Why is he so perfect?

Why is he so perfect?

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Other urls found in this thread:


4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 1

Joseph > Josuke > Giorno > Jotaro > Jonathan

Diavolo > Kira > Dio > Kars

Bruno > Okuyasu > Caesar > Kakyoin > Speedwagon

>Giorno > Jotaro > Jonathan

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Jousuke is the least likable for me.
Bruno is the best boy.
I agree with
>Diavolo > Kira > Dio > Kars

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I missed the episode and I won't be able to watch it probably until tomorrow. What did I miss?

Body swap comedy and exposition

Without Dio, or DIO, or DIego, or Other Diego or non-canon DIO, none of this shit ever happens and the story wouldn't exist. Seeing he's legally a Joestar, it makes sense that the story always comes back to him.

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Wouldn't it be funny if they never figured out how to beat SCR and Mista got stuck in Trish's body forever? Haha what a hoot!

arguably best episode thus far
I suggest staying away from threads so you don't get spoiled on the OP

Trish touching herself

Boss version of the OP is here, always the best time for the anime.

Watch it and find out.

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Yeah, that would be an interesting trollish ending.

>Being this wrong





My fetish and exposition.

people that like part 2 so much are overtly animeonly

Masturbation, best episode.

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>anime only

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Thanks dolphin man

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ITT: Animeonlys shit on other animeonlys in order to hide their own shame
Die alone, singing a song of suffering in a world where time has vanished

I honestly don't get fandom wars in Jojo.

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Based marine biologist

7 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 6 (havent read part 8 yet)

Joseph > Jotaro > Josuke > Johnny > Giorno > Jonathan > Jolyne

Valentine > Pucci > Diavolo > DIO > Kira > Kars

Gyro > Okuyasu > Bruno > Speedwagon > Caesar > Kakyoin > Hermes

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oops forgot part 1 on the first set
7 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 6

2 >= 5 >> 4 > 3 Egypt > 1 >>>> 3 first half

Joseph > Jonathan > Giorno > Josuke > Jotaro

Bucellati > Speedwagon > Caesar > Okuyasu > Kakyoin

literally who?

The best boy.

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Anasui from part 6

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Will we get to see Doppio again?

You see him die in brunos body

why do i get part 6 ending vibes from this image

>gets btfo by Doppio
Why was he hunting the boss if he was so weak?

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Do tell me.

He thought the kid was some low-level mook and underestimated him.

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>Shitvolo over anyone

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literally plebbit tier

No, plebbit tier would be ranking Part 2 the highest.


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What does it even mean?

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Wheres yours nigger?
you arent one of those anime only fags are you?

I can only count to five

The anime really boosted fan content production.
Thank you, DavidPro.

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So you're admitting you're a pleb
okay then

Did you even watch the fight? Risotto absolutely demolished Doppio, but instead of finishing him off, he was completely careless when interrogating him because he didn’t realize how strong Doppio/Diavolo actually was

7 > 8 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 4

Jolyne > Johnny > Joseph > Johnathan > Jotaro > both Josukes > Giorno

Pucci > Valentine > Part 1 Dio > Diavolo > Part 3 DIO > Kira > Kars

Gyro > Bruno > Speedwagon > Caesar > Hermes > Kakyoin > Okuyasu

>part 4 and kira that low
Explain youtself

I only admit that you're a braindead fuck if you rank 3 higher than 5

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Hey guys I just wanna say that it’s really hard to rank all the jojo parts because they’re all really good in their own way. They each try something different, so it’s difficult to rate them objectively. Maybe it would be better to rate each part for separate things like plot, characters, theme, etc than rating each part as a whole.


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Part 4 is a boring shitfest with no clear story and annoying characters. And while Kira is one of the most realistic villains I've ever seen in manga, he acts like a retard just for plot convenience (wasting time fixing Koichis sock, not recognizing Josuke's voice over the phone, etc)

You already admitted you havent read the manga
your opinion doesnt matter

--I like collecting them

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>part4fags will defend this

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How does King Crimson work?

Why did they force kira to take his pants off?

It was a retarded anime insert by DavidPro to bait the fujos, but not the most retarded thing Kira did in the manga. See

Don't share them here.

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>Part 4 is a boring shitfest with no clear story and annoying characters.
So like most parts?

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post kino

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8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

Johnny > Jousuke > Jolyne > Joseph > Josuke > Jonathan > Giorno > Jotaro

Pucci > Kira > Diego > Diavolo > Valentine > Dio > Kars

Name ONE reason this is a remotely decent villain you faggots.

the fact that he is a fucked up soul and he poses an actual threat to the main protagonists

he is cute

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A villain whose most trusted ally is his non-self-aware alter ego is exciting.

His fashion sense.

