We just saw how Diavolo hijacked the opening, but how will he do it?
We just saw how Diavolo hijacked the opening, but how will he do it?
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Fast Forward through the OP to Pucci's Heaven OP.
We all have Puccis power to skip the opening
And then once it gets past the first 1:30, it will start back at normal speed for the rest of the song.
The same OP but the characters who died have very, very slight and unsettling changes in their appearance/faces.
it restarts as an alternate version with slight hints to later parts
Starts at Phantom Blood OP1, skips into OP2 onwards up until current OP combined with
Speeds up and cuts into Pucci walking up a stair and reciting the 14 words of Dio. At the top of the stairs, Jolyne awaits.
This but the entire OP is sped up x100 times so you can only tell if you slow it back down somehow.
The real question is will Part 7 get two versions for Love Train and High Voltage?
Fuck that. What about pic related's hijack? What about the head doctor?
sponge cube into new OP
It's probably going to use CG for that effect too.
SBR won't be animated for atleast 5 years, but maybe Jojolion will be finished by then
Weather Report* (stand)
>implying it won't be za warudo once again
It will gradually speed up and then start again but every character has slightly different facial structures
>Diavolo doesn't speak in SARDU in the opening
missed opportunity
this but after it gets past the original song, a new song should play in pucci's image
do you think dio ever fucked pucci's boypucci?
gradually speed it up until you it resets and plays a slightly different song
if the song is in japanese, it'll become the english version instead.
he will skip entirety of part 6
Pure kino if they did something this
OP asspuls as always
Directly skips to ED.
the OP will be turned 90 degrees counter clockwise
He wont
What I wonder is if they will add cameos of the other Jojos when the original world is accelerated and in the ending in the new universe. I doubt it, but it'd be neat.
>he thinks part 6 is getting an anime
He's greentexting to try to process thinking about things in a 2 dimensional way without admitting that's cute but wrong....gosh..
I'm more interested in the ED song
>1&2 Roundabout
>3 Walk Like and Egyptian/Last Train Home
Come stand a little bit closer
Breathe in and get a bit higher
You'll never know what hit you when
I get to you Ooh I want you, I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out
Ooh I want you, I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out
>5 Horny/Modern Crusaders
>6 ???
>6 ???
that looks fucking amazing
Jojolion is going to end next year
Start the opening normal but start speeding it up, then wrap around to Sono Chi no Sadame and go through all the openings in fast forward then end maybe with the first/second (if there's 3 openings) opening of part 6.
Reminder Starway to Heaven will be the last ED of Stone Ocean and it will be KINO.
They should play What A Wonderful World near the end when Emporio is meeting all the alternate people and continue to use that for the ending of the last episode.
>Not Kids in America
>Not Stand By Me