Now that the dust is settled, is this the best shounen off all time or just overhyped generic trash?

Now that the dust is settled, is this the best shounen off all time or just overhyped generic trash?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Best shonen of all time.

it's not even shounen, it transcends demographic

A little from column A, a little from column B

Isn't this technically hard shounen?

Mhh BnHA is better imo

>BnHA is better
t.Horikoshit, your series is just a lame Nardo ripoff.

It's certainly the best ongoing manga.

>hard shounen
Those terms are only used by underage Huntards.

>Now that the dust is settled
Let's wait for the serie to actually end.

Isn't it redpilled on jews on something

You mean the Muv Luv Alternative spinoff?

The opposite.

One of the best manga in general.
Off the top of my head I can only think of a handful of manga that are as good as SnK.

SnK alongside Berserk, Punpun, and others have become the face of the medium.

If Isayama delivers on the ending, it will be remembered as a timeless classic, just like The Godfather.

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It's certainly better than any manga in jump fright now

>let it die bro

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For me, it's FMA and Arslan Senki.

For me, it's Re:Zero

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The ending can change everything at this point

>is this the best shounen off all time
eva 2.0

It's not generic, but it is crap-ass bullshit.

eva was never a good shounen, user. that's just nostalgia and waifufags

He's retarded
Cringe summer 12 year old or 43 year old pedophile

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>author hyped Zeke Jaeger as having 11/10 intelligence
>thinks castrating his race is the solution
A fucking Nardo villain in Madara has a better motivation and reasoning. At least he was able to see the suffering in life as a whole rather than having tunnel vision.

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it's alright

Terrible until the timeskip. Then legendary.

I started reading the manga the other day. HOLY FUCK. Is all I can say. I just finished the chapter 100/101 I think? Holy fuck Eren becomes fucking savage, dat character change is crazy. It's like the series starts out so innocent but the more you go on the more it fucks with your head, like severely.

Yea but everything prior to timeskip works well because its so simple and expected, then your whole view is warped and changed. It's basically teaching the frame work of red pilling.

>Zeke is stupid, cuz i dont have the same ideology


What is the good solution user

I only watched the first 4 eps and I can say with certainty that I wish I hadn't

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Implying that there is no middle ground

Even if I liked the plot and characters, the art is still way below the level of "greatest manga" of any type.

>Secondary posting in a manga thread

shut up, virgin

>No argument

let's see
>3rd graders art
>"what is character development?"
>characters who just got introduced get killed instantly for shock value, meanwhile the main cast mostly consists of plot armor wearing mary sues
>stopped being a survival series and turned into overused nazi propaganda shit with one of the worst execution i've seen
>worldbuilding is non existent
i could go on, but i don't see how this overrated trash is supposedly the best shonen out there, let alone best manga of all time

All you have to say that you haven't read the manga. That's enough to understand your lack of understanding.

rd graders art
should have implied he read the manga.

>>worldbuilding is non existent
should have implied he read past Marley-arc.

>"what is character development?"
>stopped being a survival series and turned into overused nazi propaganda shit with one of the worst execution i've seen

based speedreader

>>stopped being a survival series and turned into overused nazi propaganda shit with one of the worst execution i've seen
>what is the situation of the Eldian race

>3rd graders art
In some ways I actually agree here but I always found that the sketchiness of the art helps better put across the whole "you have no idea how bad things really are" motif.

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Its trash enjoyed only by normalfags and fujos. Its basically the FMA of this generation.

Except FMA didn't have half as many flaws as SnK.

shoot yourself in the leg and then ask yourself "Am I fag?", if the answer is yes, consider changing your choice, if the answer is no, shoot yourself again for being a lying faggot

>nice meme

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Even as a low tier bait your post is still quite shitty.

good bait requires at least some substantiation for your claims

it's making the jews pissed? holy fuck i don't even need to watch it to know it's based

go try to refute his points

If you believe any of this you are a brainlet falling victim to group think

By telling him to actually read the manga rather than making baseless claims?

>is this the best shounen off all time
*blocks your path*

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>blocks path with garbage
wow what is your play?

I rabu Piku.

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Katakuri vs Luffy made a mockery of the entire manga.

>pic unrelated

Are titanfags the new hunterChAds?

Neither, it's just a pretty decent manga

>A fucking Nardo villain in Madara has a better motivation and reasoning.
spotted the retard who ranks villains by how convoluted their plans are


Jews are the protagonists

>virginshaming on Yea Forums
You need to go back

>best shounen
that doesn't mean much
"you see, THIS turd is far better than all the other ones. it's the best piece of shit there ever was!"

All the main characters are 'jews'.


