We've all tried to think up out own stands and don't try to pretend otherwise. So tell me about it; what's its ability...

We've all tried to think up out own stands and don't try to pretend otherwise. So tell me about it; what's its ability, what does it look like? Just be a kid again and go wild.

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Scar Symmetry
He's a very unique stand because he can punch really fast

A Stand with no name whose punches could make any part of an opponents boy struck buckle like the damaged part of a submarine at very deep ocean depths. The harder the punch the more severe the pressure exerted by the "ocean" around the opponent. The Stand itself doesn't have much physical strength, relying on its ability to twist, bend and break objects and people

Writing it down makes me realize what a broken close range Stand that would be

Chop suey
Its a plate of chop suey
It makes anyone who eats it cry uncontrollably until they run out of water and dehydrate

Attached: STAND POWER.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

It’s a flying worm. If it manages to crawl into the opponent’s skin, the wounds it inflicts will never heal, unless the opponent manages to scare or confuse me.

Neon Knight

It can refract light through water making me invisible or concentrate light to burn people

Think for Yourself
Ranged stand that makes its target act on whatever urge or regret they have at the exact moment the stand uses its ability on them. The victim can still talk normally but their body acts on its own. Ends whenever the victim has satisfied their urge or if the user deactivates the stand.

Tried to make one for myself, based around my own desires/personality. Don't have a name or all of the specifics worked out, but here goes:

Starting with a major weakness - my strengths are pretty volatile based on how stressed I am or how well I hold it together under stressed. Based on that fact, my stand would probably have wildly varying precision and durability, so those would fluctuate from A-E depending on my state. I'm the type that doesn't like being limited to one trick, so I'd probably like to explore its abilities. I could see it having an A in potential at some point. Maybe it wouldn't be able to develop any major powers with this potential, but some interesting, utilitarian powers (I'm reminded of all the uses Johnny found for tusk). As for power, I could see myself having an A. Speed, probably a B. Range, probably D or E. Just because I could imagine myself having a combat stand.

As for a special ability, I was kind of inspired by D4C on this one (I haven't fully read SBR, but I more or less know of its ability). I have this really abnormal desire to take multiple paths in life, or to be able to undo a path and explore multiple what ifs. I could picture mine granting me that kind of power. I'm not fully satisfied with that, though, only because it feels like it's missing something. Also feels like it's missing a really interesting catch or weakness based around my own weaknesses.

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It's called Dopesmoker
Looks just like that chode on the album cover
Its power it to release a halucinagenic smoke that can confuse, disorient, and demoralize enemies and bolster allies strength.

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With the power of my stand, You're Standing on Green, I am able to heal the effects of human involvement on the world. This can revert objects to their base components, change the landscape into one untouched by mankind, reverse the effects of surgery and remove someone's stand ability if they were given it by a human action. This stand truly has no weaknesses, if it weren't for the fact that it takes a lot of time to "rewind" to the action. I mostly use it to restore people's foreskins for money, I don't like touching so much dick but somebody has to do it.

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>no one's used the actual asian quote brackets

Stand: Electric Light Orchestra
Abilities: Control over electricity and magnetism.
Initial low power, but high development potential, enabling a wide range of abilities. With practice, anything from a railgun to raining down lightning on your opponent is possible. Even invisibility by controlling EM waves (light) heading towards you is within the realm of possibility. If the speed of light itself can be altered at will, then in theory you can take advantage of the effects of relativity to slow down your opponent or distort their perception of time.

Yes, I realize this is extremely OP, but it's fun to think of all the ways you could utilize knowledge of E&M to affect the environment around you. Another cool power deriving from it would be to "turn off" the electromagnetic interaction of your body relative to the outside, allowing you to phase through objects. This requires a bit of Jojo asspullery so you don't just instantly disintegrate into individual atoms but I don't think it's too unreasonable.

LCD Soundsystem
Attaches a spinning disk to a person's throat that adjusts the volume of that person's voice. The spin velocity and direction of the disk controls the volume. Disks are attached/removed/altered at short range but they persist once activated at any range unless the stand user dies.

Humanoid stand that takes the form of gas around it (i.e. oxygen stand for vanilla punchy stand or nitrogen to give it a freeze effect). Can also take the form of a small cyclone or wind sacrificing power in favor for user transportation and mobility (i.e. helps move body in mid air or breaking a fall midair)
>Destructive Power:C-B (depending on gas form)
>Durability: C
>Range: D

A STAND that mutes all sound. I don't care how it looks like, I want to use it.

