Anime when?

Attached: anime when.png (1200x1000, 404K)

Stop shilling your trash.

what are the two in the bottom left?

who will get an anime first out of them?
i would not mind an animated Amano

Attached: amano's ass.png (836x1200, 449K)

First day on Yea Forums?

kill yourself zoomer

>essential normalfag core

only bottom left (i never read komi, then doesn't count) is good and is partially for the art.

Gal Gohan/Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai/Don't bully me Nagatoro/Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu
Sono Bisque Doll wa Joi wo surur/?/Yancha Gal no Anjou-san/Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko

what the fuck is wrong with you

i saw people getting mad at the kid for asking for sauce and I wanted to make them madder

Kek. Based

It would make them even madder if you found the 2nd from the left on the bottom.

Why would any of them need a stupid and pointless money graber anime adaptation??

it would make everyone extremely mad if you managed to learn japanese

I'll be pretty mad if you kill yourself. Like, furious.


that's a lot of trash in one picture

I got banned for sourcing these exact 8 manga before, beware.

Wtf I love mods now?!

fuck u

Nagatoro, probably

> Left to right
never ever
never ever
never ever
never ever

Kanokari should get an adaptation first.

Oh boy 12 episodes of FUCKING NOTHING

do you seriously think op made all these manga

Nah, it's shit.



Attached: 9.jpg (869x1247, 189K)

And you'd still watch it.

Wait, those are horns?

I didn't even notice this before, lol.

Komi would be ruined more than it already is with an adaptation

By art, do you mean thighs?
Because if you mean thighs, then you are a good man.


When you get a penis that is visible without needing to use a microscope

What if it's a femanon, you rude fuck.

What were the deleted posts?



Thank you

which one is the least cancerous?

There is like a dozen more manga you could add to this image.

ok thread


Only Nagatoro deserves an anime


Got em! Based

Every single one of those manga are at least decent. Most of them are really good. That’s the true redpill of OP’s image