>titanfags need to constantly spam this same thread and begging for validation
fucking stop faggot

not him, but four of his points are something even a speedreader can fully understand.
>3rd graders art
The manga has shitty art with few exceptions. No question about it. It's not HxH-tier bad, but it's down there.
>worldbuilding is non existent
I have no idea how you don't understand this. Worldbuilding outside of Paradis is so rushed it fucking hurts to think about it.
Asspulls are inevitable in a manga based on supernatural mystery, but having these asspulls save your characters several times doesn't have any excuses to redeem them.
SnK is full of them.

Now to the other points:
>Character developement
Didn't exist until Clash, every MC was either a shallow mary sue or a boring character ("Ereh!!!" "I HAVE TO KILL THEM ALL!!" "m-my strategy is not s-so good, guys" "UGH blood on my hand......."). This continues for the main protagonist up to RtS.

>characters who just got introduced get killed instantly for shock value, meanwhile the main cast mostly consists of plot armor wearing mary sues
Another valid point. It shoves alot of cheap thrills and tries to act mature in a "everyone may die"-sense.
It's mostly genre confusion where a shounen tries to imitate seinen but doesn't get it quite right.

Saying "b-but it gets better in the Marley-arc" does not excuse the first 90 chapters from being mediocre trash that was only readable by those captivated by its edginess and uniqueness (which apparently was alot of people).

Worldbuilding is over rated anyway faggot. It’s a story about a race of quasi-Jews being subjugated by outside forces with some history peppered here and there to provide context, it’s not fucking Legend of the Galactic Heroes where we learn about Marley’s tax policies and the extremely fascinating history of Hizuru shipping lanes

Was your average post-apoc manga with gruesome deaths before the reveal. Afterwards it became 9/10. Good shit.

I honesly think that Nen as a concept is retarded


based hxhbro

Considering pretty much all shonen are trashy stories for teens (almost by definition) it's the second for sure.

That being said it has one of the best first halves ever for the genre and the second half kind of goes to shit, or is at least underwhelming. That being the case Death Note is just better because it has THE best first half to a shonen and at least was short enough to where it wasn't kind of shit for quite as long.

Also if anime only/sports shonen count, Ping Pong shits all over these niggas

I'm sorry that I'm cute


the 2nd half of SnK is where the story improves starting with the Reiner flashback until now

its the absolute worst written series ever made

wew the hiatus is taking its toll

Basement was the climax of the series.

The manga was about the mystery of the outside threat. Basement solved that. they got to the beach. They killed all the titans.

post timeskip is just the corpse of the manga slowly dying, the same way DN post L death is. I will give you that SnK post timeskip is much better than DN post L death. but both are bad and DN's first half is considerably better. Also it has actual good illustrations rather than HS proficiency level drawings

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Fma is one of the worst and most boring stories I’ve had to sit through

>The manga was about the mystery of the outside threat
good meme tard

>Basement was the climax of the series.

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Nice argument

It 100% was. You find out pretty much everything there. Now it's just resolution. Pretty much all the cards are on the table at least when it comes to the titans -- you know -- the whole hook of the show.

The villains are now humans who are less interesting by default and have even less interesting motivations. There's no longer any thrust to the narrative from the audience's perspective -- everyone is a miserable human and the only question now is will the Eldians die or not, which we all know they won't so this is all just characters doing things until the conclusion.

I guess maybe there's something in it for you if you want to know if your ship wins or not but fuck those retards.

It's still entertaining, but far less interesting than first half.

>3rd graders art
Who cares.
>worldbuilding non-existent
The worldbuilding of paradis and marley are fine. The story isn’t about the rest of the world, it’s about the central conflict between marley and eldia. Who the fuck cares that we don’t see some meaningless worldbuilding of ancillary content that is insignificant.
Not really anything significant
2 of those just relate to how hard it is to actually kill a shifter. They’re not really asspulls within the framework of the supernatural titan powers. I think people misinterpret the ‘Loli goddess’ scene. That’s just a look into how titan shifter bodies are normally healed on a different metaphysical plane.
>character development
most people forget that the plot of the story takes place very quickly, like entire consecutive arcs happening within days of each other and most of the time the characters are at war or fighting for their lives so it’s not really weird that their characters wouldn’t change that much.
>shock value
It just depicts the reality of war, that’s what happens. People die and most of the time its very easily or pointless

m8 it wasn't, we actually got mysteries that were unsolved such as outside items being present on the island, brought over by the warriors, the mystery raised more questions as well, it's all set up nicely to end either next year or the year after

>The villains are now humans who are less interesting by default and have even less interesting motivations.
There is no villian in the story anymore.

