Why is it so rare to see the use of air superiority in isekai? Usually...

Why is it so rare to see the use of air superiority in isekai? Usually, it's just armies of armor dudes fighting each other on horses or feet while being in a world where flight magic and flying creatures exist. Even if the natives can't come up with it on their own, why don't isekai protags introduce the idea to them?

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Air creatures likely need to be tamed, and even then their availability is very conditional

For example in our world the mongols reigned when the right conditions allowed for plentiful grass for their mounts to feed on.

They can just use them they way horses are used in RL. And there is magic to fly too.

Air superiority requires that controlling the air actually gives a significant advantage. If you don't know how to make bombs, all it gives you is recon.

It isn't rare. Everyone and his dog uses dragons or griffins. Even cheap western rip-off isekai like Game of Thrones use this shit.

A mage who can fly can likely use fireball and lightning too.
Beside if he flies high enough, kinetic bombardment is possible.

And the ground forces likely have similar counters, fired from their asses just like your arbitrary argument.

That's why people call it air superiority. The height and gravity give you a big advantage over those in the ground. It's much harder and require more energy to hit a moving target in the sky than on the ground. Otherwise ground artillery would shoot down all bombers in battle.

>muh physics
>but also I want to use magic
>but they can't

Air superiority does jack squat for winning wars.

>western rip-off isekai like Game of Thrones
What did he mean by this

>Otherwise ground artillery would shoot down all bombers in battle.
they did.

When both sides you magic, it's still harder for the ground force to shoot down flying objectives. How is it so hard for you to understand?
>they did.
Who? Saddam?

>air superiority
they're literally just flying with guns

What isekai are you referring to?

Are you literally retarded? We are talking about mage vs mage, not modern vs outdated tech. A flying mage is just a flying mage, countered by a mage of same caliber.

>he doesn't know that got is a rip off of Japanese native isekais

They do though? It's also probably pretty difficult to manage and not worth it though.

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Tanya's The Evil

>A flying mage is just a flying mage, countered by a mage of same caliber.
Then it's will be an air battle between flying mages, meaning there are more reasons to deploy them.

>It's difficult because of XXX
Which is retarded, since IRL we use horses and jet fighters just fine. In a magic world, taming magic with absolute obedience or slave collars should be used.

nice writing

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Or a battery of mages on the ground throwing lighting like magical AA.

>native isekais
Oh no, its retarded

no need for air superiority when the MC can just nuke everything

I rarely see witches on brooms either. I think Dungeon Defence is the only isekai that has broom riding witches wrecking shit

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Because Isekai is usually fantasy, no militar autsim

air power doesn't have staying power, and if you genocide people on the ground from the air you can hardly expect people to like you or suffer a ground presence from "your people", let alone welcome you

Game of Fags is stupid, but so are you.
Shut the fuck up user.

You're reaching a level of retardation that isn't healthy user

>"The Empire in this story is based on a what-if scenario where the German empire unified under the Großdeutsche Lösung ("Greater German solution"), so that all German-speaking peoples came together under one state. If peace had managed to continue throughout the 1910s and war broke out later, during the years between World War I and World War II, how would things be different? In that scenario, there wouldn't be any room for a demagogue like Hitler to come into power. ”
I wish more authors had Carlo's kind of autism

The only air attack that japs know implies suicide, so of course they don't know of air superiority.

Not an isekai but in Ubell Blatt the armies have airships that fill the role of air battleship, air carriers (with different dragon riders filling the role of fighters/interceptors), bombers etc.
I liked it.