So we're half way through 2019; how many anime and manga have you completed thus far, Yea Forums?

So we're half way through 2019; how many anime and manga have you completed thus far, Yea Forums?

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None? What, do I look like some kind of loser to you?

Gundam Thunderbolt
It got me into gunpla

what anime is that?

dont post hentai here

>so we're half way through 2019
Good fucking lord half of 2019 has already passed. Why does this year go by like 2x faster than 2018?

Maybe people who worship the Sun are on to something

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Years start to go by really fast as you start getting older, unfortunately. The days spent lazing about watching anime all day have turned into 9-12 hour work days followed by 6-8 hours of sleep, with very little time for luxury. By the time you are finally settled in and relaxed it's already time to go back to work.

Not that many, and half were shorts:

Asatte no Houkou
Bernard-jou Iwaku
Gakkou Gurashi!
Hinamatsuri (favorite pre-2019 this year)
Kemurikusa (favorite 2019)
Kemono Friends S2
Monogatari S2
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru (second favorite pre-2019 show this year)
Space Ofera Agga Ruter
Teekyuu S7
Teekyuu S8

does re-watching anime count?

Yeah, sure, i don't see why not?

One and I'm completely ashamed of if, long gone are the days when I could watch anime for 6 hours without taking a break.

>we're half way through 2019
what the FUCK

Caught one punch, re-re-readed houseki no kuni now im reading blend s.
Recomendations? These are the only i have read and its fucking comfy, need more

I've been a NEET this entire year and let me tell you time went slower when I was a wageslave

>Half 2019

I tried too many and completed very few in comparison. I'm starting to think older anime is just bad at telling stories but good with animation.

>6 months into current year + 5
>There is absolutely nothing worth watching

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Quoted for the truth. I was a NEET from January until the end of March and by February I was already losing track of time. Now I'm wageslaving for about 3 months and it already feels that I was a NEET like a year ago...

Having that said, I think what's really important (for both NEETS and wageslaves) is to have some sort of personal diary or time log or whatever and start writing down the events that have happened. That usually slows down the passage of time a bit.

Too busy watching/reading more than bothering to keep track.

Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori Repeat
Non Non Movie
Yeah, not many...


then here goes:

golden time
restaurant to another world
overlord all seasons
konosuba all seasons
flying witch
heroic age
gekkan shojo nozaki kun
amagi brilliant park
classroom of the elite
OPM s1 (s2 not done yet i think)
Alderamin on the sky
durara s3
dragon pilot

hmm, i thought i saw more. oh well


sauce me please

nearly forgotten, Yea Forums doesn't discuss it anymore
this shit gets reposted all the damn time, lurk more

>nearly forgotten, Yea Forums doesn't discuss it anymore
i never saw Yea Forums discuss to begin with. what was the consensus?

Be strong brother.

sorry for being a newfag but just spoondfeed me this time s-senpai

>yellow hair
>yellow eyes

this helpful monk will be your guide

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Only Akagi, all the Saki and atleast 100 mangas, neet life are both blessing and suffering


What was your favorite manga, user?

>ransem 3rd act never

What's his end game?

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Best girl KAIHO

that's fine. they'll probably ruin it all the other ones that got greenlit for a sequel
>taimanin asagi 2&3
never again

The studio is re-releasing it again next month for like the sixth time. It obviously makes them money I dont know why they wouldn't just make another sequel??

Machida-kun no Sekai.
My most effective healing manga.

I'm feeling generous today, here you go bro's, from my personal private vault. For my fellow Ran Sem brothers.

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I'll check it out. Does it have nice t & a?

They almost blew it with Cross Mix when they added the stupid toilet brush and drowning scenes. So out of place for the series, since it was never about over the top stuff like that. Dumb bible black director.

>toilet brush
Instantly killed my boner. Fucking Anna.

>stupid toilet brush
don't remind of the toilet brush
riko is a trooper for still getting off with it

I dont know what they were thinking with that, wasnt sexy at all.

Luckily Cross Mix isn't canon, and in the original Riko never escapes the cult and spends her days being Majimas personal cum doll.