>The villains are now humans who are less interesting by default and have even less interesting motivations.
I know people love this genre, but there is nothing interesting about mindless creatures in a long running show, in a movie like Godzilla or Pacific Rim it makes sense, here it doesn't

>The mentally disturbed man with a saturday morning villain mentality of ending his race to end their suffering, that also quips while watching someone get devoured and laughs maniacally while stoning the SC to death isn't a villain.
Ok zecuck

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Not him, but this a 60IQ level post

>Who cares.
Visuals are one of the major components of manga DRAWING. That's why you write manga and not, say, a book.

>The worldbuilding of paradis and marley are fine.

It just isn't. Marley reveal reduced the whole world outside the walls into basically another small city separated by a big lake in terms of function. And also populated that city with boring humans with no interesting motivation rather than survival instinct to defeat the other.
Worldbuilding isn't just about presenting other factions and stuff, it's also about building the mythos and lore. You can't tell me the reveal of the nature of the titans wasn't the most generic and boring stuff ever. It's Naruto sage of the six paths tier lore. FUCKING NARUTO.

They still suck though. They make shifters almost virtually indestructible. Also it is presented out of nowhere when it's plot convenient rather than being previously established, which just feels like cheating the audience rather than exciting. Shifters are getting into majin buu tier invincibility and it just makes fights boring because you know whatever happens they almost always can survive due to some retarded ability.

Also it leads to some stupid inconsistencies which touches on the retcon stuff. For example: the first time Eren shifts he's missing an entire arm. We find out later in the manga that THE way you incapacitate a shifter without killing him is to chop their limbs off because they can't shift while they are healing. Except Eren did. Literally the first shifting scene we saw.

>most people forget that the plot of the story takes place very quickly,

dumb argument. most movies takes place in shorter spans of time, for example. And it is considered a sin for a movie to not have character development (depending on genre)
It's the author's job to craft a nice story with arcs, not ours to justify the lack of them.

>It just depicts the reality of war, that’s what happens. People die and most of the time its very easily or pointless

That's not the point. the point is that the ones that are killed are just for the sake of "realism" and nothing else because they don't matter, and all the relevant characters have the same plot armor as any other dumb shonen has, with very few exceptions like Erwin and Sasha or Ymir. But even in those instances they are always perifery characters that just die because the story has nothing else for them to do and it's a nice cheap way of feigning danger.

I meant villain from the main character's perspective, you brainlet.

I dare you to point out what meaningful myteries are left to be unsolved.

>muh baby

again that's just resolution. That baby is nothing more than a plot device. An objective to be protected. It changes nothing about the nature of the world or the mythos, and we know it doesn't because we've seen the last panel and pretty much everyone agrees that baby is the one in that page, meaning he's the endgame, not an advancement.

>b-but we don't know who the father is, that changes EVERYTHING

no, it really doesn't

But that's precisely why the reveal sucked so hard.

There was supposed to be more to the titans than that. We had the smart titans and everything. There were endless possibilities to their nature and origin. It was that stupid generic reveal that made them into mindless monsters and also there are only EXACTLY 9 intelligent titans at all times and they are always the same just swap shifters.

It was a shit resolution to the mystery desu

>But that's precisely why the reveal sucked so hard
Not him but what were your expectations? The Titans being an entirely different race with the people inside the walls beings the only humans alive?

do you mean the baby panel posted by the author?
No I don't mean that, if you accept the fact about the nature of the world as Grisha explained in the books, then why are you so adamantly against discovering exactly what led to Eldians being sent by unknown forces to kill other Eldians? Why stop at the basement exactly? When at that point we don't know who sent Grisha in the first place and Kruger's identity wasn't discovered yet?
Ending the manga at the basement would have been a huge mistake.

>Not really anything significant
Not him, but the retconning fucked with the pacing.

>Not him but what were your expectations?
I dunno, something interesting?

Even just "failed science experiments" would have been better and just make the manga about finding out all the different abilites of the tintans and how to defeat them. Get rid of the 9 titans concepts and for FUCKS SAKE DON'T CREATE A FOUNDING TITAN WHO IS ALL POWERFUL CAUSE THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA and make it so that intelligent titans all have unique abilities depending on the shifter to make it interesting in combat and maybe there are factions outside the walls of course -- maybe some are even exclusively comprised of shifter and have even learned to live with titans. I don't know. I'm just spitballing right now, the dude had tons of time to think about it. Come up with something interesting.

The whole messianic mythos is just utterly retarded and so tired at this point. It also makes the titans so boring. I can't think of a more boring way to explain their origins.

seriously, user?

