Shingeki no Kyojin

Falco confession to Gabi was so beautiful in contrast ZP was so tragic. Pieck is going to miss her beardman

Attached: ZPconfirmedtragic-romance.png (708x800, 622K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pieck is gay for Yelena.

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*grim reminders ZPmumblers*

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post cute

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>My dear Pieck...
>Pieck hesitating to kill him
They really liked each other

i don't get it

>my dear Pieck
>using pozzed (((localized))) translation
>Pieck never hesitated and instead came up with a genius plan to kill him and hoped he was dead
>never even talked to Zeke before his betrayal
Pathetic Zekespic.

Attached: godgath WHIRRR.jpg (720x512, 62K)

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EM is cute and canon

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>Pieck: uugh
She is a worse soldier only with Zeke. She loves him.

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>makes noise when she sees a volley of sound-barrier breaking rocks being prepared to be thrown at her
Shocking discovery, Zeketard, now show us a panel of Zeke and Pieck talking to each other.

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is that the Pieck poster?

Attached: PieckWtf.png (720x444, 1.23M)

cute incoming

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She immediately moved on from Zeke's supposed death and only lost her composure when she lost the panzer unit, meanwhile she instantly exposed Shitke and came up with a genius plan to take Cucke down, while being the Shiganshina MVPii 2 battles in a row. ZPfags are going through the same phase as Yuomhuioeieeroouefaggots during Uprsing, it's not surprising they try to push the exact same types of narratives as them.

Attached: pii quiet.png (512x625, 214K)

You can tell by it's swarthy features that that is in fact, a Zekefag.

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How does it feel Zeketards, to be held in lower regard to some 2-page characters with one line of dialogue each?

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I know

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What horrible drawings

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not them but this is about show not tell, some Piecks reactions with Zeke are weird

Not Jewish enough.

Attached: pii schnoz.png (570x570, 453K)

Not really, it's easy to see that she shows some concern for his loss but moves on immidiately because she never really knew or talked to him in the first place, she completely loses her composure once she loses the Panzer Unit who she was much closer to, charging into the enemy when before she was expertly dodging their attacks. She literally belittles the idea of selling out her comrades in her biggest character moment and Zekespergs still think she will sacrifice herself to Zeke like she ever gave a rat's ass about him to begin with.

Attached: pii eye.png (89x102, 12K)


Oh god, she's creepy. Delete this.

You are seriously sick dude, I dont give a fuck about ZP or your fucking Mary Sue, but she had weird reactions with Zeke and even got triggered by Yelena being his fangirl, thats why she said PERSONAL INTEREST. I know you look like a pig and self-insert as that pig without charisma called Porco, but this is getting out of hand

I like AoT/moomins crossovers for some reason.

I was wondering why Jeanfags were receiving the pedo treatment too untill I saw one post of Jean impregnating Pieck. Guess sneed really likes that. Dumb Piitards

i like moomins in general desu

They're cute.

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It is super cool!

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The pedophilia with Gabi started when EHcucks told to that SNEED PP a shit, too bad he is trying to frame the rest of us who like Eren.

Pieck is a slut who fucks men for information and Pigco is a faggot obsessed with Reiners dick ;)

Attached: ERERI.png (179x281, 108K)

Me too. Snufkin is best boy, kek.

>fucking Mary Sue
If Pieck is Mary Sue then some other female characters are Mary Sue too.

People like you belong in a mental asylum, you are clearly deluding yourselves into seeing something that isn't there. All of Pieck's interactions are with Porco, the Panzer Unit, and Gabi. She didn't even know Y*lena's name nor that it was a female until recently and just thought it was fishy that it was always around Z*ke. It never went anywhere because Y*lena was presumed dead or captured. Anything pertaining to the warrior unit is already personal to her, it's her life career and any possible suspect is a personal threat to her.

Attached: pii's cute smii.png (380x184, 80K)

Yes, Gabi is a mary sue too :)

And Historia too :)


>pig without charisma
And yet Pieck still can't get away from him like an addict to her next fix.

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>this is what ZPfags look like

Attached: them.jpg (320x320, 23K)

I care zero about Pisstoria. Pieck and Gabi are Mary Sues ;)

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>self-hating cucks

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>Posting a slut who eats cocks for information and gas children while keeping a smile
>The samefagging faggot who likes Magath because he ships him with Gabi Sue
OH WOW, looks like the pedoposts with Gabi Sue suddenly stopped when the Pieckfag""""""""s""""""" got triggered ;)

Attached: Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.png (720x444, 131K)

Kill yourself Hanpetos.

>Let it die bro

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how is connie still alive

please dont tell me he is going to die

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Lmao I'm not that nigger Hongocuck just a very tired LEcutie tired of your CRINGE spam with Gabi SUE and so SO obvious you are that Piitard posting that ugly pig. Warriortards are obnoxious; first the Eruritrash aka Gopnikslut and now you the GaboSuelover mad at Erenfags for not liking
>A pig
>Pii the Cock Eater
>Your fantasies with Gabi Sue
>Reiner with the gopnikslut spammer
You are worse than the BORTfag

Is there any character that is more based than Theo Magath? And I'm not talking about Taichō Magatō. Hell, I'm not even talking about Supreme Commander GODgath mounting Pieck's anti-than cannon, so that he can weaken Shitren and have him eaten. I'm NOT talking about Commander Theo Magath when he was risking his life whilst fighting in the trenches with the Erudia-jin Butai around Fort Slava. I couldn't be talking about Commander Chadgath as head of the Senshi-tai, rigorously training the warrior cadets whilst harboring hidden feelings of sympathy and respect for said Eldian children. I'm definitely not talking about Magath when he met Willy Tybur, whose respect he earned through being a realist and pragmatist, thus securing him a place as Commander-In-Chief of Marley. I'm really not talking about Acting Supreme Commander GODgath who bravely faced the assault of the Chōsa Heidan in Liberio whilst dealing the first blow to the usurper Eren Jager’s Kyojin. Do you think I'm talking about Chadgath, the genius who managed to quickly figure out that Sieg betrayed him by analyzing the remains of his body after the battle of Liberio? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Gensui Teo Magatō, the mastermind behind the Marleyan surprise attack on the Jaegerists and Shitren, BTFOing both with the Kūtei Butai, as well as superior planning and technology. I'm talking about Supreme Commander of the Māre-gun, and thus the Māre Rikugun and Māre Kaigun Theo “The God” Magath, who is the modern Helos incarnate, the man who shall save the world from the wicked devils of Paradis lead by the genocidal brothers Eren and Sieg, thus securing a better future for his Marleyan countrymen, as well as the Eldian citizens of Marley, all whilst propelling the world into a new era of peace and prosperity.