5 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 4
Giorno > Jotaro > Joseph > Jonathan >>> Shitsuke
Diavolo > Dio > Kars > Kira
Bruno > Caesar > Okuyasu > Speedwagon > Polnareff (actual Brojo)

He entertains me and makes my dick hard.

t. Kira

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Because he is a mafia boss, one would suspect that he would thrive on the notoriety but instead he sits in empty rooms being scared and doing everything to hide his identity. He wants his everlasting climax and his entire life revolves around protecting it but he never actualy takes the time and liberty to enjoy the fruits of his labour, every other villain is shown enjoying what theyre doing, Diavolo is just paranoid.

So his alter ego is more interesting than himself, great villain. I'll grant that's a cool concept, but introduced way too late.

He looks cool
He's thematically relevant to what the part is centered around (dealing with your past and rising up past it/being a slave of fate or acting against it)
He's actually threatening (so not like Kira)
His gimmick of being so paranoid to hide that he literally turns into someone else when he has to go out and do shit is fun, and Doppio himself is entertaining.
His stand is the biggest memefest stand in the series while it also works as an actual interesting ability which ALSO relates to him as a character perfectly AND is actually intimidating.

>Diavolo fucking Kira in skipped time
>Kira using BtD to rewind and do it again

He's unconventional as a villain in that he believes everything is meant to happen for a reason and he deserves the world, but instead of being cocky he's paranoid which I don't see often.

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Based bossu.

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Look how fucking long Giorno's arm is here. It's oddly fitting that Dio had the off model long-ass right arm on the one cover for Dio's World so we can actually chalk it up to vampire genes.

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7 > 5 > 8 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 1 > 3

Joseph > Giorno > Johnathan > Josuke 8 > Johnny > Jolyne > Jotaro > Josuke 4

Valentine > Doppiavolo > Kira > Diego > Pucci > Dio 1 > Kars > Dio 3
But let's stop here.
>Two Part 7 Villains?
One was Johnny's true rival in the race. The other was Valentine. You don't need to explain shit.
>Two Dios?
Dio in part 3 was shit. Accomplished less than any villain in any part. Arguably did more in part 1 by stealing Johnathan's body and becoming immortal than he did with The World in part 3.

>JoBros featuring the true JoBros of the series
Gyro > Caesar > William > Bruno > Polnareff > Weather > Okuyasu > Joshu


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Say nice things to this boy.

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That wasn't that funny at all

>diavolo in bruno's body
but that's wrong.

But it was.

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Please go back

>Part 3

I think part 5 is suck

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You are a dumb

Part 5 is fun and all but can we get this over with and move to a more interesting part like Part 6?


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he cute

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To where?

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Yep, dying in Bruno's body

5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3

Joseph > Josuke > Giorno > Jonathan > Jotaro

Diavolo > Kira > Dio > Kars

Speedwagon > Bruno > Okuyasu > Caesar > Kakyoin

I dislike part 3 except the last 4 episodes. Most boring part and art direction.

Hirohiko Araki Says He Could Never Have Created JoJo's Bizarre Adventure If He Hadn't Read Sherlock Holmes

>The other major inspiration Araki drew from Arthur Conan Doyle is telling the story through the point of view of a character closer to the audience (i.e. Watson). If Holmes had been the point of view character in his own stories, it would have contradicted his own personality, and a story where the protagonist has no motivation is boring, Araki claimed.

Discord or youtube

But that's wrong.

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Everyone needs to read at least one Sherlock Holmes story in their life, especially if they want to write and even more if they want to write mysteries.

>speedwagon at the bottom
>Okuyasu at the bottom

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All of them are top-tier, but placing Kakyouin in the first places is simply wrong.

Wow, people sure rank Diavolo higher in their tier lists now that the anime's out. What a COINCIDENCE!

What did you expect?

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Reminder that he would've won if Narancia hadn't showed up

Narancia is an idiot. What if it was some oblivious drunk bloke who threw knives from the cliff for shit and giggles? He would have killed an innocent man.


The knives were flying towards them at a high speed.

It still could have been a stupid kid on drugs.


A kid on drugs with the power of king crimson in his arm?

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If you fire illegal balistic knives at people you're not an innocent civilian

Eh. I wouldn't be so sure. It genuinely might have been somebody too pissed to even remember their own name.

Sounds legit

I know.

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7 > 8 > 4 > 2 > 3> 5 > 6 > 1

Johnny > Josuke 4 > Joseph > Josuke 8 > Jolyne > Jonathan > Jotaro > Giorno

Valentine > Kira > Pillar Men/Kars > Pucci > Diavolo > Dio 3 > Dio 1

Gyro > Yasuho = Rai > Bruno > Caesar > Kakyoin > Okuyasu > Hermes > Speedwagon

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Almost as if he's better and feels more present in the anime or something

I know a lot of people don't like part 6 but I can't wait to see it animated, there's a lot of cool/dumb shit that I want to see in motion.