I assume most intelligent people understand that by basement it is meant the whole marley reveal from Grisha's POV and the whole titan mythos reveal.

my bad, let's stop at the mythos reveal fallout and the citizens learning everything through newspaper
you could have two things that can hook you to the story for a bit longer :
1. Eren realizing Dina is of royal bloodline, which potentially puts Historia in grave danger if/when the "break the vow" plot ever comes up
2. The last titan, the Warhammer Titan has yet to be revealed

After this, feel free to drop the series altogether, the rest is politics/war

> finding out all the different abilites of the tintans and how to defeat them.
I get it, you want something more fun than what we have, reminds me how MCU fans hate Fox's take on X-men because they tackle mutant racism issues instead of fun teamwork like the Avengers.

at the end of the day it's really just preference, I trust Isayama can make the story link nicely with the chapter 1 mystery, it's too early to panic

> "failed science experiments"
That's worst than the plot of a direct to DVD Hollywood movie.

>1. Eren realizing Dina is of royal bloodline, which potentially puts Historia in grave danger if/when the "break the vow" plot ever comes up

That was revealed pre timeskip. I count that as "Basement arc". Also it is uninteresting. I couldn't care less about what happens to Historia the character as the manga never gave me enough reason to care for her, so there's not much in terms of tension there.

>2. The last titan, the Warhammer Titan has yet to be revealed

Again, after you know there are only exactly 9 intelligent titans and their nature and the existence of marley, it's really not important what or who exactly is the WH titan because it changes nothing about the story. Even Isayama seemed to agree, I mean, did you see the WH reveal? That shit was almost funny on how irrelevant it was. Glorified MC upgrade.

>I get it, you want something more fun than what we have,

Yes, call me crazy I want my japanese cartoons for teens to be FUN.

Notice I said fun, not immature or clean/joyful. I'm not even opposed to having the manga tackle racism and stuff. Fuck, they were already kinda doing that against shifters in the beginning. It's just that there's nothing else to find out anymore. We know what the titans do. We know how to fight them, to the extent that we can. We know who they are. I miss when there was actual fun in combat in finding out how to defeat these monsters.

I agree.

I just meant it as in a off hand explanation to their existence that said nothing of their abilities or motivation so that there was room to make the world interesting.

Meaning: No one knows exactly what they can do, because they are just science experiments gone awry. That being the case, any number of them can exist and any variation of them is possible. And they have no inherent motivation so wordbuilding is completely free.

ok I get your point, in that case you should probably appreciate the fight against the Warhammer Titan, we didn't know its abilities until the Marley arc

Yes, I did enjoy the whole grim reminder 2.0 on a visceral level. Actually that was the last time I really enjoyed reading the manga. After that everything is just miserable and boring.

If you are good at gymnastics anything can be!

>the first time Eren shifts he's missing an entire arm. We find out later in the manga that THE way you incapacitate a shifter without killing him is to chop their limbs off because they can't shift while they are healing. Except Eren did. Literally the first shifting scene we saw.

No, this is wrong
Shifter gets hurt, they transform.
>Eren transformed because he was missing his hand and he hadn't transformed beforehand.
Shifter gets hurt while they are inside their titan form, they can't transform until they heal completely.
>Reiner bit Eren's arms off while he was in titan form and he couldn't transform until his arms healed
This has been the case throughout the whole series.

Protags are post-colonial Germans being guilt-tripped into wiping out their own race for supposed centuries of muh ethnic cleansing and imperialism while a parasitic country exploits them for military power so yeah it's pretty based.

How does it feel to be this retarded or attention-hungry or both?

Leave it to a kike to make everything about herself and still play the victim even though the story is about post-war powers (Japan and Germany if we're talking WW2) being humiliated and enslaved

This would be a better conversation if the rules on titanshifting were really clear.

Eren was missing his arm for quite some time before shifting. Can you just blow up your whole body before shifting? If so, can you wait any amount of time after the damage to shift?

It seems inconsistent. Whatever that's a minor point anyway.

I don't have anything against Zeke's plan but him being a bro-con ruined his entire character for me.
Now he is the dumbest character in the series.

>If so, can you wait any amount of time after the damage to shift?
read ch 99,100
Watch S2E5, S2E6.

not him but that seems like a very contrived rule considering they can heal inside their titan

Daily reminder this bitch uses a deceptive avi to pretend to be young. One might say she's being subversive in her presentation.

Why don't you just get some deodorant and have sex, greasy kike poster?