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They deserve the GKKI treatment, can't believe they are making me miss Armong


Based. Just based.

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Let what die?

>Pii the Cock Eater
Kek. Pieck and Hange are best girls. LH is endgame. Deal with it.

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I'm quoting one (1) person, the Pigcofag aka the GaboSuepedo aka the Piitard aka the Cuckgathfag. Combine him with the Eruritrash aka the gonikslut aka the Shitkasafag aka the Gabopedophile and you have 50% of the threads written by these two Warriorcucks ;)

the ackerslaves are mocking eachother about being scared when the blimp takes off

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I miss Yumiru

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Zekefags are sick.


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I fucking hate Marley and I hope they'll all die. Yelena, Oyanko and Zeke can stay though.

based godEHchads staying out of this mess.

t. ereh

Are you French, by any chance?

Am I allowed to live?

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Eren doesn't hate his enemies anymore. He said it to Reiner in Marley.

Nah, too fucking annoying. Although recently she's been getting uncucked.


Eren doesn't hate eldians

What is your opinion about the fact that a lot of island Eldians have already died because of Eren and more are going to die soon? Don't you think it makes him no better than Marley and the warriors?

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>Found the Spergmonglard
I hope Armong gets the GKKI treatment for being a cocksucking bitch.

Attached: marleyswhore.png (556x591, 425K)

How is it related

Armin will save the world

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Eren's been the leading reason why Paradis even has a single fighting chance in the first place and Marley contributed not only to actively genociding Eldians but also oppressed them and put them into ghettos. I want to see Magath humiliated and eaten, and if Marley stays in Shinganshina for any longer they are confirmed to get reck'd and reck'd hard.

I almost came when Wiley got fucking destroyed live on stage (it's unironically the high point of the manga) and then chapters later WHT got BTFO, they deserve everything they get if you ask me.

>Eren's bitch
>Doing anything than being Eren's bitch

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>Eren's been the leading reason why Paradis even has a single fighting chance in the first place
So in your opinion all these unnecessary deaths and 300 poisoned Eldians are justified actions. Okay.

Collateral damage.

>So in your opinion all these unnecessary deaths and 300 poisoned Eldians are justified actions. Okay.
Well, Eren knew the military leaders at home would be a pain in the ass. It's not like Zeke is going to rumble them, so whatever.

3 more weeks til the new cover comes out and the chapter right?

>Sacrifice a few to save Paradis
>If I kill my enemies they win XDD ->let others invade you and genocide you
Geeee I wonder

How is it that Chadmin makes retards like this seethe so much.

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Moomins are scary. To the extent at which I'm leaving the thread.

It's fine because they are worthless Eldian scum.
Eren should kill even more Eldians.


Alright, bros. The anti-titan rifle will definitely have a role to play in the next chapter, but what will it be? For Gabi/Colt to kill titan Falco? To incapacitate Zeke? To kill off Zeke's mindless titans in general? This is definitely a literal Chekhov's gun introduced in 117, so whatever it does must be important.

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I love how this manga shows the SJWs hypocresy: Eren is a monster but abusing and eating little kids (Historia's kids) is ok

Next month is a break.


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Next month is a break.

But he didn't poison only military leaders. Common soldiers and even their families were poisoned. 30 people with manlet weren't military leaders as well, just soldiers. Manlet isn't a military leader. And then he put Sasha's family into the building full of poisoned soldiers. I can't understand why he didn't let them go.

Can't wait for Chadmin to eat this slut


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Gabo is killing the writing. They are there so Gabo saves them later

Pls post gabo

how far will this episode get?
will we see child wonder? or more EM flashbacks

Absolutely, positively, based

>Sacrifice a few hundred people and screw up your country to save Historia from titanizing

Do you think becoming a Titan shifter repairs hymens? Could you take Pieck's virginity over and over?

Of course it does. And yes.

Zeke is so lucky

And end up titanizing her after Zekuck inevitably gets killed either by being blasted by GODgath or eaten by FalCHAD

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He'll kill Nile ;_;

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Lets take a look at where all the smart/genius characters from the paradis military ended up
>Erwong dies by suicide charge
>Zackly bombed by his own shit machine
>Pixis drinks the marley wine like an idiot
>Armin doing nothing
>Hange on the run with dying manlet
Eren is literally the smartest character from paradis.

Give me a moment. I'm trying to come up with a character

>Jean is literally the smartest character from paradis

Levi.. ?

Eren seemed pretty hateful in 117 to me, though. Guess Reiner being behind that sneak attack and his hardcore projection didn't help.

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The worst thing is that it's still true even with the fact that he overthrew his own fucking government months away from a world war. That's just how bad Paradis is.

Reiner will eat Shitmin next chapter

Attached: Bret.png (142x161, 23K)

Zackley wanted to kill Eren and they were accepting an abusive treatment to their Queen. If Eren didn't move they would be invaded by Marley, wht going berserker included

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Seeithing pigmongster

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Is it true Isayama's editor was saying he can't wait for Hange's comeback?

>Spergmong gonna be NGHed again
Why is Eren so based?

Reiner will marry Armin next chapter.

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Attached: ReinerBed.jpg (556x421, 148K)

Yes. Hanji will save the world.

>Armin will never be Eren's ocean again

Reiner and the warriors will rape Armin new chapter

Attached: worst_shingeki_stomped_by_best_shingekis.jpg (363x651, 70K)

Armin arlert found dead in alley with 18 filled condoms in his stomach

Attached: ArminSleepy.jpg (473x737, 213K)

>Just when the anime ends
>Not a parallel with the anime of Hange surviving
>Disappeared and will appear just when the anime ends
LHans sex chapter confirmed delayed by Wakano

So Reiner will impregnate and marry Armin, neat!

Attached: daddy reiner.jpg (400x260, 27K)

>Fatmongwhales completely and utterly BTFO
Man chapter 112 was so satisfying.

