Can we have a tsugumomo thread?

Currently waiting for volume 24.

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You mean porn dump?
No one cares about the story or art anymore.

>No one cares about the story

I still do though the author seems to be stretching the story way too much lately.

Let me know when the stupid slave arc is done. I actually DO care about the story and this last arc has been completely irrelevant.

It could have been made more relevant, but too much time is being spent on them being slaves.

I care about both so why don't you shut your face?

I hope it's never relevant because the characters are fucking shit, the author managed to make a new more annoying cunt girl after glasses what the fuck.

No fuck off with your used goods garbage.

You're supposed to be over 18 to post in here so gtfo.

I'm curious. How does the author get away with all of the loli? Is that stuff more allowed in Japan?
Also, does anyone have the male Kokuyou pic.

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That scene with best loli giving him a handjob. fuck, man.

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Hope she makes a come back, I miss her.

What chap?

I want a gf like her who treats me roughly.

all of them, also that one when kukuri gives him a blowjob

Feel bad for this manga. Only fans here are lolifags who'd rather have the story just be constant porn. I actually appreciate the story/characters in this isekai arc, but people just want more lolis i dunno man

Kukuri is the cutest.

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Constant porn wouldn't be good. I would rather have a higher concentration than we already have in a smaller number of chapters.

w-what chapter?

I just want Kukuri to combe back god damn it. Fuck this stupid isekai arc

can't remember the number, it was one where kukuri and kiriha are playing with kazuya's dick while he is sleeping and when he is about to cum kiriha tells kukuri to use her mouth to not make a mess in the bed

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I remember that chapter. It was great to see Kukuri take charge.

Fuck you I care

sexy fantasy world, also the childhood friend disappeared from the manga

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it doesn't really happen like that. She just says
>it will make a mess on the bed, do something about it
it's most probable the she didn't.

She'll be back as soon as they're out

>childhood friend
Do we know if he got fucked by her? The eroge arc implied that.

>Can we have a nice things

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We will probably see more Sunao in place of Chisato. Since Sunao can actually contribute to the fight against Kanaka.
Hell I expect more Kasumi (sister) than Chisato since she is currently frozen inside the time barrier with Kanaka.

This arc is a dragging a bit, but it's the HELL out of being an actual training arc. I'm glad they at least acknowledged it as a pseudo-training arc in the beginning of the last chapter.

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Maybe the real goal is training sexual skills. Isn't sex with a harem a relatively common theme in isekai?

>That Kukuri
Fuck I miss her so much. She’s so fucking cute

I wonder if the author really forgot about Chisato or if he just got bored of writing generic tsundere childhood friend love interest #5578.

There's nothing to get away with. This stuff IS OK in Japan. Self-censoring is what the others are doing.

>Kureha is somehow alive
Picked up again.

Kiriha, not Kureha.

It's been a long time for me, user.

it's all about Kyouka

>It's been a long time for me, user.
And it where you was wrong. You must not drop it...

I like the story

No you dont, trust me.

>I like the story

Speak for yourself.