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You can’t call something 60 iq just because you don’t agree with their points.
Your interpretation of worldbuilding is stupid, the origin/nature of the titans is supposed to be mystical. And again, the story isn’t about the Titans, so it’s just ancillary stuff that will still likely be wrapped up by the end. Marley was also revealed to be an imperialistic empire. Of course the colonies and territories subject to its reach would have their primary motivation being to resist their control. That is what has happened throughout human history. And again, this central conflict is the point of the story btw.
Asspulls do ‘come out of nowhere’ but that’s just because eren doesn’t know the extent of Titan powers. And this discussion has been had many times already, but isayama deliberately chose to introduce powers like the transfer of consciousness. He didn’t write himself into a corner and then have to come up with some stupid shit to get out, he deliberately chose to introduce the power.
Your eren alleged inconsistency is retarded and proves you’re a speedreader. Eren hadn’t yet transformed and then left titan form. His arm getting bit off was the trigger for him to transform because he was at 100% stamina, whereas all other cases of chopping limbs off are when shifters have already exited titan form and are at 0% stamina.
Length of time is not a dumb argument. Character development in snk is fine given the circumstances

Ok I guess that is pretty well established at this point.

Even soother than Eren in his first shift, as any one else been able to shift after taking considerable damage previously? I mean losing whole limbs and shit. I know about Reiner after mikasa stabbed his neck (which btw, it was another bullshit moment that that didn't kill him but whatever), but that didn't remove anything from his body it just pierced him.

How does that change anything? They aren't transforming again. They are just using the pre-existing body to protect them while they are healing.

Anyone complaining about zeke's ideology/true feelings is a fucking retard. Everything he believes is completely in line with what has been shown to us so far, and it also makes him the perfect foil for eren. People are only pissed because they wanted him to be le cool keikaku master instead of a damaged human being with flaws, which is the only reason why he is interesting at all. Personally I think he's wrong and prefer Eren but I can see how well he can be utilized in the story going forward.

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>One of the best manga in general.
>Off the top of my head I can only think of a handful of manga that are as good as SnK.
Basically this.

Why does it always have to be a retarded post? Why is it so rare to come across a post that makes you feel great because of how well-written and intelligent it is? Why does it always have to be a choice between this mentally-impaired dribble or deranged waifufaggotry?

You can contribute to M/a/GA by fucking off please.

That's the whole point dumbass, its tragic

>the origin/nature of the titans is supposed to be mystical.
No? It could've been anything? This is just stupid

>And again, the story isn’t about the Titans,
LMAO, what? It's literally called attack on TITAN. The whole premise is that humans are being subjugated by titans. They are the main villains AND the main (only?) focus of the story for almost all the length of the manga, and they are literally the direct reason for every development in the story even until now.

>Marley was also revealed to be an imperialistic empire. Of course the colonies and territories subject to its reach would have their primary motivation being to resist their control. That is what has happened throughout human history. And again, this central conflict is the point of the story btw.

I'm not sure what your point here is. ÃŽ'm not arguing it's not realistic, even though it's not, it's that it's not interesting. All the build up with the titans since chapter 1 and it's been revealed that the world outside the wall are just a mostly homogenous mass of humans who want to kill you. Also they have no special abilities or quirks. They are literally regular humans who want to kill you because YOU are not and can fuck them up in a fair fight, which, admittedly, is a realistic response, but again, really boring.

>Asspulls do ‘come out of nowhere’ but that’s just because eren doesn’t know the extent of Titan powers.
Neither do we, which is a problem.

Also doesn't help when they are abilities that make no sense, like transfer your consciousness to your body when your whole head has been blown off, including your central nervous system. That's just ridiculous.

> he deliberately chose to introduce the power.
So he consciously made a bad decision to pull a cheap trick on his audience. How is that a point in favor of the manga?

I don't mind Zeke's plan. Given how he was brought up and the world around him it made sense why he would think of Euthanasia plan.
But I don't like
1- How he believed Eren so easily
2- Also He only has

It's good but not the best, fans like to overreact that snk is only for 500 iq people and it's pretty cringe. hxh and snk fans are both absolute niggers

based, this is true

>who cares that the art is trash bro
stopped reading there, absolute state of snkfags

>Your eren alleged inconsistency is retarded and pro etc

It still seems retarded that you can shift after you had your arm blown off. Can you just shift after getting your head completely cut off? I dunno, but whatever, minor point anyway.

>Length of time is not a dumb argument
>No u, the reply

Can you at least explain why you don't think length of time is dumb argument?

I don't see how pointing out that other similar mediums do character development even better in shorter amounts of in-universe time isn't a good argument against excusing poor character development due to short in-universe time.

All Zeke could see through his trauma glasses is a little brother that needed his help. While I see where you're coming from Eren really didn't have to try hard at all to convince him, and as it turns out he's a hell of an actor.

The first half basically happened in a couple months and there was plenty of development dummy. Eren especially received alot right from the female titan arc with Levi's squad being squashed up to Uprising where he literally wanted to kill himself. Armin grew some balls and Jean and the rest came to terms with killing humans and possibly their friends. Even bertholdt and annie weren't left out, and they hardly got characterization at all. I don't know why people expect massive sweeping changes in teenage characters when barely any time has passed at all. Post time skip hardly anyone stays the same, which is why there is so much conflict on Paradis right now.