How will Armin know Reiner is the father when so many Marleyans will rape his ass over and over post-exhaustion?

I hope this doesn't mean she's going to die.

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Zackley wanted to shit machine Eren *because* he went rogue and colluded with Zeke and the volunteers. And the abusive treatment of the Queen was forcing her to comply with a plan she already previously accepted and that could've guaranteed Paradis' safety all the same. Not saying it's not completely shitty of them to do shit like that but if that's his reason for overthrowing your govt then it's a personal one alright, especially when we know the higher ups had 0 qualms about using the Rumbling since they evacuated Shiganshina precisely to run tests.
There's hardly any justification to politically destabilizing your own country when you know your actions prompted the world to organize a joint invasion of your island as soon as they can.

We killed the anime bros

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The baby will have this face.

Attached: 2c05e689af57d55816f1f837ec5f2631.png (158x256, 56K)

Shit is done and over with. The ocean was a spook.

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That's because the ocean was in Historia's eyes

I checked snknews. I checked reddit snk. I checked twitter. I checked tumblr. If it's new news, I don't see it. So, maybe it's old news.

In other words, provide source.

>That nose
>Those eyes
Not Armong's.

Reiner was so fucking ugly as a child and for most of his teen years. What the hell happened?

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Neville Longbottom's actor.

>I almost came when Wiley got fucking destroyed live on stage
I just read that part today, I don't feel like a virgin anymore. Shit, the entire battle was fucking amazing. Favorite part is when Eren uses Jaw's jaws. THAT part, is incredible.

He wasn't blessed with good genetics

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Fuck the world. Hanji will save manlet's soul and body.

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>Favorite Arc? Marley, without a doubt

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Dr. Frankenstein Hange Zoe = yes please.

Had completely forgotten about Matthew Lewis. Pretty fucking incredible.

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Compare to the other HP boys.

Based. Let's hope Hange learns something from her son.

>Harry Potter
cringe, kys

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>Eren: the ocean... so vulgar compared to Historia's eyes...even the sun is simple compared to Historia's beautiful eyes... everything is so boring compared to Historia's smile. Historia...if the freedom is causing pain to you...then I should kill the freedom

Kek, it's like how Eren got ten times better over the timeskip while AM aged like milk.

Is Eren the biggest waifufag?

That reminds me that Annie hasn't aged at all. Personally, I think Connie Jean Sacha got the best age up.

Based fellow polish bro that hates marley


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Why would Isayama revive asspull Zeke to kill him 3 chapters later

Something something about Ymir pulling strings behind the scenery. I spent way too much time analyzing that asspull. For now, the Ymir is up to something theory is the only one that makes enough sense to me, plot-wise.

To bait the Zekefags
Cringemir trannies are right for once

Attached: ZekeBTFO.png (534x433, 297K)


Attached: EHdrama.png (705x1000, 579K)

Do they even exist outside of Yea Forums?

Maybe she wants Falco to eat him

>Eren held back by 2 feeble "men"
Erenfags will defend this

All the Japanese are Zekefags (eg: declining population)

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t. Porco trannie

>Liking manlet when he killed Erwin
The absolute state

I think there's a contingent over at reddit. But definitely far smaller than the Levi contingent which tends to overlap with Hange, Erwin, other Veteran Scouts fans.

Levi would of never killed Erwin, Retardsayama just thought it would le ebic xD to kill Erwin for no reason
Cringe. literally no one likes Jobco

Attached: UneducatedDisrepectfuSmolBean.png (478x427, 297K)

Manlet killed Erwin dude, at least the Zekefags know their character is a meme, yours is just trash, and then you insult Ymir lol

DOGren BOWS to GODco.

Attached: Erencuck BTFO.jpg (1500x611, 913K)

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How can anyone like Porco, he is pathetic and boring

Choosing not to have a child /=/ thinking your entire nation should sterilize themselves
Otherwise you'd have to consider Shinzo himself to be a Zekefag since he doesn't have children kek


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Nothing more pathetic than a so-called """Chad""" who needs help from his sister, brother, and uncle every fight.

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Are you ready for pork dinner next chapter?Edgy "cool" teenager from football team.

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He has no personality and he jobs a lot. Hope Chadmin eats him soon

Because Isayama is a hack.

>implying that isn't how Reiner idealizes himself to appear

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>Hope Chadmin eats him soon
Porco would dilate Bitchmong's anus by 10.

Nothing more cucked than warriors fighting for their own oppressors
Also porky is a nice handy nutcracker for Chaderen


>oh nononono chadren please stop trashing jobco into the ground

Attached: 0104-030.jpg (1067x1600, 609K)

>Literally begs him to stop
They could have given the jaws to a random nobody and nothing would change

>2 ackerhax moments
>2 easily recoverable hits
>2 moments where he isn't even in life-threatening danger
Good job Zekuck, you've managed to make the least compelling collage of shit I've seen yet from /snk/. I can't wait for Falco to chomp your Cuck and then have sex with Gabi for the sole purpose of procreation.

Attached: pock marks.gif (800x800, 259K)

Holy kek. Reiner getting mogged by everyone except for a teenager and a fatty. JAWletner

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90% of people hating on Porco are Zekefags.
10% of people hating on Porco have a different mental illness.

Ymir Fritz = Delta, she removes characters when she doesn't need them anymore

>E-Eren is such a chad, that's why he needed Mikasa, his slave, to sneak up on Porco to immobilize him because he couldn't stand a chance in a straight fight

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>implying you have to be a Zekefag to dislike Porko
He is just trash.


>speedreading through my post

And yet he still fucks best girl daily.

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This is not DB, Eren wants results not to be the strongest. He knew he would need help

I don't hate Porco. The only warriors I really hate are Zeke and Pieck. It's just that Porco is both boring and a jobber.

Yes, like Connie and Sasha

KEK, will this guy ever catch a break or is he going to remain Isayama's punching bag till the end of the manga?

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Sasha fucked nicolo for half a pizza

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> The only warriors I really hate are Zeke and Pieck.

Attached: 1556356252020.jpg (400x400, 15K)

>fights Annie
>fights Reiner
>fights Reiner again
>fights the Warhammer Titan
>fights the Jaw Titan
>fights Marley

>aaaahhhhhhh Reiner save jobco!