>finally be broken by the cult and enjoy getting fucked
>become devoted member
>final episode
>she gets raped by three rando initiates who would have eventually fucked her anyway
>doesn't like it
Why was she so inconsistent?

>women/women characters are inconsistent
woah no way


None, they're still airing.

What is pic related from?

Because the cult had a ranking structure set by Based Buddha himself. Only the highest ranked members were allowed to have sex with the crown jewel of the cult aka Riko, those kids were low ranking noobs who should have been happy that Riko even touched them. She's usually reserved for the richest and oldest cocks.


Anything good airing this season? I haven't watched anything since Goblin Slayer.

joshi kousei is my favorite this season

Does it have good tits and ass?

compared to pic related on ? no. but its serviceable and the first episode is lewd right off the bat

Excellent. I'll have to check that one out as well.

when you are a NEET time feel a lot faster, Im being one for 4 years and as far as I can remember yesterday was 2018

That's fucking awesome, Riko looks so delicious in that, is there more?

Maybe if your job is redundant and mind numbing, yes, but if you work a stimulating job time goes by quick.

>Maybe if your job is redundant and mind numbing
i really need to switch careers now that you mention it. anyone here work in the restaurant business? particularly the cooking side?

are you gonna watch nazi loli and return to life black-tracksuit? isekai quartet has a good line up.


Oh wait...

i saw tanya last year and i enjoyed it. cant say the same for rezero.
i want to watch isekai quartet but i really cant stand subaru.

I have an alternative version of that pic with Riko cover in a bunch of thick buddha cum, but I feel I'm already pushing it. Also my private ran sem collection is pretty decent, but I figured I'd share that one with my fellow ran sem bro's since we haven't had a thread in a very long time.

Are we talking McDonalds or fine dining?

in between for now. like some asian resto or a diner

Nigga u should work at one of those italian bistros. The servers make 100s in tips everyday.

I finished Chernobyl and rewatched Fate Stay Night

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didn't even cross my mind, thanks for that user. italian dishes seem to be a good foundation when starting out

Much more than I did in years thanks to my newfound NEETdom

Literally none.
I'm just here looking for hot new monstergirl titties

none but i'm learning japanese so i plan on watching 6 episodes a day minimum for the next 12 months

Honestly though go to skill and either get a degree or learn a trade lol. And get a useful degree like finance, engineering, or marketing. And with trade you cant go wrong with any, if you're smart get into electrical, electricians make good money.


back to school for me i guess

great rec thread, hentaifaggot

Man, you would have hated old Yea Forums. We used to have hentai threads, sadpanda, loli, and even guro threads.

17. Normally I'd watched around 40 or so but, this year is a turning point for me. Finally getting my shit together.

No, I just hate this particular hentai but yeah

Unironically do you guys think HBO would be capable of making a good original anime?

Well.. how many did you watch?

Only one. It was Legend of Galactic Heroes though, so I'm good.

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None. I got into a depressive rut at the start of the year and have yet to find the motivation to do anything. Just been building up the backlog.

Drink more coffee, strong coffee, also cut out all the processed foods - that shit is literally designed to fuck with you, and go out for walks.

>processed food bad but coffee good
Can't have it both ways bud.


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Neither opm, snk, or jojo have concluded.

have you people achieved half of what you promised in new year?

Daily reminder that watching an anime isn't an achievement.

I'm not a big fan of coffee, does it really help?

14 manga, 16 anime so far. Some of them could maybe be split into more than one, like movies based on series and stuff.

You're a good man, user.

What said, Riko is basically the personal cockslave of Majima. She says herself, you're only supposed to get to fuck her regularly once you rank up into advanced classes, and she's used as an audience for high-end corporate types. Anna is basically low-grade trash tier stuff, while that black-haired one seems to be a general instructor but also high ranking.

Thank you so much bro, I'm glad you appreciated and you're happy with it. Art online gets stolen so quickly so I'm very hesitant to share my collection, which suck because I know how badly Ran->Sem fans want new material.