Power: D, Speed: B, Range: A, Durability: D, Precision: E, Potential: C

Abilities: Summons a rainstorm over several square kilometers from its origin, has little to no drain on the user's energy nor limit to duration, "overwrites" any existing weather. Rain can be anywhere from a mild drizzle to downpour, but never catastrophic, and is always pleasantly warm. Anyone who comes into contact with the rain will gradually become healthier, heal injuries at accelerated rates, even have their mood improve slightly in some cases. Has spear and light "armor" should the user need to defend themselves, but is easily outclassed by combat stands.

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Ability: Transforms the area around its user into a ring that changes temperature as will. Anyone or anything inside it but the user is affected by extreme heat or cold. The ring can move around the user too, in a radius of 3 meters. The ring works like a shadow since it needs to be on a surface but can adapt to the shapes of that surface. When it activates, it sounds like a ringing bell.

"sound of silence" would be too on the nose, then again it is jojo

「Magic Window」
Allows the user (and others if desired) to slip into a parallel dimension that perfectly overlaps with ours. Everyone in this onion-layer dimension can perceive the real world as usual but to others, everything within the Stand dimension is perfectly hidden.

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>>So I just shuffled my musics and this came up.
Stand: 「Mona Lisa」(The ballad of Mona Lisa)
When the user touches any surfaces it can paint it a color into a range like a wall worthy, this color gives some kind of aspect to it. The stand would be Mona Lisa itself, it would project onto the surface painted like Vitamin C and the silhouette would be with colors clothes matching the color.
>Red: Hot, anything it paints it will heat up fast by absorbing energy, if it’s metal it will glow until it melts, and if it’s any fuel it will burn in some given seconds.
>Green: Mold, it will either get sticky if it’s a surface, or decay if it’s food or wood. The mold itself has a smell only if it has something to eat, so in a stone/metal/glass it will only be sticky but on other it will get stinky.
>Yellow: Chocking, conduct electricity. If it’s painted on some wall plug it will get electrified like water. It will decay as current is being passed through.
>Orange: Dry, it will expel any moisture from the surface. It can make sand out of the soil, and if catches on a person it will not dry him but his skin will begin to feel like scales.
>Blue: Cold, expels heat from the things. If it’s water it will freeze instantly even if it draws steam on the outer limits.
>Purple: Absorption. It will transmit any impact or kinetic energy through the area, it can’t absorb energy or magic.
>White: Reflection, it will act as a mirror and reflects any light sources.
>Black: Cancel the previous effect; if it’s used by itself it doesn’t do anything.
I think it would be like an echoes stats but with less range since the user needs to touch the thing, and the stand is only a side effect.

Voodoo child: causes its victim to hallucinate and think the experiences are real. Stand user lies and says his power is creation.

Only works on the mentally weak, such as peaceful animals, children and people with weak fighting spirit. Makes them go yandere for a target. Can work on multiple people at the same time.


Attached: voodo child.png (402x577, 150K)

Sounds great.

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Over the Hills and Far Away
It looks like a muscular black man and has the power to make anyone inside its AoE to believe their partner is cheating them. Finding a new partner won't remove the effect, you will always see yourself as a cuck.

Let me guess, the Stand's punch rush says "INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL" right?


Can turn anything he touch or even himself and its user 2D, totally or partially. The edge of the 2D object is the sharpest in the world, and remain as solid as it was before. The object can be flattened from any angle, so the user can use it to evade ennemies' attacks. Also, when looked from the edge, the object seems invisible.
Literally the edgiest stand you'll ever come across.

「Sono Chino Sadame」
Any meta references or jokes affect reality, turning me into a broken gag character
Also punch hard fast

Renegade Fighter
Short range stand
When summoned will attack anyone in proximity regardless of affiliation

Similar to Aerosmith but shoots a slower single laser instead. Also has the ability to “capture” small items with its tractor beam and store them before releasing them. Can capture and store items smaller than a basketball .

roomies and I did ours off of food

we had [Pepsi Maxaroo] and [Sriracha Red]

forgot what else.

Them Bones
Turns anyone's skin into a flesh sack with the skin as the bag holding all the bones and organs inside. Can turn said skin into any bag like shape, but doesn't change their texture or color.

so soft machine except it doesn't work on bones so you wind up as a sack instead of a pancake

Turns whatever it punches into its Ice Age equivalent. Examples;
Cat->sabre tooth tiger
Gun->bow and arrow

takes the user back to a reality were Hitler won ww2

Name:「Love Fire」
Song: youtube.com/watch?v=cJX32xclmwY
Ability: The stand has the ability to increase the flammability of any object by causing oxygen and other flammable particles to condense around something. It can have oxygen condense into a sphere, and blow it up as soon as someone walks by, or even cause large amounts of oxygen molecules to stick onto the clothes of someone. The stand can also create sparks which it uses to then create fire. It is very precise with these sparks and can also use them for other things such as shooting them into another persons eyes to blind them.