Attached: 0104-031.jpg (1067x1600, 519K)

Because he's not dead or dying until the conflict with Eren is done, dumbo.

What would you do if you had a baby and you knew it would grow up to become a Hitler/Lenin/Mao hybrid?

Attached: babie.png (539x535, 328K)

>Jean parallel and unique character
>Connie and Sasha
This is your brain on euthanasia.

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holy fuck. porkekfag is absolutely shitting /snk/ threads after being btfo last chapter where ZP was confirmed
absolutely pathetic

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Not him but they are really unlikeable characters, I save maybe Reiner and Falco but the warriors and Zeke are just selfhating cucks who would genocide people either for selfhate or to prove others they are obedient cucks

Reminder that Zekucks think Pieck fucked this.

Attached: abomination.png (689x972, 640K)

Eren literally has down syndrome

Attached: ZekeMyDear.png (2000x879, 376K)

Sneed and Zekefag show your bellies now so we can know who's the CHAD of this thread

Android Zekeguy vs Rabu poster

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How in the hell is Porco anything like Jean

Yes instead they should kill themselves in service to Paradis in return for them graciously burning down their homes and killing their people for the sake of Eldia.

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>she looks at you like this
What do?

Attached: 61265466_447394109416628_6333572884958080147_n.jpg (1033x1292, 189K)

He unironically is. Which makes pic related even funnier in retrospect.

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Saved. This belongs to my incel folder. Thank you user.

Not a Zekefag, but how dare those people you attacked to defend themselves? Warriors are cunts and hypocrites


Eren just got jealous.

Come on now, Sneed. Prove that your hand isn't fat.

>Height: 175 cm Weight : 75kg (5'9 165 lbs)
>shorter than Reiner, Zeke, Colt, and every male OG 104th squad member
>outweighed by a middle aged commander with declining testosterone in Magath

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Jean would rape Porcuck

Attached: JeanHm.png (267x421, 151K)

I love Rem

dumb EHkeks

Nah, LEpedo did her magic again. It's sneed this time. Even that android zekechad said it was sneed three weeks ago and nobody believed him.


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Based EJfriend

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This, LEpedo explained it

He's almost a foot taller than Historia, cringe Erencuck


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>rival that opposes the main character and his ideology in training days
>mc rises past the rival
>rival changes after loss of one close to them
>after their first major battle survived together rival comes to respect the MC
He plays the same role for Reiner as Jean for Eren. It also helps that both are destined to fuck a black haired girl.

Attached: proto pock.jpg (211x505, 43K)

>Mikasa = Reiner
>Connie = Porco
>Sasha = Pieck
>Jean = Colt

Attached: cmsn__titan_size_flattening_by_anastimafilia_d7sqgc9-fullview.jpg (1024x719, 115K)

Porcuck fears the humans

Attached: Shingeki no Kyojin - Episode 102 - 35.jpg (1067x1600, 620K)

Jean would absolutely body Porcolet in a fist fight
>CHADgath is only 1 cm shorter despite having been born in a previous generation with probably worse nutrition and still has 9 lbs on muscle on PorKEK


>no argument

you're not

Attached: ReinerPush.webm (1280x720, 337K)

Ask her where the superior Annie is


60 IQ post

Attached: piecku.gif (268x268, 15K)

Seriously did these brainwashed idiots called Warriors never though that if they all rise up against Marley their army wouldnt stand any fucking chance?
They really love seeing their own people being cucked daily by oppressors?


Yes. They could have had better access to Paradis resources instead of becoming the world bitch again after the world steals everything

Because muh family would die if I rebelled.

They've been taught to suck Marleyan dick since day 1.


Attached: how to be Porco in one panel.jpg (888x509, 447K)

When the fuck did this thread turn into Grindr and /fit/? Obsessing over height of fictional characters like faggots

Why would they want to help the Devils? you're retarded

Attached: ReinerBlanco.png (606x928, 686K)

You can tell she won the Erenbowl

>next chapter

Attached: D8_90IdVAAEyQH8.jpg (1200x889, 163K)

Attached: 4.png (500x313, 182K)

>erenfags are brainlets
What happens when a day passes and they run out of stamina and then get swarmed by hundreds of thousands of Marleyan soldiers who then feed them to other hosts. Or if they go to Paradis and get fed to a host. You can tell how retarded Shitrenspergs are after being coddled by Ackersues the entire manga they forgot how to forsee consequences for their actions.

Attached: trio_of_kino.jpg (2000x1000, 789K)

This. We know manlet never learn

CHADMIN WILL EAT PORKEK AND FUCK ANNIE AND HISTORIA. He won't eat Pieck because she sucked a lot of dicks
Yes, Annie's father and Reiner's mom were so safe only to boost Cuckgath's ego ;)

Attached: D9EppCFWkAEo8_7.jpg (709x1024, 156K)

*is the most kino character*

Attached: Grisha.png (1680x1050, 2.84M)


Is that Floch?

Attached: D9EppCGXYAAK-Al.jpg (921x1024, 155K)

But they are just humans? He's a big and super strong titanlet, you know

They were never devils, Marley created the devil. Even one of their bosses wanted to try the diplomatic way.
>Marley just proved they will kill as many of their own people in front of any small crisis
>The rest of the nations, more advanced than Marley, will be even more powerful thanks to the iceburst the retarded Marleyans just lost

Insecure Z*kefags coping with the only thing they have left which is their delusional shitship after Z*ke jobbed once again even after his cucked motive reveal and "resurrection". This is the Z*kefags death throes, delusional supporting a ship between two characters that never even spoke to one another.

Attached: pii cucks jii.jpg (564x423, 45K)

I feel like Annie could've been turned into an ally instead of being forgotten after her arc ended.

Attached: NOOOOOOOOOO I AM FREEEEE.png (748x1036, 237K)

>Muh Erenfags
>Muh Zekefags
All of this for a shitty waifu kek, warriors are trash and hypocrites

now that I think about it, why did Annie bother killing the captured titans, Sawney and Bean?

>7 years
let it die bro

Attached: 1546334557123.jpg (1044x604, 254K)

>Sneed is amanlet and whale
Wow, now I know why he is one of the biggest shitposter around here.