K bro, but can you answer the question?

My argument was never that SnK doesn't have good character development. It's that explaining it with small amount of in-universe time is not a valid argument.

>Zeke thinks killing means saving them from this hell
>To convince Zeke, Eren agreed to this and Zeke fell for it
>But when Sasha died, Eren started crying instead of being happy and Zeke is the only one who had a good view of Eren's face
>Zeke had the "shady white glasses" afterwards
I think this is a good setup of Zeke betraying Eren but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i hope Isayama does something with this.

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they developed so much yet they were still boring af

Overhyped trash that's only liked depending on when you watches it.
From 2011-2015 it was a cringy yaoi-bait tumblr anime, from 2016- it became a thing on here for unknown reasons


I'm not too sure what you're asking. Are you saying that time doesn't matter when it comes to developing a character? If so then I disagree, I think most shonen mangaka have it wrong when they try to develop their characters every arc whenever a new villain pops up, I find it unrealistic. Using an antagonistic force to grow your characters can only work if he actually challenges your characters ideals, and does it well enough for them to stew over it. But development in shonen manga usually means
>come to realization/overcome personal trauma
>obtain powerup

It always comes off as disingenuous when done in this manner. I remember how in Tokyo Ghoul whenever when Kaneki would reveal some new trauma to the reader he'd ALWAYS get a new ability or powerup, and was always fucking stupid.

Based non-argument

I think you're looking too much into the opaque glasses thing, especially when Zeke just called himself onii-chan like a chapter ago. But I understand your frustration.

>Based non-argument
Eren didn't even develope in the female titan arc. It seemed like he was starting to develope before he went "fuck it, Levi was wrong. titan time!!"

>I'm not too sure what you're asking.

>Can you at least explain why you don't think length of time is dumb argument?

Specifically shorter length to explain bad character development, seeing as there's countless examples of movies, book, etc that do great character development in shorter in-universe times, sometimes in the span of a single day.

not him but the "Characters only develope when they physically mature"-trope is bad and you should feel bad for thinking it's a good trope.

The narrative nor Eren support Levi being wrong in that moment. The whole point was picking a choice that you would regret the least and sticking with it, in fact during the Female Titan arc Levi was the only one that even said transforming was a valid option. Imagine not understanding a manga that you yourself think is low brow, how embarrassing.

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I like this manga a lot. Grisha's life of having a family and children, everything going to shit, then building a completely new life with a new wife and children reminds me of Doctor Zhivago, which is my favourite film of all time. Kino

Yes it's possible but it honestly depends on the story and characters, like I said there was enough to justify the few months of conflict in the first half.

Imagine speedreading my post so hard you don't realize that I agree with you.

What the fuck does this have to do with eren developing, snktoddler?

>Eren's development was shit
>No it wasn't
>B-but Levi was wrong and eren transformed later anyway
>No he wasn't and let me explain why that's faithful to their characters

It fits that the only people who don't like this manga can't fucking read.

If Eren is the father: the former
If he isn't: the latter

>Yes it's possible but it honestly depends on the story and characters,

So can we finally agree that "most people forget that the plot of the story takes place very quickly, like entire consecutive arcs happening within days of each other and most of the time the characters are at war or fighting for their lives so it’s not really weird that their characters wouldn’t change that much. " from is a stupid response and over with this?

>like I said there was enough to justify the few months of conflict in the first half.

Don't care. Stop repeating this. It has nothing to do with the argument.

Your typical /SnK/ poster everyone. The lowest life form on this board.

Yes I can agree because that user wasn't me anyway, my first post in this argument is this one

Fine, whatever, I'll take it.

Why is the reiner and bertholt reveal considered KINO?
It wasn't that great

really getting sick of your "speedreader" nonsense
levi wasn't wrong because he didnt know the answer, but eren didnt change from when he started and wanted to desperately destroy the female titan. thats my main point you are trying to nickpit around

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>Him wanting to kill the monster who just murdered all of his new buddies nullifies his development

How did he not change you fucking dipshit, trainee Eren would've transformed into a titan on the horses, and he DEFINITELY would have transformed after Gunther was killed. Again, the development came from not only the fact that he didn't transform early on, but also from the fact that he learned that in a battle you can't always know what the right thing is to do, so you pick the option you'll regret the least. And that's not even counting all of the guilt he began to carry starting from this, which is also character development. Never fucking respond to me again you mach speed reader.

its the greatest moment in the anime and its not even close.

excellent character developement.

