What's wrong with the artstyle this season?

What's wrong with the artstyle this season?

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Diamond is Unbreakable - 01 - Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata [ (1920x1080, 309K)

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Araki is a hack

Nothing, it is perfect.

What's wrong with you?

Acquire taste.

It looks like dogshit. Worst adaptation by a mile.



It was more simple and laid back, perfect for Morioh and Part 4. There was just a lot of quality in the mid-section of the series due to poor production and scheduling. Blame the nips for fucking rushing everything when their fans can wait.

didn't feel a need to continue watching after Jotaro. Part 2 was the peak anyways

Your loss
Part 7 is the best

What's wrong with it

Araki trying to cash in on that fujo money.


Attached: 194838.jpg (972x558, 81K)

Everyone dresses like a fag.

Imagine how shit part 4 would've been if Josuke looked like that for the rest of the part.

Nothing wrong with artstyle, just animation/direction when handed off to crap production teams, completely different things. And they actually bothered to stylize the backgrounds this time around to fit with Araki's style and colors. Part 5 is hideously drawn compared to this.

I don't know. It's only probably YOUR MOM!

I'm reading part 7 rn, when does it start getting interesting?

What's wrong with it?

Hold out, it gets much better next season.

Lack of detail. Back when the character designs were revealed, I thought they were gonna step up their animation game by making the designs more animation ready. Turns out David Productions was just stupid though because the animation wasn't any better than previous parts and now they're just stuck with ugly neutered designs. Ironically, Part 5 goes all in with detail and yet has some of the best animation in the David Production's Jojo adaptation yet.

Seth the programmer was right all along. Jojo part 4 is the absolute fucking worst.

Attached: 15565586757.png (410x428, 65K)

Nothing, bait post