>K-Kacchan is so amazing! I want to be beautiful and strong like you!
>Shut up, you bitch ota!
Would you prefer this?
K-Kacchan is so amazing! I want to be beautiful and strong like you!
In this timeline everyone is on the Invisible boys case for sexual harassment given he walks around naked.
that's a weird-ass controller
If its /u/ trash then no
Only Bakugo should have been a girl.
>kacchan for the love of God please fuck my husband
the femdekubowl would be insane
Which of the Wild Wild Pussycats is in it?
best power.
I'm glad we don't.
FemBakugou would trigger so many of my fetishes she would probably break my dick.
Opinion: this series works be 5000% better if Bakugo were a girl.
You mean straight fact?
HeroAca should have more cute wholesome teen romance in it.
is there a femtwice?
why do bnha spergs sound exactly like narutards
I feel like I've read the exact same opinion posted hundreds of times about sasuke ten years ago
Katsuko and Izuko are fucking hot
Would Twices get jealous if one of them got a gf/bf?
Definitely.The butthurt would be astronomical.
Same fans
Honestly would have been a better show if all the students had been the opposite gender. Better for my dick anyways
Could you imagine how cute it would have been if that stupid faggot with the sticky hair ball power was a girl? Also that dumb bitch that can make shit out of thin air would have been badass if she were only a dude. That dumb gravity pig bitch would have been a better character as a Male, that's a mans fighting ability on a cow. The list goes on, it's as if this timeline is the genderbent version of the real MHA
Lets list up all fetishes that can be tied too FemBakugou:
>Tsundere (?)
>childhood friend
>gender bender (this is more from our timelines perspective but still)
>Yuri (if we go that all males are female and vice versa and deku still wants to get between her legs.).
What else?
Yes, overwhelmingly so
In fact fuck you for reminding me that this isn't a reality
>Female Deku
>Female Bakugou
>Girl Deku
>Guy Bakugou
Based and redpilled
They'd probably be happy for themselves and clone the gf so no Twice is single.
she looks so cute.
>bakugou self insert.
Can someone explain to me how the fuck that works? What lines turn men into women?
It's actually just one line: Y > X