>learning something obvious
i'll give you that one

non-topic dropped after female titan-arc

>I share a board with these niggers

>characters can only develop in one direction

>learning something obvious
He was a trainee like a week ago

>non-topic dropped after female titan arc
Pic related. I thought I told you to stop responding to me.

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Can you explain why?

>he thinks it's meaningful character development if it exists for 10 minutes

>Pic related. I thought I told you to stop responding to me.
he wouldve said the exact same thing if it never happened lol the only reason he responded like that is because he experienced his father's memories 5 minutes ago

Kill yourself.

Almost perfect tension buildup and climax while staying surprising the whole way through the scene

ebin b8 desu senpai

>ignores his entire speech where he recounts the deaths of everyone that tried to protect him

Okay I guess I'll just stop responding because clearly you're baiting.

he's exagerating but not that wrong desu

>ignores the fact that the accumulation of guilt is totally meaningless because it was his father's doings that tipped him off and he would have reacted the same, regardless

Okay I guess I'll just stop responding because clearly you're reaching.

>the straw that breaks the camel's back is the only weight that matters in the end

Of course hearing that shit about his dad made him go nuclear, because from what he was hearing everyone who ever died protecting him didn't fucking have to. I guess Hannes' death didn't matter to him either right? Gotta admit you're a dedicated shitposter. That or you're very determined to hate snk no matter what I post, so let's agree to disagree.

He already felt extremely guilty for what his father did. He blamed himself for every single death that occured after the destruction of both gates. Yeah, Hannes' death didn't accomplish anything. It just confirmed his view of being utterly useless, until Mikasa cheered him up.

user, look at this thread. Wait till you see th-OH NO NO NO NOOO... ooouuaaa ppfftBHAAHAHA

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Oh you sweet sweet summer child

It's a pretty crappy shounen. One piece is the epitome of shounen.

Just let that sink in.

>Also it is presented out of nowhere when it's plot convenient rather than being previously established
When would you establish new shifter abilities if not during a battle?

It's pretty good but I didn't care about or even remember Bertholdt before that.

For example during training

Maybe during Eren's shifting portions you have him commenting how you can have this strange sensation of being one with the titan body or some such nonsense. That particular asspull is a bad example because no matter how you do it it sounds dumb because it's a terrible ability but you get the idea

I see that a lot of people didn't understand why reiner survived. Let's me explain:
Titan shifters are able to recover,activate the powers and give the powers(if eaten by another titan) thx the spine(mostly the spinal fluid, later in the anime you will understand why it so important).
So the spine is their true weakpoint and the core of their powers, so even if you separate the brain from the spine or literally blow up the brain,since the spinal fluid take all the information from the brain and shares them entire the body, they can survive sharing their subcontious in the spine and waiting for the regeneration.
This move is actually possible not only for reiner, but literally all the titan shifters ca do that( even if this move is considered a "last hope").
The only ways to kill a titan shifter are 3: blow completly up the entire body,destroy this spine and brain at the same time or weakeded him so much until he can't regenerate anymore and than kill him as a regular human.
This rule is literally the main ability of a shifter outside the titan power,and since this rule didn't got contraddicted, this can't be considered an asspull

the story and characters are garbage till they get to Shiganshina arc

Don't even fucking try to explain that retarded ability.

Reiner's entire head was blown off, including the central nervous system (the upper spine, including the brain stem and the whole cervical chord), meaning there was nothing capable of either storing, processing or emitting information left in either his or the titan's body.

The rest of the spinal chord is all but useless in this case and regenerating his entire body from this alone is just beyond suspension of disbelief. For him to be able to maintain memories and knowledge after that is just insult to injury. They would legitimately be better off just saying it was magic

Based 10 y.o. retard

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objectively wrong

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>Oo watashi kawaii uguu~~~

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how the fuck do you pronounce Zeke, anyway?



But it IS magic. The only reason why destroyed body parts are able to be regenerated is because every Eldian's "data" is stored into paths and can be used again and again as long as they're alive. What I think that user was saying is that the information to bring back the shifter is stored in their spine, so even if the brain is partly destroyed as long as enough of the spine is still present a shifter can come back. Zeke's latest brush with death proved this. In fact it's almost like each Eldian isnt even an individual, but more like part of a bigger body centered around the coordinate.

Of this decade, probably the best one (yeah I know it started in 2009 but I count it for this one).

Berserk was good only in the 90s. Attack on titan is good from start to finish

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AoT is mediocre, Marley Arc is somewhat good,

Berserk was always good, you can criticize the long Hiatuses but it doesn't effect the quality of the story itself, even prolonged periods such as the boat aren't really long timeline wise, just release schedule wise. Berserk is a superior story to AoT


Overhyped trash, definitely
Was so disappointed with it

Someone who stopped after s1 or someone who got hurted by the big reveal/political and war evolution after the timeskip?