Appearance wise, I guess it would have a warm brown, red, white, and black color scheme with blue or green highlights. It would resemble a mix between Jumping Jack Flash, Speed King, and Underworld.

「Danger Line」
Magnetic control (basically anything Magneto could do)


Whenever me or my stand is near any sort of substances such as drugs, medicines or anything that can induce some sort of chemical reaction in the brain, it can use their effects on the brain and spread it out to enemies through an invisible mist (unless exposed to a blacklight, in which case it just takes the natural colour of the chemical substance) which the enemies can't block. The effects of the substance can be increased as much as I want but in order for that to work the user has to be really close, otherwise the effectiveness of the substance gradually decreases the further back the enemy goes. The mist will be absorbed by the skin no matter what, but through skin contact it'll take more time for the substance to kick in if it instead was inhaled. But no matter what It can't be blocked.

uhhmm I'd probably use it to fucking induce comas in people or sum

Small cat like stand that give the power to go incorporal at will.
Stand becomes a remote stand that is used for seek and destory, or hunt and find.
Stand becomes a punch ghost who's claws can cut through anything even time and space at a push

「For What It's Worth」
Automatic stand that can detect if a fatal blow is going to be dealt unto me, and freezes the attacker/object in place, only resuming movement when I have left the range of said fatal attack, or I move to a position where the attack is no longer fatal. Because it's automatic, I have to actively seek out and deal with the attacker myself, doing a risk-reward type of fight by intentionally positioning myself in the attack's way in order to keep the attacker frozen

[Stereo Love]
Power: A
Speed: B
Accuracy: C
Range: D
Durability: C
Growth: E
A power type stand that can partially transform living beings into electronic devices, including the user.
That way it can:
>Obtain information from the victim's memories by copy/pasting the data to a USB device.
>"Program" the victim's attributes to buff/debuff them.
>Connect the user's consciousness to another electronic device to hack it without leaving any trace.
>Have access to a comunication device at all times.
>Scan the opponent and check their data on a sort of status screen (it doesn't work if the opponent is constantly moving since the scan takes its time).
>The stand can increase its range by teleporting to any device connected to WiFi/Bluetooth/Ethernet.

Alters perception of colour. you see the effects all the time in the anime

Attached: JoJo.jpg (1280x720, 240K)

Punch ghost stong enough to rip out a road sign that it then uses as a weapon
when hit by the sign you have to follow out the intructuon on it

The stand has a small amount of chalk that can be used to draw shaped on objects. When a shape is closed it becomes a portal connected to the other shapes. Stand draws kinda slow.

Alright fags you're now in a stand battle with the post above you
do you win?

I'm my opponent is I have a question, if by "freezing in place" you mean literally freezing me or you mean timestop freezing. if it's the former then i can turn my arms into an electric oven to defrost me and attack, if it's a timestop freeze then i have to take an indirect approach and disable the opponent's motor functions with [Stereo Love]'s programming ability since that is more of an "Status Afliction" than a direct falat blow, if it's a kill or die battle i can program a "Jump off a cliff" directive.
Another option is to cause a bunch of cars to explode surrounding the opponent, even if the explosions freeze in place, there's no opening that the opponent can use to safely escape and it becomes a Kars situation. (that was an example, but any kind of surrounding attack that doesn't let the opponent escape works as well).

Forever Young
Allows for the absorbation of intangiable objects like lifespan and strength. Starts off extremely weak but as you absorb more strength the stand becomes virtually unstoppable. If you immobilize a stand user for a long period of time, it is even possible to absorb their ability.


Use lightning strikes as a bluff to make them think I am a semitic god in order to make them obey me and surrender.

>a healer with a rainstorm that makes you feel good vs. silencer from dota
It's certainly a unique matchup

>System of a Down
>Gives your enemies an extra chromozome. Permanently

Stand name:『Speed of Life』(first track from pic related)

Ability: The user is able to give any object the stand comes in contact with any amount of speed or acceleration in any direction they desire. This includes people and other beings too, but not the user himself. The ability can be used as many times as the user wants on as many targets as they want, but any objects accelerating because of this stand will lose said acceleration if the stand is deactivated; they will not lose their speed, however.

Appearance: Could be a humanoid stand, could be one of those "integrated" stands. I don't know.

Destructive power: E
Speed: A
Development potential: D
Range: C
Durability: D
Precision: A

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>Don't stop me now
The user becomes immune to any non-piercing damage and can break trough any material if he is running.