Is part 6 really coming in 2020 or was it just a rumour?

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Pucci will be as memefied as DIO when part 6 is animated.

I bet it'll be pretty good adapted to anime. Part 5 is really boring as a manga, but the anime is great.

No way, it has to be 2021 at the earliest

How awful, i*m certainly not looking for-ward to that.

Part 8 makes me fucking teeth itch.
Stand fights feel like they drag and are paced terribly.

Blue Hawaii could have been so good but no, it was shit.

Narancia was established from the very beginning of the fight. It was a great fight, you're just mad Risotto got killed by based Doppio.

What was the point of this post

The first half of Part 5 felt a little different. I don't know what happened but does anyone else feel the pacing and the writing changed mid-way?

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Yes, the first half didn't have much focus

I prefer the first half.

Why does Mista get btfo so hard every fight he's in?
I swear he nearly dies every second episode.

Idiots, Metallica was the only stand that could defeat King Crimson. Risotto WON and if it hadn't been for absolute faggot Narancia he would've destroyed Diavolo.

Get that tranny out of here

Reminder Risotto WON and died with dignity, unlike Diavolo and Narancia.

Fucking Diavolo got lucky, otherwise Risotto would've mop the floor with him.

>Risotto rightfully beat Doppio! He only lost because of Doppio!

I thought KC's arm was doing the racist meme hand for a second


Do you think Giorno ever uses Gold Experience to enhance his lover's sexual pleasure?

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Risotto would have gotten destroyed by Diavolo with king crimson and epitaph

No he wouldn't, there's nothing he could've done against Risotto. It was Doppio's idea after all to use Aerosmith, Diavolo is dumber than Doppio.

yes, he creates alive dicks molded after Mista's

He could have closed the distance and chopped him in half the second he found out where he would be in 10 seconds, Doppio didn't have timeskip

Fucking KC could have denied any of the damage Doppio would have taken in that fight if he could actually use it.
Risotto only got as close as he did because Doppio could only use Epitaph and two arms

Rank part 6 at the bottom of your lists, who cares, but if you really think Jolyne and Pucci are not the best characters Araki has ever written before the universe reset, then you deserve a lobotomy.

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Why the fuck was Brunovolo so far outside the colosseum when Diavolo passed out at the top of the stairs a few feet away from Pol's body? Am I forgetting a later manga panel where it's stated that Bruno woke up first and went outside to look for the gang or something?

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Foo Fighters is the only actual best character to ever come out of part 6

Doesn't really matter, honestly, you could just assume that yeah, Bruno ran out to try and figure out what was happening, or he was following SCR, or whatever else, it was mostly just meant to be a nice shot.

>Hey Abba, look at these part war fags itt

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>she then replied with 'I'm glad you thought that is nice'

We're almost there lads

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Did Trish's mom fall in love with Doppio or Diavolo?

Requiem wo Wo woooo

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Considering how his personality seemed at the time, I'd say Doppio.

Though I guess in the manga we don't really know for sure.

stand users dont take it easy on non-stand users if theyre trying to attack them

Doppio is the real person. Diavolo is the parasite.

Diavolo, duh

>they didn't swap voices when the crew changed bodies


>even the fucking turtle

4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1

Josuke > Jotaro > Joseph > Giorno > Jonnatan

Dio > Kira > Diavolo > Kars

Okuyasu > Bruno > Caesar > Speedwagon > Kakyoin

1. Symbolism behind the Devil. Why the Devil has two horns? They represent dycotomy. God represents the armony, the unit of the universe... the Devil represents chaos and confusion by making us think in good and bad. Diavolo doesn't have two horns, but two personalities.

I come baring news from the distant future of 2028
The last season of JoJo will be a 39 episode Part 6 series. Following that would be OVAs based on the novels like Jorge Joestar and Over Heaven.
The series will end with David using their animation budget to get the rights to use What a Wonderful World as their ED for the final episode, and due to budget concerns, Part 7 would never be adapted. Rumour has it Araki blocked all attempts to release it as he wasn't satisfied with the CG horses they had to use.
In happier news, Hunter x Hunter managed to conclude the set up for its current arc before Togashi died due to back issues while playing Dragon Quest XII, his last words being "At least it wasn't VI"


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I live above your kind

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It would suck for the woman stuck as a baby, or the guy stuck as a dog, or the cop stuck as a bird

>In happier news, Hunter x Hunter managed to conclude the set up for its current arc before Togashi died
I mean that's obviously fake

>Diavolo is actually not in that pic, only Doppio and Trish can see his spirit in the photo

Doppio could throw a pair of scissors with enough strenght to rip a foot, there's no way that the knife he threw would be taken as anything else but hostility.

>thinking "DADDY ISSUES" the character is the best jojo
That's gonna be a YIKES from me.

Except he isnt

shut up waifu fag, wait your turn