Next time we have another nice ran sem thread like this I'll post another pic from my private collection.

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Yes, absolutely, especially the strong stuff. It tastes like absolute shit but the payoff is definitely worth it. It works way better than energy drinks. Picks up your mood and gives you energy to do stuff.

Fav anime so far?

I guess I would say coffee is the exception.

17 anime, 11 of them from Winter. the rest out of the backlog. Re-read Appleseed.

I'm trying to finish that time I was turned into a slime, or w.e, I'm like on episode 16 I think. Is it worth finishing?

All of those are older series. Nothing from this year.

Yes, especially since it's getting an S2

2 movies
around 60 titles, counting complete ones only. ~100 if including ongoings I caught up with & have been following since.

Go back to Yea Forums, retard.

Best manga?

This, I've been a neet the past 4 months and it has only felt like two months went by at most since then.


That's pretty bad, user. Life is just passing you by and you dont even realize it. Next thing you know you're going to be an old man and not know what the fuck happened.

So I recently started eating peacans and now I feel like this motherfucker here. I'm fapping like 3 times a day now compared to my usual 1 and I have a semi erection pretty much all day. Are peacans libido boosters?? It's actually kinda annoying because I'm almost always horny.

Eh might as well try it, any recommendations?

>half way through 2019
Dammit wasn't /ss/ just yesterday!? Fuck I'm old.

Probably better asking >>/ck/ but I like the blonde americano iced from Star Bucks. Its basically liquid crack.

>tfw so desperate to get climax shot of titfuck that I created it myself

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I have a way better quality gif but its too big.

I cant barribu that in 4 full episodes Riko doesnt get tit fucked not even once. They really dropped the ball on that.

Was an uncensored version of this series ever released?

Attached: [RepoAnime-H] Rin x Sen + Ran-Sem cross mix - 02 [BD Censored] [1920x1080 h264 AAC Eng Sub] [5E8771B (1920x1080, 2M)

Nope. And the studio is re-releasing it again next month for the fifth or sixth time, so I dont think they will be licensing it any time soon since they are obviously bringing in cash with it still.

These fucking faggots, JUST RELEASE IT UNCENSORED

Nice edit btw, user. Are you a sakaki fan?

Spot on.

Majima sent Anna away to get used up by an entire academy of useless delinquents, while at the same time fucking Riko for himself during his private time and telling her he was gonna send her to be the companion of some president of a big corporation.

His end game was always to use Anna as bait to capture Riko for his cult.

Pretty sure that is against Japanese laws.

I completely understand, it definitely feels like time is going 2x as fast as it should. Like right now it should be march not june

Oh yes I am. Why?

Because you took the time to edit that. Is it hard for you knowing she doesn't have any sex scenes in either the anime or the visual novel?

She does a great job of helping break Riko though.

A bit. If they make a third series, they better have her getting fucked raunchy by old men students

You guys need to help me and harass a1c on their Twitter account about making a part 3. One time I mentioned it to them and they liked my post.

I wouldn't mind a prequel about Sakaki. We know why Majima went after Riko, but what made him target Sakaki?

>coming to Yea Forums unironically to talk about anime

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Most likely some sort of daycare teacher, adoption center woman or something else. Either way, one cannot ignore her glorious tits, the largest in the series

airing (all caught up):
jojo pt5
shield hero
isekai quartet
attack on titan pt 3
one punch man s2

Konosuba 1+2
Food wars 1-3
My hero academia 1-3
104 ep of fairy tail
promised neverland
mob psycho II
Bugie Pop
3 gatsu no lion 1-2
Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa

I'm a neet, all I do is lift, walk a lot, watch anime, and vidya. But I've lost 30 lbs this year so far walking and lifting. Feels like I watched more than that, but that's all I remember.

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Interesting. She does have that motherly aura about her. and yea her tits even eclipse Riko's.

Is shield hero any good?

Above average at most. If just for the loli Princess Melty and the loli bird girl.

It's fine for watching, out of most stuff on my list I actually enjoy it, I'd give it a 6-7/10 depending how it ends up.