapon itself, and using magically-constructed "threads", she pulled the spell off.

The story is told from the point of view of Lina, who tried her best to explain what was happening, but ultimately admitted that elven magic was so far beyond what the Sorcerers' Guild knows about, she couldn't exactly figure out what Eileen did. However, since she undid Milgazia's spell, who was probably using Holy magic considering that Lina had no way, on her own, to remove the spell, it would mean that elven magic is somehow on-par with dragon magic, which again draws directly from Ceipheed and the Dragon Lords just as Black Magic draws directly from Shabranigdo and the Demon Lords, and Chaos Magic draws from the Lord of Nightmares. Series 3 has declared that there will be a "new form of magic", so we should get some clarification.

I repeat myself because it really is confusing, especially since Hajime hasn't made an effective definition of how White Magic isn't Holy Magic.

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Don't trust him It's ok 2 ~ 3 episodes per day, never listen to marathongfags.

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This is technically true... I didn't marathon it, I've been loving this stuff for years, but if you do marathon it and you like it you might end up a die-hard like I am, and believe me, that's not healthy at all.

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>It's ok 2 ~ 3 episodes per day, never listen to marathongfags.
The nufag here, I did not binge-watch ALL of the series on one go, but like 6-8 eps a day, roughly twice a day, during a period of a month or two.

>*roughly twice a week
ftfm, derp

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