Name one good thing about Fairy Tail

Name one good thing about Fairy Tail

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the babes

that one loli

mavis arc i guess.

Lucys body

Tits and ass galore

By the time I was fucking 12 I could see it was a cheap ripoff of OP. So no.

The OSTs

figured this might the right thread to ask
how good is Eden's Zero?

but that's it's appeal. If you have read all of one piece, all movies, all fillers, you can still read fairy tail.

if you didn't like fairy tail at all I wouldn't bother with it

Almost every character is made for porn.


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Jellal. Literally the only consistently interesting character in the entire show.

I've put Fairy Tail, Gintama, Bleach and D.Gray aside until now, and I'm close to finishing my backlog.
What am I in for?

Wendy's hips.

Shit, and Gintama.

If you want to start FT, do yourself a favour and don't expect anything. It can be enjoyable but the moment you get tricked into thinking it is good, the series is over for you. At least bantz was fairly amusing when it was being published.
Kind of same with Bleach, sadly.

Fairy Tail isnt a great anime but its definitely a fun anime to watch.

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This is a good attitude to have.
I watched quite a few of my favorite series expecting nothing at the start.

I thought it was good aside from the filler. When the full arcs started coming in, I had to drop it out of boredom and read the manga instead. There was a huge dip in quality too.

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That shoulder and facial expression is pretty quality.

Lucy's even missing one.

It's over.

I want to cum deep inside Erza

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I like it because some of the magic is fun and lots of cute girls.

The arcs before the magical tournament were pretty enjoyable. After that there's a serious dip in the quality of both the manga and the anime. At least there's plenty waifu/husbando bait.

>not superior Wendy


Wendy, the rest of the girls (only for fanservice), some of the ost tracks and Fairy Tail Zero.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

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Unironically the fact that it's generic.



The third opening song

Gintama went to shit too.

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Anime wise:

Manga wise:

Overall: arcs before time skip were fun

unironically better than wan piss and hiatus x hiatus. comparable to aot and mob psycho


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GOD TIER: OST and girls
GREAT TIER: Gerard and Luxus
GOOD TIER: almost everything before tournement arc, dragons/background story, fights and art
MEH TIER: animation, development of most of the characters and most of the post-tournment arc
SHIT TIER: the unoriginal, generic story and fillers

Good answer

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>the music
>the character designs
>the fanservice
>grand magic games
>the humor
Fairy Tail had a lot of things going for it. This board just hates it because it was (and still is) very popular. Bitter contrarian hipsters always hate what's popular. Just loot at MHA.

Levy and Gajeel.

The only superior Wendy is Wendy Belserion.

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I'm currently reading it. It's fine. Not good, not bad. People are way overexaggerating. Probably trying to take a manga for 12 year old kids too seriously. Like, the manga itself doesn't even take itself seriously most of the time.

It has nice humor, banter, actual pairings instead of shippingfag bullshit and god tier fanservice so I actually enjoy the various characters and their dynamics quite a bit.

Otherwise it's literally the MC Donalds of shounen whose plot might have been writen by an algorythm and not Mashima.

Abundance of drugs and roided faggots

Mashima’s girls a best

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Are you at before the time skip or afterwards? Beforehand its fine until the time skip.
Doubt its because it was popular. Maybe before the tournament.

It was popular after the tournament too, and it continues to be popular now. Why else would they bother with the currently airing Fairy Tail Final Season and the sequel 100 Year Quest manga?

The Soundtrack is one of the for what it's worth and this


What the anime is still going? I don't see how anyone can when there isn't even any animation anymore to it. Its literally JC staff tier after that change they did. Even with popularity there is genuine criticisms about the series especially its waste of potential and plot it just pulps put the ass whenever or never. Could have been more. So far Eden zero has been enjoyable and feels like pre tournament fairy trial when it was just adventure shenanigans.

I thought the magic tournament arc was fun

Before. I haven't seen much of after the timeskip back when I watched the show. People always say that this shonen action series or the other "goes down hill", which I've recently found to be mostly bullocks, so I remain skeptical of the idea fairy tail will turn to shit suddenly or steadily, especially considering it's a manga written by a single person.

God I love this slut, exactly the right amount of bunny and girl.

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Well this one pretty much does go down more so steadily. Anime wise the filler arcs are somewhat enjoyable. Manga wise no such luxury. Tournament arc moslty has bullshit around its half mark and then from then one especially with Erza bullshitting a new form. Good news it was only a one time bullshot form bad news is that she uses it to win a fight she was losing. Her asspulls are worse later on.

I thought the pay off of charle/carla/whatevers vision was a little underwhelming (admittedly I only watched it in the anime, so I don't know if they exaggerated it) And especially, but that's not really the fault of the magic tournament arc, the "gray is gonna kill frosch" thing, I still don't know why gray, only pretending to be evil, would kill frosch, but okay. Overall, for as long as the actual tournament was going on, I definitely enjoyed it.

The music is stellar.

it legitimately goes to shit after the timeskip.

That it ended

>He doesn't know


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The very definition of generic, its like the author had a check list of every shounen cliche and cranked it up to the max. Every arc is basically the same thing and you'll easily start to notice a pattern after the first few arcs. People complained that Black Clover was generic but at least it had foreshadowing and world building whereas FT has none of that so its easy to tell it was being made up on the spot as it went on. The only thing the series is good for is tits and ass and if you want that its usually better to just follow the manga whereas the anime toned down the fan service except for the OVA's.

Every female in the manga and in his current work.

At least the MC isn't a faggot in this one.


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The payoff was pretty shit but some of the fights were okay. Wendy also got her first real fight and it was cool even though the draw was a bit of an asspull.

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>Name one good thing about Fairy Tail
The music
It also appeals to my fetish

I've always been super lukewarm on Levy and Gajeel. I do enjoy Gray and Juvia's more genuine moments though.

It's distilled to a bunch of feel good hype, you know there's never any real tension and that the guild will always win, if anyone judges fairy tail based on expecting a serious plot that's the fault of their own expectations; it's like judging HxH to be bad for not being happy go lucky when that's not even what it sets out to do. A mismatch in taste doesn't equal bad, it just means it's not for you. It's better to criticize things based on what they try to go for and how well they execute on it.

He was interesting until the later arcs where he just didn't matter anymore. Beforehand I did like him and his alter ego. Also I would include laxu and gajeel as they did develop too.

Animated Wendy Belserion today?

The dragons look pretty cool

any screenshots of this weeks episode?

It's better than Onepiece.

It's very mediocre right now and is only slightly better than FT story-wise.