Oh shit the ErwLmod arrived, Sneed + ErwLmod combo is lethal

lookism is the religion of zoomers.

She wanted to be caught.

This, they should just give their napes to Eren to eat so he can use their powers to free Eldia by stomping on their families and friends and killing them en masse. Why couldn't they just understand freedom, fellow Erenbro?

Attached: 1559492312756.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

>Both are seething at Zeke

Attached: 1555256216632.png (728x429, 315K)

The Eldians are living good lives, just let Marley do Marley

Attached: YotsubaSleeping.jpg (201x259, 16K)

>brings his son into a backwards oppressive caged kingdom surrounded by titans that is on the verge of being attacked by Marley
>mind rapes his son and gives him shifter aids

Attached: illiterate rageturd.png (616x616, 859K)

So, when will Zeke meet his sister-in-law?

Attached: 1522975467512.jpg (720x1003, 175K)

What the fuck does Zeke have to do with Kruger?

>still going with this stupid argument
read the damn manga, that was never an option

>be conquered and oppressed by titans for thousand years
>get hold of a titan powers
>proceed to conquer and oppress other nations with it

We, Marley fags, are a good guys, trust us! If not for these damn titans!

Fellow Zekebros, post what you're wearing today.

Attached: 61XE9tYnnAL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 12K)


Attached: DxZnjNEX4Ac5qOj.jpg (1199x899, 135K)


>Poked the world most dangerous beehive

Attached: 1560008424444.jpg (650x845, 332K)

So I think I got it
>ErwLmod is seething at Zeke to avoid the thoughts of manlet killing Erwin
>Sneed because of the PP vs ZP
They seethe with Eren because
>ErwLmod is an EMfag and maybe her tiny brain associates Eren with Trump or something. Also easier to hate him than hate manlet
>Erenfags and EHfags dislike Porco and PP

>Paradisociopath don't understand the concept of familial ties
>Paradroid doesn't remember that titanshifters don't have unlimited stamina and would get overwhelmed by sheerfirepower and the WHT

Based LEpedo DESTROYING Warriors argument

I think you mean the (((Tyburs))), Marley has only recently been freed of Eld*oid influence, and of course Eld*oid's natural instinct is to warmonger. Under Magath, an actual Marleyan leader, Eldian quality of life has risen along with race relations between Mainland Eldians and the world. Marley, actual Marley and not Eld*oid's puppet state to perpetuate their own victimization to justify their further mass genocide, is one if the few nations to have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Attached: when u kill the devils just right.jpg (400x391, 76K)


And because Jobco was humiliated a couple of time by Eren.

>EHfags dislike PP
But Porco eliminated their greatest threat, Dykemuir.

Then why are they mad when Paradis defend themselves? You can see guilty destroyed Erwin and is consuming Eren, Pieck was still smug about it. They are unlikeable

Here's your protagonist, bro

Attached: totallygoodguy11.png (1296x728, 812K)

These are the type of people that read snk

Based, can't wait.

Unironically this except Zeke should probably die.

Attached: D9Bz9pgUIAA5TdK.jpg (846x1200, 157K)

I like the possibility of Eren destroying the world but stop posting non-canon scene.

>Pieck was smug
Based retard

Attached: two different faces, LEpedo.png (277x513, 160K)

Yet he becomes worse then Dykemir. They don't like sneed because he used to associate EH with PP. Nobody likes Porco, even some of the Marleyfags.

Oh WOW sure that Cuckgath protected Warrior's family :))))

Attached: 5f68e0528e66bd718f22500cc9626073.jpg (748x1080, 300K)

I see that cucks like you would prefer to live under the oppressor shoe and see your people being humilitated whole life
better die fighting than live as a slave
no wonder that warrior fans are such cuckolds, zeke should castrate you instead

And Colt, Gabi and Falco almost died there too. Magath would suck cocks just for his ego, he would offer his ass and other asses with a world full of Iceburst.

this is why no one can take you Zekemumblers seriously

Attached: zekek.png (507x248, 116K)

They aren't Marleyfags if they don't like all the MarleyGODS. Just Reiner/Pieck fags.

>Zecucks are speedreaders

>LEpedo has higher IQ than warriorfags

Is it even a question?

Attached: 1559940923668.jpg (2048x2048, 787K)

I am not a zeke fag you illiterate warrior idiot

>Whore who gassed children has ONE (1) panel of a "sad" face
>That justifies she being a smug slut for the rest of the manga
>The only reason a rock didn't kill her was because Zecuck thought to place her and Picgo far away
>Warriors families and candidates themselves, in danger

>a manlet and a fatty
Is this a coping mechanism, sneed?

>launch a surprise attack from mid-stage killing a building full of civilians and many more with debris
>w-why didn't Magath stop Eren from doing this, he should have known his exact method of attack
>I also forgot the part where to make the world side with Marley and the mainland Eldians there had to be a martyr
So this is the power of speedreading, 56 IQ, hispanic Zekefags.

Attached: CHAD MAGATH.jpg (644x697, 82K)

What does Magath have to do with this? If warriors rebelled, Eldians would die en masse in the civil war. And they wouldn't even have the support of those people they are trying to save.

Not canon but based. Hope he goes through with it.

>w-why didn't Magath stop Eren from doing this
No one said that but he could've warned the warrior candidates and their families, but he's too much of a faggot to do that.

You're an actual woman aren't you? The smug scene was a flashback made up by the Zekek. She has no experience living with Paradisians so she shows no remorse in killing combatants, which are the only Paradisians she's faced.

Attached: 1554846137511_0.jpg (972x636, 194K)

>this seething
cope, porkfag

I don't give a shit about Porco or PP.

>beruanism spic

Zeke lied about the gas causing paralysis, doesn't mean the whole flashback was made up. Why would he lie about Pieck being there?
>She has no experience living with Paradisians so she shows no remorse in killing combatants, which are the only Paradisians she's faced.
No, she murdered a village full of civilizans along with Zecuck.

Its canon
Isayama said that anime is the final true version of events

Is ANYONE on here actually a woman?

Erenfags are edgelords and pedos.

>characters only men can understand

Attached: DwJphXBUcAIFE29.jpg (1200x811, 154K)

How can you tell by that post?

Brainlet here. Why/how did the loli at the field save Zeke?

