Its kinda sad how Yea Forums doesn't post/talk about yotsuba anymore

its kinda sad how Yea Forums doesn't post/talk about yotsuba anymore

Attached: yotsuba.jpg (1004x531, 119K)

some faggots attempted to taint her image, therefore the rest of us swore to never discuss her anymore

That was long time ago user

The last chapter was months ago, Yotsuba is 10/10, but there is nothing to talk about

Why can't people understand that you don't need constant threads to appreciate a series?

We don't even dump new chapter

The recent chapters haven't been that good. Early Yotsuba& was 10/10, when it looked like this.
Now she's just a round-faced brat.

Attached: 1.jpg (963x1400, 340K)

Really? I thought the rock collecting stuff was pretty good and reminded me of when I did that. Still have some of them too.

It's still a good manga, don't get me wrong.
I hate to use this terminology, but it feels like it's lost it's soul.
The artstyle was a huge factor, I liked when it wasn't as clean. Yotsuba used to be so curious and full of wonder, but she gradually changed into being a cheeky kid and not in an endearing way since she doesn't come down from it.

we always do faggot, stop talking out of your ass

>"how dare we not post any new chapters, even when its on hiatus!!!!1!1!!"

Without mentioning that the art got worse with the time. Yotsuba used to be thinner and mire stylized and the backgrounds had more shadows and gray tones. Now Yotsuba looks round and bland and the backgrounds are almost completely white.

The recent chapters were good as always. See, Yotsuba is like a haiku, you read such a short structure and still you feel full and accomplished. Yotsuba is not a medicine that cures your illness neither a drug that makes you forget your problems. It makes you feel wholesome and ready to keep going. People who beg and whine about the lack of Yotsuba generals have fallen under the idea that Yotsuba is a need like a drug but they are really wrong and some day maybe they would become aware of their wrongness.

I understand your points, but I disagree on a few things. Something that makes you feel wholesome and ready to keep going is a drug. The difference is that the term drug carries connotations of dependency.
I agree that we don't need generals or even to talk about Yotsuba& every day, some anime/manga are like that. They're great and we love them, but there's just not much to talk about and that's fine.

I agree that Yotsuba&'s charm is it's heartwarmingness and wholesomeness. However, that's getting less and less the case as Yotsuba's personality is changing. Whether by Azuma shifting gears, or Yotsuba simply growing up, it matters not. I don't feel the same kind of innocence, the same kind of naïve wonder from Yotsuba. She used to go exploring, become enchanted by trivial things, make a mess of them, and run crying to Yousuke who'd make everything better.
Now it seems like Yotsuba is a cranky, selfish brat.
I think it's a combination of that and

Why is Yanda so shit? he ruined the entire chapter.

Attached: yotsubato8.png (887x661, 434K)

I never liked it. I'm glad this particular forced circlejerk is dead.
inb4 public ban by newfaggot mods trying to fit in

>g-guys, look at me, look at how much of a faggot i am, i'm so edgy guys... guys?
have a (you). don't spend it all in one place.

>not looking a mango is edgy
Best one today.

Yotsuba is too good for this place. Yea Forums grows worse everyday.

I've been reading it since 2010, it's just not the same manga anymore.
At least back then most people had read Yotsuba. I doubt more than 5% of people now have read it.

>>not looking a mango is edgy
>Best one today.
Interesting you get told that multiple times a day, lmao.
>thinking (you) got called an edgy fag for not liking and not spewing nonsense buzzwords like forced circle-jerk for a series popular for over 10 years.

That's three strikes right here.

You may be retarded, or obviously means it's the funniest post I've read today.
It's not a buzzword either, you really are circlejerking. The sheer anger when someone dares to dislike your shit is laughable.

We had a Yotsuba thread yesterday

Your entire post is wrong. How can you even still think it's because you don't like .
It's because you are a tool that keeps trying to defend his buzzwords without meaning.

Nobody cares if you dislike a thing, your attitude just comes off as of someone who thinks he's cool and special for having that opinion, and might even go as far as be oppressed by the tyrannical mods for going against the grain.
It's rather pathetic, to be quite honest.

Buzzword is a buzzword, laddie. The ironing.
Cool, cry more that the forced meme is dying.

Feel free to explain forced circlejerk in the context of yotsuba threads then :^).

>An online community where a group of people form an echo chamber.
You are validating your biases that Yotsuba& is good, going like rabid dogs after anyone that has better tasted. The very definition of a circle jerk, only positive comments are accepted in this echo chamber, moot even banned people for shitting on this crap.

just wen't back to see the faggot proving my point. I love when anons are this retarded

Stay mad, your hugbox is dead. Good riddance.

You have a serious prosecution complex.
>threads are full of people who like thing
Wow what a revelation.
Further above someone also didn't like the recent yotsuba trend and it was actually discussed.
You know why? Because his post had actual content besides a blanket statement that you don't like something.

Get it through your head no one gives a shit that you don't like something. Your post was simply fucking shit.

sure user, have another (you)

>Early Yotsuba& was 10/10, when it looked like this.
>Now she's just a round-faced brat.

I agree that the character design got worse, but the background is the best we ever had

The whole site circlejerked it, not only the threads.

Did Azuma switch to digital or whatever?

Sounds more like they simply like what you don't like that doesn't make it a criclejerk since it's already proven in this very thread that negativity is fully allowed and normally discussed.
You are just a assblasted manchild with no argument left.

Banning people who disrespected Yotsuba was an effort to establish an echo chamber, and moot was successful in this attempt. Now that nobody in power is forcing it, it keeps dropping in popularity here. Hopefully in a few years you won't even be able to get a thread going.

And please don't pretend that teens of replies to everyone that didn't suck this show's dick was organic, and not a forced meme.

It was part of the metajoke of thinking of Yotsuba as Yea Forums's mascot despite being the complete opposite of the average Yea Forums poster (a cute and innocent little girl who always sees the positive side of everything vs a bunch of jaded and perverted idiots). Is just that some people took the joke way too seriously and can't stand any kind of criticism against Yotsuba, probably in an attempt to fit in.