FMA is clearly better no matter how you look at it.

Great concept until it becomes just literal meat-mecha series.

Depends if the ending is good or not.

>just literal meat-mecha series
Why do you talk about something you know nothing about?

> it doesn't effect the quality of the story itself
lmao it does, you just say that because you're a nostalgiafag. Look at current Berserk realistically what the actual fuck is all the literal fairy tale plotline with magical dresses and loli witches. It was good until the end of lost children then it went downhill and never got to it's past glory. And I'm not even talking about kawai uguu art style and the hiatuses. It should have ended a long time ago when the autor still cared about it.


it excels in a few areas but it's not the best. it keeps up the mystery, has great pacing, and the action scenes are great.

but hunter x hunter has vastly superior characters and the fights feel more thematically meaningful.

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>talk about something you know nothing about
That's classic Yea Forums

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iimagine being so booty blasted you have this little of an argument lmao

Go back to your containment thread, bnha child

When you look at it as one piece of work then the time in between the releases of the chapters doesn't matter, saying "loli witches" or "le fairies" doesn't change the quality of the story, also if you think Berserk should have ended at any point before the end of Falcon of the Milleium Empire Arc then consider suicide

writing remains solid, the best thing that aot has going for it is a somewhat interesting world setting, literally nothing else.

i don't really understand the people who equate edgy loss with equality

Berserk is a morbid world, it isn't meant to be an edgy self insert story, meanwhile look at the current characterization of Eren


unironically the greatest work of fiction ever created

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by "loss" I assume you mean the deaths of various characters

no significant characters on the side of Guts die other than Band of the Hawk members, who received characterization and their deaths held meaning within the story oppose to being there just for the sake of it being there, from that point no death is meant to have any significant impact on the reader, also see --> what are you 12?

lol no
Eldians are an obvious allegory for Japanese (living on an island, used to have a great empire, overthrown by foreigners that they used to dominate), just coated in the ultimate example of victimhood in history, the jews living in nazi ghettos

>saying "loli witches" or "le fairies" doesn't change the quality of the story
Exept it does? I'm not just "saying" it it's actually in the story, something that makes is less of a dark phantasy and more like a fairy tale as it progresses. From around lost children it progressively lost in quality to the point where it became One Piece in a middle Ages phantasy world where happy friends go on an adventure to unfuck a retard.

Why just two extremes? I enjoy SnK, but I don't think it's the alpha and omega of shounen either; that doesn't make it overhyped, generic trash though.

You have to be 18 or older to post in this site

in the context of the story, it makes sense why they are young or lolis as you put it, can you guess why? Oh, maybe because they are fucking students

a shift did occur from dark fantasy to still, a lot of dark fantasy but more "happy fantasy" or however you want to put it, but again, it makes sense and these things were already established to exist, Puck was there from the beginning for instance, also Golden Age and Lost Children aren't the best Arcs

You weren't around a few days ago when SNKyojins completely crushed FMA in a comparison thread. The only argument for FMA was that if you wanted to watch something a fun shonen with less politics

>I couldn't care less about what happens to Historia the character as the manga never gave me enough reason to care for her
t. le twisted psychopath

Eldians = Aryans

>Eren Jaeger
>Erwin Smith
>Reiner Braun
>germanic trairs such as blonde hair blue eyes and brown hair and green eyes
>german op lyrics
>centuries of colonialism and holocausts

They clearly represent some form of

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. . .post colonialist germanic nation. The themes of the story involve the actual oppression post colonialist nations experience at the hands of their supposed victims. Which is on point for the japanese since korea and china are trying to oppress japan using post colonialist rhetoric

Holy Shit. No one ever seems to mention Arslan and it blows FMA out of the water.

The problem is that the manga wants it both ways apparently. If you are gonna give and explanation that sounds physical it has to obey physical laws, at least to a bare minimum. Having your brain plus stem plus cervical destroys everything that could be considered "you". There's nothing left in the body that can "do" anything. If you want to say that paths can tell what is left of the spine to regenerate, that's the same as saying that paths can tell you toe to regenerate. The part of the spine that is left at that point is to the body what the electric cables are to your house's power board. It is a ridiculous premise that you can transfer your consciousness to your lower spine and even retain your memories.



The mental gymnastics employed by you retards to force your shit manga to fit your worldview is both astonishing and completely unsurprising

>cervical chord
At least learn some basic anatomy before posting retarded shit like this

Oh, I'm sorry, I stand corrected and thus my whole post is invalidated.

No need to further address any of it. Consciousness transfer is completely believable and intuitive.