Attached: hisu_pan.png (1920x1080, 3.08M)

5"9 men?

Have sex.

Attached: ucantsaythat.jpg (654x762, 460K)

The loli is God and it revived Zeke

Eren won't let that happen. That would put Historia in danger.

Not that user but are you the spic?

>murdered a whole village
She didn't deploy the gas or scream to turn them into titans, nor did she kill the titans. If she refused to be there she could have just easily been cracked upside the head with a rock and woken up inside another warrior's mouth. Think more, LEshitter.

>women who think Muhgawd can change the world's view on Eldians through diplomacy and being epic and based

Based Erenfags.

>Imagine risking your life for your father
>Cuckgath places him in the slaughter stage

Attached: Annie_Leonhart.jpg (225x225, 12K)

>characters only balding men can understand

Attached: BEKE.png (1080x587, 504K)

Zeke is a little rat who betrayed his own parents then suggested getting sterilized.
The absolute state.

And? That doesn't change Pieck and Magath are two piece of shits.

Keep trying to rationalize away the fact that your shitfu is a murderer, waifutard.

But he changed their view by setting up a martyr to make Eldians look like victims and Paradis look like the enemy (which is correct anyways). Of course the Z*kemumbler is a speedreader and blocked most ofthe Marley arc out of it's mind because of all the PP interactions.

Attached: pirategath.jpg (1280x853, 300K)

This is unironically how warriorfags function.

>(which is correct anyways)
Only because of Marley being greedy fucks who poked at the hornet's nest for muh iceburst stone.

Literal deus ex titania then?

>go to a country to kill innocents
>try to get the daughter of one of those innocents you might have killed to fuck you
The absolute state of Arminskronks.

It wouldnt surprise me if Gabi betrays them, they are manipulative and disgusting

This isn't drangballshit z, in this manga,like in real life, no one can win alone, no matter how strong he can be.


>Fagath and his men have no way of escaping the island now that Godke destroyed their blimps
Rest in piss

*Eld*oid cucks who sold out their own race and condemned them to die and be ruled. over by a nation that would rightfully hate them
Karl the Kek literally gave Marley free reign to attack whenever they liked, they were lucky to get 100 years of peace.

Didn't Zeke want Yelena to hide Porco and Pieck? If it was for Magath even Pieck could have died crushed by a rock if she was slow, or her own parents. Reiner's mother and Annie's father were there and Magath knew about the attack. No, I'm not a zekefag

So this is how a woman interprets SNK....woah.....

Attached: pii ....jpg (203x257, 14K)

>No argument
Imagine being more pathetic than a fujo. Kek

>all this woman-hate
incel cringe

God just revived Zeke, nothing crazy about that

Attached: Isayama.jpg (2157x3415, 2.02M)

The LEpedo just raped you, waifutard

>muh ancestors' sins

you are like a retarded kid in a online games who is killed by a teamwork and then screems

>roastiespeedreader exposing herself again
There's a blimp for the purpose of escaping to the south. I don't expect Paradistards to actually read the parts without their garystues but at least don't make asses of yourselves like this.

Attached: pii finger.jpg (840x612, 113K)

Sneed is a manlet and a fatty. Of course he's an incel.

cope, tumblrtranny

Don't worry, ZeGOD will destroy that one too in due time.

The only worthwhile readers.

Not him but we Reiner, Erwin and Eren feeling bad. Even Zeke showed some kind of twisted concern. But Pieck was just fine after gassing an entire village and got offended those people defended themselves after declaring their own genocide. Waifufags I swear

I'm a detective :)

>meanwhile, outside of the delusional Zekespic's fantasy land posting from the mental ward

Attached: dlos2f0iiu231_0.png (620x584, 429K)

What does The do?

We will get new fake preview next month, right?

Attached: D9AyfNYU4AAbKVK.jpg (678x1024, 135K)

>defending cuckren

>Piis and Shitco will die in 2 or so chapters
>Zecuck the self sterilizer will die a humiliating death after being betrayed
>Fagath's guts will spill out like Erwin
>Micucksa will die by a stray rock
>Shitren will be killed by the whole world
>Skronkmin will eventually die of shifter cancer
>Reinigger will be munched by Falshit, who will eventually succumb to shifter cancer
>shitlet is a deaf and blind cripple
>Hongoloid will die from an infection in her surgical fronthole
>Shitnnie will rot in her crystal forever
Feels good.


KryptonianSpeedster and Attackonweeb killed the hype

Good argument Piisneed or Eruritrash :)


Sergeant Major Gross revived the hype

Attached: x1.jpg (268x224, 16K)

Felt bad for survivng while sending many of his own men to die, never showed any sympathy for enemy combatants
We also never see Pieck's thoughts on the village incident also because we don't know what actually happened, but debating this point with you is just going in circles because you refuse to get your head out of Zeke's ass.
This is your logic
>it's better to show twisted sympathy while murdering droves of than to not show sympathy for not murdering dozens
This is your brain on Euthanasia.

Attached: piiku's cute smile.png (260x164, 50K)

>characters that person with fat fingers will never get

Attached: pii.png (350x350, 237K)

t. NewfagianSpeedreader


Attached: zeke_takes_manlets_shaft.jpg (210x241, 15K)

Why are these threads so shit?

>Sergeant(space)Major(space)Gross (poster)

Your waifu is a cold murderersi and a slut

>t. ignores Zeke and Pieck's entire characters because I can't talk about Zeke's actual character without looking like a massive cuckold

Cucke and Maggot are both trash.

porcofag having a meltdown after last chapter

Attached: zp.png (385x300, 131K)



because the manga is shit.
nothing to talk about in isayama's rushed piece of work

i'm glad you're owning that you have fat fingers

Attached: zii.jpg (600x643, 118K)

I thought I heard squealing.

Hey, Zekebro, would you mind just doing me a favor and explaining why Pieck was doing this for Porco when she could have just gone to the meeting room?

Attached: pock's view.png (834x618, 163K)

Not him but that was a Sadako joke

Attached: 1559935302174.png (396x538, 370K)

>illiterate roastie

Attached: pii.jpg (1067x1200, 216K)

Why do people like the ugly Jewess?

