Looking back, was the Island anime good?
Also its artbook was uploaded to Ex. It has high quality scans of all those fappable preorder bonuses.
Looking back, was the Island anime good?
Also its artbook was uploaded to Ex. It has high quality scans of all those fappable preorder bonuses.
This should've been porn
No doubt.
If Setsuna has already been on many 40000 year loops, why hasn't the time he's been outside of the cold sleep machine accumulated and aged him considerably?
How did Setsuna have visions of Sara and Karen routes when he never did them in the canon timeline?
How does everyone get reincarnated to be literally the exact same person every 40000 years? How does the landscape stay the same after so many ice ages?
How did the time freeze capsule show up in the first place?
Nano machines
I really enjoyed Island, it was a great watch. Honestly I should pick up the vn and give it a whirl.
>its artbook was uploaded to Ex
I know what I'm doing tonight
MILF ending made it worthy.
How can a girl like her have such a lewd body?
Took me way too fucking long to realise I couldn't find it because I was filtering out non-H. This is some good shit, thanks OP.
Mhm, really good.
>wasting your time on anime adaptations of games
The anime unironically has a better ending than the game
time travelling
>wasting 10 times of that time on non-h bishoujo visual novel
is there an ending with setsuna impregnating all 4 girls?
I don't know why but something about this anime just stuck with me. Threads were pretty nice too.
Cute gf daughter
When is Frontwing gonna go back to making their forte, action romcom with plenty of comedy ala Grisaia? They're at their best when they don't take themselves seriously.
They are making more Grisaia though. And it's all your fault, EOPs.
It's your fault, EOP.
Grisaia was garbage though, both the anime and the VN. Amane flashback was only actually good thing from that mess.
Do you think he's still smiling?
That OVA where Kazuki and Amane yuri fuck each other was really good.
>fucked a 10/10 qt3.14
yeah that skull is still smiling
Grisaia is fantastic.
Reminder that Rinne is now canonically used goods who got fucked by real Setsuna
The twintailed bitch is better anyway, I didn't even read this lmao
post the uncensored version
Why are girls in captain's hats/sailor hats/witch haats so hot?
>used goods
You tell me, user.
Is that okay?
No but at least best girl won.
I'm glad it's not porn, makes it much easier to enjoy the plot without wondering all the time when the h is .
is this from the anime? I don't remember the vn having any splicit sex scenes
its ok.
kind of like plastic memories or school days