She literally said her legs hurt and like the user said it was that horror movie reference

>panels Zekucks can't explain

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-18-13-45-05-2.png (435x382, 198K)

New episode still a day away. New chapter still three weeks away. Autists take over in the meantime.

>Implying incels are bad
well, they are but there're expections(pic related).
where are you, babe?

Attached: eImewEP.jpg (1818x2211, 270K)

>New chapter still three weeks away.

Attached: 1485228473998.jpg (262x291, 23K)

Go gas children and suck Cuckgath's cock ;)
Oh wow she is tired! Maybe she took more cocks on the way or maybe Cuckgath fucked her hard

Really cute, Isayama is so lucky.

No, this is a Sadako joke. If her legs hurt so much why wouldn't she let them rest by going to sit down with everyone else but instead wait around for they guy she's always with, always talking to, always on missions together with, and always makes it her first priority after missions to go see? Very perplexing, Zekebros...

Attached: pii sadako.jpg (1200x1164, 309K)

Anyone who becomes obsessed with sexualizing a fictional character to the point of creating a pseudo-religion around it deserves to be beheaded. Anyone who spends the vast majority of their waking hours obsessing over sex and looks deserved to be beheaded.

Attached: 1559735069438.jpg (841x748, 118K)

Sir, my body is too unworthy for this.

>user wasn't in the mrs.smith times


>this entire fucking thread

Attached: sneedchad.jpg (720x806, 272K)

Attached: Keita.jpg (309x172, 19K)

Pornzombie schizos who spend their entire day making imaginary dolls kiss each other in their mind. Sincerely hope most of them commit suicide.

Even nips made a parody of that retard, it was just a reference to that movie, mentally ill

These threads are the one of the only good things left on Yea Forums dbs generals too,the rest of Yea Forums consists of waifufaggotry and pedos.

>shitposting goes quiet all of a sudden
Work time, monkeys ;)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-15-05-16-16-1.png (618x204, 20K)

It’s saturday

But these threads are also filled with waifufags and pedos though

The only thing you've done is mark yourself as the worst type of poster on Yea Forums.

What manga is this again? I don't remember

This is the first time I notice that the cart Titan is literally the invert beast titan. Beast titan= human skeleton, animal appearance. Cart Titan= animal skeleton, human appearance

Doesn't matter in the favelas.

Imagine being Brazilian

Attached: SataniaHaha.gif (543x533, 415K)

Who the FUCK is this?

Go back

You are mixing the Ju-on with Rings though Sadako walks on her four limbs too. It was a parody of this, even Porco axted scared. You can even find fanarts of Pieck cosplaying as the ghost

Attached: ring-jap-2.png (600x323, 239K)

And don't forget, Gabi will die too.

GODco is a lucky man
GODDESSieck is a happy woman
DOGke is a sad cuck

Attached: pii_po_burgers.jpg (400x350, 39K)

Yes, but at the very least these threads are somewhat critical of pedophiles,where's in most moeshit threads (which make up 90% of Yea Forums) you will see pedophilia actually encouraged and discussed casually.

Saotome Senshu, Hitakakusu
>Betrayed the Marleyans
Hopefully she dies soon

Attached: MilkyFlex.png (750x438, 322K)

I rabu Jeanbo

Attached: 1560035892236.jpg (1228x1754, 375K)

I'd rather imagine positive things, thank you.

Marleyans should be wiped out.


Attached: shockgabo.jpg (769x634, 318K)

The most iconic duo in manga history

Attached: 1560254192570.jpg (1045x1029, 381K)

Based Chadren wiping out the Marleyan crybullies.

The Connie and Sasha of Marley

We all know it guys, based god magath will kill cuckren and save marley from the cluches of the Yeagerists, stop denying it

Attached: 1560597773541s.jpg (125x122, 2K)

Erenfag you aren't fooling anyone. You are always here, you live here your falseflagging won't work on jeanbros.

Attached: 1560095860331.jpg (1526x1072, 551K)

Imagine licking Gabis stinky feet after she's done with her warrior training, tasting the sweat and her delicious little feet

Attached: GabiFeet.png (423x174, 80K)

Fuck off Sneed, we don't want to fight Erenfags for you

Oh Geeeez someone insulted my waifu
>I want to fuck Gabi + posts the avatar of the fag you hate
Really ErwLmod and sneed?

Can't wait until Gabi dies.

>unironic marleyfag
>unironic maggotfag

Do you have any proof that any of the posters ITT are ErwLmod or Sneed? If not, shut up, namefag


>tfw no comfy mountain life with jeanbo

Baaaased! she can stay an eternal loli in our minds

Attached: GabiHandsUp.jpg (579x696, 114K)

Based Chadgath will rape Shitren and kill the Hongoloid

Historia is tired of waiting. More screentime please.

Attached: 1560037554338.jpg (1000x800, 121K)

A new angle in the rocking chair

Breeding sow plot devices don't deserve screentime.

>Another angle of Historia sitting on her chair next chapter
Can't wait.

>delusional maggotfag

>Namefag blaming Erenfags
>P-please don't namefag, you don't know if those posts which casually stop when Pii post appear are related
Damn Eruritrash, everyone noticed the pedoposting belongs to you ;)

We know, Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun aka the "person" who will reply to this post with "We know, Hisu".

And what exactly does Eruri mean?

Best girl deserve more screentime.

Attached: 1559796839936.gif (540x263, 1.35M)

>just let billions of innocents get crushed under scorching hot heels of colossal titans to save a few hundred thousand and set back the progress of humanity and civilization bro
paridisharts want a genocide on a scale and method worse than that of a holocaust. getting shot and and gassed is far more of a merciful death than what eren plans to do

>Pisstoria is an abuser
Imagine the outrage if it were the other way around. Pissufags and EHtards will defend this.

Erwin x Manlet fujo ship.

How many angles do we have so far?

w-we know, h-hisu.

Not him but those posts always appear at the same time and Sneed used to post ReinerxGabi and he dislikes Falco and Yelena. I think the LEpedo exposed both of them well because both hate Eren. One Jeanfag made a joke of him impregnating Pieck and suddenly he was a Gabopedo too.

Attached: 8.jpg (1066x821, 367K)

>d-don't namefag now
LEpedo caught you and raped you well

We already realized you were an incorrigible Marleyfag.
Imagine being a fan of crybullies.

h-hot, I wish.

Gothkasa when?

Attached: 1544898257400.jpg (640x516, 130K)

>noooo using titans is wrong unless WE are using them to conquer others!
the state of marleyfags


Attached: 1560542496891.jpg (348x271, 63K)

>just let billions of innocents get crushed under scorching hot heels of colossal titans to save a few hundred thousand and set back the progress of humanity and civilization bro

All for muh precious Pisstoria and muh tribe. The faggot couldn't even will himself to titanize historia and instead thwarted his plan and the security of paradis by working with Zeke and enacting the wine plan. He also locked his friends in a building full of eldians ready to be titanized. Edgen a genocidal rageturd
He's worse than a white knight, he's a waifufag AND a edgefag

Attached: 1545385863646.jpg (724x1005, 490K)

Eren is Erwin. Erwin sacrificed his men for the basement and Eren did the same for Historia's basement

Attached: Jeanbo.png (682x708, 483K)

If he let Historia be titanized you'd be calling him an asshole who sacrificed his friend, and now that he isn't you're calling him a waifufag. Stfu

So he's Yea Forums but /cm/ and /fit/?

Attached: Jeanbo.png (972x683, 616K)

new thread in 2

Next chapter spoiler here.

Attached: tra9fpnlqrx21.png (1009x1058, 1.19M)

So romantikku
Sure """"Jeanfag"""", Jeanfags are our bros, disgusting fujo, dont you get tired of this same tactic over and over?

Waifufags are based. Just wait until you see the last fight between two waifufags, Eren vs Armin.

>this seething
Chadren literally can't stop winning.

I start feeling that people in these threads are mentally ill
its nothing but constant 500 posts of buzzwords

Eren is a cuck.

>"E-eren is a cuck bros, c'mon."

Interaction soon? Please?

Attached: D8oIVBGUIAAjoA9.png (597x603, 225K)

Can't wait

Attached: D8c6xS5V4AABEUJ.jpg (1095x1200, 323K)

Best ship

Attached: 76eb1234-03e5-44ca-ad18-fa47e1117d46.jpg (1280x1461, 212K)

>kills him
As bad as EM

nigga just google search pieck cosplay and literally the first result is way better

Attached: tumblr_ov479d01i51wyq3cjo2_500.jpg (500x375, 42K)

I want Annie to sit on my face

Attached: Lucky sons of bitches.jpg (1019x1118, 807K)



Dumb spic

Another thread was already up you subnigger dingusoid.

he's white

stop retard

It was an act of love, user.
Animedia confirmed it, don't bother them about it.

Attached: _20190615_151023.jpg (703x924, 195K)

Those are delusionals as fuck

Based Isayama dabbing on ERURITRASH again

Attached: goodfriend.png (876x437, 691K)

Bless them

No one gave a shit when Mankasa threw Eren against a wall, punchedhimor forcefed him bread either.

kek Isayama must be tired of those roasties

>he's a waifufag AND a edgefag
Actually based. Can't wait for world destruction.

Friendship is based on love, user.
Don't you love your friends?
Oh wait...

>Isayama destroyed ErwL and EM

Mikasa needed to grow up out of Eren.
ErwL is forever based.

Forever friends

ErwL is super cringe and they are as bad as the LEpedo. RE is a lot better

Eldians = Aryans

>Eren Jaeger
>Erwin Smith
>Reiner Braun
>germanic trairs such as blonde hair blue eyes and brown hair and green eyes
>German op lyrics
>centuries of colonialism and holocausts that are asserted to have killed millions if not billions

They clearly represent some form of post colonialist germanic nation. The themes of the story involve the actual oppression post colonialist nations experience at the hands of their supposed victims. Which is on point for the japanese since korea and china are trying to oppress japan using post colonialist rhetoric

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Isayama agrees

>potatoespath falseflagging as a REtard
Dumb LHfag

>super cringe
Super cute AND manly, you mean.

Attached: IMG_20190603_003507.jpg (2048x1534, 332K)

Don't involve my LHbros, ErwLfag

>Hating on LHfags and REfags now
Aren't you busy posting CHADREN WILL DESTROY GABI PUSSY?

Isn't it just the same for manlet? To move on too. I never saw them as something romantic but this is not a Manga about being tied to something

>the same
No way, Mikasa is being controlled deep by her bond unlike manlet, who had several opportunities to kill Sieg but didn't.
His promise is just that, a promise, nothing to do with the ackerautism.

Even manlet notices there is something wrong with him. The point is that being attached to a weak promised is back and will only cause him frustration.

Levi is attached to Eren. He killed his best friend Erwin Smith ;)

>notices there is something wrong with him
When? When he refuses to kill Eren? Because yeah is right.
Probably Eren is controlling both ackermans willingly, like when Mikasa stamped the mong to the table.

And he let him rest, he knew he would die a human that way and not live as a monster.

This. Maybe manlet saw Erwin as his uncle, he thought of Kenny before choosing Armin. I don't know if he is attached to Eren or not though

>he is attached to Eren
He seems to be, even the mong knew the solution was to have someone eat Eren but Levi, when presented with the choice, thought to give Sieg to Historia and keep Eren alive.
Levi ackerautism is with Eren, not Erwin, who is still dear in a non ackerbond way to him.

Erwin was his host though, he refers to avenge all his friends. I'd say Petra was the most special person to him

Yes, i too think Levi really loved Petra, he probably would have married her ;_; and she never saw him as a tool unlike Erwin but atleast he paid the price fir using his friends

>probably would have married her
That's a stretch.

>Erwin was his host though
Not in the same way Eren seems to be to Mikasa's.
Mikasa's bond is borderline robotic.

Damn fucking right nigger. You want that iceburst? Come get it.

>Eren is Erwin
I realized this watched the latest season after having seen how Eren turns out. I'm also watching the early episodes with my best friend since he just started watching the show and we watched the episode with Eren's trial right around when Perfect Game came out. Looking back, it's the moment when Eren first connects with Hange and manlet who become his parent figures for the rest of the show and Erwin who serves as their leader or God. It's pretty great that he ended up being like neither manlet nor Hange and ended up doing everything Erwin would've done had he survived serumbowl. It's also relatable for me as someone whose godfather had a much stronger influence on him than his parents.